You must download a PC Core build correct for 1.5.1 or 1.5.2. All the other mods work in both, but PC Core must match your Minecraft versions. A link is provided for both versions.
Putting this one first so people see it. You need this for any mod of mine to work. Place in coremods, not mods.
In particular, all of my mods built on this now have update notification! You can disable this if you wish in PowerCrystalsCore.cfg.
Download 1.1.6 for Minecraft 1.5.2 1.1.5 for Minecraft 1.5.1 This is a coremod. It goes in coremods, not mods. Make sure you get the correct one for your Minecraft version.
Requires Forge. Built against 652/684 (for 1.5.1/1.5.2), may not work with earlier versions.
1.1.5 (MC 1.5.1)/1.1.6 (MC 1.5.2)
Fixed dupe glitch involving TE tesseracts (possibly some other things too)
MFR machine output selection order should be more reliable
1.5.2 port
Numerous fixes and upgrades for MFR 2.5
Liquid code update
New version of the liquids code, fixes some rendering oddities
Updated to forge 652
Fixed crash on servers
Updated for MC 1.5
Additional features used by my other mods
Added features used by MFR 2.2
Fix crash when using liquid textures in HD (MFR)
Now a coremod, allowing accesstransformer support. Used by NetherOres and MFR
Minor fixes to stack insertion code, I don't think anybody even found the bugs
Includes custom power provider so that BC power will work if BC itself isn't present. Used by PC and MFR
Updater fixes
Added config option to disable update checks
Code changes to support PowerConverters 2.x
MineFactory Reloaded
Videos 2.6
Direwolf has a 3-part spotlight:
KirinDave has videos on RedNet:
Wylker covers the Programmable RedNet Controller:
Wylker covers the entire mod including new content in a two-part series:
BevoLJ covers the entire mod as well in a two-part series of his own:
Wylker covers every update I guess:
Wylker made this video covering the new stuff in 2.2:
Wylker made this video covering the new stuff in 2.1:
RedstoneNightmare made this video covering MFR which goes over most of the features (and a few bugs that have since been fixed):
Wylker also did a pretty good video on the basics of how to use MFR:
If you're thinking "haven't I seen this somewhere else", well, you probably have. The original MineFactory dates back to beta 1.4 (if not 1.3, I forget). I took over around beta 1.6-1.7 and called it Reloaded, and kept up until 1.0, at which point I had to retire due to real life time shortages. I left it with TehKrush, who then gave it to AtomicStryker, and now I have it back. And now I have made a complete overhaul of the thing. You're welcome!
MFR aims to automate a number of tasks that previously would be difficult, boring, or work-intensive. It also provides some additional support blocks and machines.
The first thing you'll need to make is rubber. You can find MFR rubber trees in swamps - look for the bright green leaves - but IC2 rubber will also work. The config file allows you to disable MFR rubber trees in worldgen in case you prefer IC2 rubber trees. Once you have raw rubber, smelt it once to get rubber bars, and then again to get plastic:
(Top: IC2 rubberballs, bottom: MFR rubberbars)
Then, take your raw plastic and craft it into plastic sheets:
Finally, make machine blocks:
And a hammer:
You'll need it to rotate machines. OmniTools supports it as of 3.0.0, for those of you rolling your eyes at 'yet another tool'.
There's also "ceramic dyes", used for a few things later. Substitute the dye of your choice to change the color.
Due to MFR liquids being placeable in the world, milk buckets can no longer be drank from. Instead, you can make milk bottles:
There is the ability to smelt sugar into sugar charcoal:
Weaker than standard charcoal, but easy to come by.
Some machines accept upgrades:
There are numerous upgrade tiers, all crafted like this but with the top material changed (to gold, bronze, silver, diamonds, etc). Upgrades boost the effective radius of a machine. Machines with upgrade slots will have a single slot with a 'ghosted' upgrade spite in it.
I'll also take a moment to explain the MFR GUIs. Most machines will look like this:
Some may not have an inventory or a liquid storage bar. From left to right, the four bars at the right are:
Liquid stored
Power stored
Progress towards completion, which is not always used
Idle countdown, which occurs if a machine can't do anything (to reduce CPU load)
Several have specialized GUIs, and their individual entries will describe that.
All machines can be broken by hand; you don't even need a pick. Breaking a machine will drop its items but destroy any power, liquid, or work progress it has built up.
Finally, all machines can be powered by BuildCraft power (or Thermal Expansion conduits) or IC2 power (up to MV only!). All machines can be serviced by any standard liquid pipes (BC or TE), and will attempt to drop items into BC pipes first, then adjacent inventories, and finally will just drop items onto the ground.
The first thing you'll need is a planter:
Planters affect a 3x3x1 area above them. Place dirt* in a 3x3 grid, and center the planter directly under it. Place plants in the planter, and it will plant them. It understands every vanilla plant, from wheat to carrots to trees to cocoa, as well as IC2 rubber trees, RP2 rubber trees and flax, ExtraBiomesXL trees, and everything from Pam's HarvestCraft except apple trees.
*assuming your plant grows in dirt. If you're farming netherwart, use soulsand, etc.
The planter GUI looks like this:
If you do not set anything in the Filter slots, it will plant whatever wherever. If you do set a filter, it will divide its area into 9 segments (matching the colors on top of the planter) and will put only that plant in that segment. In that way, the planter can manage up to 9 distinct plants.
Planters accept upgrades.
Next, you'll want a harvester:
Harvesters affect a 3x3x1 area in front of them. Center the harvester so its animated face is aimed at the middle of one of the sides of the 3x3 area immediately above your dirt block (so it's touching any plants in that tile) and power it. It understands the same set of plants the planter does, as well as some extra things like flowers and tall grass. Harvesters slowly produce sludge, a liquid which will be covered later.
Harvesters also have a special GUI:
It has three extra settings:
"Shear Leaves": if Yes, it will act like shears on leaf blocks. You'll get no saplings, but a ton of leaf blocks. Useful if you want to have a ton of cheap scaffolding and you have spare saplings. (Screenshot is old, text says 'shear' now)
"Small Shrooms": if Yes, it will harvest small mushrooms instead of ignoring them. This is provided so you can decide between mushroom-spreading farms and mushroom-growing farms.
"Jungle Wood": if Yes, it will harvest (vanilla) jungle wood instead of ignoring it. This is provided so you can grow cocoa, as it must be attached to jungle wood.
Note for server owners: when the Harvester encounters a tree, it expands its search radius to find tree blocks. A larger search area means it can cut down giant trees, but it doesn't make any attempts to make sure that what it's cutting down is the same tree, and larger areas mean higher CPU load. The default settings are intended to cover large oak trees, but can be adjusted in the config.
The height it searches for cactus and sugarcane can also be changed, in case you ever need to do that.
Harvesters accept upgrades. Note that the GUI screenshot above is old and doesn't show the upgrade slot.
Next, you'll probably want a fertilizer:
Fertilizers are placed the same way as harvesters, except on a separate side. They act like the player using bonemeal. They do not run off bonemeal by default (but this can be enabled in the config), but instead on a special MFR fertilizer:
If IC2 is installed, IC2's fertilizer will also work; likewise with Forestry and its fertilizer. The fertilizer understands everything the planter does (try it on flax!).
The Fertilizer accepts upgrades.
Finally, there's the new Fruit Picker:
The Fruit Picker is used to pick fruit off trees where the tree or plant itself is not cut down. By default it understands cocoa as well as fruit from Harvestcraft.
Animal farming has changed wildly from MFR 1.x. All animal machines, unless otherwise specified, affect a 5x5 area. It all now starts with a breeder:
The breeder will consume wheat to place any animals in front of it 'in love'. Once they breed, you'll want to use a Chronotyper:
Which can be used to filter children from adults, or vice-versa. It will place sorted animals behind it. Note that chronotyped babies will still try to walk towards their parents because you are a horrible person.
The Chronotyper GUI has a single button that allows you to toggle between babies and adults as the target.
If they aren't growing up fast enough, get a Vet:
Vets can use syringes on animals. The base syringe is fairly easy to make:
And then you can make health syringes:
Or growth syringes:
If golden carrots are too expensive, you can try your luck at zombie syringes which usually work:
But I take no responsibility for a sudden growth of undead.
There are de-zombification syringes, which can cure villagers:
And slime embiggening syringes to make slimes bigger, solving a vital problem everybody faces
Health syringes heal animals a small amount. Growth syringes turn babies into adults. There are rumors that this works on villagers too...
All syringes are reusable and turn into the empty version when used. You can use them from your hand, as well.
Once they grow up, you can use a second Chronotyper to pull the adults out. You now have two choices.
You can use a Rancher:
The MFR 2.x Rancher is very different from its older counterpart. It can do the following:
Milk from cows and Mooshrooms
Mushroom soup from Mooshrooms (put empty bowls in the inventory)
Wool from sheep
Ink from squid
If you want the death drops, you'll need to kill them. You could stab them, but why do the work when you can use a Grinder:
These things instantly kill any mob in front of them and produce one of their drops at random. Grinders slowly produce liquid Mob Essence as a side effect, which will be covered later. They work on any vanilla mob (except villagers), allowing you to build fuilly automated harvesters for things like blaze rods or spider eyes that normally require the player to kill the mob or a lot of extra effort. They will even retrieve any enchanted items!
The Grider must be manually programmed by me for any modded mob. If your favorite mod lacks support, tell me.
Finally, you should consider putting Sewers under your animal pens:
Sewers very slowly generate Sewage, a liquid that will be covered later. They do not require power. Sewers only cover a 1x1 area above them, unlike other animal machines. The more animals within a sewer's operation area, and the bigger they are, the more sewage is produced.
Sewers accept upgrades. Sewers will shut down if they detect another sewer within their operational area.
And if you're wondering how to get the animals to your base, try a Safari Net:
Did you know that every time you lure animals with food or transport them by minecarts for miles a ghast cries? It's true! And now you can harvest that power to transport them much more easily. Safari nets work like programmable mob spawn eggs - right click on a mob to capture it, and then again on the ground to place it. Works on hostile mobs, but not villagers. And it even gets the spawn egg colors while 'full'.
Infinitely reusable!
Over time those ghast tears turn into slimes, which are a pale imitation of their ghastly brothers but still do the job:
This version is cheaper but will be consumed when the mob is placed.
For the mean people among you, there's the Jailer's Safari Net:
Mobs placed with this will not despawn. This is not 100% guaranteed because minecraft, but it works in most cases.
Have you wanted to capture mobs from a distance, or perhaps shower your friends in creeprs? The Safari Net Launcher has your back:
Just rightclick to fire.
If you find a mob spawner but it's not in a useful place, get a Portaspawner:
Rightclick on a (vanilla) spawner to pick it up, then rightclick again to place it. This item is only good for a single use. Note that it respects any custom spawner settings, in case a mod generates a special one.
