I dont see why there is so much hate about this mod. I can see how it can be mis used, but that is down to the individual, and if they want to be like that, then the mod maker / mod users shouldnt be to blame for the actions of a few.
My personal opinion on it is that servers should be taking measures to prevent X-Ray mods such as this one from being used if it's against the rules on that server. It comes down to whose responsibility it is - there will always be someone who will make or use an X-Ray mod to grief if they can, so it's up to servers to prevent that (and for the most part nowadays, they do).
Just a hunch - are you running Java 1.6? If so, then I probably compiled this for 1.7 by mistake. Fixing now, I'll edit this post when I've updated the links above.
Edit: Updated link for 1.3.1, others in progress. It should work fine now.
Because it's a cheat that server owners can do nothing to stop people using. If people want to cheat on their single player games then fine, that's up to them, but more often than not they bring it online. And there's really no good way to stop it. Anti-x-ray plugins are of limited use at best and generally cause more problems for legitimate players than the usefulness they provide. The only other option is for server staff to install logging and spectating plugins and spend a lot of time watching players to try and catch them out. This, while more effective, is overall an even worse soultion as it wastes a lot of staff time that could be better put to use improving the server and generally interacting with the community. Also, spending all your play time watching players is boring; admins are players too, and aren't being paid for their time. They deserve some time to have fun and play the game. The mod maker and users shouldn't be to blame for the actions of a few (actually it's a lot more than a few but that's beside the point), but sadly those few are ruining it for everyone else. If you can think of a way to stop people using x-ray mods online then I'd love to hear it, but otherwise the only practical solution is to stop the mods completely.
Reading your wall of text has concluded me that you just are too lazy to modify your server and add the Anti-X Ray mod, which is available for SMP and Bukkit. If you whine about people using your server with this, then I guess hosting your own server is not a good idea in the first place.
You need to learn that there are always methods to stop hacks and mods that should not be used in places.
Is there any way to make ores and valuable blocks etc. 100% opaque and make grass blocks dirt stone etc. 0% visable? Other than the the fact that u can still see first and such great mod
Is there any way to make ores and valuable blocks etc. 100% opaque and make grass blocks dirt stone etc. 0% visable? Other than the the fact that u can still see first and such great mod
If you actually did read my 'wall of text' then i can only conclude that your reading comprehension is very low. I know there are ways to stop x-rayers, I stated so and I do in fact use them. What I was saying is that those methods aren't very good and waste my admins time watching players to catch them x-raying when they could be doing something more useful and fun. I'm not paying these people, they do it to help out. I don't know about you but I personally find spending hours watching players in spectate mode extremely boring, and I'm sure they do too. So what's the incentive for them to continue doing it? X-ray, fly mod and other hacks can be monitored, yes, but it will eventually ruin the community if no-one wants to help run a server because they know it will just be a chore and they will end up spending far more time doing extremely tedious things rather than playing the game and interacting with the community.
Perhaps you have nothing better to do with your time, if you even run a server, but I and all my staff have jobs and families and play Minecraft for some fun in our free time; cheaters just make the whole thing not fun and more of a second job than a hobby. And let's be realistic here; it's not just a few bad eggs here and there. Almost every other new player that joins the server these days (and I'm sure not just my server) is running hacks or is just there to troll, grief or scam. Encouraging the cheats will only ruin it for everyone.
I'm not gonna beat a dead horse explaining the advantages for those who wish to use xray for constructive building (I for one, dungeon build and I can tell you, lots of redstone and crawlspace is necessary if not using xray). What I will say is that you're beating a dead horse complaining here about cheaters/hackers when someone makes a beautiful xray mod. Give the guy some credit, it's a beautiful mod and the people who want to use hacks will always be able to find it, regardless whether threads for xray are banned from MCforums. A well built server is a server that is configured to still be playable and enjoyable to moderate with plugins to prevent hacking. It doesn't take much, just lots of tweaking, researching, and effort. And if you're finding too many people "xraying" then there's a nice plugin called Orebfuscator. It does get annoying for regular players if you use the default config, but that's your job as a server administrator.
