java.lang.IllegalStateException: Function is not supported
at org.lwjgl.BufferChecks.checkFunctionAddress(
at org.lwjgl.opengl.GL20.glDrawBuffers(
at shadersmodcore.client.Shaders.setupFrameBuffer(
at shadersmodcore.client.Shaders.resize(
at shadersmodcore.client.Shaders.init(
at shadersmodcore.client.Shaders.beginRender(
at net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer.func_78471_a(
at net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer.func_78480_b(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:101)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(
A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
-- Head --
at org.lwjgl.BufferChecks.checkFunctionAddress(
at org.lwjgl.opengl.GL20.glDrawBuffers(
at shadersmodcore.client.Shaders.setupFrameBuffer(
at shadersmodcore.client.Shaders.resize(
at shadersmodcore.client.Shaders.init(
at shadersmodcore.client.Shaders.beginRender(
at net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer.func_78471_a(
OpenGL: Mesa DRI Intel(R) G33 x86/MMX/SSE2 GL version 1.4 Mesa 9.1.7, Intel Open Source Technology Center
I could be way off base but just to get some info flowing.. If I understand correctly, that GL version is really low. Maybe too low. I don't know the GL version requirements for most Shaderpacks. Did you try any of the made-for-Intel Shaderpacks? Sildur's has one.
at org.lwjgl.opengl.GL20.glDrawBuffers(
(I'm also wondering if your other mods run independently of Shaders or vice versa, the Shaders Mod runs alone. Did you just throw them all together at once? Is it actually just a Shader problem? There's a modded support thread too.)
I didn't know shaders allocated memory outside of Java, so that's why I was having the crashes from running out of ram. There could be support for multi-core processing, it's just that no one has added it (Optifine has, but it's super glitchy looking and I don't think anyone knows why). I am certainly not running on HD graphics, I'm running a GTX 670, and I expected these shaders to be at least a little more optimized. I get 60 FPS from Crysis 3, and then I go to a stuttering shader mod that works fine on other computers but apparently not mine. (Really crazy question though, could it be possible that shaders force my computer to use the HD card in my processor? I have a motherboard with a weird addon so it's certainly possible)
I didn't know shaders allocated memory outside of Java, so that's why I was having the crashes from running out of ram. There could be support for multi-core processing, it's just that no one has added it (Optifine has, but it's super glitchy looking and I don't think anyone knows why). I am certainly not running on HD graphics, I'm running a GTX 670, and I expected these shaders to be at least a little more optimized. I get 60 FPS from Crysis 3, and then I go to a stuttering shader mod that works fine on other computers but apparently not mine. (Really crazy question though, could it be possible that shaders force my computer to use the HD card in my processor? I have a motherboard with a weird addon so it's certainly possible)
There is a possibility that MC is using the Intel HD Graphics instead of the GTX 670.
If you have LucidLogix Virtu or nVidia Optimus that is.
You'd have to go into the nVidia Control Panel, and to Programs. Create a profile for: minecraft.exe/java.exe/javaw.exe and force all 3 of them to use the nVidia GPU as the default. Of course, if you use another launcher, it is likely you will have to create a profile for it as well.
I've got 129 mods loaded with a 64x resource pack. I can get away with using 3GB of RAM to MC, and having 1GB / 6GB / 13GB of RAM leftover for Windows + GLSL. Even on my son's small system, it works just fine (on his 650ti).
These shaders run in real-time. Which means there is no pre-processing, it's all post-processing. After the screen is rendered, multiple passes are made to calculate shadows / reflections / clouds / etc etc etc. It's extremely taxing on a system. When the devs are coding all of this stuff into Crysis (for example) they are using $10,000+ machines with 24-32 Core CPUs (dual-cpu hyperthreaded), 32GB of RAM, and Quadro K6000 video cards.
