The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Hi, I'm creating a modpack for some friends and was wondering if I could use yours. It would be a hidden pack on the technic launcher and I would give credit.
I am currently making a modded MCPC+ server (in case you or anyone else doesn't know, it's a hybrid Bukkit/Forge server) and I've been having trouble letting the outside world see it. So, I have 3 questions:
1) Can this work on pre-made servers?
2) If it can, can other people log onto it without having all the mods required?
I am currently making a modded MCPC+ server (in case you or anyone else doesn't know, it's a hybrid Bukkit/Forge server) and I've been having trouble letting the outside world see it. So, I have 3 questions:
1) Can this work on pre-made servers?
2) If it can, can other people log onto it without having all the mods required?
3) Can the mod also handle Bukkit plugins?
this mod is not needed for multiplayer it is client side only servers can not use it because this mod makes servers there for if you want to use this in say a modpack then you just have it in the client side of the modpack and the server side wouldn't have it.
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Project Silver Space:
System Admin
If you mess with me you better be prepared to run fast
I really do hope that you will update this to 1.6.2 because this has to be the most amazing mod that I've ever used. Sure, I love other mods. They add things like new blocks and items or allow me to use different mechanics or alter the game. However, this mod makes the game for me. It allows me to skip the step of setting up a server, and it's a lot easier than a server. I mean... A server isn't that hard, but this mod makes things flow well. It's really convenient. If there is ANY mod that I would like to see as a part of Minecraft itself, I would nominate this mod.
Even if you choose not to continue it, thank you for the past good times!
I really do hope that you will update this to 1.6.2 because this has to be the most amazing mod that I've ever used. Sure, I love other mods. They add things like new blocks and items or allow me to use different mechanics or alter the game. However, this mod makes the game for me. It allows me to skip the step of setting up a server, and it's a lot easier than a server. I mean... A server isn't that hard, but this mod makes things flow well. It's really convenient. If there is ANY mod that I would like to see as a part of Minecraft itself, I would nominate this mod.
Even if you choose not to continue it, thank you for the past good times!
I will definitely be updating it, I get off my vacation around mid-August (August 17th is my birthday! :D) So I will start working on the 1.6.2 version by then. Thanks for the feedback, you are awesome!
I will definitely be updating it, I get off my vacation around mid-August (August 17th is my birthday! ) So I will start working on the 1.6.2 version by then. Thanks for the feedback, you are awesome!
3 more weeks and I will start to work on it. Hope you can be patient! xD
Three weeks? I have to use a server for THREE WEEKS?! That's unbearable! Haha.
Well, I hope that you're enjoying your vacation. Can't wait for you to come back though!
While I do understand your on vacation and what not, any chance you could make/update the mod for setting the port? I can wait for everything else, I just need to be able to set what port it uses, it's such a hassle constantly having to tell people the new port. I hope I'm not asking for too much, just need that one feature of setting the port. Found out about this mod just before 1.6.2 and fell in love with it, but sadly did not have time to enjoy it for long.
i need abit of help getting this mod to work.( i really want to get this working) i tried both installers and pritty much every thing to get it to work.also i read and followed the instructions to install to the letter. please help. the lan server options are not showing up in the multiplayer options and i dont know what to do. please help.also i am trying to get this to work for my 1.4.5 and best forge version for it aswell.
I can see what you see not, vision milky then eyes rot.When you turn they will be gone, whispering there hidden song.Then you see what can not be, shadows move where a light should be.Out of darkness, out of mind, cast down into the halls of the blind.
Amazing freaking mod, I have never enjoyed minecraft so much before. Me and my best bud play together with all the mods we want and its awesome. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, hit me up with a personal message! I am building a strict RPG mod pack, so far ive gotten pretty stable with about 70+ mods! And i mean STABLE! If you want to join up and stuff PM me.
I can see what you see not, vision milky then eyes rot.When you turn they will be gone, whispering there hidden song.Then you see what can not be, shadows move where a light should be.Out of darkness, out of mind, cast down into the halls of the blind.
Guys, of course I prefer this mod, but while we are waiting for the mod author to update this mod we can simply use the BetterLan mod (go to and go to betterlan downloads to get the dev 1.6 build), which allows you to use bukkit plugins in single player. (Similar to bukkitforge but better).
hey yo, i was using this mod just fine til my friend quit playing with me. then i got my bro to buy minecraft and we are using this with 1.5.2 forge version. im using the same IP address that i port forwarded. and its telling me error make sure you have a correct IP address entered, any ideas? could this be because i have evolve installed?
I am currently making a modded MCPC+ server (in case you or anyone else doesn't know, it's a hybrid Bukkit/Forge server) and I've been having trouble letting the outside world see it. So, I have 3 questions:
1) Can this work on pre-made servers?
2) If it can, can other people log onto it without having all the mods required?
3) Can the mod also handle Bukkit plugins?
Beren Elendil
this mod is not needed for multiplayer it is client side only servers can not use it because this mod makes servers there for if you want to use this in say a modpack then you just have it in the client side of the modpack and the server side wouldn't have it.
Even if you choose not to continue it, thank you for the past good times!
I will definitely be updating it, I get off my vacation around mid-August (August 17th is my birthday! :D) So I will start working on the 1.6.2 version by then. Thanks for the feedback, you are awesome!
3 more weeks and I will start to work on it. Hope you can be patient! xD
Three weeks? I have to use a server for THREE WEEKS?! That's unbearable! Haha.
Well, I hope that you're enjoying your vacation. Can't wait for you to come back though!
i figured it out but now i cant change ip address any ideas?
i got it to work but when someone near me tries to join they get this,
Internal Received string length longer than maximum allowed (20 > 16)
also i cant get the more detailed options for the lan server sch as player max and such.
I like CyanogenMod 13 and coding for my phone.. Yep. That's all.