Aside from that, a beautiful xray mod. I definitely am one to love the opacity option as I've found it annoying to be searching for the redstone circuit and not able to know what block I just broke or whether there's a block infront of me at all.
Using the 1.2.5 version, as soon as I load any world, it says "saving chunks" and the screen is blue tinted, and minecraft freezes. No other mods installed. META-INF deleted.
EDIT: Sorted! Was using MCPatcher and it ruined stuff. :3
Hmm, I didn't realise there was a conflict with MCPatcher (kind of ironic, since half of the work on my end is done by a modified copy of MCPatcher). Did you try switching which was installed first? If so, which way did it work and which way did it not work?
Is there any way to make ores and valuable blocks etc. 100% opaque and make grass blocks dirt stone etc. 0% visable? Other than the the fact that u can still see first and such great mod
Dirt not first iPhoned lol
Turning the opacity down to 0 should work to do this, but for some reason it doesn't seem to be working below 25 on some (all?) computers. I'll look into it after I fix the hotkeys in chat issue.
I would just like to say this is a great mod for creative servers. The ingame block choosing GUI is great for making certain things transparent. I use it to get rid of trees so I can teraform without deleting them. Yes people will always take advantage of mods like this to cheat, but why no focus on the positive things it can be applied to?
If people really want a simple way to block this as a cheat on a server TLUL here could always make a simple plugin that asks the client if it uses the mod and disable it. I've seen this done with zombies flymod before.
If people really want a simple way to block this as a cheat on a server TLUL here could always make a simple plugin that asks the client if it uses the mod and disable it. I've seen this done with zombies flymod before.
I've considered this approach before, but my first instinct was to stay away from that sort of thing. It feels a little bit too close to a backdoor into the client, and, as noted above, there are other, more foolproof ways to prevent people from using X-ray to cheat. That said, I'm interested to hear what other users think - do you agree that there should be a way for the server to instruct the X-ray mod to disable itself?
its not working. im using 1.3.1 and i log on fine and everything. i just cant xray. i tried every letter on my keyboard in case one of my keys interfered and nothing happened. no other mods installed. none of them worked anyway
its not working. im using 1.3.1 and i log on fine and everything. i just cant xray. i tried every letter on my keyboard in case one of my keys interfered and nothing happened. no other mods installed. none of them worked anyway
The fact that none of the mods you've tried installing suggests to me that you might not be installing them right. Are you sure you followed the instructions properly?
If you actually did read my 'wall of text' then i can only conclude that your reading comprehension is very low. I know there are ways to stop x-rayers, I stated so and I do in fact use them. What I was saying is that those methods aren't very good and waste my admins time watching players to catch them x-raying when they could be doing something more useful and fun. I'm not paying these people, they do it to help out. I don't know about you but I personally find spending hours watching players in spectate mode extremely boring, and I'm sure they do too. So what's the incentive for them to continue doing it? X-ray, fly mod and other hacks can be monitored, yes, but it will eventually ruin the community if no-one wants to help run a server because they know it will just be a chore and they will end up spending far more time doing extremely tedious things rather than playing the game and interacting with the community.
Perhaps you have nothing better to do with your time, if you even run a server, but I and all my staff have jobs and families and play Minecraft for some fun in our free time; cheaters just make the whole thing not fun and more of a second job than a hobby. And let's be realistic here; it's not just a few bad eggs here and there. Almost every other new player that joins the server these days (and I'm sure not just my server) is running hacks or is just there to troll, grief or scam. Encouraging the cheats will only ruin it for everyone.
What I was saying is that those methods aren't very good and waste my admins time watching players to catch them x-raying when they could be doing something more useful and fun.