If you're low on food, there's the Slaughterhouse:
The slaughterhouse acts similar to the grinder, except it produces liquid meat instead of mob essence (and no items). It also sometimes produces pink slime instead. Both of these can be sent to a meat packer:
Liquid meat turns into meat ingots, and pink slime turns into meat nuggets. These can be crafted into each other and meat blocks:
You can also cook and eat them of course.
Sometimes placing pink slime liquid in the world will turn it into Pink Slimes. They drop pink slimeballs (no use yet), but they can drop meat too if you're creative about things.
One of the oldest features of MineFactory (even before the Reloaded) has been conveyor belts. They're still here:
(It makes 16 at a time, this is an old screenshot). Conveyors carry entities along them - items for one, but any mob or player as well. Make escalators!
You can now dye them with ceramic dyes:
To get things onto conveyors, use an Ejector:
A redstone pulse will pull from any adjacent inventories and eject out the 'hole'.
Items on conveyors can be sorted with Item Routers:
The slots correspond to the colored sides. It will output into the air, an adjacent inventory, or a BuildCraft pipe. It also has a single-slot internal inventory so incoming pipes/etc can place things into it. The top is a valid input but not output to avoid items bouncing in and out forever.
Item routers can pull things off MFR conveyors placed on top of them if that item has a valid route in the router.
There's also an Enchantment Router:
It acts kind of like the item router, but sorts by enchantments. If you put a sword with Sharpness I and Knockback I in it, and item with Sharpness or Knockback will be matched. Finally, a way to dispose of all of those items with Bane of Arthropods!
You can end conveyors with an Item Collector:
Any items that bump into them will be placed into adjacent chests. It understands sided inventories (like furnaces), too. Unlike Item Routers, they will never drop into the world.
What if you want to sort liquids? Well, the Liquid Router has that covered:
Behaves like the Item Router. Works with BC pipes and TE liquiducts. Should work with most tanks and tank-like machines. To sort, place a container of the liquid you want in the matching slot - i.e. a bucket of water in the red slot will make water go to the red side.
Next up, we have the Fisher:
The fisher must be placed over at least 3x3x1 of water, so that the bottom face of the fisher is touching the center water tile. It will then slowly produce fish.
There's also a block breaker:
Pretty much every mod has one of these, this is just around for save compatibility more than anything. That and people that like conveyor belts I guess.
The Weather Collector can generate water from rain or snowballs from snow:
It does nothing in a desert. There's no rain there, what did you expect? It's most intended for people playing with mods that disable infinite water.
The sludge from earlier? It goes into a Sludge Boiler:
Which will slowly turn it into sand, dirt, and clay (and very rarely soulsand). If you have ExtraBiomesXL installed, it will also produce cracked sand and quicksand occasionally. Warning: standing next to an active sludge boiler may be hazardous to your health.
Sewage goes into a composter:
Which produces Fertilizer items.
Ever have the feeling that there just isn't enough lava in the world? The Lava Fabricator has your back:
There's also an Oil Fabricator for those of you who feel the urge to pollute as much as possible:
588kMJ/B (+12kMJ to refine it to fuel, which is worth 600kMJ/B). This thing is very slow due to the immense energy draw, so be patient.
Mob essence (and a ton of power) goes into an Auto-Enchanter:
Which will install a random enchantment onto whatever is inside of it (it uses the same algorithm the standard enchanting table does). It has its own GUI as well:
Allowing you to adjust the target level. Energy/Mob Essence cost to enchant is roughly (level^4) - low levels are cheap, 30 is gonna take a while.
The Auto-Enchanter can be used to take a second (and more) pass at enchanting items, but note that the cost goes up extremely fast relative to the number of enchantments already on the item!
As a new feature, you can "enchant" empty bottles and it will generate XP bottles. You can also drink mob essence with the straw to gain a level. If you want to get mob essence from your levels, use an XP extractor:
You can now go the other way around too, with an Auto-Disenchanter:
This machine has two input and two output slots. Enchanted items and books are placed in the inputs. When it completes, it will remove one enchantment at random from the item and install it on the book. The item will then be damaged - if this would destroy the tool, it will be lost.
Top/bottom are input, sides are output. If you're using an inventory management mod (like MFR) that understands 1.5's sided inventory system, you don't need to worry about the books and items getting mixed up, the machine will automatically filter them.
Finally, there's an Auto-Anvil too:
It acts much like a vanilla anvil, but it cannot rename items.
If you aren't happy with which mobs you have, you can use an Auto-Spawner instead:
It has a single slot which must be programmed with a safari net. However, whichever mob is in the net will be spawned. Spawning mobs requires mob essence and (a lot of) power.
The Auto-Spawner has an exact mode. When this is active, the mob contained in the safari net will be duplicated exactly, including things like villager trade data, sheep wool color, etc. However, inventory is not duplicated to prevent abuse. Exact mode requires more time, power, and essence.
Do you have too much cobble? Now you can put it in a Deep Storage Unit:
This thing holds up to two billion of whatever you put inside it. The GUI looks like this:
You can change which sides connect to the IN slots vs the OUT slots, as well as manipulate what it contains. It will attempt to keep a full stack of its stored items in the output slots, and if the item is stackable, will leave one in each of the two input slots so that it's automatically filtered when connected to pipes/tubes/whatever (two input slots so that a stack of 64 can fit in one go). In addition, if you break it, it will remember its contents.
There is a config option to enable a cheaper recipe, if the requirement of ender pearls seems too expensive for what it does.
MFR also has the autocrafter to end all autocrafters, the LiquiCrafter:
It has a crazy GUI that looks like this:
Here I am using it to make IC2 coolant cells. It works like the following:
Set recipe template at top left.
Place materials used in the two rows below the template.
Apply redstone pulse.
Remove produced item from output.
In addition, it can use liquid in internal tanks to satisfy recipes that call for a filled liquid container. Here I'm using its water tank to fulfill the water bucket requirement for 10k coolant cells, but it will also work with lava buckets, or water cells, or any other liquid container that has been properly registered with Forge.
It also understands damagable items - you can use it to mass-produce RP2 microblocks! You just need to put a saw in the resources section.
Sides are input (resources), top/bottom are output (output slot).
If you're still confused, I suggest you watch Wylker's 2.1 video above.
Do you have problems with multiple equivalent ores? Try the Unifier:
It has two slots, in (top) and out (bottom). It will attempt to turn anything in the top slot into the first Ore Dictionary entry for that item. For example, you can use this on a Mystcraft Dense Ores age to turn TE, IC2, RP2, Forestry, etc coppers into just one copper. You can tell it up to 9 items to prefer to unify to in the Preferences grid. It can also convert MFR biofuel and Forestry ethanol to each other.
If you need more ores, try the Laser Drill:
Which also needs a Laser Drill Precharger (or 4):
To use this, first, dig a hole to bedrock. Place the drill over the hole. Place 1-4 prechargers facing the drill but one block away from it. When you supply power to the prechargers, the main drill will begin mining and will produce ores out of its top face.
To get a pink slimeball, you need to kill a pink slime. You get pink slimes by placing a bucket of pink slime from the slaughterhouse in the world.
The Laser Drill also comes with Laser Focus items:
(one per color)
These bias the drill towards certain ores. For example, red makes redstone more likely. Which is which is up to the player to figure out.
Once you have your ores, try the Block Smasher:
This is an in-inventory processing system that will act like a Fortune pick on whatever is sent into it. You can configure the fortune level from 0-3. Levels 1 and above require mob essence to run.
Do you like potions? Try the Auto-Brewer:
Its GUI looks like this:
Set the slots under "Type" to the ingredients you want to add. Then place resources in the resources section and water bottles in the Potion slot. It will process row-by-row. The Auto-Brewer is sideless; any side can be used to extract completed potions or invalid ingredients and add new ingredients and water bottles.
Got too many saplings and seeds? Shove them into a BioReactor:
The GUI looks like this:
The top 9 slots are input, and the next row of 9 are the internal buffer. Each internal slot must have a distinct type of plant - anything the Planter understands is acceptable fuel. The more types of saplings and seeds (etc) you add, the more fuel it generates per item available, so it's preferable to have many kinds of things to put it in it. It generates BioFuel, which is sent to a BioFuel Generator:
Which produces BuildCraft energy. If you want IC2 or UE output, use Power Converters.
Is your factory not pretty enough? Try stained glass:
Makes both panes and blocks, and available in all 16 colors. Note that due to how minecraft's rendering works, water and ice behind stained glass will be invisible. I cannot fix this. Take this into account when building colorful glass walls in waterfalls.
New in 2.2, vanilla glass panes and MFR glass panes will connect to each other. This feature requires overwriting the vanilla glass pane block to work - if another mod does that for some reason, only one will work. If you disable the vanilla glass pane overwrite in the config, they will not connect.
Have you ever wanted to automate playing records? No? Well too bad, you get the Auto Jukebox anyway:
The GUI looks like this:
The top slot is accessible on all six sides by pipes (etc). If the top slot contains a record, a rising redstone edge will cause it to begin playing that record. If the top slot is empty, a rising redstone edge will cause it to stop playback.
The GUI has buttons for play (needs a record) and stop. It also has a record button. To use that, you put a record in the top slot and a blank record in the bottom slot. It will duplicate the record into the blank record.
You can make Blank Records like this:
Are you tired of your Ice Fortress Of Solitude melting because you wanted to see things? Try our new, unmelting ice:
This ice does not melt in the presence of light sources and will not create water sources when broken (but you still need silk touch to move it). Note that this requires overwriting the vanilla ice block to work - if another mod does that for some reason, only one will work. if you disable the vanilla ice overwrite in the config, unmelting ice will be unavailable.
Want to use ice to make your roads slippery but are tired of farming ice? Well, now there's actual roads:
These are slippery like ice but look more like, well, roads. If you want to light up your paths, consider road lights:
They will provide light when powered with redstone. If you'd prefer to not have to deal with redstone torches, grab an inverted road light:
Inverted lights can be turned back into normal ones the same way.
There's also a bunch of decorative brick types:
The glowstone bricks emit light.
There's also blackstone and whitestone (for white, replace the ink with sugar):
You can also craft mossy cobble now:
There's a Spyglass, for reading coordinates of blocks when doing complex builds:
A ruler, for reading distances:
And a Straw, which allows you to drink various liquids found in the world. Warning: drinking some liquids may be bad for your health.
And even Vine Scaffolding, to make building large structures easier:
Hold RMB to stack them on each other. Breaking the bottom one will collapse the entire scaffold.
