They don't switch what ID to go to If you change it in the config.
and one more thing. if it does, i can say one thing. its says there are two copies of divine RPG. one DivineRPG.jar and i dont think i remember other one :/ and some other times it just freezes right at the end of the part you try and login and it says "Updating Minecraft" Please can i have some help
P.S what version is it for thank you alot if you reply
We are releasing the 1.4.4 version very shortly. Delete old versions when playing the new one.
Sure I have the divine prg mod, the pre historic mod, the twilight forest mod, minecraft forge, NEI and code chicken core, render player API, Coro AI, weather and tonadoes, and tropicraft.
Will the update still work with 1.4.2? I still have 4 mods that haven't updated yet.
We will keep a download for previous versions starting this update.
As hologuard said, since the new update will be version 1.1 final. All the others were basically a public betas
Final as in final beta or final as in it's completed and everything else from here on out is an expansion?
Final as final version of DivineRPG 1.1, the next update will be DivineRPG 1.2
I do hope NEI updates too, but if i recall, TMI added the recipe function to it, correct me if I am wrong.
Thank you
Note, impatience will just be ignored.
Thats the only reason im still awake. What is the time in whatever country they are in?
I want to know the answer to this also.