I think I read somewhere that Xycraft uses something like that. Each brick/block is a transparent texture laid over the specific color.
Yea I did have a look at that but unfortunately it's closed source so I can't really see how they do it exactly. I know it's done with custom block renderers though which is something I'll have to get my head around if I do decide to go that way
Jeff, you might want to talk to the ExtrabIomesXL (http://www.minecraft...rabiomesxl-390/) people, since they have an API and you could selectively place stone to match some of their terrain. i.e., add colored sandstone in the highlands to add variety to their red rock.
Thanks for the suggestion. It just so happens that Scott Killen contacted me today about collaborating between the two mods so hopefully what you suggest will be a reality soon!
I don't know how Forestry does it, either, but I do know that the stairs made from the new Forestry wood planks can't be placed upside down, currently.
Haha now I'm sure they've done it some other way. I'm guessing having upside down stairs would be preferable to saving block IDs?
Thanks on the stairs request, it'll look great I'm sure. =D
Since we already have blocks you can grow things on, the Path of Least Resistance is probably to create a Silt block.
Silt, is a substance that is a bit like sand and a bit like Clay. It's hard to imagine clay as tiny (We see clay as clumpy stuff, usually) but clay is extremely tiny. If sand is, well, sand, then Silt is like dust. Silt tends to accumulate near waterways, like Clay. It would be technically accurate to have silt deposits near, lining, or beneath rivers. One of Silt's chief uses is the production of concrete. Though, adding a whole branch of tech maybe should be saved for a different pack, baking Silt to produce Concrete Blocks, isn't THAT far off.
1 Silt Block + 1 Clay Block + 1 Sand Block = 3 Dirt Blocks. This is a basic form of math; add together Sand, Silt and Clay and you get Loam. Separating them, though, is not so easy.
You might be able to produce any number of in-between soils based on different balances. Going half-and-half between the base types, gives you an easy 3 new blocks, but you could possibly use 3 elements to create even more variance. 1 Clay + 2 Silt = ?
it's important to note that most of the inside of the triangle, just functions like regular dirt. So, with the exception of the new Silt Block, you could easily 'clone' dirt and apply new colors and textures and get a wide variety of possible results. One catch - you'd also need to make just as many new types of Grass blocks, right?
Food for thought.
That sounds cool. I wonder how hard it would be to have a bunch of stuff that's designed to be used with some of the big tech mods like concrete etc. Even without that it could still be cool even if it's only for flavour. I suppose I would have to have new grass blocks as well but for a regular block I would be able to use the full metadata so it wouldn't use too many ID's. The main issue would be compatibility once again
Thanks for the suggestion. It just so happens that Scott Killen contacted me today about collaborating between the two mods so hopefully what you suggest will be a reality soon!
Awesome. Will definitely be checking back very frequently now.
Colored sands might be interesting, especially if they produce colored glass. Though the latter can get tricky, since so many mods add it. Re the sand itself, Bermuda is famous for pink sand, and Hawaii has black sand. Maybe black sand could replace normal where Red Power volcanos (basalt blocks) are near sand and water? Not sure about the pink, except perhaps the ocassional tropical island. ExtraBiomes has a few island biomes. Hmm.
Thanks for the suggestion. It just so happens that Scott Killen contacted me today about collaborating between the two mods so hopefully what you suggest will be a reality soon!
Probably because I posted the same suggestion in his thread. Glad to help.
Scott Killian posted the following in the ExtraBiomesXL Thread:
I have been speaking with Exterminator Jeff about his mod and he and I have gotten to know one another over the past few days. Our philosophies about the game and mod development mesh perfectly and we have decided to pool our efforts. Exterminator Jeff has agreed to team with me in designing and developing ExtrabiomesXL. He has great talent and I look forward to working with him!
Colored sands might be interesting, especially if they produce colored glass. Though the latter can get tricky, since so many mods add it. Re the sand itself, Bermuda is famous for pink sand, and Hawaii has black sand. Maybe black sand could replace normal where Red Power volcanos (basalt blocks) are near sand and water? Not sure about the pink, except perhaps the ocassional tropical island. ExtraBiomes has a few island biomes. Hmm.
Probably because I posted the same suggestion in his thread. Glad to help.
I hope you realise what posting that there has done! (In a good way!)
Scott Killian posted the following in the ExtraBiomesXL Thread:
I have been speaking with Exterminator Jeff about his mod and he and I have gotten to know one another over the past few days. Our philosophies about the game and mod development mesh perfectly and we have decided to pool our efforts. Exterminator Jeff has agreed to team with me in designing and developing ExtrabiomesXL. He has great talent and I look forward to working with him!
