well if you enable retro worldgen, there's a chance that could happen. Did you back up the world first, like the config file warning tells you to?
Retro worldgen must be manually disabled once enabled - it doesn't turn off automatically.
I'm going to proceed under the assumption that you are running a 32-bit machine. If I am incorrect, let me know. 32-bit machines are limited to a 4GB process space. Of that 4GB, the OS takes a chunk and the JVM takes the chunk that you allocated using -Xmx (or whatever the default is that MC takes, if you aren't specifying). In what is left, the JVM threads are allocated. So, the more RAM you need/allocate to the actual game itself, the fewer threads you can create. Here is what that looks like (more or less):
So, you have to either reduce the memory allocated with -Xmx or (carefully) reduce the stack size using -Xss.
Of course, the real fix is to move to a 64-bit machine and remove the limit.
Im on a 64-bit machine. Im starting to doubt this is the problem, because I tested it, and adding so many more mods doesn't give me this error. Only Ars magica gives me this.
I do know that the feature was bugged a couple versions ago, but I assumed (perhaps incorrectly) that you were running the latest version. Can you confirm the version of AM you are using?
Well, I was using the 5.52.013. I updated for 5.52.014 and created a new map to see if I could disable World Generation. I succeed. However, when I enabled it and went back to the world, the retro world gen seemed to be enabled incorrectly. For worlds created with world generation enabled it work fine.
Thanks for your patience.
BTW, the essence conduits won't notice when they form a cycle, so track over flow as expected.
Hi, love this mod so far (first time), and am really enjoying the challenge. I have a question though: I travel truly absurd distances in my games 10 - 20k + reasonably easily and I am finding that your structures are a little too common . I have browsed this thread somewhat, googled and searched your configs but can't seem to find a way to make them rarer, just turn them on or off. Have I missed something ?
I like a challenge and run hard mode with deadly world + infernal mobs + special mobs ( waiting patiently for the "You will die! " mod to be backported ) and at the moment it seems that every hill has another tower/ruin behind it. I can sometimes see the the next one from the current one. Help ?
Also had a look at AM2, wow. I love how slick this generation of mods has become.
Im on a 64-bit machine. Im starting to doubt this is the problem, because I tested it, and adding so many more mods doesn't give me this error. Only Ars magica gives me this.
Well it is either an incompatibility with one of the other mods you are using, or it is something specific to your machine. Otherwise many more people would be reporting this issue.
Well, I was using the 5.52.013. I updated for 5.52.014 and created a new map to see if I could disable World Generation. I succeed. However, when I enabled it and went back to the world, the retro world gen seemed to be enabled incorrectly. For worlds created with world generation enabled it work fine.
Thanks for your patience.
BTW, the essence conduits won't notice when they form a cycle, so track over flow as expected.
Good to know, thanks. I'll see if I can get some better loop detection going in AM2.
Hi, love this mod so far (first time), and am really enjoying the challenge. I have a question though: I travel truly absurd distances in my games 10 - 20k + reasonably easily and I am finding that your structures are a little too common . I have browsed this thread somewhat, googled and searched your configs but can't seem to find a way to make them rarer, just turn them on or off. Have I missed something ?
I like a challenge and run hard mode with deadly world + infernal mobs + special mobs ( waiting patiently for the "You will die! " mod to be backported ) and at the moment it seems that every hill has another tower/ruin behind it. I can sometimes see the the next one from the current one. Help ?
Also had a look at AM2, wow. I love how slick this generation of mods has become.
Take a look at the config option "TowerGenGridSize" - the higher that number, the farther spaced towers will be (one tower per square grid). Keep in mind, of course, that this only affects new tower gen.
Hey this mod is awesome looking! Saw it in one of Paul's vids on YouTube, and fell in love with it. It makes Minecraft feel like TES:IV (only the best game ever!) However, I sadly cannot make it work. It appears to make my game crash on startup:
Well, it's not like the mod is only for 1.5.2 or anything like that, surely THAT can't be the problem....
I saw nowhere on the download site that this was only for 1.5.2.
If you'd actually read the post that contains the link to the download page you'd notice that the mod is only for 1.5.2, and if you'd payed a little bit more attention you'd notice that it won't be updated for 1.6.2. A successor is being made.
Hi guys, really enjoying this mod!
But I have an issue and I'm hoping someone who has more knowledge than I can help me out.
When I smelt an Arcane Compound, I receive a Computer Engineers backpack. They even show up in recipes for items that require Arcane Ash.
The crafting works, I just feel like an idiot.
Now, the item ID for Arcane Ash is 31743 which *seems* to be free when I look in NEI, it's just not there(Coal Dust is 30256 and the next one is Lesser manna potion bundle at 31986:3). Why you no there Arcane Ash ?
