I've released the source code for the mod (LINK) for those who want to create a fix.
I already gave someone the permission to make a hotfix for it, so stay tuned.
Updated Core (1.6.4) from 2.0.6 to 2.0.6a. Check the Changelogs!
and also, 1.7.2 update.
Updated Core, Cellar, Fishtrap, and Rice (1.7.2) from 2.1.0 to 2.1.0a. Check the Changelogs!
Released a 1.7.10 version. Same mod version numbers (since its still 1.7). Nothing is actually changed lol.
Growthcraft is a mod for Minecraft which aims to improve the agricultural or farming aspect of the game. Improvements added by the game include but are not limited to addition of unique crops and fun ingame-hobbies.
Enjoy the mods!
P.S. Pls use the adf.ly links, i'll be using them to buy tf2 hats, ktnxbai.
These download links contain every mod. If you don't want all of them and only want a few, you can view the respective mod's spoiler tag below for individual download links.
The following download links contains uncompiled/unobfuscated versions of the API.
Download it here: 1.7.10 TBA 1.7.2 TBA 1.6.4Dropbox
Updates will be done when I feel they're very necessary (like severe/game-breaking bugs).
NOTE: Backup your config files every update so you can transfer the old IDs from your old ones to the newly generated ones This way you can avoid strange things happening in your world.
The Growthcraft wiki contains all sorts of information about the mod. Post here, in this thread if you need further clarifications. LINK
A little note though, don't bother sending membership request on the wiki. I wont accept it. It is easier to manage the wiki if I have full control over it. If you want something to be changed, you can post here instead.
Manual is abandoned in favor of the wiki posted above. This is an archive for 1.5.2.
The manual contains all sorts of information about the modpack. It is recommended to view/read it first before playing with the mods to avoid firsthand confusion!
Last Manual Update: June 22, 2013
View it here: Scribd || GoogleDocs
The Mod Support Manual Update will contain information regarding stuff from other mods (like ThaumCraft, Forestry, MineFactory Reloaded, and etc.) and how the contents of GrowthCraft work with them.
Last Mod Support Manual Update: xxxxx
View it here: xxx
Growthcraft Core is a mod which acts as a central hub for the other mods. It will provide of resources needed in common by two or more Growthcraft mods.
GrowthCraft Flowers gives another way to farm roses and dandelions (other than using bone meal all-over the lawn). In addition to this, it also adds another flower for the magenta dye which can spread lily pads to its vicinity.
Terms regarding file hosting:
Only minecraftforum.net is able to host any of these materials without the author's consent. You can just simply ask the author to allow you to host it in your website or distribute it.
Terms regarding addition to modpacks: NO ONE is allowed to add any of these mods in a modpack without the author's permission. If allowed, the modpack must not gain any revenue (AdFly is allowed) with these mods included. The author must also be given proper credits. You are also required to send the author a link to the modpack's site/thread.
Since the author is prone to inactivity, the mods can be freely included in any modpack provided that the author is credited.
Terms regarding texture packs:
Go on. You're free. We all love you texture pack creators.
Failing to follow said terms will instantly make you a worthless piece of dust. The author will also wish for you to rot in hell or get your soul eaten by Dante.
Thank you.
Q: Can I add your mods in my modpack? A: Read the CopyRight section above.
Q: Can I upload/host your mods in my/another site? A: Read the CopyRight section above.
Q: How to...? A: Read the Manual provided above.
Q: Can you upload the source files? A: Publicly, no. Send me a private message me if you want to know something in the code (ie. how do dis, how do dat).
Q: Where do you get the ideas for these mods? A: I get the ideas randomly. Sometimes they just appear in my brain and I then think "that's a really good idea!". Sometimes, the ideas come from games. For example, the hops (and the grapes). I got the idea of it from Stronghold Kingdoms.
Q: I have an idea for a mod which really fits the theme of your mods. What should I do? A: You can create them if you know how to mod/Java. But if you don't want to then you're free to submit/post it in this thread and I'll see to it if it's really really good.
Q: Hey! You copied this mod! A: Orly.
Q: Any modder you drew inspiration from? A: Probably Nandonalt, I really liked his/her mods. Too bad hes's/she's not around anymore to update them.