This is MFR's new Redstone Network system. The most basic component is the RedNet cable:
When placed, it will connect to any block it thinks it should. As of this writing, this is any any vanilla block with redstone properties, and any mod block at all. It contains 16 "subnets" that are chosen by rightclicking on the little color band that appears on a connected face with a hammer. You can also use dyes to rotate directly to a color (without consuming the dye). In this way, you can have multiple subnets within the same block by, for example, placing 3 levers around a cable.
RedNet cable carries analog singal levels (with a -1 penalty at the entrance for redstone dust only). A signal strength of 8 at an input will be 8 at the output no matter how far away it is.
Note for server owners: due to the cable not having any visual updates and not linking to vanilla (inert) building materials, this form of cabling is vastly more CPU and network efficient than certain other forms of redstone cable.
Next up is the Programmable RedNet Controller. You first need a PRC Housing:
Which you can use as a decroative block, or further craft into the PRC itself:
I could write a ton of words about this thing. So I did. There's an in-game manual you should check out:
What this thing actually is is a collection of logic circuits. It comes with space for six. The (very complex, admittedly) GUI looks like this:
"Prev" and "Next" cycle between pages of circuits. "Reinitialize" (which requires two clicks to confirm) will de-program the PRC and eject all expansion cards it contains (see below). To set up a circuit, click on it. You will then get a set of buttons to connect the inputs and outputs of that circuit. These can be connected to I/O (RedNet cables on each face), variables, constants (input only) or null (outputs only). As an example:
This PRC is configured for a 1-second timer (square wave), which is output to the "white" subnet of the RedNet cable connected to its east face. It would be very difficult to list every circuit here - you'll have to wait until I can get a wiki deal going. In the meantime, the vast majority of them are standard EE components like JK flipflops. Note that, like the cable, the PRC is an analog device - you can add and subtract signal values. If a strange value enters a RedNet cable, it will be clamped between 0 and 15 when it reaches an output that doesn't know about the RedNet API.
Again, if you've read this and have no idea what I just said, read the in-game manual. It has pretty complete walkthroughs on how do some neat things with just one PRC and some cables and associated parts.
The PRC can accept up to six upgrade cards, which come in 3 flavors:
Each card grants additional circuit pages and additional variables.
There's also a PRC memory card:
When used on a PRC, this will copy its program. Using it on another PRC while it carries a program will install that program on the target PRC. The target must have at least as much space as the source did. To clear it, place it in a crafting grid by itself.
There's a RedNet meter, too:
This will measure all values in a RedNet cable, as well as read out the values of all variables in a PRC.
If you like graphs, try the RedNet Historian:
This is somewhat of a WIP, but I wanted to release what I had. Right now, it can display a graph of redstone power over time on any RedNet subnet (change with dye - it doesn't visually reflect the selected channel yet).
For the musically inclined, there is the RedNote:
A RedNet value from 0-120 will trigger a note. Vanilla note blocks have 5 sets of 24 notes (one set per each of 5 'instruments'); in RedNote they are all available in sequence. Every other redstone transition will cause it to play a note. For fun, try a sine wave.
These things were around before Railcraft, but every time I try to get rid of them people tell me I'm ruining Christmas, so they're still here. You can make them like so:
Passenger rails (lapis, blue) and cargo rails (chests, red) allow you to automatically load and unload people/cargo. Passenger rails grab anyone nearby and do their best to drop them in a safe location, and cargo rails interact with adjacent inventories.
Passenger rail effective radius can be controlled from the config file.
Additional information available at the Technic Wiki. Note that some recipes may be shown for TE mode.
Either Buildcraft, IndustrialCraft2, Universal Electricity, or another mod with a power system that uses one of the above APIs (like ThermalExpansion) to provide power and power transport.
MineFactory Reloaded is fully SMP compatible - place the same file on your server and start farming with your friends!
Fixed: Planter dupe glitch
Fixed: Rubber wood cannot be silk touched anymore
Fixed: Schmitt Trigger is actually available in the PRC
Fixed: Planter upgrades cannot be removed via pipes/etc
Added: Decorative blocks available for use as BC facades
Added: Schmitt Trigger circuit
Changed: Added more precise options for conveyor entity capture
Changed: PRC I/O groups are "F/B/L/R" instead of "N/S/E/W". UI-relative only.
Changed: New circuit inputs initialize to CNST 0
Changed: Recipes use stick ore dictionary entry where applicable
Changed: Safari Net and Spyglass display localized name of the mob in question
Changed: Health syringe buffed from +2 to +5
Changed: RedNet accepts weak power from API nodes always (this fixes AE level emitters)
Fixed: RedNote block crash
Fixed: Unifier slot weirdness
Fixed: Autospawner rejects single-use nets via pipes
Fixed: Conveyors slope properly against non-opaque but solid blocks (like rednet cable)
Fixed: AutoBrewer dupe glitch
Fixed: Grinder is better at killing tough mobs (like infernal mobs)
Fixed: LiquiCrafter NPE
Fixed: Clicking on RedNet cable from below hitting the wrong part
Fixed: RedNet generating strong power where it shouldn't
Fixed: Redstone dust out of RedNet cabels not losing power correctly
Fixed: Spyglass displays mobs if a mob is hit by the raytrace (how did I not notice this never worked?)
Fixed: AutoEnchanter generating duplicate enchantments in some cases
Fixed: Gold ore rarity set appropriately now in the laser drill (sorry!)
Fixed: Vet inventory has canInsert/canExtract set up so MFR/AE/etc item transport systems can be used to automate it without needing user filters
Fixed: Planters ignoring last slot in their inventory
Fixed: RedNet negative signals being lost in some cases
Localization: Updated Spanish localizations
Localization: Updated Chinese localizations
Localization: Added Korean localization (thanks stranger1029!)
Mod Support: Updated Magical Crops support
Added: 8-channel delay line circuit
Changed: Drinking lava is more dangerous
Changed: Drinking lava can now generate obsidian if you know what you're doing
Changed: Added a config option to increase the saturation from meat
Localization: Chinese localizations updated (thanks crafteverywhere!)
Added: Chocolate Milk liquid
Added: Mushroom Soup liquid
Added: Laser Drill (and associated bits)
Added: Auto-Anvil
Added: Vine Scaffolding
Added: Block Smasher
Added: RedNote
Added: Auto-Brewer
Added: Jailer's Safari Net
Added: RedNet cable has cable-only and force-connect modes
Added: RedNet Historian
Added: Unifier output preferences
Added: Fruit Picker (works on cocoa and Pam's fruit)
Added: PRC delay line circuit
Changed: Most MFR machines are now sideless - you can insert or extract from any side and the machine will handle things correctly. Note that 1.5.1 BC does not work properly here, but is fixed in 1.5.2.
Changed: LiquiCrafter requires an empty liquid container when the recipe produces a full one
Changed: Conveyors have a fake inventory so machines (like TE's) can drop into them
Changed: Rubber Trees respect fortune enchant
Changed: Breeder enters idle mode if more than 50 (configurable) animals are in its target area
Changed: Liquid effects only affect players and hostile mobs
Changed: LiquiCrafter and Item/Liquid/Enchantment routers "mirror" stacks instead of consuming an item. Any items in them now will not be retrievable.
Changed: Conveyors reverse on negative redstone
Changed: Item Router has the option to reject items with no mapped output
Changed: Item/Liquid/Enchantment routers support proportional distribution
Changed: Safari Net Launcher has separate capture/release modes (sneak-click to toggle)
Changed: Auto-Spawner has a configurable blacklist. By default this includes iron golems
Changed: BioFuel generator pulse size is configurable
Changed: Power bar in GUI displays IC2 and UE power as well
Changed: Grinder/Slaughterhouse do far more damage to handle mobs with lots of health
Changed: Mystery net has new and very exciting mobs
Changed: RedNet cable links to hoppers in default mode
Changed: Milk Bottles can be stacked
Changed: Liquid Routers can use empty buckets as default routes
Changed: AutoSpawner GUI only accepts filled reusable safari nets
Changed: AutoSpawner costs are configurable
Changed: Lake worldgen rarity is configurable; defaults to rarer than prior versions
Changed: Sewage lakes are made of mushroom soup when generated in mushroom biomes
Changed: Zombie Syringe generates pigmen on pigs when it "fails"
Fixed: AutoDisenchanter now generates books you can actually use. If you have any broken books from 2.5.4, disenchant them
Fixed: LiquiCrafter duplicating liquid containers (it new requires an empty one for recipes that produce a filled one)
Fixed: RedNet cable bounding box. Again.
Fixed: BioReactor stack rejection logic works correctly now
Fixed: PRC page count no longer wanders off the screen
Fixed: Several liquid crashes
Fixed: DSUs delete nonexistant items on load (to prevent crashes)
Fixed: Multiple LiquiCrafter duplication glitches
Fixed: "4" on PRC 7-segment encoder
Fixed: RedNet cables less likely to disappear at the corners of the screen
Fixed: Multiple GT recipes issues
Fixed: Bars in GUI are forced to 0/max as maximum sizes; no more negative bars
Localization: Added Chinese support (thanks crafteverywhere)
Mod Support: Removed Natura/Tinker's Construct. These are now being handled by mDiyo. If they are not available or not functioning properly with MFR, speak to him.
Mod Support: Sludge Boiler generates salt from Pam's Harvestcraft
Mod Support: Backtools support added
Mod Support: Fruit Picker supports Pam's fruit
Mod Support: Multiple magical crops fixes
Mod Support: Mystcraft books blacklisted from safari net
Fixed a Liquicrafter exploit that would let you get free stuff
Unifier restores MFR/Forestry biofuel interchangability that Forestry removed
Updated TConstruct compat to TConstruct 1.3dev.32 (will no longer work with TConstruct <= 1.3.1)
Pink Slimes are grindable
Added dimension blacklist for worldgen features
Added connection blacklist for RedNet cables
Enchantment Router has new "match levels" option (defaults on)
Fixed bugged whitestone recipe (output size too small)
Spyglass displays block ID and metadata
Item Collector connects to pipes
Added: Enchantment Router
Changed: DSU filtering logic now uses the output slot if storage is empty, and it no longer holds items in the first slots (not necessary anymore in 1.5.1)
Fixed: A whole bunch of Natura stuff
Fixed: Blank record being uncraftable
Fixed: Spyglass crash on certain mod blocks
Fixed: RedNet cable hitbox behaving weirdly
Fixed: Packets not being properly transmitted after a player crosses dimensions (most notable on the PRC)
Fixed: RedNet now links more reliably to redstone dust (thanks Maiden for getting me a reproducible case for this one!)
Fixed: DSU doesn't drop with NBT if it's broken while empty (so it can be stacked)
Fixed: Chickens can be bred with all the seeds they can in vanilla
Fixed: Breeder issues
Fixed: MPS gauntlet rotating MFR machines regardless of if the Omnitool module was active or even installed (you need to update MPS too for this to get fixed!)
Added: Slaughterhouse, Meatpacker and the rest of the meat system. Not entirely done yet.
