This mod has been discontinued. If you intend to use this mod for your own modding purposes, you have my permission. You can download the unfinished v1.2.2 here and the source code here.
Well, v0.2 is out! Here's a list of the update news:
MoreSwords+ 0.1
+ Created MoreSwords+
+ Created Iron Gold Sword
+ Created Iron Stick
+ Created Gold Iron Sword
+ Created Gold Stick
MoreSwords+ 0.2
+ Added Diamond Gold Sword
Tell me if you find any bugs or glitches. @shyguyrox I just started my life of modding, so creating a sword like that would be too complex for me right now. I'm trying to find out how to fix the glitch with the custom sticks. If you don't know what it is... try out the mod! It has to do with floating, and character view.
Well, v0.2 is out! Here's a list of the update news:
MoreSwords+ 0.1
+ Created MoreSwords+
+ Created Iron Gold Sword
+ Created Iron Stick
+ Created Gold Iron Sword
+ Created Gold Stick
MoreSwords+ 0.2
+ Added Diamond Gold Sword
Tell me if you find any bugs or glitches. @shyguyrox I just started my life of modding, so creating a sword like that would be too complex for me right now. I'm trying to find out how to fix the glitch with the custom sticks. If you don't know what it is... try out the mod! It has to do with floating, and character view.
Oh But The diamon Sword is really strong it kills my mobs in 1 shot love this mod
I've updated the mod with a new set of swords! Enjoy!
If you are updating, your old swords might be different due to the change of code.
I'm looking for talented artists for a logo of this mod. I also need some criticism on making an attractive title for more "customers." I welcome any other criticism also. CRITICIZE!
I've updated this mod with a brand new sword! Obsidian! No complex recipes, just a stick and two obsidian blocks! I've also fixed the floating stick glitch. When you change your view, your character now holds the sticks like a normal one.
Sounds nice to me ;].
~~A ninja sword that throws ninja stars in the direction you swing it at. So you click once to hit a tree and it throws a ninja star which does the same damage as a normal ninja sword. To keep it from getting too complex, the ninja stars are [or could not be?] unlimited so its like a normal attack sword then a ranged sword. This one might take some time though because you'd have to decide on the above statement, as well as morphing in the graphics for ninja stars. I could ramble on about that more but i'll move to another idea.
~~Fire [Elemental? = change description here to whatever element] Sword that has a % chance of lighting them on fire and then lights 2-5 blocks ahead of you on fire. So you hit something and it will possibly light it on fire, as well as cause the ground below em to burnnn.
~~Sprint Sword that has low durability but enables 1.5x normal walk speed and 1.5x the sprint. So if normal walk is 2 block per second, and sprint is 4 blocks per second, holding the sword would give you 3 blocks per second walk, and 6 blocks per second sprint. The sword could also have base knockback which I consider nice for survival because if you're making some master piece you dont want to hit a creeper and have em blow up by accident and take out half your design. But it also gives you time to run away [add low durability on so it isn't too over powered, but also make the recipe quite spendy]
~~Lightning sword/Thor Hammah [Different from the fire example/elemental] that does a lightning attack with animation after dealing melee damage. It also has a chance to scare off all mobs [possibly just enemies?] for 3-5 seconds.
I've got a couple more but it depends on what you think of those^.
oh, and maybe you have em maybe you don't - But i haven't tried your mod yet :c
I'm not that yet experienced, but I could start trying the more advanced stuff. I'll let you know tomorrow if my mom doesn't yell at me for staying on the computer too long. I'll consider your ideas. So far, all I've done is mixing the pictures of the swords, and adding stats to them. Perhaps you have any experience with coding?
You'd think it would give some description like that in the OP...
MoreSwords+ 0.1
+ Created MoreSwords+
+ Created Iron Gold Sword
+ Created Iron Stick
+ Created Gold Iron Sword
+ Created Gold Stick
MoreSwords+ 0.2
+ Added Diamond Gold Sword
Tell me if you find any bugs or glitches. @shyguyrox I just started my life of modding, so creating a sword like that would be too complex for me right now. I'm trying to find out how to fix the glitch with the custom sticks. If you don't know what it is... try out the mod! It has to do with floating, and character view.
I'll add a changelog file to the download if you want to keep track with the mod's progress. Just ask.
PLEASE read the Readme file, it'll make life easier.
If you are updating, your old swords might be different due to the change of code.
I'm looking for talented artists for a logo of this mod. I also need some criticism on making an attractive title for more "customers." I welcome any other criticism also. CRITICIZE!
Sounds nice to me ;].
~~A ninja sword that throws ninja stars in the direction you swing it at. So you click once to hit a tree and it throws a ninja star which does the same damage as a normal ninja sword. To keep it from getting too complex, the ninja stars are [or could not be?] unlimited so its like a normal attack sword then a ranged sword. This one might take some time though because you'd have to decide on the above statement, as well as morphing in the graphics for ninja stars. I could ramble on about that more but i'll move to another idea.
~~Fire [Elemental? = change description here to whatever element] Sword that has a % chance of lighting them on fire and then lights 2-5 blocks ahead of you on fire. So you hit something and it will possibly light it on fire, as well as cause the ground below em to burnnn.
~~Sprint Sword that has low durability but enables 1.5x normal walk speed and 1.5x the sprint. So if normal walk is 2 block per second, and sprint is 4 blocks per second, holding the sword would give you 3 blocks per second walk, and 6 blocks per second sprint. The sword could also have base knockback which I consider nice for survival because if you're making some master piece you dont want to hit a creeper and have em blow up by accident and take out half your design. But it also gives you time to run away [add low durability on so it isn't too over powered, but also make the recipe quite spendy]
~~Lightning sword/Thor Hammah [Different from the fire example/elemental] that does a lightning attack with animation after dealing melee damage. It also has a chance to scare off all mobs [possibly just enemies?] for 3-5 seconds.
I've got a couple more but it depends on what you think of those^.
oh, and maybe you have em maybe you don't - But i haven't tried your mod yet :c