Q: Before MineCraft, have you modded any games? A: Blizzard's StarCraft (personally, I didn't have internet connection way back then) and WarCraft III (since 2008, ended by the end of 2011; was mainly a 3D artist).
Show your support for the mod and at the same time advertising it by putting these banners in your signature!
That is one of the purposes of the mod (the other, to add additional aesthetics/flora to the world), to make it easier to find.
Also, it doesn't make sense that it is the only farm-able plant that isn't found "naturally" in the surface. (Wheat from Tall Grass, Pumpkins from patches, Cocoa from jungle trees, Potato and Carrots from villages, Reeds and Cacti from...everywhere?).
Thanks for the offer (?)!
But I suggest waiting for the completion of the other two mods (first release of the Flower mod tomorrow) before making videos because, as of now, the mods are still small.
Flower Propagation is released
Also, new mod titles/banners (but still no thread banner :C)
The mod allows vanilla flowers (roses and dandelions) to grow into a "bush". These "bushes", when broken, drops two flowers instead of one.
The flowers have 12.5 % of growing to a bush every tick.
Additionally, you can also craft/combine a rose flower and a dandelion flowerto create one Orange Flower which works the same as the other flowers (can be crafted into orange dyes, grow into bushes, etc.)
Shapeless Recipe
Minecraft Version : 1.3.2 Mod Version : 1.0
Block IDs : 151, 152, 153, 154 Item IDs : None.
Overrides : aez.class
Incompatabilities : None known.
A fully grown flower garden. From top-left clockwise movement, Dandelion Bush, Rose Bush, Orange Flower Bush, Orange Flower, Rose, Dandelion.
Thanks dszklarz!
It wasn't compatible with the Statues & More mod because of an blockID conflict. His/Her mod is using the blockID 140 which was used by this mod's apple block. To fix it, I changed mine to 150.
Update for Apple Gen. released!
October 7, 2012 Bugfixes
- Fixed death/destroy sound (Stone -> Leaf)
- Fixed planting bugs (where you can't plant apples on man-placed leaves; where you can still plant apples even though there is already an apple planted)
ID Changes
- BlockAppleFruit : 140 ->150
(Yes, it will destroy your current apples (blocks))
October 29, 2012
Changed version string (1.3.2 to 1.1)
(Actually, 1.0 works with 1.4.2)
October 29, 2012
Updated to 1.4.2
October 29, 2012
Updated to 1.4.2
New (Useless) Feature
- You can now use shears to the bushes to get the block.
(It'll get its use once I know how to make them plant-able to flower pots)
Oh and yeah, Lily Pad farming is in progress now .
And also, once again experimenting with the Fishnet mod.
Oh and yeah, I still need someone to teach me how to make custom block models/renders.
Fishnet released btw
Thanks to GSValore for helping in fixing the code
Who doesn't want to be lazy?
The mod adds a new block, the Fish Net.
If placed on a location surrounded by water (except the bottom part), it will store a raw fish randomly overtime (50% chance per tick). 64 raw fish is the maximum amount of fish stored in one Fish Net (because there is only one inventory slot).
The disadvantage of using this is that, unlike fishing rods and furnaces, you will not get any experience.
Love these mods. Awesome ideas. If you ever remove the base class file edits and make your mods function from the /mods folder I will definitely give them a go. Thanks for sharing them with the community.
I have yet to see someone do something useful with lilypads. personally I would love to grow them somehow. Even if we have to till dirt underwater and plant seeds? lol crazy idea... but take it if you like it.
Work with Forge/FML or ML...
Edit: Wow I missed your apple idea... great way to use the cocobean growth idea.
I would download everything but the fishnets (I like my beef).
ps. what is moss? lol are you talking about the stuff on swamp and jungle trees? that stuff is a weed already! ;p
I've released the source code for the mod (LINK) for those who want to create a fix.
I already gave someone the permission to make a hotfix for it, so stay tuned.

Updated Core (1.6.4) from 2.0.6 to 2.0.6a. Check the Changelogs!
and also, 1.7.2 update.
Updated Core, Cellar, Fishtrap, and Rice (1.7.2) from 2.1.0 to 2.1.0a. Check the Changelogs!