Changed: Now using IC2 v304
Mod Support: Chococraft and Harvestcraft updates
Fixed: GT recipes
Fixed: NPEs during load in new Forge versions
Fixed: DSU not properly remembering inventory when broken
Added: Programmable RedNet Controller (and expansion cards and manual)
Added: RedNet Meter
Added: RedNet Controller Memory Card
Added: Auto-Disenchanter
Added: TE-mode recipe set
Added: GregTech-mode recipe set
Changed: Villagers generate sewage in the sewer
Changed: Players generate sewage in the sewer (only when crouching)
Changed: RedNet cables' outer face displays the color in "plate" mode
Changed: RedNet cables' plates are a valid hit target for color change
Pickaxes are effective against RedNet cables (can still be broken by hand, pickaxes are faster)
Fixed lake worldgen
Fixed TF egg handler to not produce ludicrous amounts of spam in the forge logs
Fixed RedNet cables not properly de-powering when a powering node (lever, etc) was removed from the network
Fixed milk bucket ID being incorrect after MFR overrides it
1.5 update
Added: Liquids can be placed in the world
Added: RedNet cables and API
Added: Straw (can drink liquid blocks)
Added: Large decorative brick variants
Added: Zoologist villager
Added: Mystery safari nets sold by zoologist
Added: Slime Embiggening Syringe
Added: Portaspawner
Added: XP Extractor
Added: Sugar Charcoal
Added: Spyglass
Added: Milk bottle
Added: Auto-Enchanter can enchant empty bottles into XP bottles
Added: Mossy cobble recipe (with config option)
Added: Sludge and sewage lakes to worldgen (with config option)
Added: Localization support
Changed: TF King Spiders cannot be captured with safari nets
Changed: Safari Net (single) can be found in some dungeons
Changed: Grass can be fertilized with bonemeal even if bonemeal support is turned off
Changed: Grass fertilizing affects a larger area
Changed: AutoSpawner can spawn water mobs in liquid
Changed: Grinder can drop Wither Skeleton skulls
Changed: Buckets can be rightclicked on machines to fill them with liquid
Changed: Fisher rate decreased
Changed: Planter understands XyCraft dirt
Changed: Breeder understands non-wheat foods
Changed: Machines do not produce weak redstone power when strong powered
Changed: Planter GUI and sprite updates to indicate "sub zones" feature
Changed: Conveyor has a tooltip indicating hammer use (because people keep asking me that..)
Mod Support: Atum support
Mod Support: Biomes O' Plenty support for plants (partial)
Mod Support: Forestry support for plants (partial)
Mod Support: Updated Pam's support for new crops
Mod Support: Magical Crops (with specific fertilizer)
Fixed: Numerous machines attempting to rotate that shouldn't have (no effect ingame)
Fixed: Ejector arrows point forwards
Fixed: A whole bunch of NPE crashes
Fixed: Item Collector duplication glitch
Fixed: Unifier duplication glitch (I think it works now!)
Fixed: DSU behaving weirdly in SMP when connected to AE networks
Fixed: Dispenser-fired Safari Nets not being collectable
Fixed: MFR rubber trees not growing on XyCraft dirt
Fixed: Vet not consuming syringes
Fix multiple Item Router problems
Fix LiquiCrafter (sorry!)
Fix AutoJukebox GUI
Planter now assigns its stacks to relative subsections of its areas, enabling more diverse farms
New: UE power support
New: BioReactor, BioFuel Generator, and BioFuel liquid (compatible with Forestry BioFuel)
New: Upgrades (available for Planter, Harvester, Fertilizer, and Sewer).
New: Single-Use Safari Nets
New: Safari Net Launcher
New: Safari Nets can be fired by dispensers (note that the net will be unrecoverable right now)
New: Tooltips
New: AutoSpawner exact mode
New: Decorative bricks
New: TwilightForest support
Change: Auto-Enchanter can re-enchant items
Change: Conveyors are placable on "partially solid" blocks like microblock covers
Change: Conveyors carry XP orbs
Change: Items on conveyors cannot be grabbed by players
Change: Items dropped by MFR machines have a 1s delay before players can pick them up
Change: AutoSpawner idle time reduced to normal
Change: ItemRouter can grab items off conveyors placed on top if they have a valid route
Change: Harvester default tree area increased
Change: Harvester CPU usage significantly lowered in tree mode
Change: Added config to make roads not slippery
Fix: Auto-Enchanter has a max of one enchantment on books
Fix: Possible fix for Safari Net duplication glitch in MCPC+ (unconfirmed)
Fix: DSU issues with AE
Fix: Multiple issues with BC power input
Fix: AutoSpawner not requiring mob essence to function
Fix: Unifier behaving weirdly with non-dictionary items
Fix: NBT data being deleted by items contained in MFR machines when they were destroyed
Fix: Road Lights connect to wires
Fix: Ranching Mooshrooms generating milk items
Fix: Item Router and Ejector firing into the air if the target inventory was full
Fix: Various Creative tab and NEI mismatches
New: Unifier
New: Auto-Spawner
New: Auto-Jukebox GUI and Blank Records
New: Roads and Road Lights
New: Unmelting Ice
New: XyCraft crop compatibility
New: Zombie Syringe
Change: All recipes use plastic sheets instead of gold ingots
Change: New liquid animations (yay)
Change: Rubber Trees spawn in some mod biomes (EBXL and SNOB supported)
Change: MFR and Glass panes connect to each other
Change: Config option to make conveyors not grab mobs
Change: DSU API support for Applied Energistics (not sure when AE will update on its side)
Change: Item Routers slightly smarter about dropping things in DSUs
Change: MFR glass panes can be crafted from MFR glass blocks
Change: Safari Net will no longer capture Wither bosses or End Dragons (sorry!)
Fix: Liquiducts connect again
Fix: Capped Vet power so the bar works correctly
Fix: DSUs drop in/out stacks when broken
Fix: Rancher no longer shears baby sheep
Fix: LiquiCrafter crash when using RP2 fluid pipes
Fix: Item Router not working correctly with wheat farms (among other things)
Fix: All conveyor colors show up in NEI's MFR subtype
Added Auto Jukebox
Fixed a liquid duplication bug involving the lava/oil fabricators
Fixed a crash when entering worlds with void spaces (ie, no bedrock floor)
Added a config option to change the AutoEnchanter to accept full stacks to compensate for that BuildCraft bug everybody's been getting
Safari Net no longer captures players (sorry!)
Safari Net now records mob data, which fixes most if not all of the known exploits
Safari Net no longer displays colors on "legacy" stored mobs - just place and re-capture the mob if this bugs you so it converts to the new format
Safari Net will properly understand colors from Twilight Forest mobs. Other mods not yet supported
Swapped Safari Net colors because this way around looks better
Marked damagable items as equivalent in the Item Router - for example, if you put an iron pick in a filter, all iron picks will match that filter.
Fixed NPE crash when interacting with certain IC2 crops
Now uses new power provider from PC Core. BC power is now available even if BC itself isn't (using TE, for example)
Each machine can have its recipe disabled
Fixed a crash when BuildCraft interacts with a DSU
Added config option to enable a cheap DSU recipe - replace the ender pearls/eyes with chests in the recipe
Harvester will 'shear' shrubs/ferns, and shearing option applies to tall grass.
Changes Harvester option text from 'keep leaves' to 'shear leaves'.
New: Ejector
New: Item Router
New: Liquid Router
New: Lava Fabricator
New: Oil Fabricator
New: Deep Storage Unit
New: LiquiCrafter
New: Ceramic Dyes
New: Stained Glass
New: Dyable conveyors
Support: Added Thaumcraft to Harvester, Planter, and Grinder. Thaumcraft trees cannot be fertilized.
Support: Added IC2 crops to the Harvester. You will still need to plant them and maintain a Cropmatron.
Change: Conveyors in inventories are no longer animated.
Change: GUIs improved (thanks Shukaro)
Change: Machines face away from player when placed (if rotatable)
Change: Idle bar remains at max when shut off by redstone
Change: Sludge Boiler produces clay balls, not clay blocks
Bugfix: Weather Collectors no longer crash servers.
Bugfix: Fixed some IC2 API warnings
Bugfix: Conveyors have the correct texture overlay when being broken
Bugfix: Pam's strawberries are now marked as perennial for the harvester
Bugfix: Harvester can now collect desert shrubs (most important feature ever)
Bugfix: Chronotyper max power reduced so it can be transmitted over the network properly
Bugfix: MFR rubber wood/saplings can be used as furnace fuel
Bugfix: Machines limit themselves to max values when reading from file
Fixed Pam's flowers support so it actually works.
Changed grass fertilization - only covers one block at a time, but knows when it's done so it doesn't burn bonemeal forever.
Fixed sticky piston giving too many pistons
Fixed Item Collector deleting items if there was nowhere to put them
Fixed Auto-Enchanter getting set to level 0/31 in laggy situations
Prevented Auto-Enchanter from re-enchanting enchanted items
Fixed conveyor items getting 'stuck' going uphill (I hope)
Fixed Fertilizer and Rancher having each others' textures, but the correct animation
Changed animations to play any time the machine has sufficient power to activate
Fixed leaves in Fast graphics mode
Added recipes for raw rubber in torches and sticky pistons (to match IC2 resin)
Reworked power consumption - most machines are cheaper, boiler composter and fisher especially so. Grinder costs far more.
Safari Net is reusable
Empty syringes can stack
Updated support for Pam's mods to cover her new HarvestCraft mods; Pam's compat addon should also now recover properly if you only have some of Pam's mods installed. Also now supports Weee! Flowers farming
Grinder now supports Soul Shards-specific mobs
Added Creative tab for MFR (Safari Net still doesn't work properly in creative, though)
Partially fixed power bars reaching > 100%
Sludge boiler always produces an output now; sand and clay slightly more common.
Rancher works correctly on cows if Forestry is installed
Block Breaker connects to item pipes correctly
Block Breaker plays block breaking sound when a block is broken
Rancher understands all liquids correctly
IFactoryPlantable sends ItemStack to postPlant()
Compat addon mods won't dump a stack trace if the partner mod is missing
Grinder no longer grinds babies (that's a horrifying sentence)
Sewer recipe yields 4 at a time
AutoEnchanter limited to stack size of 1
Fixed a bug that would crash a world and prevent it from re-loading if certain pumps were used with liquid-consuming machines. If you were bitten by this bug, updating will fix it.
Flax is now cut down entirely, you must re-plant it.
Fixed rails not being transparent (how did that happen??)
