I'll see if I can work it in before next release. so, given 16x16 pixels representing a chunk, where should the lines be? On two sides of each chunk (which ones then?) or around the outside of each one, making them all double thick?
went with single thick before I saw your reply. Will consider. Of course I have them slightly see through Also added a biome overlay (solid, or see through)
Suppose that the chunk you are currently in is outlined significantly darker than the surrounding ones, that way you can tell when you switch chunks with no guesswork.
I'm not super big on modpacks, mostly because I release often, fixing things and adding features. Chatbubbles mod has sort of slowed down for now, but there's no guarantee that will remain the case. If I update a mod, I have no control over whether copies of my mod that are being distributed by other people stay up to date.
You have asked politely, so since chatbubbles have stabilized pretty well, sure. IF you include credit and a link to the project page on PMC and this thread, and if your pack is not behind a paywall (no adfly).
went with single thick before I saw your reply. Will consider. Of course I have them slightly see through Also added a biome overlay (solid, or see through)
Awesome! I came here to praise you and ask about that, a single line on 2 borders of every chunk, transparent, this will show as a box. I just tried this minimap again. Had switched to Rei's way back becuase Zan's kept losing a maintainer. At the time, Rei's was leaps and bounds ahead of Zan's... but DUDE... JUST FRIGGIN WOW.
The only thing I noticed (clean instance with only forge and the map), was when I press X to show the large map, it did not seem to update well.
When I went back to grab the screenshot, I noticed the small map does it as well. I know I Rei's I have threading turned on, it is fast drawing the chunks. Not a huge deal, as the mob icons over Rei's red dots and the FRIGGIN awesome nether mapping make up for it. Just one of those "thought you shuold know" things
Again, FRIGGIN AWESOME, here is hoping you stay around through updates unlike Zan and Lahwran
I've noticed that updating thing if I switch between fullscreen and small map too fast. Cycling through zoom levels should clear it up.
Anyway I will be sticking around. I've been maintaining it now more than twice as long as Zan and Lahwran combined
Like I said, not game breaking and the other features outweigh it. I have since noticed that Rei's goes away when I access an inventory(chest/furnace/etc). This map does not and get's in the way on different things, easiest to see is NEI, it covers up NEI's inventory. And when cycling through zoom levels in the minimap, when hitting the max zoom, mobs that are right under or near will disappear from the minmap.
The new chunk grid is pretty great. There is one small issue with the update though, the large zoomed map zooms with the small one. Kind of defeats the purpose of the large map for me since bringing it up shows little over what my corner map has. Perhaps make the large and small map zoom independently?
I'm just getting back into mc (probably as a player - if I make any mods, they'll be private); Cool to see that you're still updating stuff!
I've been poking around trying to find an improved chat mod for the latest version ... I can't seem to find any. I guess I'm going to have to write it myself ... *sigh* ...
oh wow welcome back check out the current map release if you like, it's added a bunch. Big thanks to you as always! I did eventually get around to only rendering movement deltas and changed bits as you suggested in your PM way back then. It's quite fast now
It's been relatively stress free for me; I don't get nearly the traffic here as your thread did haha
that said it just showed up in Yogscast as a portent of things to come, so I am expecting incoming crapstorm as people realize it's not Rei's in FeedTheBeast anymore
1. Where does the Minimap save it's files?(keybindings, configs and waypoints)
Config is stored in /mods/VoxelMods/voxelmap.properties, either in your .minecraft folder, or in the minecraft folder of your forge modpack installation. Waypoint files are stored in .minecraft\mods\VoxelMods\voxelMap\serverName.points, always in the .minecraft directory in your home ( %appdata%\.minecraft on Windows) so they don't accidentally go away if Forge removes or updates a modpack.
2. Is there a way to have waypoints visible only in the dimensions that they are set?(I am using Mystcraft)
I have it installed with Forge.