That's excluding if they run nV Tesla cards for CUDA computations :P. Which makes me wonder.. The video card does all of the displaying, is it also doing the computations? I think Karyonix said that the CPU does the passes, the video card puts it all together and just renders the image... Something about the PCIe bandwidth.... I can't remember. I have no idea if it is even possible to code OpenCL or CUDA in GLSL. I mean, we're talking about a Java project that got blown wayyyyy out of proportions to become what Minecraft is today :P!
I could be way off base but just to get some info flowing.. If I understand correctly, that GL version is really low. Maybe too low. I don't know the GL version requirements for most Shaderpacks. Did you try any of the made-for-Intel Shaderpacks? Sildur's has one.
at org.lwjgl.opengl.GL20.glDrawBuffers(
(I'm also wondering if your other mods run independently of Shaders or vice versa, the Shaders Mod runs alone. Did you just throw them all together at once? Is it actually just a Shader problem? There's a modded support thread too.)
It worked before.3 times in fact.Yeah I know the OpenGL is low,the mod warned me when I first ran it(without mods) It worked 2 times with mods,I don't see why it wouldn't work this time.Anyway,I gave up,I switched to resourse packs that change almost the same things as shaders.
It worked before.3 times in fact.Yeah I know the OpenGL is low,the mod warned me when I first ran it(without mods) It worked 2 times with mods,I don't see why it wouldn't work this time.Anyway,I gave up,I switched to resourse packs that change almost the same things as shaders.
You may have changed your driver from closed source driver to open source driver which has lower features.
I have a Lucid Logix Virtu motherboard and I'm trying turning it off. I got sick of the software messing with things, but I never disabled it in the BIOS, which is an option. If it helps any, I'm using the Yogscast Complete pack. Are there any known incompatibilities with the mods in that pack? I would list the mods, but there are over 200. I know that Modular Powersuits causes issues, but I disabled the shaders in its config file and it works again. (It was a black screen with them enabled, and with them disabled these shaders work)
Hey Karyonix, I've asked this question before, but I figured I'd do it again. Do you have any idea how to get the lightmap that SUES assembled in composite to be affected by night vision? Night vision affects this code in terrain.fsh:
However putting that code anywhere in composite causes weird flickering screen glitches, similar to a screenshot I saw of a Maxwell water issue. If you know anything about this please share, I've been trying to get Fullbright to work with SUES for months.
I found a few bugs, water at any angle (except flat) is not reflective,blocks out of your pov are not loaded and do not have a shadow and TNT explosions only have their shader effect with a background of blocks but not emptyness
Hey Karyonix, I've asked this question before, but I figured I'd do it again. Do you have any idea how to get the lightmap that SUES assembled in composite to be affected by night vision? Night vision affects this code in terrain.fsh:
However putting that code anywhere in composite causes weird flickering screen glitches, similar to a screenshot I saw of a Maxwell water issue. If you know anything about this please share, I've been trying to get Fullbright to work with SUES for months.
There is no lightmap and lmcoord in composite.
SEUS does not use the usual lightmap for years. Some old version (v10RC5) even requires a special lightmap made for it. If you use the default lightmap it does not work. More recent versions just alleviate that issue by bypassing the lightmap, so it run fine even when the CPU send the default lightmap instead of special SEUS lightmap.
When you add a different lightmap logic to SEUS, you are not just tweaking some multiplier constant. Expect some difficulty.
The value that gbuffers* program read from lightmap can be saved in a buffer (by writing to gl_FragData[ ]) and read back in composite (from gcolor/gdepth/gnormal etc.).
Study other shaderpack that use lightmap.
ShadersMod v2.3.28 Forge Edition for Minecraft 1.7.10 source code link
Developing environment
- Extract forge src to forge folder. Run "gradlew setupDecompWorkspace setupDevWorkspace" until it succeeded, then "gradlew build", then "gradlew eclipse".
- Delete everything in src\main\java folder inside forge folder.