Released a 1.7.10 version. Same mod version numbers (since its still 1.7). Nothing is actually changed lol.
Growthcraft is a mod for Minecraft which aims to improve the agricultural or farming aspect of the game. Improvements added by the game include but are not limited to addition of unique crops and fun ingame-hobbies.
Enjoy the mods!
P.S. Pls use the adf.ly links, i'll be using them to buy tf2 hats, ktnxbai.
These download links contain every mod. If you don't want all of them and only want a few, you can view the respective mod's spoiler tag below for individual download links.
Download it here:
1.7.10 AdFly || Dropbox JUL/15/2014
1.7.2 AdFly || Dropbox JUL/13/2014
1.6.4 AdFly || Dropbox JUL/12/2014
The following download links contains uncompiled/unobfuscated versions of the API.
Download it here:
1.7.10 TBA
1.7.2 TBA
1.6.4 Dropbox
Updates will be done when I feel they're very necessary (like severe/game-breaking bugs).NOTE: Backup your config files every update so you can transfer the old IDs from your old ones to the newly generated ones This way you can avoid strange things happening in your world.
The Growthcraft wiki contains all sorts of information about the mod. Post here, in this thread if you need further clarifications.
A little note though, don't bother sending membership request on the wiki. I wont accept it. It is easier to manage the wiki if I have full control over it. If you want something to be changed, you can post here instead.
Manual is abandoned in favor of the wiki posted above. This is an archive for 1.5.2.
Last Manual Update: June 22, 2013
View it here: Scribd || GoogleDocs
The Mod Support Manual Update will contain information regarding stuff from other mods (like ThaumCraft, Forestry, MineFactory Reloaded, and etc.) and how the contents of GrowthCraft work with them.
Last Mod Support Manual Update: xxxxx
View it here: xxx
Required Mods:
Download Links:
ver=2.1.0a mc=1.7.2
ver=2.1.0a mc=1.7.2
ver=2.0.6a mc=1.6.4
ver=1.2.1 mc=1.5.2
Growthcraft Cellar is a mod which adds a new in-game hobby: brewing alcoholic beverages.
Required Mods:
Growthcraft Core
Download Links:
ver=2.1.0a mc=1.7.10
ver=2.1.0a mc=1.7.2
ver=2.0.7 mc=1.6.4
ver=1.2.1 mc=1.5.2
Growthcraft Apples is a mod which changes how apples are farmed in-game. In addition to this, it also adds Apple Ciders as a new product from apples.
Required Mods:
GrowthCraft Core
GrowthCraft Cellar
Download Links:
ver=2.1.0 mc=1.7.10
ver=2.1.0 mc=1.7.2
ver=2.0.6 mc=1.6.4
ver=1.2.1 mc=1.5.2
GrowthCraft Flowers gives another way to farm roses and dandelions (other than using bone meal all-over the lawn). In addition to this, it also adds another flower for the magenta dye which can spread lily pads to its vicinity.
Minecraft Version:
Forge Version:
Mod Version:
Required Mods:
GrowthCraft Core 1.2.1
Default IDs Used:
Blocks : 509, 511, 512
Items : 5015, 5016
Vanilla Edits:
Download Links:
1.5.4 (06/22/2013)
Growthcraft Fishtrap is a mod which adds a block; Fishtrap, that automatically catches fish (and other stuff) for you!
Required Mods:
Growthcraft Core
Download Links:
ver=2.1.0a mc=1.7.10
ver=2.1.0a mc=1.7.2
ver=2.0.6a mc=1.6.4
ver=1.2.1 mc=1.5.2
Growthcraft Grapes is a mod which adds a new totally crop to the game: grapes. It also comes with Wine-making.
Required Mods:
Growthcraft Core
Growthcraft Cellar
Download Links:
ver=2.1.0 mc=1.7.10
ver=2.1.0 mc=1.7.2
ver=2.0.6 mc=1.6.4
ver=1.2.1 mc=1.5.2
Growthcraft Hops is a mod which adds a new crop to the game, hops. It also comes with Ale-brewing.
Required Mods:
Growthcraft Core
Growthcraft Cellar
Download Links:
ver=2.1.0 mc=1.7.10
ver=2.1.0 mc=1.7.2
ver=2.0.6 mc=1.6.4
ver=1.2.1 mc=1.5.2
Growthcraft Rice is a mod which adds a new crop; rice. Alongside it also comes a new brew type; sake.
