Hi all,
I'veWe have created a mod allowing you to control Minecraft with a joypad. It works both in SSP and SMP, and you can use it while simultaneously controlling regular MC with keyboard + mouse, allowing for something like split screen.You can hook up multiple joypads, as many as your PC can handle .Get it here: http://retro-hack.bl...reen-on-pc.html
The new version is out and it is Forge compatible (1.9)! I have moved outdated info to spoiler tags.
Seamless window split guide: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/support/unmodified-minecraft-client/tutorials-and-faqs/2192485-same-pc-multiplayer-w-guide-up-to-4-players
A new developer joined the board - eastsider98052. He is responsible for this new Forge port, and git repo. Great kudos to you sir! Everyone else if free to contribute as well - head to our github repo for the full sources - https://github.com/l...SplitscreenMod
Thanks bjbinc for updating it to 1.7.10 and 1.8! Your continued support is truly awesome.
New version is compatible with Forge 1.8.9, 1.8, 1.7.10 and 1.6.4 (they are separate downloads). Since this is a partial rewrite of the original mod, not everything is the same as before. Obviously, the mod should be now compatible with most Forge mods out there, given the same Minecraft version. Also, it features a new navigation scheme, using a virtual cursor controlled by analog stick. It allows the player to control all menus and GUI screens in game. Unfortunately, the old method - D-pad navigation - is not available in this version. It is planned for it to have a comeback in the future though, with improved compatibility.The installation method has changed. Since this is a Forge mod, it basically breaks up to these steps:
video by stcrowe Thanks!
Seamless window split guide: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/support/unmodified-minecraft-client/tutorials-and-faqs/2192485-same-pc-multiplayer-w-guide-up-to-4-players
If you want to see your language fully translated for this mod then let us know and we can add it!
Youtube videos about the general mod installation and troubleshooting are deeply appreciated.The mod is on github now, so can download the code and improve it, We accept patches and pull requests.https://github.com/l...dSplitscreenMod
You can also translate the mod to your native language.
eastsider98052 for finishing the Forge port, setting up the git repo, all the work he have done so far on the mod and general enthusiasm and selflessness (it's a word)
bjbinc for his continuous support with porting mod to new Forge versions.
Countless youtubes who made awesome videos/let's plays/tutorials about the mod. You rock!
I'd also like to thank everyone else who contributed to the mod success, especially the selfless folks on the forums who provided others with the ton of support and information. All feedback appreciated!
This is my first mod, so bear with me. I plan to improve and maintain it, so feel free to check it out and comment.For now it supports basic controls, menu navigation and inventory screens.Please note that this is different than the joy2key or xpadder method, as it allows you to control multiple Minecraft windows at a time (each with one joypad). Joy2key and xpadder only emulate keyboard and mouse.Cheers!UPDATE!Version 0.15.1 is out.
Download it here: http://retro-hack.bl...joypad-mod.htmlConfigsDefault config should be suitable for wired XBox 360 Joypad and a Logitech ChillstreamIf you wan't to customize it you can do it by visiting the game options.The only thing you might have to edit by hand are the deadzones. You can change them by opening the file named "options.txt" located besides your screenshot directory. Then you find the lines containing the the word "axis". Like for example:joy_joy.cameraX+:axis/3/0.9/0.05Deadzone is the last value. Change it to somting higer, like 0.15 or 0.25 and save the file. Start the Minecraft and see if it's better now.Troubleshooting:
Here is my cmd window all the way up until the crash
C:\Users\Jeremy\Desktop\New folder (3)>set APPDATA=C:\Users\Jeremy\Desktop\New f
older (3)
C:\Users\Jeremy\Desktop\New folder (3)>java -Xms512M -Xmx512M -cp bin\minecraf
t.jar net.minecraft.LauncherFrame
27 achievements
182 recipes
Setting user: Midorichi, 5588887844383491484
LWJGL Version: 2.4.2
WARNING: Found unknown Windows version: Windows 7
Attempting to use default windows plug-in.