- Extract smc-2.3.28-mc1.7.10-src.7z to src\main folder.
- Read patch file shadersmod-mcf.patch
- Open %userprofile%\.gradle folder. Search for forgeSrc-*-sources.jar, select the version you want, and extract it somewhere.
-- Select files that need to be patched and copy them to src\main\java with correct folder structure.
- Apply patch shadersmod-mcf.patch
- In eclipse, add java_dev folder as another source folder.
- In eclipse, exclude InitNames in src folder from build path. Use InitNames in java_dev folder instead.
- Open %userprofile%\.gradle folder. Search for forge-*-userdev.jar, select version, and extract conf\*.csv and conf\*.srg in it to forge\conf and rename packaged.srg to joined.srg.
I don't want to sound pushy or anything, I was just wondering if I could get a guess at how long it will be before 1.8 shaders support AMD Catalyst. Thanks!
GLSL Shaders Mod (alpha version) v2.4.3 Non-Forge Edition Installer for Minecraft 1.8 (2014-12-14)
For testing.
- Not compatible with Optifine,FML,Forge.
- Minecraft 1.8 is required. It must be installed before you install this mod.
Warning : This is work-in-progress. It is not complete.
Backup your save game before running or run it only with test-world.
The jar file is installer. Double-click in Windows Explorer to run the installer.
Don't use "Open with..." command in Windows Explorer. It will not work.
Alternatively, run it from command-line java -jar path\filename.jar.
After installation, open Minecraft Launcher and play with the 1.8-ShadersMod profile.
There should be "Shaders..." button in Option screen.
- Fixed strange lines appear on some block types with SEUS-v10.1. (L shaped on AMD, diagonal on NVIDIA)
Known issue
- Chunks outside of view have no shadow. There is sunlight in cave.
- Player/animal/mob model may become darken or black or invisible. sign and chest too.
- Player/animal/mob does not flash red when hurt.
- Bed has wrong entityData and has wave.
nothing works :/ just tried V2.4.3 and the mobs/chests and signs blacked out, with some shaders the sky went black. i don't know why this isn't compatible i have the alienware x51 with geforce drivers.
Oh btw,this is the line which my specs are in:
OpenGL: Mesa DRI Intel(R) G33 x86/MMX/SSE2 GL version 1.4 Mesa 9.1.7, Intel Open Source Technology Center
I could be way off base but just to get some info flowing.. If I understand correctly, that GL version is really low. Maybe too low. I don't know the GL version requirements for most Shaderpacks. Did you try any of the made-for-Intel Shaderpacks? Sildur's has one.
(I'm also wondering if your other mods run independently of Shaders or vice versa, the Shaders Mod runs alone. Did you just throw them all together at once? Is it actually just a Shader problem? There's a modded support thread too.)
There is a possibility that MC is using the Intel HD Graphics instead of the GTX 670.
If you have LucidLogix Virtu or nVidia Optimus that is.
You'd have to go into the nVidia Control Panel, and to Programs. Create a profile for: minecraft.exe/java.exe/javaw.exe and force all 3 of them to use the nVidia GPU as the default. Of course, if you use another launcher, it is likely you will have to create a profile for it as well.
I've got 129 mods loaded with a 64x resource pack. I can get away with using 3GB of RAM to MC, and having 1GB / 6GB / 13GB of RAM leftover for Windows + GLSL. Even on my son's small system, it works just fine (on his 650ti).
These shaders run in real-time. Which means there is no pre-processing, it's all post-processing. After the screen is rendered, multiple passes are made to calculate shadows / reflections / clouds / etc etc etc. It's extremely taxing on a system. When the devs are coding all of this stuff into Crysis (for example) they are using $10,000+ machines with 24-32 Core CPUs (dual-cpu hyperthreaded), 32GB of RAM, and Quadro K6000 video cards.