If you actually ready my post, Bukkit and X-Ray Anti Cheat. Nuff said son. Please read before you complain about something that isn't necessary. Your poor little staff members won't have to lay a finger on x-ray hackers, cause it will automatically block x-ray. It works, and I have used it on many servers, including the ones I work for. I don't think you know anything half as hard as managing a server let alone being staff. Database Management, Coding, PHP, etc. This is the skills you should be worrying about, not playing minecraft. You sound like you are getting to old for this, pack up and go do your job. I hate adults/kids that whine about inconsistencies in their problems.
I don't know about you but I personally find spending hours watching players in spectate mode extremely boring, and I'm sure they do too.
Goes to show you didn't bother using Google to research how the Anti-X-Ray works, but if you prefer spectating players to catch them in the act, then have fun. I just sit back in my red chair and watch the code do its work. GL HF.
X-ray, fly mod and other hacks can be monitored, yes, but it will eventually ruin the community if no-one wants to help run a server because they know it will just be a chore and they will end up spending far more time doing extremely tedious things rather than playing the game and interacting with the community.
Whining, thats all you do. You think flipping burgers and making fries at your local Burger King everyday isn't tedious? Every Job has its ups and downs. Sometimes you start at the buttom of the food chain in a staff position even in games. Where you only get certain privileges, do not like it? Move on. No one said life is easy, and no one said video games are easy either. Especially if it becomes a job to keep the community clean. Do you think everything just works like magic? Honestly, a little hard work and you can make your server grief free, but if you do not have the time for it, then do not whine about my posts being incorrect or wrong or just pointless. I do not read your wall of text because it has too much fail in it to begin with. For the love of god, use google and do some research I gave you the names of the solution, now find it and do us all a favor and stay on topic.
If you official have problems with hacks like these, report it to mojang/minecraft team and see if they official change the rule to NOT allow hacks period? Maybe then your matrix world is fixed for good.
Honestly, your wall of text does not intrigue me. If you "Staff" have jobs and families, then I suggest you play single player in your so called free time, or just create your own local server and host privately with password protection. So many solutions, if your incompetant 30-year old brain can't handle that. I guess your **** out of luck son. Like I said there is Anti-Tools, learn to use them, study, then make the server. If you don't have the time for it, then I think its time to pack your bags and start doing something more creative instead of procrastinating. You clearly have plenty of time to do it if you can reply to this so called pathetic posts of mine. Discussion Terminated, Solution Given. Use it.
The fact that none of the mods you've tried installing suggests to me that you might not be installing them right. Are you sure you followed the instructions properly?
Press Ctrl+X (or Ctrl+whatever your X-ray key is). I'll add a button for it in the menu next version.
positive...as far as the all the instructions ive seen go
My personal opinion on it is that servers should be taking measures to prevent X-Ray mods such as this one from being used if it's against the rules on that server. It comes down to whose responsibility it is - there will always be someone who will make or use an X-Ray mod to grief if they can, so it's up to servers to prevent that (and for the most part nowadays, they do).
Now is working!!! Thanks You are awesome!!! XD
Reading your wall of text has concluded me that you just are too lazy to modify your server and add the Anti-X Ray mod, which is available for SMP and Bukkit. If you whine about people using your server with this, then I guess hosting your own server is not a good idea in the first place.
You need to learn that there are always methods to stop hacks and mods that should not be used in places.
I'm not gonna beat a dead horse explaining the advantages for those who wish to use xray for constructive building (I for one, dungeon build and I can tell you, lots of redstone and crawlspace is necessary if not using xray). What I will say is that you're beating a dead horse complaining here about cheaters/hackers when someone makes a beautiful xray mod. Give the guy some credit, it's a beautiful mod and the people who want to use hacks will always be able to find it, regardless whether threads for xray are banned from MCforums. A well built server is a server that is configured to still be playable and enjoyable to moderate with plugins to prevent hacking. It doesn't take much, just lots of tweaking, researching, and effort. And if you're finding too many people "xraying" then there's a nice plugin called Orebfuscator. It does get annoying for regular players if you use the default config, but that's your job as a server administrator.
