I've made a few basic mods, the one in this picture is the speed mod, it basically modifies sprint speed, since MCP isn't updated yet and i'm too lazy and busy to actually deobf the jar myself i just made these simple mods but later on i plan to add more better stuff. Download: http://a909c471.linkbucks.com Virus Scan: https://www.virustot...sis/1332625561/
How to install:
Download the file.
Open minecraft.jar with 7-zip or Winrar.
Delete the "META-INF" folder inside the jar.
Pick your mods then drag and drop the files into the 7-zip/Winrar window.
Ooh I can't wait for that! Zombe clones come by the dozen!
I haven't seen you give anything to the community yet so just stop, so what if it has some features that Zombie does, do you see Zombe updated to 1.2.4 yet? No. Honestly why even bother to come to this thread if your just going to hate? No one wants you here kid.
I haven't seen you give anything to the community yet so just stop, so what if it has some features that Zombie does, do you see Zombe updated to 1.2.4 yet? No. Honestly why even bother to come to this thread if your just going to hate? No one wants you here kid.
Oh idk, not really a point at all lol, i was tired when i posted this xD
I make my presence regardless what others think. If I simply ignored it, it would imply I'm ok with a cheating tool. And I know I can't contribute. I downright suck at Java But that's something you should learn, yourself.
I make my presence regardless what others think. If I simply ignored it, it would imply I'm ok with a cheating tool. And I know I can't contribute. I downright suck at Java But that's something you should learn, yourself.
There are tons of people who don't like cheating yet you don't see everyone coming over here flaming, the modding section has many mods that promote cheating, some worse than mine, why not go there instead since this is only a basic speed mod, its not like its some major hack that gets you op on every server and lets you kill people with one hit. T_T
There are tons of people who don't like cheating yet you don't see everyone coming over here flaming, the modding section has many mods that promote cheating, some worse than mine, why not go there instead since this is only a basic speed mod, its not like its some major hack that gets you op on every server and lets you kill people with one hit. T_T
You seem exasperated now. Alright, I'll stop, but remember this - SMP servers have anti-cheat plugins/mods solely for the purpose of things you plan to make. This isn't a green light to challenge them. It's a warning.
And you're right. I am loud about it, perhaps more outspoken than they are. Could be that I'm just growing tired of the junk that makes SMP virtually unplayable without exhaustive safety measures and constant supervising. Just like I have been with the ****ton of 'crack tools' (fake ones though), instant miners, xrays, and CJB's morally ambiguous modpack.
You seem exasperated now. Alright, I'll stop, but remember this - SMP servers have anti-cheat plugins/mods solely for the purpose of things you plan to make. This isn't a green light to challenge them. It's a warning.
And you're right. I am loud about it, perhaps more outspoken than they are. Could be that I'm just growing tired of the junk that makes SMP virtually unplayable without exhaustive safety measures and constant supervising. Just like I have been with the ****ton of 'crack tools' (fake ones though), instant miners, xrays, and CJB's morally ambiguous modpack.
Ok lol, well you won't have to worry about that, Notch or Jeb will add some sort of anti-cheat sooner or later...
I don't even think this mod is a good idea. I mean, isn't this what the Cheat Pack mod is for?
This is just a simple mod that i created the first day mc updated to 1.2.4 but i forgot to post it here :/ of course its not the best, just a simple speed mod for people who want mods but are waiting for the ones they use to be updated to 1.2.4.
Hello Everyone,
I've made a few basic mods, the one in this picture is the speed mod, it basically modifies sprint speed, since MCP isn't updated yet and i'm too lazy and busy to actually deobf the jar myself i just made these simple mods but later on i plan to add more better stuff.
Download: http://a909c471.linkbucks.com
Virus Scan: https://www.virustot...sis/1332625561/
How to install:
The picture is me sprinting
Yup, the ability to move fast is the best way to grief, sure is...
Because its true, it isn't updated, you don't need MCP to make a simple mod...
Look at the source of it, go ahead, if you don't know how ask a friend to, its perfectly safe...
But wait! There's more!
[quotellater on i will add no fall damage, notch fly, etc.[/quote]
Ooh I can't wait for that! Zombe clones come by the dozen!
I haven't seen you give anything to the community yet so just stop, so what if it has some features that Zombie does, do you see Zombe updated to 1.2.4 yet? No. Honestly why even bother to come to this thread if your just going to hate? No one wants you here kid.
Oh idk, not really a point at all lol, i was tired when i posted this xD
I make my presence regardless what others think. If I simply ignored it, it would imply I'm ok with a cheating tool. And I know I can't contribute. I downright suck at Java But that's something you should learn, yourself.
There are tons of people who don't like cheating yet you don't see everyone coming over here flaming, the modding section has many mods that promote cheating, some worse than mine, why not go there instead since this is only a basic speed mod, its not like its some major hack that gets you op on every server and lets you kill people with one hit. T_T
You seem exasperated now. Alright, I'll stop, but remember this - SMP servers have anti-cheat plugins/mods solely for the purpose of things you plan to make. This isn't a green light to challenge them. It's a warning.
And you're right. I am loud about it, perhaps more outspoken than they are. Could be that I'm just growing tired of the junk that makes SMP virtually unplayable without exhaustive safety measures and constant supervising. Just like I have been with the ****ton of 'crack tools' (fake ones though), instant miners, xrays, and CJB's morally ambiguous modpack.
Ok lol, well you won't have to worry about that, Notch or Jeb will add some sort of anti-cheat sooner or later...
I'll just put up a animated gif so people can actually see it working
This is just a simple mod that i created the first day mc updated to 1.2.4 but i forgot to post it here :/ of course its not the best, just a simple speed mod for people who want mods but are waiting for the ones they use to be updated to 1.2.4.
NoCheat (bukkit plugin) and stop the speed hack
Wow, thats how some people have large mods already up probably, do they always release 'pre-releases'?
Speed, No Fall, and Jump hack...