That's excluding if they run nV Tesla cards for CUDA computations :P. Which makes me wonder.. The video card does all of the displaying, is it also doing the computations? I think Karyonix said that the CPU does the passes, the video card puts it all together and just renders the image... Something about the PCIe bandwidth.... I can't remember. I have no idea if it is even possible to code OpenCL or CUDA in GLSL. I mean, we're talking about a Java project that got blown wayyyyy out of proportions to become what Minecraft is today :P!
It worked before.3 times in fact.Yeah I know the OpenGL is low,the mod warned me when I first ran it(without mods) It worked 2 times with mods,I don't see why it wouldn't work this time.Anyway,I gave up,I switched to resourse packs that change almost the same things as shaders.
You may have changed your driver from closed source driver to open source driver which has lower features.
However putting that code anywhere in composite causes weird flickering screen glitches, similar to a screenshot I saw of a Maxwell water issue. If you know anything about this please share, I've been trying to get Fullbright to work with SUES for months.
I think you're just unfamiliar with board practice. Check out what the other Shaderpack authors have done. Roughly like this:
Make a new post starting a thread in the "Minecraft Mods" section including:
Edit and update the first post in your new thread as needed.
Edit: This info will help you too. [BB]
Edit2: Oh, it's done. Not sure when.
There is no lightmap and lmcoord in composite.
SEUS does not use the usual lightmap for years. Some old version (v10RC5) even requires a special lightmap made for it. If you use the default lightmap it does not work. More recent versions just alleviate that issue by bypassing the lightmap, so it run fine even when the CPU send the default lightmap instead of special SEUS lightmap.
When you add a different lightmap logic to SEUS, you are not just tweaking some multiplier constant. Expect some difficulty.
The value that gbuffers* program read from lightmap can be saved in a buffer (by writing to gl_FragData[ ]) and read back in composite (from gcolor/gdepth/gnormal etc.).
Study other shaderpack that use lightmap.
Developing environment
- Extract forge src to forge folder. Run "gradlew setupDecompWorkspace setupDevWorkspace" until it succeeded, then "gradlew build", then "gradlew eclipse".
- Delete everything in src\main\java folder inside forge folder.
- Extract smc-2.3.28-mc1.7.10-src.7z to src\main folder.
- Read patch file shadersmod-mcf.patch
- Open %userprofile%\.gradle folder. Search for forgeSrc-*-sources.jar, select the version you want, and extract it somewhere.
-- Select files that need to be patched and copy them to src\main\java with correct folder structure.
- Apply patch shadersmod-mcf.patch
- In eclipse, add java_dev folder as another source folder.
- In eclipse, exclude InitNames in src folder from build path. Use InitNames in java_dev folder instead.
- Open %userprofile%\.gradle folder. Search for forge-*-userdev.jar, select version, and extract conf\*.csv and conf\*.srg in it to forge\conf and rename packaged.srg to joined.srg.
For testing.
- Not compatible with Optifine,FML,Forge.
- Minecraft 1.8 is required. It must be installed before you install this mod.
Warning : This is work-in-progress. It is not complete.
Backup your save game before running or run it only with test-world.
Download : download page 1
The jar file is installer. Double-click in Windows Explorer to run the installer.
Don't use "Open with..." command in Windows Explorer. It will not work.
Alternatively, run it from command-line java -jar path\filename.jar.
After installation, open Minecraft Launcher and play with the 1.8-ShadersMod profile.
There should be "Shaders..." button in Option screen.
- Fixed strange lines appear on some block types with SEUS-v10.1. (L shaped on AMD, diagonal on NVIDIA)
Known issue
- Chunks outside of view have no shadow. There is sunlight in cave.
- Player/animal/mob model may become darken or black or invisible. sign and chest too.
- Player/animal/mob does not flash red when hurt.
- Bed has wrong entityData and has wave.
really? you are asking how to use a mod for a server? You don't get shaders working with realms. You have to get it working with minecraft first.