Required Mods:
Growthcraft Core
Growthcraft Cellar
Download Links:
ver=2.1.0a mc=1.7.10
ver=2.1.0a mc=1.7.2
ver=2.0.6 mc=1.6.4
ver=1.2.1 mc=1.5.2
Growthcraft Bamboo is a mod which adds a new plant to the game: bamboos, which focuses on construction rather food.
Required Mods:
Growthcraft Core
Download Links:
ver=2.1.0 mc=1.7.10
ver=2.1.0 mc=1.7.2
ver=2.0.6 mc=1.6.4
ver=1.2.1 mc=1.5.2
Growthcraft Bees is a mod which adds a new in-game hobby: beekeeping.
Requ[ired Mods:
Growthcraft Core
Growthcraft Cellar
Download Links:
ver=2.1.0 mc=1.7.10
ver=2.1.0 mc=1.7.2
ver=2.0.6 mc=1.6.4
This document is Copyright © (2014) "Gwafu" and is the intellectual property of the author.
Terms regarding file hosting:
Only minecraftforum.net is able to host any of these materials without the author's consent. You can just simply ask the author to allow you to host it in your website or distribute it.
Terms regarding addition to modpacks:
NO ONE is allowed to add any of these mods in a modpack without the author's permission. If allowed, the modpack must not gain any revenue (AdFly is allowed) with these mods included. The author must also be given proper credits. You are also required to send the author a link to the modpack's site/thread.Since the author is prone to inactivity, the mods can be freely included in any modpack provided that the author is credited.
Terms regarding texture packs:
Go on. You're free. We all love you texture pack creators.
Failing to follow said terms will instantly make you a worthless piece of dust. The author will also wish for you to rot in hell or get your soul eaten by Dante.
Thank you.
Q: Can I add your mods in my modpack?
A: Read the CopyRight section above.
Q: Can I upload/host your mods in my/another site?
A: Read the CopyRight section above.
Q: How to...?
A: Read the Manual provided above.
Q: Can you upload the source files?
A: Publicly, no. Send me a private message me if you want to know something in the code (ie. how do dis, how do dat).
Q: Where do you get the ideas for these mods?
A: I get the ideas randomly. Sometimes they just appear in my brain and I then think "that's a really good idea!". Sometimes, the ideas come from games. For example, the hops (and the grapes). I got the idea of it from Stronghold Kingdoms.
Q: I have an idea for a mod which really fits the theme of your mods. What should I do?
A: You can create them if you know how to mod/Java. But if you don't want to then you're free to submit/post it in this thread and I'll see to it if it's really really good.
Q: Hey! You copied this mod!
A: Orly.
Q: Any modder you drew inspiration from?
A: Probably Nandonalt, I really liked his/her mods. Too bad hes's/she's not around anymore to update them.
Q: Before MineCraft, have you modded any games?
A: Blizzard's StarCraft (personally, I didn't have internet connection way back then) and WarCraft III (since 2008, ended by the end of 2011; was mainly a 3D artist).
Show your support for the mod and at the same time advertising it by putting these banners in your signature!
Check out my mods! :-)
this ruins it.
Also, it doesn't make sense that it is the only farm-able plant that isn't found "naturally" in the surface. (Wheat from Tall Grass, Pumpkins from patches, Cocoa from jungle trees, Potato and Carrots from villages, Reeds and Cacti from...everywhere?).
The same reasons with the apple.
Check out my mods! :-)
Thanks for the offer (?)!
But I suggest waiting for the completion of the other two mods (first release of the Flower mod tomorrow) before making videos because, as of now, the mods are still small.
Check out my mods! :-)
Check out my mods! :-)
Also, new mod titles/banners (but still no thread banner :C)
The mod allows vanilla flowers (roses and dandelions) to grow into a "bush". These "bushes", when broken, drops two flowers instead of one.
The flowers have 12.5 % of growing to a bush every tick.
Additionally, you can also craft/combine a rose flower and a dandelion flowerto create one Orange Flower which works the same as the other flowers (can be crafted into orange dyes, grow into bushes, etc.)
