Perhaps no thirst bar but gives a slight speed and strength buff and fills a bit of hunger because if I'm not mistaken (correct me if I am) but I think drinking fills up hunger in real life a little bit too
Man, the one day I don't check the forum there's a load of posts
More uses for mushrooms (or new ones altogether) is definitely something we're gonna look at doing, one of our main aims in this mod is to make some of the stuff you find in vanilla minecraft that little bit more useful
More drinks is already something we're working on; with a name like mine I could hardly leave out coffee could I? I don't think we'll be adding a thirst bar though, I think a lot of players would find that a bit annoying to put up with. We'll still look into making our mod compatible with the other thirst bar mod that was mentioned though, that way people who do want to play that way can still choose to
There's a lot of other good ideas here as well, I'll make sure to take them all into consideration! We really appreciate all the suggestions you give, we're not the biggest mod in the world but I think we have some of the best fans
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Coder for Still Hungry! - Please support our mod NEWBIE CODERS:
Having trouble learning to mod? PM me with your problem and I'll try to help you figure things out
Man, the one day I don't check the forum there's a load of posts
More uses for mushrooms (or new ones altogether) is definitely something we're gonna look at doing, one of our main aims in this mod is to make some of the stuff you find in vanilla minecraft that little bit more useful
More drinks is already something we're working on; with a name like mine I could hardly leave out coffee could I? I don't think we'll be adding a thirst bar though, I think a lot of players would find that a bit annoying to put up with. We'll still look into making our mod compatible with the other thirst bar mod that was mentioned though, that way people who do want to play that way can still choose to
There's a lot of other good ideas here as well, I'll make sure to take them all into consideration! We really appreciate all the suggestions you give, we're not the biggest mod in the world but I think we have some of the best fans
Not to mention adding a thirst bar would make it incompatible with the existing thirst mod.(Which I use) Maybe it could be possible to add some support for it though?
Not to mention adding a thirst bar would make it incompatible with the existing thirst mod.(Which I use) Maybe it could be possible to add some support for it though?
I've just PM'd the guy that wrote the thirst bar mod to see if that's possible, if it is I'll definitely try to get that added
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Coder for Still Hungry! - Please support our mod NEWBIE CODERS:
Having trouble learning to mod? PM me with your problem and I'll try to help you figure things out
an idea you could add to this mod is a cutting board and a kitchen knife to cut up a few items such as Apples to make 6 apple slices, bread for 4 sandwich slices (which would make more sense then using 2 loaves of bread and whatever meat) and food such as tortillas using flour and water in a crafting table which makes dough, then taking the mix to the frying pan and then add any meat and said tortilla to make a quesadilla
an idea you could add to this mod is a cutting board and a kitchen knife to cut up a few items such as Apples to make 6 apple slices, bread for 4 sandwich slices (which would make more sense then using 2 loaves of bread and whatever meat) and food such as tortillas using flour and water in a crafting table which makes dough, then taking the mix to the frying pan and then add any meat and said tortilla to make a quesadilla
Kinda like this idea I'm definitely toying with the idea of adding more complexity and steps to the recipes so there's a bit more variety, as it stands once you've got a stove and a frying pan you're pretty much set xD
EDIT: oops, forgot to respond to the other message :'D
ehehe - I still need to get this compatible with Biomes O plenty xDD and while we are at it Jammy's Furniture Mod is also pretty popular not to mention things like Redpower 2 IndustrialCraft2 and EquivalentExchange3 xDD though I don't use the last 3 mentioned.
Oh and Mo creatures - also pretty popular. Possibly some of the drops of Mo'cReatures mobs can be included in your own recipes.
I just saw that you added the BoP issue I mentioned as a current bug/incompatibility - I mentioned one conflict but there might be more conflicts as BoP adds a sh*tload of blocks to the game - so I'd look into all of its IDs for more conflicts. The mod provides a configfile so you can easily check the conflicting IDs
Well I just gave the IDs for that Jammy Furniture mod a quick look over, no conflicts there I think, so they should work fine together. The other 3 are all in Feed the Beast, which i've tested out with our mod, so they definitely work I do want to add some compatibility features though, like EMC values so that our items can be used in conjunction with Equivalent Exchange, rather than just alongside it.
I did think about using Mo' Creatures drops in recipes, but my only problem with that idea would be that people who didn't want to use Mo' Creatures would be missing out on some of the content, which doesn't really seem fair D: If I can figure out a good way of doing it though, yeah, that's something I might add
and yeah, I'll have a look at the config for biomes o' plenty, I've been wanting to try it out anyway, may as well do something productive while I'm at it
Coder for Still Hungry! - Please support our mod NEWBIE CODERS:
Having trouble learning to mod? PM me with your problem and I'll try to help you figure things out
we should bare in mind that we would need to set up communications between different mods and get permissions to use things in different mods. All sounds kind of troublesome if you ask me, mo'creatures doesnt add much food we can mess with as it is, and as a popular mod you can bet that the developers get a lot of pms as it is, and some people also tend to ignore pms because they get so many.
I admit it would be pretty cool to add new meats for their animals and recipes you can make, but I don't see it happening, the creator has already said they didn't want mo'creatures included in mod packs.