Now uses PC Core for update notifications
Fixed NPE if an entity is missing egg info
Fixed NPE if BuildCraft is not installed
Made Pam's harvests slightly more reliable
Buckets are emptied instead of destroyed when used on e.g. BuildCraft tanks
Fixed "infinite sludge" glitch
Sewer produces less sewage more often for increased reliability
Conveyor does not cause fall damage if ridden downhill
Machines change to inactive state if they run out of power, and start up inactive
Machines are disabled if powered by redstone (ignored by unpowered machines, Sewer and ItemCollector)
MFR rubberwood can be converted to planks and charcoal like normal logs
IC2 rubberwood drops resin when cut if it has a wet resin nodule
MFR Fertilizer machine understands Forestry fertilizer item if Forestry is installed
Minor sprite updates, mostly inactive stats for machines
Syringe can be crafted with IC2 rubber
Safari net no longer shows a hammer on the ground
Dropping things in chests actually works
API for Rancher no longer depends on Rancher
Named NEI class properly so it actually works
Added missing BC class
Show your love for MFR:
MFR has an API to allow you to add your own plants, animals, and other such things to its machines. Javadocs are provided for most everything, I think (if not, yell at me). The list of supported things you can do is:
Plants for plant farming
Mobs for the grinder
Sludge boiler outputs
Mobs for the rancher
Safari Net "egg color" providers
Random mob providers for the mystery safari net
Liquid drinking handlers for the straw
"IDSU" to allow you to interface directly with the DSU's full capacity
RedNet connections and RedNet machines that can use all 16 subnets simultaneously
Myself (Power Crystals), for most development work
Emy/Emys, who does additional development work
NATO_chrisjm, who did all the sprites minus the conveyor, which is the lone surviving asset from the original mod
CanVox, for the RedNet cable/PRC model
Shukaro, denoflions, GSValore, and others who have sent me pull requests that I accepted
All my betatesters including ldog, Brigadon, Emys, and Maiden.
Feanorith, for the original MineFactory
TehKrush/AtomicStryker/armed_troop, for maintaining it while I was gone (and doing the hard work of the 1.3/FML ports!)
The Forge team for Forge, Mojang for Minecraft, etc
Power Converters
It's here! Finally, a way to wrangle all those power systems into one central location. PowerConverters understands IC2, BuildCraft, UniversalElectricity, and Railcraft steam.
2.x is a total rewrite. The secondary machines can now be found in MFR instead. The GeoMk2 is gone (its functionality became part of IC2 itself long ago); the Water Strainer has been replaced by the Liquid Router. The power-generating aspect of the Water Strainer is at least temporarily gone. I'm looking into some way of dealing with that in the future, but nothing yet. My apologies if you were relying on that.
Videos 2.2
allaryin made a video about the 2.1/2.2 changes:
allaryin made a video about PowerConverters:
RedstoneNightmare covered this mod, too:
And Wylker:
First, you want to craft an Energy Bridge:
This will be the center of your conversion system. Put it somewhere. Next, pick one or more of the various mod systems below. You'll need at least one 'consumer' and one 'producer'. Put them adjacent to the bridge. You'll get a GUI like this:
At the top, "INPUT LIMITED" or "OUTPUT LIMITED" will tell you if you're drawing more than you're inputting, or vice-versa, respectively. Each row describes one face of the bridge, and lists the following data:
Side relative to bridge
Power system connected, if any
Input vs output
Rate (or "NO LINK" if the block on that face has no wires/pipes/etc connected to it).
In addition, the background of each row will be black if nothing is there, red if a block is present but has no connections, yellow if connected and 0 throughput, or green if it's doing something.
Note that producer/consumer blocks' faces will change when a connection is detected.
There is also a universal charger as of 2.1:
This links to chests (anything with an inventory, really) and can charge items inside of those chests. It understands both IC2 and UE items. It can also charge items in the player's inventory if the player stands on it.
All recipes shown are for consumers; to get a producer, just put the consumer in a crafting grid (the reverse also works to get consumers back).
Power systems:
BuildCraft consumer:
BC consumer/producers are available if either BC or TE are installed.
FZ consumer:
Due to Factorization oddness, you must place PowerConverters blocks after the Factorization blocks.
IC2 LV consumer:
IC2 MV consumer:
IC2 HV consumer:
IC2 EV consumer:
IC2 EV consumers have no upper limit on input pulse size, so they'll accept nonstandard wiring like GregTech superconductors just fine (though finding a way to output all that power might be difficult). EV producers output 2048EU. All IC2 producers will output a single pulse per tick of their specified voltage, but this can be increased in the config.
Steam consumer:
Steam consumers/producers can be throttled in the config file if desired. Remember, ThermalExpansion Liquiducts are by far the most effiicent system for liquid transport.
In newer versions you need a battery instead of a battery box. Try both if you're confused.
UE 60V consumer:
UE 120V consumer:
UE 240V consumer:
UE 480V consumer:
Note that UE's own "Watt" is power/second, and the bridge displays power/tick. There is a factor of 20 difference between them. This is not a bug.
PowerConverters 2.x exchange rate is based on the cost to smelt a single item in a furnace. This cost is 70KW (or KJ depending on how you look at it) for UE, 390 EU for IC2, and 160MJ for ThermalExpansion (which I'm counting for BC because BC has no furnace, and ignoring TE's special furnace recipes that are cheaper than normal). There's no such thing as a steam furnace, but the Railcraft wiki says it's 5 steam per 1 MJ, so we'll assume a theoretical steam furnace would consume 800mB.
So, inverting those (and adding a x10 to get rid of most of the decimals), we get the ratios as follows:
UE: 10
IC2: 1800
BC/TE: 4375
Steam: 875
FZ: 875
Note that Factorization was assigned based on its steam being equivalent with Railcraft's.
Now, it's entirely possible to find another mod with different ratios that when combined with PowerConverters will cause a positive feedback loop (i.e. infinite energy). UE in particular has some rather weird default ratios that basically guarantee this can happen. I will not treat this as a bug - if you don't want it to happen, change the numbers (see below). If you manage to cause an infinite energy scenario using just my stuff though that's definitely a bug, tell me.
If you think they're too good, or you think one of the power systems is too weak compared to the others, or you want to add a deliberate loss during conversion, just go to the config. You can change the input and output multipliers for all four power systems individually.
These values are applied as such:
outputQuantity = inputQuantity * inputScale / outputScale
So if you had 100 MJ to convert to EU, you'd get 100 * 4375 / 1800 = 243.05 (or probably 224 in reality, due to EU pulse rules).
Fix crash if Railcraft was installed but Buildcraft wasn't
Now uses PC Core's power provider. BC power is available if TE is installed but BC isn't (and it actually works now)
Built against UE 339
Added Factorization modules
Added UE 480V modules
NEI will no longer throw exceptions if some mods aren't loaded
IC2 Producer will no longer attempt to produce energy while being deactivated by the server
BC Consumer will accept input directly from combustion engines
Added Universal Charger block - can charge any IC2 or UE item in any adjacent chest, as well as any the player is currently carrying if the player stands on top of the block.
Fixed "instantiation exception" generated by IC2/UE modules. As above, this will require you to break and re-place those once after upgrading (they're trying to read save data that doesn't exist)
Changed UE converter recipes.
Added a Creative tab for Power Converters.
Me, Power Crystals
denoflions for Factorization support
NATO_chrisjm for the sprites
All the various mod APIs this thing uses.
Nether Ores
Ores in the Nether! Coal, diamond, gold, iron, lapis, redstone, tin, copper, emerald, silver, lead, uranium, and nikolite. Non-vanilla ores only spawn if a mod that uses them exists. All nether ores turn into their surface counterparts in a furnace - some (like redstone or coal) may need to be smacked with a pick or macerated to be made useful.
New in 2.x is the return of the not-bizarrely-bright texture, new ores, and way more config options! Now you can control how often nether ores spawn on a per-ore basis!
Added Platinum, Ferrous, Pig iron, Iridium, and Osmium ore
Added localization support
Added "Ore" to the ores that didn't have it in their name
Added "min Y" option to oregen config
Now uses PC Core's access transformer to aggro pigmen directly instead of by hitting them for 0 damage, which looks less stupid
Standard furnace, IC2 macerator, TE pulverizer, and TE induction smelter all have separate toggles now
TE induction smelters yield 2 ore (and 3 with rich slag) per nether ore now.
Added support for TE pulverizer/induction smelter
Don't crash if IC2 is missing but macerating is enabled
Coal/diamonds macerate to their item form, not dust
Fixed ore detection for real
Added RP2 gems
New-ish textures (thanks NLZ!)
Always registers nether ores with ore dictionary
Macerating is back!
Ores no longer spawn if there's nothing to smelt/macerate them into. This can be overridden with a new "forceOreSpawn" config option.
Me, Power Crystals
AtomicStryker and crew for maintaining this while I was gone
KingLemming from ThermalExpansion for letting me use some of his sprites as a basis
NLZ for improving my sprites and letting me use his
Flat Bedrock
Yes, you can do this with superflat customization, and there's a few other mods, but this is simpler than the customize dialog (especially for servers) and doesn't need any base class edits. I don't expect this will be especially popular but hey if I'm using it myself why not make it available for download anyway?
Only takes effect during world generation, so it will only affect new chunks.
There's no picture because seriously, it's just flat bedrock. No config file either because what on earth are you going to configure?
License (all mods)
Free for non-commercial use. You are free to include any of my mods in any modpacks or server-specific packs without needing to ask permission (but it'd be nice to hear if you do!), provided something either in the download or on your site lists me as the creator. You are also free to produce Bukkit ports. A link to this thread would be nice for any of the above, but that's all I ask.
You also have implied permission to build mods that depend on PowerCrystalsCore, if you want some of the functionality in there.
Source Code I have a GitHub account! Feel free to check out how my stuff is programmed for your curiosity or even your own use, or just follow to see when I post bugfixes so you can laugh at how bad I am at programming. You may not claim source code from here wholesale as your own; if you're in doubt, just ask me.
Beta Builds
I use a Jenkins system for builds. This means you can, if you want, use a pre-release build. These are not supported. Do not include betas in modpacks. Side effects may include:
Worlds not loading or even being corrupted
API breaking changes from beta to beta, or beta to release
Save format changes between betas
In short, don't trust anything. They're provided so you can get a preview of what's to come, or so I can link you to a beta if you find a nasty bug and I can't do a full release right now.
Betas are tagged as "#.#.#B#" and release candidates as "#.#.#RC#". RCs should be safe from world corruption or other major breaking changes but may still be buggy.
If you've read all that and still want to try one, go here.
This thread mainly, obviously. Please do not PM me for support; I reserve the right to ignore any such PMs (stuff specific to one server, etc, that will never be relevant to another person is fine). And I can be found in #powercrystalsmods on EsperNet IRC if you're so inclined, I'm mostly only around in the evenings.
I don't really need the money, but some people have asked me to provide this, so here you go.
