The bricklayer allows you to define the size of the structures placed by the bricklayer. It allows you to supply it with any block. You can define solid or hollow structures (if 3 dimensions are used.) It allows you to pull blocks from the supply at random. It is activated by a redstone power source.
Brief explanation:
I built it because I really got tired of laying out large floors and especially ceilings. With the bricklayer, all that has to be done is acquire the resources you want to use, place it and set up the size dimensions and power it up. Walls, floors, ceilings, entire structures in seconds. For example, I needed a 6x6 tower to house rail that would go from sea level to Y=192. That is where my mob generator is located. I placed a bricklayer near the corner of my castle. Set the parameters (5 sticks right, 5 sticks forward, 8 wood up). Set it to build Hollow. Loaded it up with stone, and powered it up. Consumed the stone fairly quickly without finishing the tower, but I'd just go get some more and shift click it into the Bricklayer. Soon the tower was finished. No risk of falling while building. And it's just neat seeing it in action.
Watch it in action at
Place blocks into the bricklayer's supply.
Place either sticks, planks or wood into the Up, Left, Forward, Right or Down Charge slots.
Place anything in the hollow slot to define that you want a hollow structure.
Place anything in the random slot to define that you want to pull from the supply randomly.
Power it with redstone.
In charge slots, sticks represent 1, planks 4, and wood, 16.
If you place 5 sticks in the Forward (F) position, the bricklayer will place 5 blocks in front of it. (5 x 1)
If you place 5 planks, it will place 20 blocks. (5 x 4)
If you place 5 wood, it will place 80 blocks. (5 x 16)
Download and install Risugami's ModLoader from http://www.minecraft...ything-updated/.
Download the KMod Bricklayer mod from (Direct download link)
Copy it into the "mods" folder in your %appdata%/Minecraft directory (PC)
More Detailed Installation Instructions:
Files - Three things you are going to need to download.
2) KMod Bricklayer mod from (Direct download link)
3) 7zip. If you don't already have a good 7z/zip/rar application, this is the one for you, and it's free, and works very well. Or you can google 7zip and look it up yourself.
Install ModLoader
1) Find your minecraft.jar file by hitting WindowsKey+R (Run,.. Dialog)
2) Type in %appdata&/.minecraft
3) Navigate to the bin folder
4) Using 7zip, open the minecraft.jar file
5) Using open the file (you can do this with 7zip or windows explorer
6) Drag and drop all of the files from the into the minecraft.jar in 7zip
7) The files from Modloader should be added to minecraft.jar. Check for this by looking for ModLoader.class in the minecraft.jar file in 7zip.
8) If the META-INF folder exists in the minecraft.jar file, delete it now.
9) Save and close the minecraft.jar file.
10) Run Minecraft to be sure it's working ok.
Install KMod Bricklayer
1) After running minecraft with ModLoader installed, you should see a mods folder at %appdata%/.minecraft/mods
2) Simply copy the file into that mods folder. Do not extract the zip file.
3) Run Minecraft. Create or use a Creative Mode world. Using the crafting recipe shown in the first screenshot below, try to craft a bricklayer. If it works, you're all set. If not. We'll need to move on to troubleshooting.
If you're running on a Mac, I'll have to look into this in more detail.
Sorry to scare you but-
Redpower already has this kind of brick
Not scared. This is the second mod block I've coded. It's an exercise more than anything. Plus, all the source is out there on github for anyone who is interested in perusing it. I tried Redpower. I just like the idea of adding this one block to the standard SSP. I needed some big floors, but mostly walls and ceilings made. The fun I get out of it is in the coding.
Updated 2012-06-24: Updated zip file can be found at the same link below. Previous version deprecated.
Download the KMod Bricklayer mod from (Direct download link)
The mod is dependent on ModLoader which you can find at http://www.minecraft...ything-updated/
The bricklayer allows you to define the size of the structures placed by the bricklayer. It allows you to supply it with any block. You can define solid or hollow structures (if 3 dimensions are used.) It allows you to pull blocks from the supply at random. It is activated by a redstone power source.
Brief explanation:
I built it because I really got tired of laying out large floors and especially ceilings. With the bricklayer, all that has to be done is acquire the resources you want to use, place it and set up the size dimensions and power it up. Walls, floors, ceilings, entire structures in seconds. For example, I needed a 6x6 tower to house rail that would go from sea level to Y=192. That is where my mob generator is located. I placed a bricklayer near the corner of my castle. Set the parameters (5 sticks right, 5 sticks forward, 8 wood up). Set it to build Hollow. Loaded it up with stone, and powered it up. Consumed the stone fairly quickly without finishing the tower, but I'd just go get some more and shift click it into the Bricklayer. Soon the tower was finished. No risk of falling while building. And it's just neat seeing it in action.
Watch it in action at
Place blocks into the bricklayer's supply.
Place either sticks, planks or wood into the Up, Left, Forward, Right or Down Charge slots.
Place anything in the hollow slot to define that you want a hollow structure.
Place anything in the random slot to define that you want to pull from the supply randomly.
Power it with redstone.
In charge slots, sticks represent 1, planks 4, and wood, 16.
If you place 5 sticks in the Forward (F) position, the bricklayer will place 5 blocks in front of it. (5 x 1)
If you place 5 planks, it will place 20 blocks. (5 x 4)
If you place 5 wood, it will place 80 blocks. (5 x 16)
Download and install Risugami's ModLoader from http://www.minecraft...ything-updated/.
Download the KMod Bricklayer mod from (Direct download link)
Copy it into the "mods" folder in your %appdata%/Minecraft directory (PC)
More Detailed Installation Instructions:
3) 7zip. If you don't already have a good 7z/zip/rar application, this is the one for you, and it's free, and works very well. Or you can google 7zip and look it up yourself.
6) Drag and drop all of the files from the into the minecraft.jar in 7zip
KMod Bricklayer by kevinferno, on Flickr
KMod Bricklayer by kevinferno, on Flickr
KMod Bricklayer by kevinferno, on Flickr
KMod Bricklayer by kevinferno, on Flickr
Redpower already has this kind of brick
Please give an internet, i am poor ;(
Andrew (Dr3w99Dr3w)
Not scared. This is the second mod block I've coded. It's an exercise more than anything. Plus, all the source is out there on github for anyone who is interested in perusing it. I tried Redpower. I just like the idea of adding this one block to the standard SSP. I needed some big floors, but mostly walls and ceilings made. The fun I get out of it is in the coding.
Please check the updated first post for more detailed instructions. I updated them after your request.
Download links now shortened at
Instructions updated.