Please welcome Exterminator Jeff to the team!
Beat me to it!
So yeah I'm going to be working with Scott Killen on Extra Biomes XL v4 which will include integration of Underground Biomes into EBXL and just development in general! I am super excited about the possibilities of what we can do!
In the short term I will continue to release what I develop here until version 4 of EBXL is released.
Just FYI, I don't see the option to disable custom ore veins in the config.
Ah is that still somewhere in the description? I've actually disabled that for now as I wasn't happy with how it worked and there are other mods out there that do a better job. I know the description on the front page is a bit out of date but I tried to go through and fix stuff that was incorrect but I must have missed this
Scott Killian posted the following in the ExtraBiomesXL Thread:
I have been speaking with Exterminator Jeff about his mod and he and I have gotten to know one another over the past few days. Our philosophies about the game and mod development mesh perfectly and we have decided to pool our efforts. Exterminator Jeff has agreed to team with me in designing and developing ExtrabiomesXL. He has great talent and I look forward to working with him!
Please welcome Exterminator Jeff to the team!
I didn't mean to steal Jeff's thunder, but I am really excited!
Forgot to mention this, but over on the Sphax forums someone did give the textures for this mod a go. The link to the file is at the beginning in this post.
Forgot to mention this, but over on the Sphax forums someone did give the textures for this mod a go. The link to the file is at the beginning in this post.
I noticed this the other day and I like the progress that was made. Hopefully it hasn't been given up on! I tried last week to make a few sphax-like textures and failed miserably
How does compatibility with Custom Ore Generation work? I know to disable your ore generation. The issue is that COG wants to find smoothstone to place ores in -- which of your blocks is equivalent to smoothstone for placing ores?
(In regard to a mod that gives realistic animal genetics):
Would you really rather have bees that make diamonds and oil with magical genetic blocks?
... did I really ask that?
Wow, this looks amazing. Unfortunately, I just hit mid-game in a map I generated very recently, and I'm not keen enough on this mod to re-generate my world so soon, especially since I doubt your rocks will interface with Thaumcraft, neh? Still, I'll definitely pick it up next time I start up a new map.
Does anyone know if this mod works with FloatingRuins?
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GENERATION 26: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Am I supposed to get Bedrock veins? Right under the ~ layer 64?
Also, LOVE the mod, awesome job!
EDIT: And also giant sand veins?
Sand is supposed to but not bedrock! Are you using any other mods? I remember Millenaire supposedly made strange things happen with bedrock if you're using that?
How does compatibility with Custom Ore Generation work? I know to disable your ore generation. The issue is that COG wants to find smoothstone to place ores in -- which of your blocks is equivalent to smoothstone for placing ores?
I can never remember if this has been definitively answered but I think I remember someone saying it worked for them. This is supposed to do its generation after other mods so doesn't replace the stone right away. In practice though it's hard to know whether everything will work in the right order. If it does work please let me know!
Wow, this looks amazing. Unfortunately, I just hit mid-game in a map I generated very recently, and I'm not keen enough on this mod to re-generate my world so soon, especially since I doubt your rocks will interface with Thaumcraft, neh? Still, I'll definitely pick it up next time I start up a new map.
Does anyone know if this mod works with FloatingRuins?
Adding Thaumcraft compatibility is something I've been meaning to do but haven't got around to yet. I assume there is a way for other mods to interface with it.
Not sure about Floating Ruins but there's only one way to find out
Hey thanks for the mod! My only complaint is that ores all still have the same background stone texture. If you could add that in then this mod would be even awesome-er!
As for custom mod ores ( I run like 70 mods, yeah) you should add a way to let users give them custom textures. (You won't likely be able to retexture every modded ore ever yourself so you might as well let people do it themselves if they'd like.
oh also add an option to disable marble / disable redpower marble. However redpower marble is better (can be split into smaller parts)
Personally, I think redpower marble generation should be disabled and this mod's marble should be recplaced with redpower marble. (If the user installs redpower, that is)
Hi, I've enjoyed your mod. it's made my city building much more diverse/enjoyable. I would suggest adding back pockets of vanilla stone, if there isn't already (I couldn't find any). Some mods seem to depend on it's presence. In my case, Extra Bees for Forrestry seems to need it to generate stone beehives. Thanks for the work!
Sand is supposed to but not bedrock! Are you using any other mods? I remember Millenaire supposedly made strange things happen with bedrock if you're using that?