Sweet mod from what I recall but I rather not have to look for a replacement again
A risk you run with every mod, really. I won't hold it against you if you think I'm going to be too unreliable to use this thing - but I assure you that after the amount of work I put into making this version 2.0 I plan to stick around for a while because if nothing else I want to see people actually enjoying the fruits of my labor. That's why I do this, after all. And hey, worst case, if I drop off the face of the earth again, at least if people have used it enough maybe other modders will want to incorporate the features into their own stuff as usually happens when old mods die. Besides, it's been maintained this whole time, it's not like it was gone until I showed up again right now.
What I'm saying is I understand, but you should totally use it anyway - it can only help you.
Hey, it still seems like there is a power leak from the planter (at least from BC power). I started a new world, and it did the same thing. It looks like it 'overdraws' power when it plants, and once it's overdrawn, it starts draining power when it's not being used.
Edit: It looks like it's not just the planter that's doing it. The harvester is as well.
Edit2: Actually, it seems unrelated to the overdrawing. They both seem to leak BC power.
I have indeed agreed to return these mods to him in exchange for an unstated amount of cookies. He'd better not do 2 versions then drop off the radar again.
Holy.. Its not just nice to see you back, but also seeing how you already have a present for us I used to have these in the beta minecraft but in 1.2.5 I never really managed to gt attached to them. Time to try them once more!
Also power converters coming back to development? Ugh, I am going to die from the extreme happiness.
Hey, it still seems like there is a power leak from the planter (at least from BC power). I started a new world, and it did the same thing. It looks like it 'overdraws' power when it plants, and once it's overdrawn, it starts draining power when it's not being used.
Edit: It looks like it's not just the planter that's doing it. The harvester is as well.
Edit2: Actually, it seems unrelated to the overdrawing. They both seem to leak BC power.
That's certainly weird.
e: do standard BC pipes do this?
Holy.. Its not just nice to see you back, but also seeing how you already have a present for us I used to have these in the beta minecraft but in 1.2.5 I never really managed to gt attached to them. Time to try them once more!
Also power converters coming back to development? Ugh, I am going to die from the extreme happiness.
I plan to. I do have a day job so I can't work as fast as I used to, though.
I plan to. I do have a day job so I can't work as fast as I used to, though.
Patience is gold. Also the good thing takes time. And finally, there is no point in doing anything if it just gives you a headache XD Its just really nice to see you back
I have indeed agreed to return these mods to him in exchange for an unstated amount of cookies. He'd better not do 2 versions then drop off the radar again.
You can always make him give you more cookies to take them back if that happens
So glad you are back PC. Happy new year indeed!
Stryker did an awesome job making sure we always had updates for all 3 of your mods (especially for 1.4.6 since we all whined and begged and pleaded but did not offer cookies) but the old girl (MFRnot Stryker) really needed to be modernized and 2.0 looks like it is going to be even better.
Word to the wise, make sure you convert your MFR steel into IC2 refined iron before you upgrade or you will lose it.
Putting this one first so people see it. You need this for any mod of mine to work. Place in coremods, not mods.
In particular, all of my mods built on this now have update notification! You can disable this if you wish in PowerCrystalsCore.cfg.
1.1.6 for Minecraft 1.5.2
1.1.5 for Minecraft 1.5.1
This is a coremod. It goes in coremods, not mods. Make sure you get the correct one for your Minecraft version.
Requires Forge. Built against 652/684 (for 1.5.1/1.5.2), may not work with earlier versions.
MineFactory Reloaded
Direwolf has a 3-part spotlight:
KirinDave has videos on RedNet:
Wylker covers the Programmable RedNet Controller:
Wylker covers the entire mod including new content in a two-part series:
BevoLJ covers the entire mod as well in a two-part series of his own:
Wylker covers every update I guess:
Wylker made this video covering the new stuff in 2.2:
Wylker made this video covering the new stuff in 2.1:
RedstoneNightmare made this video covering MFR which goes over most of the features (and a few bugs that have since been fixed):
Wylker also did a pretty good video on the basics of how to use MFR:
If you're thinking "haven't I seen this somewhere else", well, you probably have. The original MineFactory dates back to beta 1.4 (if not 1.3, I forget). I took over around beta 1.6-1.7 and called it Reloaded, and kept up until 1.0, at which point I had to retire due to real life time shortages. I left it with TehKrush, who then gave it to AtomicStryker, and now I have it back. And now I have made a complete overhaul of the thing. You're welcome!
(Top: IC2 rubberballs, bottom: MFR rubberbars)
Then, take your raw plastic and craft it into plastic sheets:
Finally, make machine blocks:
And a hammer:
You'll need it to rotate machines. OmniTools supports it as of 3.0.0, for those of you rolling your eyes at 'yet another tool'.
There's also "ceramic dyes", used for a few things later. Substitute the dye of your choice to change the color.
Due to MFR liquids being placeable in the world, milk buckets can no longer be drank from. Instead, you can make milk bottles:
There is the ability to smelt sugar into sugar charcoal:
Weaker than standard charcoal, but easy to come by.
Some machines accept upgrades:
There are numerous upgrade tiers, all crafted like this but with the top material changed (to gold, bronze, silver, diamonds, etc). Upgrades boost the effective radius of a machine. Machines with upgrade slots will have a single slot with a 'ghosted' upgrade spite in it.
I'll also take a moment to explain the MFR GUIs. Most machines will look like this:
Some may not have an inventory or a liquid storage bar. From left to right, the four bars at the right are:
All machines can be broken by hand; you don't even need a pick. Breaking a machine will drop its items but destroy any power, liquid, or work progress it has built up.
Finally, all machines can be powered by BuildCraft power (or Thermal Expansion conduits) or IC2 power (up to MV only!). All machines can be serviced by any standard liquid pipes (BC or TE), and will attempt to drop items into BC pipes first, then adjacent inventories, and finally will just drop items onto the ground.
Planters affect a 3x3x1 area above them. Place dirt* in a 3x3 grid, and center the planter directly under it. Place plants in the planter, and it will plant them. It understands every vanilla plant, from wheat to carrots to trees to cocoa, as well as IC2 rubber trees, RP2 rubber trees and flax, ExtraBiomesXL trees, and everything from Pam's HarvestCraft except apple trees.
*assuming your plant grows in dirt. If you're farming netherwart, use soulsand, etc.
The planter GUI looks like this:
If you do not set anything in the Filter slots, it will plant whatever wherever. If you do set a filter, it will divide its area into 9 segments (matching the colors on top of the planter) and will put only that plant in that segment. In that way, the planter can manage up to 9 distinct plants.
Planters accept upgrades.
Next, you'll want a harvester:
Harvesters affect a 3x3x1 area in front of them. Center the harvester so its animated face is aimed at the middle of one of the sides of the 3x3 area immediately above your dirt block (so it's touching any plants in that tile) and power it. It understands the same set of plants the planter does, as well as some extra things like flowers and tall grass. Harvesters slowly produce sludge, a liquid which will be covered later.
Harvesters also have a special GUI:
It has three extra settings:
The height it searches for cactus and sugarcane can also be changed, in case you ever need to do that.
Harvesters accept upgrades. Note that the GUI screenshot above is old and doesn't show the upgrade slot.
Next, you'll probably want a fertilizer:
Fertilizers are placed the same way as harvesters, except on a separate side. They act like the player using bonemeal. They do not run off bonemeal by default (but this can be enabled in the config), but instead on a special MFR fertilizer:
If IC2 is installed, IC2's fertilizer will also work; likewise with Forestry and its fertilizer. The fertilizer understands everything the planter does (try it on flax!).
The Fertilizer accepts upgrades.
Finally, there's the new Fruit Picker:
The Fruit Picker is used to pick fruit off trees where the tree or plant itself is not cut down. By default it understands cocoa as well as fruit from Harvestcraft.
The breeder will consume wheat to place any animals in front of it 'in love'. Once they breed, you'll want to use a Chronotyper:
Which can be used to filter children from adults, or vice-versa. It will place sorted animals behind it. Note that chronotyped babies will still try to walk towards their parents because you are a horrible person.
The Chronotyper GUI has a single button that allows you to toggle between babies and adults as the target.
If they aren't growing up fast enough, get a Vet:
Vets can use syringes on animals. The base syringe is fairly easy to make:
And then you can make health syringes:
Or growth syringes:
If golden carrots are too expensive, you can try your luck at zombie syringes which usually work:
But I take no responsibility for a sudden growth of undead.
There are de-zombification syringes, which can cure villagers:
And slime embiggening syringes to make slimes bigger, solving a vital problem everybody faces
Health syringes heal animals a small amount. Growth syringes turn babies into adults. There are rumors that this works on villagers too...
All syringes are reusable and turn into the empty version when used. You can use them from your hand, as well.
Once they grow up, you can use a second Chronotyper to pull the adults out. You now have two choices.
You can use a Rancher:
The MFR 2.x Rancher is very different from its older counterpart. It can do the following:
These things instantly kill any mob in front of them and produce one of their drops at random. Grinders slowly produce liquid Mob Essence as a side effect, which will be covered later. They work on any vanilla mob (except villagers), allowing you to build fuilly automated harvesters for things like blaze rods or spider eyes that normally require the player to kill the mob or a lot of extra effort. They will even retrieve any enchanted items!
The Grider must be manually programmed by me for any modded mob. If your favorite mod lacks support, tell me.
Finally, you should consider putting Sewers under your animal pens:
Sewers very slowly generate Sewage, a liquid that will be covered later. They do not require power. Sewers only cover a 1x1 area above them, unlike other animal machines. The more animals within a sewer's operation area, and the bigger they are, the more sewage is produced.
Sewers accept upgrades. Sewers will shut down if they detect another sewer within their operational area.
And if you're wondering how to get the animals to your base, try a Safari Net:
Did you know that every time you lure animals with food or transport them by minecarts for miles a ghast cries? It's true! And now you can harvest that power to transport them much more easily. Safari nets work like programmable mob spawn eggs - right click on a mob to capture it, and then again on the ground to place it. Works on hostile mobs, but not villagers. And it even gets the spawn egg colors while 'full'.
Infinitely reusable!
Over time those ghast tears turn into slimes, which are a pale imitation of their ghastly brothers but still do the job:
This version is cheaper but will be consumed when the mob is placed.
For the mean people among you, there's the Jailer's Safari Net:
Mobs placed with this will not despawn. This is not 100% guaranteed because minecraft, but it works in most cases.
Have you wanted to capture mobs from a distance, or perhaps shower your friends in creeprs? The Safari Net Launcher has your back:
Just rightclick to fire.
If you find a mob spawner but it's not in a useful place, get a Portaspawner:
Rightclick on a (vanilla) spawner to pick it up, then rightclick again to place it. This item is only good for a single use. Note that it respects any custom spawner settings, in case a mod generates a special one.