I can't seem to find the entry for the Computer in the forestry cfg or the computercraft cfg.
I then ( for no apparent reason ) checked IC2.cfg thinking that Coal Dust was a IC2 item - isn't it ?- and its item ID in the cfg is 30000 - different that in NEI (also, in NEI there is nothing at 30000) . Does the ftb launcher do some ID tinkering ? (yes I am aware this isn't an ftb forum - that will be my next stop if the Ars Magica Brain Trust draws a blank)
And there, I have successfully confused myself. Anyone understand this ?
I am running the Direwolf20 ftb pack with a couple of other mods on top and really haven't noticed any problems before this ( except that the flight spell doesn't work - gave up on that one )
Humbly thankful for any help.
EDIT: MiscPeripherals adds the backpack and it can be disabled via it's config, that fixed it. Still no idea why flight has no effect. I read somewhere that the gravity gun may have caused it, but removing it didn't fix it.
Its an ID conflict, if you have the NEI mod you can do an id dump and clear up id miss-matches in the config files like in the case where you received a backpack instead of Arcane Ash it simply means that the backpack was loaded last under the id that had been used for arcane ash.
NEI doesn't catch all the ID's within Ars Magica 1 though so it won't always show all the free ID's. Pretty sure NEI also misses some of the backpacks.
Keep in mind that all IDs from the config file are shifted up by 256 by Minecraft, so your id of 31743 is *actually* 31999. That may help solve your problem.
Is there any chance this mod will become a bit more friendly towards SMP players? For example, I play in a server where there's literally one desert to be found, and all the Desert Novas have been taken already. This means I cannot make Purified Vinteum, which is incredibly essential in a lot of things.
Due to this lack of Vinteum, I also can't research new spells. And all the towers have been raided already, so I can't get new spells from those either.
Come to think of it, a lot in this mod is based on exploration. There's hardly any way to advance in this mod if all the others have already raided all the towers in a 6000 block radius.
Desert novas should be able to be grown on sand with the growth spell (and possibly Bonemeal as well). I'll be honest, I don't remember if I had it in AM1, but I know it's in AM2...it's worth a try anyways. If it doesn't work, try surrounding one block of grass with sand, and try the growth spell on the one grass block.
Because of Growth's method of operation, it may take a few casts to get results.
As for worldgen:
You could also try to convince the server admins to turn on retro worldgen for a little bit, which will generate new towers and ores. Just be sure to turn it off after a while, as it doesn't turn off on its own.
If you just want new towers, you can change the towergengridsize parameter in config to a new number, and it will cause towers to be re-generated (old ones will still be there though). Even a tiny change, such as one to 249 from 250 will do this.
Keep in mind either of these things may cause worldgen to appear on top of player creations, so I would advise a backup before doing either of them.
Desert novas should be able to be grown on sand with the growth spell (and possibly Bonemeal as well). I'll be honest, I don't remember if I had it in AM1, but I know it's in AM2...it's worth a try anyways. If it doesn't work, try surrounding one block of grass with sand, and try the growth spell on the one grass block.
Because of Growth's method of operation, it may take a few casts to get results.
Worked for me in AM1. Helped out when I was building my first island home.
Your mod is amazing, but if you create a post and a wiki you should say which are the enchantments availables. Soulbond, Imbued armor, fiery aura, etc.
Umm, well, essence conduits does not transfer essence in my modpack.
Instead I use mana batteries for the same function.
The conduits light up as blue, like they are in range.
I use:
And around 50 mods, they are mainly for world generation.
Does Ars Magica use a fake player?
I did this from the wiki, too:
"In the version for 1.5.2, conduits must be placed before the Blocks they are intended to power."
I need to place them down before the nexus, maybe?
Umm, well, essence conduits does not transfer essence in my modpack.
Instead I use mana batteries for the same function.
The conduits light up as blue, like they are in range.
I use:
And around 50 mods, they are mainly for world generation.
Does Ars Magica use a fake player?
I did this from the wiki, too:
"In the version for 1.5.2, conduits must be placed before the Blocks they are intended to power."
I need to place them down before the nexus, maybe?
You should be able to use a Crystal Wrench to link power nodes, which should solve your problem. Also, certain blocks won't start requesting power until they are 50% depleted (there's other logic there too that I won't go into), so try using sense energy to make sure the block actually needs the power.
Gui API I can't say for sure, but I know PaulSoaresJr does a pretty cool let's play/role play using Mo' Creatures and AM
I use Mo'Creatures and Ars Magica all the time.. And GUI Api is a requirement for Mo'Creatures, so its obviously not conflicting either...
Now, if your having a server problem.......... GUI Api is for graphic displays in-game... Think about it for a few minutes... Does a server need GUI's?
