Thanks for the report, always appreciate a crashlog. Can't reproduce here with Forge, but you have a lot of other additional mods installed that could be causing it. If you want, see if you can reproduce without some/all of them (just for info. and obviously don't load your main world).
That said, I can probably fix that particular issue regardless.
Thanks for the report, always appreciate a crashlog. Can't reproduce here with Forge, but you have a lot of other additional mods installed that could be causing it. If you want, see if you can reproduce without some/all of them (just for info. and obviously don't load your main world).
That said, I can probably fix that particular issue regardless.
I think I've found the problem...
The game crashes when I add and replace Forge 516 + Optifine C1 to my "old" installation.
When I do a clean install, with all my mods, no crashing occurs...
Could you make the void fog remover a forge mod as well or at least try to look into why forge doesn't like your mod.
void fog remover makes some (very small) changes to a couple of the main rendering classes. As Forge touches those classes too, the only way to get them to both work at the same time is to put out a class that merges the changes. Forge would either have to add my changes, or I'd have to make a Forge compatible version every time. It hasn't beena super high priority for me, as I don't really use Forge
I hate to ask, but I'm thinking of renting out a server sometime in the near future, once I have a job, and was wondering if you could make a variation of the Minimap mod that was 1.) very barebones, just the map and waypoints, no special features otherwise, and 2.) which requires you to have a map or perhaps special other item in your inventory, and 3.) which disables the minimap in client, if at all possible. I know this is probably a bit much to ask, but I'd be very appreciative if you did so.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
What makes you think I was ever being reasonable? I'm sitting here with a pile of guns while wearing a flamethrower, and you thought that, at some point, I was being reasonable?
added language support to the minimap. Currently only en_US and de_DE. I could use some more!
minimap.ui.welcome1=Maintained by MamiyaOtaru
minimap.ui.welcome2=Translated by: YOUR NAME HERE
minimap.ui.welcome3=Welcome to Zan's Minimap, there are a
minimap.ui.welcome4=number of features and commands available to you.
minimap.ui.welcome5a=Zoom in/out
minimap.ui.welcome6=Toggle full screen map.
minimap.ui.welcome7=Quickly add a waypoint.
minimap.ui.welcome8=Hide this message
minimap.ui.zoomlevel=Zoom Level:
controls.minimap.title=Minimap Controls
controls.minimap.unbind1=To unbind a key, select it and press 'Escape'.
controls.minimap.unbind2=(Except for the Menu Key - it can't be unbound)
key.minimap.togglefullscreen=Toggle Fullscreen Map
key.minimap.waypointhotkey=Waypoint Hotkey
key.minimap.togglemobs=Toggle Mobs
minimap.waypoints.teleportto=Teleport To
minimap.waypoints.newwaypoint=New Waypoint
minimap.waypoints.deleteconfirm=Are you sure you want to remove this waypoint?
minimap.waypoints.edit=Edit Waypoint Waypoint Name
minimap.waypoints.choosecolor=Choose Color:
minimap.waypoints.enable=Enable Waypoint
minimap.waypoints.disable=Disable Waypoint
# ä = ä | ö = ö | ü = ü | Ãœ = Ü | ß = ß
minimap.ui.welcome1=Verwaltet von MamiyaOtaru
minimap.ui.welcome2=Ãœbersetzung: MamiyaOtaru
minimap.ui.welcome3=Wilkommen bei Zan's Minimap, es gibt einige Funktionen
minimap.ui.welcome4=und Befehle, die Ihnen zur Verfügung stehen
minimap.ui.welcome5a=Zoom ein/aus
minimap.ui.welcome6=Vollbildkarte schalten
minimap.ui.welcome7=Neuen Wegpunkt schnell erstellen
minimap.ui.welcome8=Diesen Hinweis Verstecken
controls.minimap.unbind1=Um eine Kontrolle loszubinden, sie auswählen und 'Esc' Taste drücken.