Ah, yeah, that's something that's worth mentioning: if the OP of a mod doesn't mention there being any kind of modding API or open source code or something (as unfortunately seems to be the case for Mo' Creatures), it's VERY unlikely that we'll be able to make our mod interact with theirs like that, unless we worked directly with the modder. I'd love to have stuff like that but in a lot of cases it's just not feasible
So yeah, don't hold your breath for Mo' Creatures integration, if the guy doesn't want people using his mod in modpacks I really doubt he'd be open to letting me poke around in his code xD
Coder for Still Hungry! - Please support our mod NEWBIE CODERS:
Having trouble learning to mod? PM me with your problem and I'll try to help you figure things out
Wow! looks like an awesome mod! downloading for sure. An idea, maybe add grapefruit?
Possibly More fruit is something we're definitely working on
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Coder for Still Hungry! - Please support our mod NEWBIE CODERS:
Having trouble learning to mod? PM me with your problem and I'll try to help you figure things out
Do you think you could add lemons to make Lemonade, Cooked Chicken with Lemon Juice, and with limes you can make Lemon and Lime soda.
Nice ideas
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Coder for Still Hungry! - Please support our mod NEWBIE CODERS:
Having trouble learning to mod? PM me with your problem and I'll try to help you figure things out
I cannot, for the life of me, get this to work with Technic. I get the dreaded white screen when I use it as a custom pack DL url, but when i put it into the mods folder for technic directly, it does not work either. I may be stupid, so please tell me what the heck im doing wrong! lol
I cannot, for the life of me, get this to work with Technic. I get the dreaded white screen when I use it as a custom pack DL url, but when i put it into the mods folder for technic directly, it does not work either. I may be stupid, so please tell me what the heck im doing wrong! lol
Okay, this is my bad =_= I haven't played technic for a long time (I much prefer FTB xD), so I assumed that they had been keeping up with Minecraft updates, that apparently isn't the case :/ So yeah, as it turns out this isn't going to be compatible with Technic until it updates to 1.4, sorry for misleading you D:
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Coder for Still Hungry! - Please support our mod NEWBIE CODERS:
Having trouble learning to mod? PM me with your problem and I'll try to help you figure things out
More uses for mushrooms (or new ones altogether) is definitely something we're gonna look at doing, one of our main aims in this mod is to make some of the stuff you find in vanilla minecraft that little bit more useful
More drinks is already something we're working on; with a name like mine I could hardly leave out coffee could I?
There's a lot of other good ideas here as well, I'll make sure to take them all into consideration! We really appreciate all the suggestions you give, we're not the biggest mod in the world but I think we have some of the best fans
Having trouble learning to mod? PM me with your problem and I'll try to help you figure things out
Not to mention adding a thirst bar would make it incompatible with the existing thirst mod.(Which I use) Maybe it could be possible to add some support for it though?
Think I will be on here often? Haha no.
I've just PM'd the guy that wrote the thirst bar mod to see if that's possible, if it is I'll definitely try to get that added
Having trouble learning to mod? PM me with your problem and I'll try to help you figure things out
Kinda like this idea
EDIT: oops, forgot to respond to the other message :'D
Well I just gave the IDs for that Jammy Furniture mod a quick look over, no conflicts there I think, so they should work fine together. The other 3 are all in Feed the Beast, which i've tested out with our mod, so they definitely work
I did think about using Mo' Creatures drops in recipes, but my only problem with that idea would be that people who didn't want to use Mo' Creatures would be missing out on some of the content, which doesn't really seem fair D: If I can figure out a good way of doing it though, yeah, that's something I might add
and yeah, I'll have a look at the config for biomes o' plenty, I've been wanting to try it out anyway, may as well do something productive while I'm at it
Having trouble learning to mod? PM me with your problem and I'll try to help you figure things out
Ah, yeah, that's something that's worth mentioning: if the OP of a mod doesn't mention there being any kind of modding API or open source code or something (as unfortunately seems to be the case for Mo' Creatures), it's VERY unlikely that we'll be able to make our mod interact with theirs like that, unless we worked directly with the modder. I'd love to have stuff like that but in a lot of cases it's just not feasible
So yeah, don't hold your breath for Mo' Creatures integration, if the guy doesn't want people using his mod in modpacks I really doubt he'd be open to letting me poke around in his code xD
Having trouble learning to mod? PM me with your problem and I'll try to help you figure things out
Having trouble learning to mod? PM me with your problem and I'll try to help you figure things out
Think I will be on here often? Haha no.
But I'm having trouble making oil.
- - -
- sugar-
- bottle -
Because it's not working for me :c
Can't make rice either. The sugar is giving me a difficult time. >:c
I love you.
Nice ideas
Having trouble learning to mod? PM me with your problem and I'll try to help you figure things out
What about this idea?
Think I will be on here often? Haha no.
Okay, this is my bad =_= I haven't played technic for a long time (I much prefer FTB xD), so I assumed that they had been keeping up with Minecraft updates, that apparently isn't the case :/ So yeah, as it turns out this isn't going to be compatible with Technic until it updates to 1.4, sorry for misleading you D:
Having trouble learning to mod? PM me with your problem and I'll try to help you figure things out