If you're low on food, there's the Slaughterhouse:
The slaughterhouse acts similar to the grinder, except it produces liquid meat instead of mob essence (and no items). It also sometimes produces pink slime instead. Both of these can be sent to a meat packer:
Liquid meat turns into meat ingots, and pink slime turns into meat nuggets. These can be crafted into each other and meat blocks:
You can also cook and eat them of course.
Sometimes placing pink slime liquid in the world will turn it into Pink Slimes. They drop pink slimeballs (no use yet), but they can drop meat too if you're creative about things.
(It makes 16 at a time, this is an old screenshot). Conveyors carry entities along them - items for one, but any mob or player as well. Make escalators!
You can now dye them with ceramic dyes:
To get things onto conveyors, use an Ejector:
A redstone pulse will pull from any adjacent inventories and eject out the 'hole'.
Items on conveyors can be sorted with Item Routers:
The slots correspond to the colored sides. It will output into the air, an adjacent inventory, or a BuildCraft pipe. It also has a single-slot internal inventory so incoming pipes/etc can place things into it. The top is a valid input but not output to avoid items bouncing in and out forever.
Item routers can pull things off MFR conveyors placed on top of them if that item has a valid route in the router.
There's also an Enchantment Router:
It acts kind of like the item router, but sorts by enchantments. If you put a sword with Sharpness I and Knockback I in it, and item with Sharpness or Knockback will be matched. Finally, a way to dispose of all of those items with Bane of Arthropods!
You can end conveyors with an Item Collector:
Any items that bump into them will be placed into adjacent chests. It understands sided inventories (like furnaces), too. Unlike Item Routers, they will never drop into the world.
What if you want to sort liquids? Well, the Liquid Router has that covered:
Behaves like the Item Router. Works with BC pipes and TE liquiducts. Should work with most tanks and tank-like machines. To sort, place a container of the liquid you want in the matching slot - i.e. a bucket of water in the red slot will make water go to the red side.
Next up, we have the Fisher:
The fisher must be placed over at least 3x3x1 of water, so that the bottom face of the fisher is touching the center water tile. It will then slowly produce fish.
There's also a block breaker:
Pretty much every mod has one of these, this is just around for save compatibility more than anything. That and people that like conveyor belts I guess.
The Weather Collector can generate water from rain or snowballs from snow:
It does nothing in a desert. There's no rain there, what did you expect? It's most intended for people playing with mods that disable infinite water.
The sludge from earlier? It goes into a Sludge Boiler:
Which will slowly turn it into sand, dirt, and clay (and very rarely soulsand). If you have ExtraBiomesXL installed, it will also produce cracked sand and quicksand occasionally. Warning: standing next to an active sludge boiler may be hazardous to your health.
Sewage goes into a composter:
Which produces Fertilizer items.
Ever have the feeling that there just isn't enough lava in the world? The Lava Fabricator has your back:
There's also an Oil Fabricator for those of you who feel the urge to pollute as much as possible:
588kMJ/B (+12kMJ to refine it to fuel, which is worth 600kMJ/B). This thing is very slow due to the immense energy draw, so be patient.
Mob essence (and a ton of power) goes into an Auto-Enchanter:
Which will install a random enchantment onto whatever is inside of it (it uses the same algorithm the standard enchanting table does). It has its own GUI as well:
Allowing you to adjust the target level. Energy/Mob Essence cost to enchant is roughly (level^4) - low levels are cheap, 30 is gonna take a while.
The Auto-Enchanter can be used to take a second (and more) pass at enchanting items, but note that the cost goes up extremely fast relative to the number of enchantments already on the item!
As a new feature, you can "enchant" empty bottles and it will generate XP bottles. You can also drink mob essence with the straw to gain a level. If you want to get mob essence from your levels, use an XP extractor:
You can now go the other way around too, with an Auto-Disenchanter:
This machine has two input and two output slots. Enchanted items and books are placed in the inputs. When it completes, it will remove one enchantment at random from the item and install it on the book. The item will then be damaged - if this would destroy the tool, it will be lost.
Top/bottom are input, sides are output. If you're using an inventory management mod (like MFR) that understands 1.5's sided inventory system, you don't need to worry about the books and items getting mixed up, the machine will automatically filter them.
Finally, there's an Auto-Anvil too:
It acts much like a vanilla anvil, but it cannot rename items.
If you aren't happy with which mobs you have, you can use an Auto-Spawner instead:
It has a single slot which must be programmed with a safari net. However, whichever mob is in the net will be spawned. Spawning mobs requires mob essence and (a lot of) power.
The Auto-Spawner has an exact mode. When this is active, the mob contained in the safari net will be duplicated exactly, including things like villager trade data, sheep wool color, etc. However, inventory is not duplicated to prevent abuse. Exact mode requires more time, power, and essence.
Do you have too much cobble? Now you can put it in a Deep Storage Unit:
This thing holds up to two billion of whatever you put inside it. The GUI looks like this:
You can change which sides connect to the IN slots vs the OUT slots, as well as manipulate what it contains. It will attempt to keep a full stack of its stored items in the output slots, and if the item is stackable, will leave one in each of the two input slots so that it's automatically filtered when connected to pipes/tubes/whatever (two input slots so that a stack of 64 can fit in one go). In addition, if you break it, it will remember its contents.
There is a config option to enable a cheaper recipe, if the requirement of ender pearls seems too expensive for what it does.
MFR also has the autocrafter to end all autocrafters, the LiquiCrafter:
It has a crazy GUI that looks like this:
Here I am using it to make IC2 coolant cells. It works like the following:
It also understands damagable items - you can use it to mass-produce RP2 microblocks! You just need to put a saw in the resources section.
Sides are input (resources), top/bottom are output (output slot).
If you're still confused, I suggest you watch Wylker's 2.1 video above.
Do you have problems with multiple equivalent ores? Try the Unifier:
It has two slots, in (top) and out (bottom). It will attempt to turn anything in the top slot into the first Ore Dictionary entry for that item. For example, you can use this on a Mystcraft Dense Ores age to turn TE, IC2, RP2, Forestry, etc coppers into just one copper. You can tell it up to 9 items to prefer to unify to in the Preferences grid. It can also convert MFR biofuel and Forestry ethanol to each other.
If you need more ores, try the Laser Drill:
Which also needs a Laser Drill Precharger (or 4):
To use this, first, dig a hole to bedrock. Place the drill over the hole. Place 1-4 prechargers facing the drill but one block away from it. When you supply power to the prechargers, the main drill will begin mining and will produce ores out of its top face.
To get a pink slimeball, you need to kill a pink slime. You get pink slimes by placing a bucket of pink slime from the slaughterhouse in the world.
The Laser Drill also comes with Laser Focus items:
(one per color)
These bias the drill towards certain ores. For example, red makes redstone more likely. Which is which is up to the player to figure out.
Once you have your ores, try the Block Smasher:
This is an in-inventory processing system that will act like a Fortune pick on whatever is sent into it. You can configure the fortune level from 0-3. Levels 1 and above require mob essence to run.
Do you like potions? Try the Auto-Brewer:
Its GUI looks like this:
Set the slots under "Type" to the ingredients you want to add. Then place resources in the resources section and water bottles in the Potion slot. It will process row-by-row. The Auto-Brewer is sideless; any side can be used to extract completed potions or invalid ingredients and add new ingredients and water bottles.
Got too many saplings and seeds? Shove them into a BioReactor:
The GUI looks like this:
The top 9 slots are input, and the next row of 9 are the internal buffer. Each internal slot must have a distinct type of plant - anything the Planter understands is acceptable fuel. The more types of saplings and seeds (etc) you add, the more fuel it generates per item available, so it's preferable to have many kinds of things to put it in it. It generates BioFuel, which is sent to a BioFuel Generator:
Which produces BuildCraft energy. If you want IC2 or UE output, use Power Converters.
Is your factory not pretty enough? Try stained glass:
Makes both panes and blocks, and available in all 16 colors. Note that due to how minecraft's rendering works, water and ice behind stained glass will be invisible. I cannot fix this. Take this into account when building colorful glass walls in waterfalls.
New in 2.2, vanilla glass panes and MFR glass panes will connect to each other. This feature requires overwriting the vanilla glass pane block to work - if another mod does that for some reason, only one will work. If you disable the vanilla glass pane overwrite in the config, they will not connect.
Have you ever wanted to automate playing records? No? Well too bad, you get the Auto Jukebox anyway:
The GUI looks like this:
The top slot is accessible on all six sides by pipes (etc). If the top slot contains a record, a rising redstone edge will cause it to begin playing that record. If the top slot is empty, a rising redstone edge will cause it to stop playback.
The GUI has buttons for play (needs a record) and stop. It also has a record button. To use that, you put a record in the top slot and a blank record in the bottom slot. It will duplicate the record into the blank record.
You can make Blank Records like this:
Are you tired of your Ice Fortress Of Solitude melting because you wanted to see things? Try our new, unmelting ice:
This ice does not melt in the presence of light sources and will not create water sources when broken (but you still need silk touch to move it). Note that this requires overwriting the vanilla ice block to work - if another mod does that for some reason, only one will work. if you disable the vanilla ice overwrite in the config, unmelting ice will be unavailable.
Want to use ice to make your roads slippery but are tired of farming ice? Well, now there's actual roads:
These are slippery like ice but look more like, well, roads. If you want to light up your paths, consider road lights:
They will provide light when powered with redstone. If you'd prefer to not have to deal with redstone torches, grab an inverted road light:
Inverted lights can be turned back into normal ones the same way.
There's also a bunch of decorative brick types:
The glowstone bricks emit light.
There's also blackstone and whitestone (for white, replace the ink with sugar):
You can also craft mossy cobble now:
There's a Spyglass, for reading coordinates of blocks when doing complex builds:
A ruler, for reading distances:
And a Straw, which allows you to drink various liquids found in the world. Warning: drinking some liquids may be bad for your health.
And even Vine Scaffolding, to make building large structures easier:
Hold RMB to stack them on each other. Breaking the bottom one will collapse the entire scaffold.
When placed, it will connect to any block it thinks it should. As of this writing, this is any any vanilla block with redstone properties, and any mod block at all. It contains 16 "subnets" that are chosen by rightclicking on the little color band that appears on a connected face with a hammer. You can also use dyes to rotate directly to a color (without consuming the dye). In this way, you can have multiple subnets within the same block by, for example, placing 3 levers around a cable.
RedNet cable carries analog singal levels (with a -1 penalty at the entrance for redstone dust only). A signal strength of 8 at an input will be 8 at the output no matter how far away it is.
Note for server owners: due to the cable not having any visual updates and not linking to vanilla (inert) building materials, this form of cabling is vastly more CPU and network efficient than certain other forms of redstone cable.
