Hey guys, this is my first mod that took me a while to make, before you get bored of reading text, here's a picture of the ores.
If you would like to download the mod, the links are at the bottom. All the ores will add these items: Tools(Pickaxe,hoe, etc.), Armor(Helmet,chestplate, etc.) Blocks(Block of (Ore), (Ore) Ore). The recipes are the same for any other tool, armor or block of. Here is how you get the material,
Ender Ore, Drops crystal
Sapphire Ore: Drops gem
Uranium Ore: Smelt ore
Citrine Ore: Smelt ore
Manganese Ore: Drops gem
Ruby Ore: Drops ruby
Hopefully you guys like this mod. Also, I could use some people who can make some good textures so yeah. Here are the download links
Nice mod, just had a lot of fun with it . Pretty good for your first mod. Here's some tips though: I think the sapphire block looks a little to dark and i think you should make them have to have a higher quality pickaxe to mine (i dont think its right that all the ores can be mined with a wooden pickaxe). Diamond to you sir:
Uranium Ore as Armor?
BTW, there are lots of mods like this, which alll add only new ores+Armor/StorageBlocks/Tools made from this ores!
If you would like to download the mod, the links are at the bottom. All the ores will add these items: Tools(Pickaxe,hoe, etc.), Armor(Helmet,chestplate, etc.) Blocks(Block of (Ore), (Ore) Ore). The recipes are the same for any other tool, armor or block of. Here is how you get the material,
Ender Ore, Drops crystal
Sapphire Ore: Drops gem
Uranium Ore: Smelt ore
Citrine Ore: Smelt ore
Manganese Ore: Drops gem
Ruby Ore: Drops ruby
Hopefully you guys like this mod. Also, I could use some people who can make some good textures so yeah. Here are the download links
The Actual Mod
My Youtube Channel