The Promised Land is a new dimension that will basically replace the Promised Land biome being in the overworld.
As for the biome suggestions, I don't plan on adding anymore biomes after this update, at least for now. There's actually a Canyon and Outback biome that will be added in the next update as well.
There are a few bugs that I haven't been able to fix, so I'll most likely be doing another update on Saturday. It won't affect terrain generation or anything, so you can create a new world tomorrow without worrying about it being changed in the update(s) after.
It's been nearly 2 months since the last update, so I just want to get this out already.
Would someone be able to explain if that's right and if so how to instal it properly? I was under the impression that a pack this size would have more classes, not to mention I don't know what to do with all the extra folders in tdwp_ftw.
I'm running on a Mac (Mountain Lion) by the way! So the installation instructions atop aren't very useful to me.
Thanks in advance!
You don't add the mods to minecraft.jar with Forge. You save the .zip folder to /.minecraft/mods. Read the Installation Instructions in the opening post for more info.
Also, the update is almost ready! It'll be released within the next few hours.
One thing I just added that I'm sure people will like, is the ability to finally place short/medium grass, bushes, etc., with proper coloring.
It's not something I can fix without editing base classes AFAIK. The material the grasses have (Vine), is supposed to be what handles that (They have a "replaceable" setting), but it doesn't work.
A lot of changes were made, so I'll try to list the most important ones:
I probably forgot some things, but that's what the update has in store for you, for the most part. You will need to create a new world for this update, or change the world type in NBTExplorer. The mod has a new world type, as mentioned above, so be sure to select it during world creation.
I'll be updating the rest of the info I need to update in the opening post later today (Crafting recipes, information about the Promised Land, etc.). I'm planning on moving all of the info to a wiki soon, where it'll be a lot easier to find the things you're looking for, with more detail and organization.
There are a few known bugs in the update, like the Ancient Staff saying the same message two times when used, custom achievements not actually working (It's a problem with moving them to a separate achievement page, and I'm looking into fixing it), etc. I'll be doing another update sometime this weekend to hopefully fix those issues. World generation won't be touched at all, so you don't have to worry about new worlds being messed up.
Anyway, hope you guys enjoy the update! I'm heading to sleep after grinding all night to get the update done.
Congrats on finishing up, now go take a well earned 12 hour nap, lol.
It should.
As well as causing massive world tears.