Aside from that, a beautiful xray mod. I definitely am one to love the opacity option as I've found it annoying to be searching for the redstone circuit and not able to know what block I just broke or whether there's a block infront of me at all.
Leader of SpongePowered
Aw crap, I knew I forgot something with the hotkeys. There's a pretty easy fix for that, I'll have that out later today.
Hmm, I didn't realise there was a conflict with MCPatcher (kind of ironic, since half of the work on my end is done by a modified copy of MCPatcher). Did you try switching which was installed first? If so, which way did it work and which way did it not work?
Turning the opacity down to 0 should work to do this, but for some reason it doesn't seem to be working below 25 on some (all?) computers. I'll look into it after I fix the hotkeys in chat issue.
If people really want a simple way to block this as a cheat on a server TLUL here could always make a simple plugin that asks the client if it uses the mod and disable it. I've seen this done with zombies flymod before.
I've considered this approach before, but my first instinct was to stay away from that sort of thing. It feels a little bit too close to a backdoor into the client, and, as noted above, there are other, more foolproof ways to prevent people from using X-ray to cheat. That said, I'm interested to hear what other users think - do you agree that there should be a way for the server to instruct the X-ray mod to disable itself?
The fact that none of the mods you've tried installing suggests to me that you might not be installing them right. Are you sure you followed the instructions properly?
Press Ctrl+X (or Ctrl+whatever your X-ray key is). I'll add a button for it in the menu next version.
If you actually ready my post, Bukkit and X-Ray Anti Cheat. Nuff said son. Please read before you complain about something that isn't necessary. Your poor little staff members won't have to lay a finger on x-ray hackers, cause it will automatically block x-ray. It works, and I have used it on many servers, including the ones I work for. I don't think you know anything half as hard as managing a server let alone being staff. Database Management, Coding, PHP, etc. This is the skills you should be worrying about, not playing minecraft. You sound like you are getting to old for this, pack up and go do your job. I hate adults/kids that whine about inconsistencies in their problems.
Goes to show you didn't bother using Google to research how the Anti-X-Ray works, but if you prefer spectating players to catch them in the act, then have fun. I just sit back in my red chair and watch the code do its work. GL HF.
Whining, thats all you do. You think flipping burgers and making fries at your local Burger King everyday isn't tedious? Every Job has its ups and downs. Sometimes you start at the buttom of the food chain in a staff position even in games. Where you only get certain privileges, do not like it? Move on. No one said life is easy, and no one said video games are easy either. Especially if it becomes a job to keep the community clean. Do you think everything just works like magic? Honestly, a little hard work and you can make your server grief free, but if you do not have the time for it, then do not whine about my posts being incorrect or wrong or just pointless. I do not read your wall of text because it has too much fail in it to begin with. For the love of god, use google and do some research I gave you the names of the solution, now find it and do us all a favor and stay on topic.
If you official have problems with hacks like these, report it to mojang/minecraft team and see if they official change the rule to NOT allow hacks period? Maybe then your matrix world is fixed for good.
Honestly, your wall of text does not intrigue me. If you "Staff" have jobs and families, then I suggest you play single player in your so called free time, or just create your own local server and host privately with password protection. So many solutions, if your incompetant 30-year old brain can't handle that. I guess your **** out of luck son. Like I said there is Anti-Tools, learn to use them, study, then make the server. If you don't have the time for it, then I think its time to pack your bags and start doing something more creative instead of procrastinating. You clearly have plenty of time to do it if you can reply to this so called pathetic posts of mine. Discussion Terminated, Solution Given. Use it.
Can you open up your jar and take a screenshot of it in the archiver? I want to check that the "tlul" folder is there.
Can you get a crash report using the instructions at http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Crash#How_to_Get_a_Crash_Report and paste it here?