Loading: net.java.games.input.DirectAndRawInputEnvironmentPlugin
Minecraft joypad mod v0.7 by Ljubomir Simin
Found 3 controller(s) in total.
Found controller HID-compliant consumer control device (0)
It has 31 buttons.
Button 0, Button 0
Button 1, Consumer Control
Button 2, Numeric Key Pad
Button 3, Button 3
Button 4, Button 4
Button 5, Button 5
Button 6, Button 6
Button 7, Button 7
Button 8, Button 8
Button 9, Button 9
Button 10, Button 10
Button 11, Button 11
Button 12, Button 12
Button 13, Button 13
Button 14, Button 14
Button 15, Button 15
Button 16, Button 16
Button 17, Button 17
Button 18, Button 18
Button 19, Button 19
Button 20, Button 20
Button 21, Button 21
Button 22, Button 22
Button 23, Button 23
Button 24, Button 24
Button 25, Button 25
Button 26, Button 26
Button 27, Button 27
Button 28, Button 28
Button 29, Button 29
Button 30, Button 30
It has 0 axes.
Found controller HID-compliant device (1)
It has 3 buttons.
Button 0, System Power
Button 1, System Sleep
Button 2, System Wake Up
It has 0 axes.
Found controller Controller (Gamepad for Xbox 360) (2)
It has 10 buttons.
Button 0, Button 0
Button 1, Button 1
Button 2, Button 2
Button 3, Button 3
Button 4, Button 4
Button 5, Button 5
Button 6, Button 6
Button 7, Button 7
Button 8, Button 8
Button 9, Button 9
It has 5 axes.
Axis 0, Y Axis
Axis 1, X Axis
Axis 2, Y Rotation
Axis 3, X Rotation
Axis 4, Z Axis
Loading configuration file, using joypad no. 0 HID-compliant consumer control de
Starting up SoundSystem...
Initializing LWJGL OpenAL
(The LWJGL binding of OpenAL. For more information, see http://www.lwjgl.or
OpenAL initialized.
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3
at org.lwjgl.input.JInputController.getAxisValue(JInputController.java:2
at lr.b(EntityRenderer.java:894)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x(Minecraft.java:860)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:739)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
SoundSystem shutting down...
Author: Paul Lamb, www.paulscode.com
You still have to have a high-end PC, but only one, not two. So it is kind of an improvement
This happens because your first joypad has no axes, or at least that's what it reports. Go to options.txt and change the joyNo to 2, that will switch to your Xbox controller.
Good job
C:\Users\Brad\Desktop\joypadDefault MineCraft>set APPDATA=C:\Users\Brad\Desktop\
joypadDefault MineCraft
C:\Users\Brad\Desktop\joypadDefault MineCraft>java -Xmx512M -Xms512M -cp minecra
ft.jar net.minecraft.LauncherFrame
27 achievements
182 recipes
Setting user: gaminglord, -4397803413139519462
LWJGL Version: 2.8.3
WARNING: Found unknown Windows version: Windows 7
Attempting to use default windows plug-in.
Loading: net.java.games.input.DirectAndRawInputEnvironmentPlugin
Starting up SoundSystem...
Initializing LWJGL OpenAL
(The LWJGL binding of OpenAL. For more information, see http://www.lwjgl.or
OpenAL initialized.
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: joystick
at lr.b(EntityRenderer.java:872)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x(SourceFile:752)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:671)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
SoundSystem shutting down...
Author: Paul Lamb, www.paulscode.com
I deleted meta-inf in the jar file and put all the class files in the minecraft jar file in the bin folder of the custom directory, but no dice. Thought it odd though that I had to download each class file individualy instead of as a entire collection in a zip or rar. Makes me wonder if there's a file that was deleted or something that I'm missing. Anyway, can somebody help please? I'd be most appreciative.
Some joypad presets would be nice, just to cut the setup time.