Yeah, I'm using Millenaire. And, I didn't think it important at the time, but the bedrock only appears on the generation of a village. How can I show logs so I can do some tests for you?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
“One arrow alone can be easily broken but many arrows are indestructible.” -Genghis Khan
Yea I did have a look at that but unfortunately it's closed source so I can't really see how they do it exactly. I know it's done with custom block renderers though which is something I'll have to get my head around if I do decide to go that way
Thanks for the suggestion. It just so happens that Scott Killen contacted me today about collaborating between the two mods so hopefully what you suggest will be a reality soon!
Haha now I'm sure they've done it some other way. I'm guessing having upside down stairs would be preferable to saving block IDs?
That sounds cool. I wonder how hard it would be to have a bunch of stuff that's designed to be used with some of the big tech mods like concrete etc. Even without that it could still be cool even if it's only for flavour. I suppose I would have to have new grass blocks as well but for a regular block I would be able to use the full metadata so it wouldn't use too many ID's. The main issue would be compatibility once again
Awesome. Will definitely be checking back very frequently now.
I have some big news about it! I'll wait until I hear back from Scott before letting everyone know
Probably because I posted the same suggestion in his thread. Glad to help.
I have been speaking with Exterminator Jeff about his mod and he and I have gotten to know one another over the past few days. Our philosophies about the game and mod development mesh perfectly and we have decided to pool our efforts. Exterminator Jeff has agreed to team with me in designing and developing ExtrabiomesXL. He has great talent and I look forward to working with him!
Please welcome Exterminator Jeff to the team!
I hope you realise what posting that there has done! (In a good way!)
Beat me to it!
So yeah I'm going to be working with Scott Killen on Extra Biomes XL v4 which will include integration of Underground Biomes into EBXL and just development in general! I am super excited about the possibilities of what we can do!
In the short term I will continue to release what I develop here until version 4 of EBXL is released.
Ah is that still somewhere in the description? I've actually disabled that for now as I wasn't happy with how it worked and there are other mods out there that do a better job. I know the description on the front page is a bit out of date but I tried to go through and fix stuff that was incorrect but I must have missed this
I didn't mean to steal Jeff's thunder, but I am really excited!
It was more official sounding coming from you first so it was probably best that way
I noticed this the other day and I like the progress that was made. Hopefully it hasn't been given up on! I tried last week to make a few sphax-like textures and failed miserably
Also, LOVE the mod, awesome job!
EDIT: And also giant sand veins?
“One arrow alone can be easily broken but many arrows are indestructible.” -Genghis Khan
How does compatibility with Custom Ore Generation work? I know to disable your ore generation. The issue is that COG wants to find smoothstone to place ores in -- which of your blocks is equivalent to smoothstone for placing ores?
* Promoting this week: Captive Minecraft 4, Winter Realm. Aka: Vertical Vanilla Viewing. Clicky!
* My channel with Mystcraft, and general Minecraft Let's Plays: http://www.youtube.com/user/Keybounce.
* See all my video series: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/minecraft-editions/minecraft-editions-show-your/2865421-keybounces-list-of-creation-threads
(In regard to a mod that gives realistic animal genetics):
Would you really rather have bees that make diamonds and oil with magical genetic blocks?
... did I really ask that?
Does anyone know if this mod works with FloatingRuins?
Sand is supposed to but not bedrock! Are you using any other mods? I remember Millenaire supposedly made strange things happen with bedrock if you're using that?
I can never remember if this has been definitively answered but I think I remember someone saying it worked for them. This is supposed to do its generation after other mods so doesn't replace the stone right away. In practice though it's hard to know whether everything will work in the right order. If it does work please let me know!
Adding Thaumcraft compatibility is something I've been meaning to do but haven't got around to yet. I assume there is a way for other mods to interface with it.
Not sure about Floating Ruins but there's only one way to find out
Ah damn I must have line up the texture wrong! I'll fix that for the next update
As for custom mod ores ( I run like 70 mods, yeah) you should add a way to let users give them custom textures. (You won't likely be able to retexture every modded ore ever yourself so you might as well let people do it themselves if they'd like.
oh also add an option to disable marble / disable redpower marble. However redpower marble is better (can be split into smaller parts)
Personally, I think redpower marble generation should be disabled and this mod's marble should be recplaced with redpower marble. (If the user installs redpower, that is)
Yeah, I'm using Millenaire. And, I didn't think it important at the time, but the bedrock only appears on the generation of a village. How can I show logs so I can do some tests for you?
“One arrow alone can be easily broken but many arrows are indestructible.” -Genghis Khan