Shapeless Recipe
Minecraft Version : 1.3.2
Mod Version : 1.0
Block IDs : 151, 152, 153, 154
Item IDs : None.
Overrides : aez.class
Incompatabilities : None known.
A fully grown flower garden.
From top-left clockwise movement, Dandelion Bush, Rose Bush, Orange Flower Bush, Orange Flower, Rose, Dandelion.
Direct Mediafire link : [CLICK]
Adf.ly link : [CLICK]
1. Delete META-INF.
2. Install Modloader (if you haven't yet).
3. copy the six .class files and the only folder to your minecraft.jar
aez.class is required! It allows vanilla flowers to grow into flower bushes.
[class files]
["flowers" folder]
*Dates are +8:00 GMT
October 7, 2012
First release.
- It's just a preliminary release.
- Please comment in the mod's thread in the minecraftforum.net
- comment may include anything :>
- More beef/stuff.
- shearable bushes (awaiting flower pots from 1.4).
Check out my mods! :-)
- I can't plant apples on manmade/artificial leaves.
- I can't plant apples on some leaf blocks of natural (force grown or world generated) trees.
Anyone also getting these bugs? Or it's just me?
Check out my mods! :-)
It wasn't compatible with the Statues & More mod because of an blockID conflict. His/Her mod is using the blockID 140 which was used by this mod's apple block. To fix it, I changed mine to 150.
Update for Apple Gen. released!
October 7, 2012
- Fixed death/destroy sound (Stone -> Leaf)
- Fixed planting bugs (where you can't plant apples on man-placed leaves; where you can still plant apples even though there is already an apple planted)
ID Changes
- BlockAppleFruit : 140 ->150
(Yes, it will destroy your current apples (blocks))
The download links in the first post is updated!
Check out my mods! :-)
Added ZIP File download links.
Check out my mods! :-)
If my English (BE) is not correct, please tell me! I do want to learn! Thank you.
Praise be to Spode.
October 29, 2012
Changed version string (1.3.2 to 1.1)
(Actually, 1.0 works with 1.4.2)
October 29, 2012
Updated to 1.4.2
October 29, 2012
Updated to 1.4.2
New (Useless) Feature
- You can now use shears to the bushes to get the block.
(It'll get its use once I know how to make them plant-able to flower pots)
Oh and yeah, Lily Pad farming is in progress now
And also, once again experimenting with the Fishnet mod.
Oh and yeah, I still need someone to teach me how to make custom block models/renders.
Check out my mods! :-)
Thanks to GSValore for helping in fixing the code
Who doesn't want to be lazy?
The mod adds a new block, the Fish Net.
If placed on a location surrounded by water (except the bottom part), it will store a raw fish randomly overtime (50% chance per tick). 64 raw fish is the maximum amount of fish stored in one Fish Net (because there is only one inventory slot).
The disadvantage of using this is that, unlike fishing rods and furnaces, you will not get any experience.
Minecraft Version : 1.4.2
Mod Version : 1.0
Block IDs : 155
Item IDs : None
Overrides : None
Incompatabilities : None known.
A simple way of arranging the fish nets.
for Minecraft ver. 1.4.2
Direct Mediafire link :
[RAR File]
[ZIP File]
Adf.ly link :
[RAR File]
[ZIP File]
1. Delete META-INF.
2. Install Modloader (if you haven't yet).
3. Copy the five .class files and the only folder to your minecraft.jar
[class files]
["fishnet" folder]
*Dates are +8:00 GMT
October 31, 2012
First release
- Special thanks to GSValore for helping in fixing the code!
- It's the first release, so I will be expecting reports of annoyances, bugs, etc.
- None.
Check out my mods! :-)
Lady E
Like what you did with the flowers.
Melons are a must.
I have yet to see someone do something useful with lilypads. personally I would love to grow them somehow. Even if we have to till dirt underwater and plant seeds? lol crazy idea... but take it if you like it.
Work with Forge/FML or ML...
Edit: Wow I missed your apple idea... great way to use the cocobean growth idea.
I would download everything but the fishnets (I like my beef).
ps. what is moss? lol are you talking about the stuff on swamp and jungle trees? that stuff is a weed already! ;p