Next up is the Programmable RedNet Controller. You first need a PRC Housing:
Which you can use as a decroative block, or further craft into the PRC itself:
I could write a ton of words about this thing. So I did. There's an in-game manual you should check out:
What this thing actually is is a collection of logic circuits. It comes with space for six. The (very complex, admittedly) GUI looks like this:
"Prev" and "Next" cycle between pages of circuits. "Reinitialize" (which requires two clicks to confirm) will de-program the PRC and eject all expansion cards it contains (see below). To set up a circuit, click on it. You will then get a set of buttons to connect the inputs and outputs of that circuit. These can be connected to I/O (RedNet cables on each face), variables, constants (input only) or null (outputs only). As an example:
This PRC is configured for a 1-second timer (square wave), which is output to the "white" subnet of the RedNet cable connected to its east face. It would be very difficult to list every circuit here - you'll have to wait until I can get a wiki deal going. In the meantime, the vast majority of them are standard EE components like JK flipflops. Note that, like the cable, the PRC is an analog device - you can add and subtract signal values. If a strange value enters a RedNet cable, it will be clamped between 0 and 15 when it reaches an output that doesn't know about the RedNet API.
Again, if you've read this and have no idea what I just said, read the in-game manual. It has pretty complete walkthroughs on how do some neat things with just one PRC and some cables and associated parts.
The PRC can accept up to six upgrade cards, which come in 3 flavors:
Each card grants additional circuit pages and additional variables.
There's also a PRC memory card:
When used on a PRC, this will copy its program. Using it on another PRC while it carries a program will install that program on the target PRC. The target must have at least as much space as the source did. To clear it, place it in a crafting grid by itself.
There's a RedNet meter, too:
This will measure all values in a RedNet cable, as well as read out the values of all variables in a PRC.
If you like graphs, try the RedNet Historian:
This is somewhat of a WIP, but I wanted to release what I had. Right now, it can display a graph of redstone power over time on any RedNet subnet (change with dye - it doesn't visually reflect the selected channel yet).
For the musically inclined, there is the RedNote:
A RedNet value from 0-120 will trigger a note. Vanilla note blocks have 5 sets of 24 notes (one set per each of 5 'instruments'); in RedNote they are all available in sequence. Every other redstone transition will cause it to play a note. For fun, try a sine wave.
Passenger rails (lapis, blue) and cargo rails (chests, red) allow you to automatically load and unload people/cargo. Passenger rails grab anyone nearby and do their best to drop them in a safe location, and cargo rails interact with adjacent inventories.
Passenger rail effective radius can be controlled from the config file.
Additional information available at the Technic Wiki. Note that some recipes may be shown for TE mode.
2.6.4 for Minecraft 1.5.1/1.5.2
Show your love for MFR:
MFR has an API to allow you to add your own plants, animals, and other such things to its machines. Javadocs are provided for most everything, I think (if not, yell at me). The list of supported things you can do is:
It's here! Finally, a way to wrangle all those power systems into one central location. PowerConverters understands IC2, BuildCraft, UniversalElectricity, and Railcraft steam.
2.x is a total rewrite. The secondary machines can now be found in MFR instead. The GeoMk2 is gone (its functionality became part of IC2 itself long ago); the Water Strainer has been replaced by the Liquid Router. The power-generating aspect of the Water Strainer is at least temporarily gone. I'm looking into some way of dealing with that in the future, but nothing yet. My apologies if you were relying on that.
allaryin made a video about the 2.1/2.2 changes:
allaryin made a video about PowerConverters:
RedstoneNightmare covered this mod, too:
And Wylker:
This will be the center of your conversion system. Put it somewhere. Next, pick one or more of the various mod systems below. You'll need at least one 'consumer' and one 'producer'. Put them adjacent to the bridge. You'll get a GUI like this:
At the top, "INPUT LIMITED" or "OUTPUT LIMITED" will tell you if you're drawing more than you're inputting, or vice-versa, respectively. Each row describes one face of the bridge, and lists the following data:
Note that producer/consumer blocks' faces will change when a connection is detected.
There is also a universal charger as of 2.1:
This links to chests (anything with an inventory, really) and can charge items inside of those chests. It understands both IC2 and UE items. It can also charge items in the player's inventory if the player stands on it.
All recipes shown are for consumers; to get a producer, just put the consumer in a crafting grid (the reverse also works to get consumers back).
Power systems:
BC consumer/producers are available if either BC or TE are installed.
Due to Factorization oddness, you must place PowerConverters blocks after the Factorization blocks.
IC2 MV consumer:
IC2 HV consumer:
IC2 EV consumer:
IC2 EV consumers have no upper limit on input pulse size, so they'll accept nonstandard wiring like GregTech superconductors just fine (though finding a way to output all that power might be difficult). EV producers output 2048EU. All IC2 producers will output a single pulse per tick of their specified voltage, but this can be increased in the config.
Steam consumers/producers can be throttled in the config file if desired. Remember, ThermalExpansion Liquiducts are by far the most effiicent system for liquid transport.
In newer versions you need a battery instead of a battery box. Try both if you're confused.
UE 60V consumer:
UE 120V consumer:
UE 240V consumer:
UE 480V consumer:
Note that UE's own "Watt" is power/second, and the bridge displays power/tick. There is a factor of 20 difference between them. This is not a bug.
So, inverting those (and adding a x10 to get rid of most of the decimals), we get the ratios as follows:
Now, it's entirely possible to find another mod with different ratios that when combined with PowerConverters will cause a positive feedback loop (i.e. infinite energy). UE in particular has some rather weird default ratios that basically guarantee this can happen. I will not treat this as a bug - if you don't want it to happen, change the numbers (see below). If you manage to cause an infinite energy scenario using just my stuff though that's definitely a bug, tell me.
If you think they're too good, or you think one of the power systems is too weak compared to the others, or you want to add a deliberate loss during conversion, just go to the config. You can change the input and output multipliers for all four power systems individually.
These values are applied as such:
outputQuantity = inputQuantity * inputScale / outputScale
So if you had 100 MJ to convert to EU, you'd get 100 * 4375 / 1800 = 243.05 (or probably 224 in reality, due to EU pulse rules).
2.3.1 for Minecraft 1.5.1/1.5.2
Ores in the Nether! Coal, diamond, gold, iron, lapis, redstone, tin, copper, emerald, silver, lead, uranium, and nikolite. Non-vanilla ores only spawn if a mod that uses them exists. All nether ores turn into their surface counterparts in a furnace - some (like redstone or coal) may need to be smacked with a pick or macerated to be made useful.
New in 2.x is the return of the not-bizarrely-bright texture, new ores, and way more config options! Now you can control how often nether ores spawn on a per-ore basis!
2.1.5 for Minecraft 1.5.2
Requires PowerCrystals Core above to function.
Yes, you can do this with superflat customization, and there's a few other mods, but this is simpler than the customize dialog (especially for servers) and doesn't need any base class edits. I don't expect this will be especially popular but hey if I'm using it myself why not make it available for download anyway?
Only takes effect during world generation, so it will only affect new chunks.
There's no picture because seriously, it's just flat bedrock. No config file either because what on earth are you going to configure?
1.1.1 for Minecraft 1.5.1/1.5.2
Requires PowerCrystals Core (above).
Works on servers too.
Other Stuff
MC 1.4 builds
PC Core 1.0.3 (build 34)
MFR 2.3.2 (build 287)
Power Converters 2.2.2 (build 30)
Nether Ores 2.0.6 (build 33)
Flat Bedrock 1.0.3 (build 16)
License (all mods)
Free for non-commercial use. You are free to include any of my mods in any modpacks or server-specific packs without needing to ask permission (but it'd be nice to hear if you do!), provided something either in the download or on your site lists me as the creator. You are also free to produce Bukkit ports. A link to this thread would be nice for any of the above, but that's all I ask.
You also have implied permission to build mods that depend on PowerCrystalsCore, if you want some of the functionality in there.
Source Code
I have a GitHub account! Feel free to check out how my stuff is programmed for your curiosity or even your own use, or just follow to see when I post bugfixes so you can laugh at how bad I am at programming. You may not claim source code from here wholesale as your own; if you're in doubt, just ask me.
Beta Builds
I use a Jenkins system for builds. This means you can, if you want, use a pre-release build. These are not supported. Do not include betas in modpacks. Side effects may include:
Betas are tagged as "#.#.#B#" and release candidates as "#.#.#RC#". RCs should be safe from world corruption or other major breaking changes but may still be buggy.
If you've read all that and still want to try one, go here.
This thread mainly, obviously. Please do not PM me for support; I reserve the right to ignore any such PMs (stuff specific to one server, etc, that will never be relevant to another person is fine). And I can be found in #powercrystalsmods on EsperNet IRC if you're so inclined, I'm mostly only around in the evenings.
I don't really need the money, but some people have asked me to provide this, so here you go.
This was a pleasant surprise. Welcome back, PC.
... <3
Nice work btw.
I considered "MineFactory Revolutions" but that seemed too corny even by my standards. Now where's my omniwrench with hammer mode?
Check out my Let's Play Series:
A risk you run with every mod, really. I won't hold it against you if you think I'm going to be too unreliable to use this thing - but I assure you that after the amount of work I put into making this version 2.0 I plan to stick around for a while because if nothing else I want to see people actually enjoying the fruits of my labor. That's why I do this, after all. And hey, worst case, if I drop off the face of the earth again, at least if people have used it enough maybe other modders will want to incorporate the features into their own stuff as usually happens when old mods die. Besides, it's been maintained this whole time, it's not like it was gone until I showed up again right now.
What I'm saying is I understand, but you should totally use it anyway - it can only help you.
ps I actually remember you - hi!
Edit: It looks like it's not just the planter that's doing it. The harvester is as well.
Edit2: Actually, it seems unrelated to the overdrawing. They both seem to leak BC power.
no more having 2 different kinds of steel xD
By the way, great job with all the mod compatibility. I can finally have a fully automated flax farm
Also power converters coming back to development? Ugh, I am going to die from the extreme happiness.
That's certainly weird.
e: do standard BC pipes do this?
Any IInventory instance is (this means yes).
I plan to. I do have a day job so I can't work as fast as I used to, though.
Uhhh. Well, I'll have to change that to just be an IInventory param instead. Good job me. I'll fix that tonight.
Patience is gold. Also the good thing takes time. And finally, there is no point in doing anything if it just gives you a headache XD Its just really nice to see you back
You can always make him give you more cookies to take them back if that happens
So glad you are back PC. Happy new year indeed!
Stryker did an awesome job making sure we always had updates for all 3 of your mods (especially for 1.4.6 since we all whined and begged and pleaded but did not offer cookies) but the old girl (MFRnot Stryker) really needed to be modernized and 2.0 looks like it is going to be even better.
Word to the wise, make sure you convert your MFR steel into IC2 refined iron before you upgrade or you will lose it.