Disable Hunger Bar Mod V1.4
This version was made for and works with Minecraft 1.2.5
This is a mod for minecraft 1.1 that takes away the hunger system to make 1.2.5 kind of like beta 1.7. I made this to try out with Vechs' Super Hostile Maps, as the 1.8 hunger system kind of broke the super hostile gameplay.
====== what this mod does ========
Disables the hunger bar.
Makes all food heal you the amount it would your hunger bar.
Rotten flesh and raw chicken could apply slowness III to you for 30 seconds.
If anyone wants the source or whatever else, I don't mind - just ask.
Seems good at first, but does it disable the factor of eating completely or just makes the hunger bar non visible?
It disables hunger. When you get hurt, (ex creeper hurts you for 4 hearts.) you eat a steak, or a pork chop, it will heal you 4 hearts.
The hunger bar is disabled with this mod.
hi i am making a dead island mod would it be possible for me to use your code i will give you full credit and put a link in my page to yours the link to my page is in my banner
May I use the source code please for a mod that I am making? I can't tell anyone what I'm making because I want it to come out in a surprise. But, if you want, if you give me the source, when a playable version comes out, then I will PM you the class files!
99% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber standing on top of a skyscraper about to jump. I am in that 1% sitting there with popcorn and 3D glasses, screaming "DO A BACKFLIP".
This version was made for and works with Minecraft 1.2.5
This is a mod for minecraft 1.1 that takes away the hunger system to make 1.2.5 kind of like beta 1.7. I made this to try out with Vechs' Super Hostile Maps, as the 1.8 hunger system kind of broke the super hostile gameplay.
====== what this mod does ========
Disables the hunger bar.
Makes all food heal you the amount it would your hunger bar.
Rotten flesh and raw chicken could apply slowness III to you for 30 seconds.
If anyone wants the source or whatever else, I don't mind - just ask.
For those of you who want toggle fatigue and toggle hunger:
For those of you that want this kind of thing for SMP:
I wont be making it. =( However! look here:
For minecraft 1.1:
It disables hunger. When you get hurt, (ex creeper hurts you for 4 hearts.) you eat a steak, or a pork chop, it will heal you 4 hearts.
The hunger bar is disabled with this mod.
He isnt making it but there is a mod for it!
Please make it for 1.3!
EDIT: Hey everyone! I've finished updating this mod. You can find the 1.3.2 version here: