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If that was possible, why would this feature exist xD All mods do not follow the same modeling standards, and all mobs are not rendered the same size, also, bounding box information is rarely accurate. From my testing, prediction of mob size may work ok for vanilla mobs, but caused wildly inaccurate results with mods, so this feature was never developed.
Press period "." and select "Change Skin". The WoW-like dragon skin is already on there
Press period and make sure you dont have pop offs disabled. Also, the server must be running the mod for it to function in SMP.
Nevermind I got it to work however, it only worked with the plugin linked above by Ur_anakha not the one on the main page
I wasn't aware there was a bukkit plugin on the OP for version 1.5.2(Until now).
~The player icon doesn't match with the "wow like" Inspiration Skin
~On multiplayer, Players aren't showing damage on the health bar
Thats about it, If you could fix that, THAT WOULD BE GREAT!
What do you mean?
Not a bug... please read the giant bolded underlined words in my original post...
This happens when you receive a new health update for a mob before you have actually loaded that entity. You can fix this by relogging. The bukkit version doesn't send occasional update packets like the forge version does.
What plugin are you using to edit the mob's max health if you don't mind me asking? Because you're farther than me with Monster Apocolypse, it still displays zombies as having a max of 20 no matter what.
Yes, this is known.
I am currently working on adding a feature to sync up the max health values, as well as the current health values server to client. If you would like, you can test an experimental version of the plugin here.
Client and server is the same download. Bukkit plugin is only if you run a bukkit server.
This happens when the initial health packet is received before you actually load the entity, usually lag induced, inflicting any damage with sync it up. Occasional update packets will be added to the bukkit plugin in the future.
This is to help minimize server strain as well as bandwidth utilization of the plugin.
Edit: The next release of damage indicators will address this by caching the packet information if the entity is not yet loaded, and is then reprocessed at a later time.
Added entity information caching to reduce the occurrence of incorrect entity information being displayed at the time the entity is visible.
If you didnt notice, update is out.
I have couple more very important (for me=) suggestions.
I already ask you about some permissions, but now I want to tell you about some details and try to explain why its so important (sorry for my english, btw)
So. Your mod is awesome. But, if I want to use it on my server, I have to accept all damage to server-balance, which some elements of this mod can bring:
1) Potions effects. - no one will fight, when enemy have Strength or Regeneration effect.
2) Pop-up damage visible through the objects - its a kind of a cheat, if you know where your enemy are, by some numbers, visible through the walls
So. It would be nice, to have opportunity to configure this things on server side, or (which much better) control it with pemissions.
something like
"damageindicatror.potion" -player can see others players effect
"damageindicator.seethrough" - player can see pop-up damage through the objects (no matter what client-side config teels, on sever only player with this perm can see through the objects)
Thats pretty much it. I think many server admins have same thoughts.
thank you for a great mod!
In a few days I will have some free time to start developing some features that have been accumulating on my list, and all your suggestions are on it in one form or another.
In a previous version, I disabled popoffs if you cannot physically see the entity, however, this was hated by the community and was quickly removed, mostly because minecraft is really terrible at knowing whether you can see a mob or not, fences or glass block will cause the check to return a false, even tho you actually can see them. I will re-add this feature as a server specific setting, but quite a bit will need to be developed, currently, there is no client-server communication of settings, nor is there a permission system implemented, so it's not that your request is being ignored.