Pretty sure that is how they function now. I tested it specifically with Mystcraft (Exception: nether and overworld are grouped together, but you can change that in the .points file). If you make a waypoint in a Myscraft age and it shows up elsewhere, either you have an old version, or it's a bug added that last week some time
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Really don't know what to think of this anymore, but I have this weird issue with this and chicken bones chicken chunks where if I have a chunk loader down, and if I go outside it's radius my HUD flashes, but when I turn off OpenGL it only flashes when I'm paused. This issue only started occurring after I installed Zan's minimap.
Edited original post cause I'm confused as flip.
Edit again: I did some more testing, turns out OpenGL only stopped the flashing for a little while, it came back in full force later. I also found out the main cause of the flashing, the Mine Little Pony mod, I removed it and all flashing stopped, but when I have it in, somehow, chicken bones' chunk loaders stop the flashing whenever I'm near them.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Well my head is about to explode from trying to find the cause, maybe it's just my graphic cards settings then, trying to revert them to normal seeing if that helps, I will facedesk alot if that's the cause.
Edit: I shall now begin the facedesking, the flashing is gone now that I reverted my settings to normal ~_~ I had threaded optimization off and FXAA on, turned Thread Opt on and FXAA off so the flashing stopped.
You have asked politely, so since chatbubbles have stabilized pretty well, sure. IF you include credit and a link to the project page on PMC and this thread, and if your pack is not behind a paywall (no adfly).
Awesome! I came here to praise you and ask about that, a single line on 2 borders of every chunk, transparent, this will show as a box. I just tried this minimap again. Had switched to Rei's way back becuase Zan's kept losing a maintainer. At the time, Rei's was leaps and bounds ahead of Zan's... but DUDE... JUST FRIGGIN WOW.
The only thing I noticed (clean instance with only forge and the map), was when I press X to show the large map, it did not seem to update well.
When I went back to grab the screenshot, I noticed the small map does it as well. I know I Rei's I have threading turned on, it is fast drawing the chunks. Not a huge deal, as the mob icons over Rei's red dots and the FRIGGIN awesome nether mapping make up for it. Just one of those "thought you shuold know" things
Again, FRIGGIN AWESOME, here is hoping you stay around through updates unlike Zan and Lahwran
Anyway I will be sticking around. I've been maintaining it now more than twice as long as Zan and Lahwran combined
Like I said, not game breaking and the other features outweigh it. I have since noticed that Rei's goes away when I access an inventory(chest/furnace/etc). This map does not and get's in the way on different things, easiest to see is NEI, it covers up NEI's inventory. And when cycling through zoom levels in the minimap, when hitting the max zoom, mobs that are right under or near will disappear from the minmap.
I've been poking around trying to find an improved chat mod for the latest version ... I can't seem to find any. I guess I'm going to have to write it myself ... *sigh* ...
Stupidity on the rise with a 40% chance of shitstorms.
It's been relatively stress free for me; I don't get nearly the traffic here as your thread did haha
that said it just showed up in Yogscast as a portent of things to come, so I am expecting incoming crapstorm as people realize it's not Rei's in FeedTheBeast anymore
Pretty sure that is how they function now. I tested it specifically with Mystcraft (Exception: nether and overworld are grouped together, but you can change that in the .points file). If you make a waypoint in a Myscraft age and it shows up elsewhere, either you have an old version, or it's a bug
Edited original post cause I'm confused as flip.
Edit again: I did some more testing, turns out OpenGL only stopped the flashing for a little while, it came back in full force later. I also found out the main cause of the flashing, the Mine Little Pony mod, I removed it and all flashing stopped, but when I have it in, somehow, chicken bones' chunk loaders stop the flashing whenever I'm near them.
Edit: I shall now begin the facedesking, the flashing is gone now that I reverted my settings to normal ~_~ I had threaded optimization off and FXAA on, turned Thread Opt on and FXAA off so the flashing stopped.
Np, I just did more testing, found out it was just the FXAA setting being on causing the flashing.