The output you provided does not look like the mod is installed correctly, in fact is looks exactly as if you had replaced just some of the files but not all of them.
I gave the Google Drive a try, and that is what I've got in return - an unpleasant and confusing interface. What you need to do is go to the link, then select File > Download. It'll then download the whole zip to your PC.
Sorry about the inconvinience, I'll consider uploading it to dropbox or somewhere else.
I've changed the links to Mediafire: http://www.mediafire...yi48bpubcproog0
Anyone who has configured their joypads could post the name of the joypad and the configuration options so I'd update the first post with the info. Thanks.
I'm glad it worked out for you. Unfortunately there is currently no way to assign actions to axes (and trigger on Xbox joypad uses an axis), other than movement and camera control, but that is high on my TODO list.
That worked, turns out I had the minecraft.class file in the wrong spot thanks to that darn google thing. Still I reinstalled the mod just to be safe. Though now I'm having a different issue. My brother and I were trying multiplayer, and we discovered some SMP related issues:
Anything that uses a GUI can't really be used, with exception of the basic crafting and inventory screen. For example:
I can't craft tools in the crafting bench, Can't smelt in the furnace, or take or place things in a chest. Sometimes it may appear to do these things (Except for the furnace), but after a while it'll return all the things back to their proper places. Also, I can't seem to bind to the sneak function with my gamepad, which is slightly bothersome in trying to shift click things, or sneak. I'll post the configuration I'm using, along with the type of gamepad I'm using.
The gamepad is a Saitek Cyborg Rumble P3600, and the configuration:
I should mention that the GUI's seem to work in single player however, so this is bothersome. Sneak however still doesn't work.
Also failed to mention I didn't get to test this with brewing in SMP, sorry.
As for the sneaking, it's a known omission, I'll work on it too.
Thanks for the config, I'll update the main post. I'm thinking of an auto setup system where based on a controller name my mod would set the mapping automatically from the list of available ones. But that's for the future, lets iron bugs out first. Thanks again.
I have installed your mod on my PC now, and it seems pretty cool! I'm not sure what the issue is with the right stick, but I can't seem to get my view to be still, it's always moving slowly in one direction. Right now I'm gonna try getting two windows working at the same time with two controllers (I'm using xbox controllers hooked to PC with the Microsoft wireless reciever).
P.S. I ran into the same problems as you! I set up Minecraft in tiled windows on one server, and then was like... OH.. it will only let me use one window at a time.. and even If I map the controllers in X-Padder, I still only have one mouse...
Thanks so much for working on this, I would have never thought to do it this way, nor do I have the programming skill to get it done! I'm really really looking forward to your updates, this is gonna make my minecraft parties alot more fun for my friends who don't own laptops, I've got a 60" Monitor which is like 4-30" Monitors when in 4-way split screen.
Link Removed
if you would not mind doing me a favor and pressing that little + button? thanks!
Alright, I got It working 4-Player Split Screen, using:
2 Wireless Xbox3 60 controllers and
2 Logitech F710 Wireless controllers.
The Logitech didn't have the issue with the view-drift, so I did some digging.
It turns out that my xbox controllers are showing up as slightly off center in windows control panel, like they have a little wiggle room and don't go back to exactly (0,0) center when the sticks are released. I wonder if there is any way to edit the "Dead zone" so they don't do this? The controllers don't have this issue in any other games, so I wonder if it should be edited in the mod, or a third pary app?
This is gonna be the best minecraft Mod ever!! Thanks again!!
Also... on 4-Player, it seems that the priority in rendering is given to just one of the windows, and it renders silky smooth, but the other 3 are pretty choppy and laggy. I gave all the java.exe processes an 'Above Normal' Priority in the Task manager, but it's not fixing the issue. In 2-window mode it doesn't seem to do this, and both windows render seemingly equally.
BTW- I'm on Windows 7 64-bit, 6 gigs of RAM.
thank you.