Harken Scythe: Reap -What- You Sow *Biomass Blocks and Adjustments*[V2.1.6 UPD: MAY 14]
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Ended May 15, 2014
I like this idea, hmm... but its still the issue of Auto-regen gets out of sync with the server. I'll play around with it and see what happens.
@the 1.4.7 Download, sorry I had this link removed due to it being way out of date (Content and Minecraft Version, I'll place a link in a sec to it for you). ---> http://adf.ly/HH17p <----
Also could make the jar of blood throwable so you can cover mobs in blood throwing the mob into a rage increasing it's HP, power, whatever and drops two souls.
EDIT: i'm also kind of complaining here, but can you possibly add the blood content to the first post. Had it not been for NEI I wouldn't have known about the blood system(aside from it being buried in posts. Not a big deal, but it would draw more ppl to DL it i'm sure.
There will be a "Blood Plant", which is how you collect biomass. Here is the Process...
1. create a substance called "Creep", which is crafted from Rotten Flesh, spider Eyes, and something else.
2. Place creep on soulsand, at which it turns into a "Creep Block" and can spread slowly much like Grass on dirt.
3. Use the Glaive to piece a hole in the "Creep Block", this process is like using a Hoe on dirt.
4. Craft a "Pulsing Netherwart" by placing a Netherwart in the Blood Altar. The "Pulsing Netherwart" is the seed of growing Biomass, and is used to tamed ReAnimated Minions.
5. Plant the "Pulsing Netherwart" into the tiled "Creep Block".
6. Either wait for the mass to fully grow into Biomass, or pour blood on it by using a Bloodkeeper/Vessel. This acts as bonemeal.
7. Harvest the Biomass like normal for 1 Biomass or with a scythe to gain 2.
Finally to Inform everyone, after talking to my GF (I always seek wisdom when I am stuck between tough choices XD). The following will be how the Equipment works.
Tier 1 Equipment and armor: (Livingmetal and Biomass). -Helps players to continue to gather resource for other items.
-Upon Gathering Souls or Blood via with Keeper or Vessel, the correct themed Equipment/Armor will repair its durability based on the quality of the soul.
-Long as the Item is in the players inventory or is equipped, it will be repaired.
-Common Soul Repairs 2 Durability
-Grieving Soul Repairs 2 Durability
-Culled Soul Repairs 10 Durability
-Boss Soul Repairs 100 Durability
*I'll balance this more once I get feedback from you guys, after you try it out *
red Blood Repairs 1 Durability
Green Blood Repairs 2 Durability
Purple Blood Repairs 3 Durability
*I'll balance this more once I get feedback from you guys, after you try it out *
Tier 2 Equipment and Armor (Tormented). -Player should at this point have extra resource to spend, since the materials for crafting costs so high.
-Upon Soul Feasting or Blood Drinking, the correct themed Equipment/Armor will repair itself 1 durability.
-Long as the Item is in the players inventory or is equipped, it will be repaired.
Tier 3 Equipment And Armor (N/A Name). -Think of this as Soul Edge or devouring items.
-By right clicking on the Soul or Blood resource with desired Equipment or Armor in hand, allows the item to be powered up! This gear continues to grow in offense and Defense (Its capped).
Edit: Livingmetal Armor and Equipment is 100% Finished. Do you guys want me to update Harken Scythe now, or wait till Biomass Armor and Equipment is finished?
Just touching up Livingmetal Block, figuring out what to do with it XD
I'm just a wanderer.....
I'm just a wanderer.....