The answer is nope, that's probably your problem
If so, don't feel bad... I've done it before too haha
Well, I was using the 5.52.013. I updated for 5.52.014 and created a new map to see if I could disable World Generation. I succeed. However, when I enabled it and went back to the world, the retro world gen seemed to be enabled incorrectly. For worlds created with world generation enabled it work fine.
Thanks for your patience.
BTW, the essence conduits won't notice when they form a cycle, so track over flow as expected.
I like a challenge and run hard mode with deadly world + infernal mobs + special mobs ( waiting patiently for the "You will die! " mod to be backported ) and at the moment it seems that every hill has another tower/ruin behind it. I can sometimes see the the next one from the current one. Help ?
Also had a look at AM2, wow. I love how slick this generation of mods has become.
Casters are limited to the direction they are pointing in.
Well it is either an incompatibility with one of the other mods you are using, or it is something specific to your machine. Otherwise many more people would be reporting this issue.
Good to know, thanks. I'll see if I can get some better loop detection going in AM2.
Take a look at the config option "TowerGenGridSize" - the higher that number, the farther spaced towers will be (one tower per square grid). Keep in mind, of course, that this only affects new tower gen.
Well, it's not like the mod is only for 1.5.2 or anything like that, surely THAT can't be the problem....
If you'd actually read the post that contains the link to the download page you'd notice that the mod is only for 1.5.2, and if you'd payed a little bit more attention you'd notice that it won't be updated for 1.6.2. A successor is being made.
think pls.
But I have an issue and I'm hoping someone who has more knowledge than I can help me out.
When I smelt an Arcane Compound, I receive a Computer Engineers backpack. They even show up in recipes for items that require Arcane Ash.
The crafting works, I just feel like an idiot.
Now, the item ID for Arcane Ash is 31743 which *seems* to be free when I look in NEI, it's just not there(Coal Dust is 30256 and the next one is Lesser manna potion bundle at 31986:3). Why you no there Arcane Ash ?
I can't seem to find the entry for the Computer in the forestry cfg or the computercraft cfg.
I then ( for no apparent reason ) checked IC2.cfg thinking that Coal Dust was a IC2 item - isn't it ?- and its item ID in the cfg is 30000 - different that in NEI (also, in NEI there is nothing at 30000) . Does the ftb launcher do some ID tinkering ? (yes I am aware this isn't an ftb forum - that will be my next stop if the Ars Magica Brain Trust draws a blank)
And there, I have successfully confused myself. Anyone understand this ?
I am running the Direwolf20 ftb pack with a couple of other mods on top and really haven't noticed any problems before this ( except that the flight spell doesn't work - gave up on that one )
Humbly thankful for any help.
EDIT: MiscPeripherals adds the backpack and it can be disabled via it's config, that fixed it. Still no idea why flight has no effect. I read somewhere that the gravity gun may have caused it, but removing it didn't fix it.
NEI doesn't catch all the ID's within Ars Magica 1 though so it won't always show all the free ID's. Pretty sure NEI also misses some of the backpacks.
Desert novas should be able to be grown on sand with the growth spell (and possibly Bonemeal as well). I'll be honest, I don't remember if I had it in AM1, but I know it's in AM2...it's worth a try anyways. If it doesn't work, try surrounding one block of grass with sand, and try the growth spell on the one grass block.
Because of Growth's method of operation, it may take a few casts to get results.
As for worldgen:
You could also try to convince the server admins to turn on retro worldgen for a little bit, which will generate new towers and ores. Just be sure to turn it off after a while, as it doesn't turn off on its own.
If you just want new towers, you can change the towergengridsize parameter in config to a new number, and it will cause towers to be re-generated (old ones will still be there though). Even a tiny change, such as one to 249 from 250 will do this.
Keep in mind either of these things may cause worldgen to appear on top of player creations, so I would advise a backup before doing either of them.
Worked for me in AM1. Helped out when I was building my first island home.
Anyway, just wanted to pop by and say hi!
Instead I use mana batteries for the same function.
The conduits light up as blue, like they are in range.
I use:
And around 50 mods, they are mainly for world generation.
Does Ars Magica use a fake player?
I did this from the wiki, too:
"In the version for 1.5.2, conduits must be placed before the Blocks they are intended to power."
I need to place them down before the nexus, maybe?
XPCraft Network
You should be able to use a Crystal Wrench to link power nodes, which should solve your problem. Also, certain blocks won't start requesting power until they are 50% depleted (there's other logic there too that I won't go into), so try using sense energy to make sure the block actually needs the power.
I use Mo'Creatures and Ars Magica all the time.. And GUI Api is a requirement for Mo'Creatures, so its obviously not conflicting either...
Now, if your having a server problem.......... GUI Api is for graphic displays in-game... Think about it for a few minutes... Does a server need GUI's?
The answer is nope, that's probably your problem
If so, don't feel bad... I've done it before too haha