Harken Scythe: Reap -What- You Sow *Biomass Blocks and Adjustments*[V2.1.6 UPD: MAY 14]
Poll: How are you enjoying the new Axe Augment: Decapitate?
Ended May 15, 2014
Poll: HOw is the Defiled Flame Residue Adjustment working out?
Ended May 15, 2014
Poll: What feature are you waiting for the most?
Ended May 15, 2014
What is Bio Armor you ask? Here are a few examples:
1. Bio Booster Armor Guyver: -->
2. Legend of Legia: Ra seru.
3. Bio Armor
4. Prototype: And this is the hybrid between Livingmetal and Biomass- Tormented Armor.
I hope this gives you the direction I am going for, that with Bio mass the player is wearing a living Organism that craves blood to heal.
I'm just a wanderer.....
I would like to have a special texture for Livingmetal aswell, but not sure what it would look like (Atm using the generic Minecraft armor).
I'm just a wanderer.....
I even don't know how to change my skin...
I'm just a wanderer.....
Now Livingmetal Blocks have a 2 block range, and will heal any living creature that is near randomly. Placing many livingmetal blocks in a close area allow faster recovery.
*Random idea: Wonder if I should provide a way to craft a Livingmetal Anvil, which is the same functions but a reduced price in exp cost*
and....mind to give me a list of what all the new enchantments do(too lazy to check them one by one)?
I'm just a wanderer.....
Anvil would be Livingmetal Block x 3, Livingmetal ingot x 4. = 155 souls... lol
As I said, its an idea
The Augments are listed in the 2nd post of the OP. However the new ones.
-Exude: Blood Altar Armor
--General: 4% Chance per rank to reduce poison/wither damage per tick by 100% (64% cap)
--Ranks: 4
-Hemorrhage: Blood Altar Bow
--General: Applies Poison effect which lasts 5/10/15 seconds to Living bleed-able targets.
--Ranks: 3
-Afterlife: Soul Altar Axe
--General: 10/20/30% on target death to create an Mob Egg of its type.
--Ranks: 3
-Enchanted Book: Both altars
--General: Random Augment is applied to a Book..
--Ranks: 1 - 4
and for the anvil,maybe you apply the self-repairing on the anvil?(a anvil last almost forever....)
but it should be impossible/superb hard to code....(I guess
I'm just a wanderer.....
That is what I was going for with the anvil. Self repairing (won't break so fast like the normal one does) and maybe less exp needed for tasks, since the metal is laced with soul energizes.
Yes, placing a Book into the Altar allows a random Augment to be placed on the book, created an Enchanted book for Anvil usage.
The type of augments depends on which Altar you use.
1.5.1 HarkenScythe_v2.0.2 Released: Livingmetal updated.
-Imbue Iron Ingots into Livingmetal Ingots with the Soul Altar: Costs 5 souls.
-Livingmetal Equipment and Armor repairs itself each time the player gathers souls with a Keeper or Vessel.
--Repair Amounts are based on the type of soul gathered.
---Soul Common: Repairs 2 Durability
---Soul Grieving: Repairs 2 Durabilty
---Soul Culled: Repairs 10 Durabilty
---Soul Wrathful: Repairs 100 Durabilty
-Livingmetal Blocks restores any living creatures health by 1/2 heart within two blocks per 3 secs.
-Crafting a Livingmetal Block requires 9 Livingmetal Ingots.
Hmmm... very interesting, I may have to play around with that when I start the anvil project.
I am thinking with a bit of recolor, this would be good for the livingmetal Armor texture...
1.1.4 Does not have Blood feature in it.
2.0.0, Right click with an essence keeper or essence vessel on large pools of blood.