controls.minimap.unbind2=(Außer der Menütaste - sie kann nicht losgebunden werden)
key.minimap.togglefullscreen=Vollbildkarte Schaltenü
key.minimap.waypointhotkey=Wegpunkt Hotkey
key.minimap.togglemobs=Mobsymbolen Schalten
minimap.waypoints.teleportto=Hierzu Teleportieren
minimap.waypoints.newwaypoint=Neuer Wegpunkt
minimap.waypoints.deleteconfirm=Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Wegpunkt löschen möchtest?
minimap.waypoints.edit=Wegpunkt Bearbeiten Wegpunkt Name
minimap.waypoints.choosecolor=Farbe Wählen:
minimap.waypoints.enable=Wegpunkt Anschalten
minimap.waypoints.disable=Wegpunkt Ausschalten
I am making a private mod pack for FeedTheBeast and i was wondering if i could use your mod inside of my modpack it will be private and people who join the server will be the only ppl to have access to it.
that would probably be fine, provided I am credited. Also there are going to be some changes in the next few days, including a rename (new name VoxelMap). Functionality will remain the same, but the mod will also have a Liteloader version.
I assume you'd be using the modloader version, of the versions available now?
that would probably be fine, provided I am credited. Also there are going to be some changes in the next few days, including a rename (new name VoxelMap). Functionality will remain the same, but the mod will also have a Liteloader version.
I assume you'd be using the modloader version, of the versions available now?
The Menu for Zan's Minimap is coming up as regular minecraft buttons with "options.minimap.showcordinates: on" is this normal if not what could be causing it. I am using a clean minecraft.jar and Forge 518 and no texture pack. help would be appreciated.
The Menu for Zan's Minimap is coming up as regular minecraft buttons with "options.minimap.showcordinates: on" is this normal if not what could be causing it. I am using a clean minecraft.jar and Forge 518 and no texture pack. help would be appreciated.
Yes appears to be working - the translation strings are now showing instead of the variables. Just out of curiosity what was the cause? - you don't have to answer this
I add entries for the strings in the minimap to the regular minecraft translation table.
gist of it is with certain mod packs those strings were getting added before the standard translation table got initialized, erasing the stuff I'd added in. Now I'm checking to make sure my strings are in there and adding them in (again) if not
Thanks for the explanation - I was wondering why modifying the lang file wasn't making any difference (thought I might have been able to offer a simple solution but you beat me with a re-code).
Are you considering adding more things(dropped items/chests) to display on the radar like Radarbro?
I add entries for the strings in the minimap to the regular minecraft translation table.
gist of it is with certain mod packs those strings were getting added before the standard translation table got initialized, erasing the stuff I'd added in. Now I'm checking to make sure my strings are in there and adding them in (again) if not
The Menu for Zan's Minimap is coming up as regular minecraft buttons with "options.minimap.showcordinates: on" is this normal if not what could be causing it. I am using a clean minecraft.jar and Forge 518 and no texture pack. help would be appreciated.
Still having the issue. tried to use your DL link but it would not allow me access. tried re-downloading what was on the website. no change. Just letting you know. the map works fin but the menus are a pain to us with all that extra text. Good luck finding/fixing the issue. Awesome Mod, love seeing the icon's of the mobs on the radar. I withdraw my complaint... great work!!
Thanks for the report, always appreciate a crashlog. Can't reproduce here with Forge, but you have a lot of other additional mods installed that could be causing it. If you want, see if you can reproduce without some/all of them (just for info. and obviously don't load your main world).
That said, I can probably fix that particular issue regardless.
I think I've found the problem...
The game crashes when I add and replace Forge 516 + Optifine C1 to my "old" installation.
When I do a clean install, with all my mods, no crashing occurs...
so a fresh install, with all your mods, works fine? You didn't have to leave any out?
void fog remover makes some (very small) changes to a couple of the main rendering classes. As Forge touches those classes too, the only way to get them to both work at the same time is to put out a class that merges the changes. Forge would either have to add my changes, or I'd have to make a Forge compatible version every time. It hasn't beena super high priority for me, as I don't really use Forge
minimap.ui.welcome1=Maintained by MamiyaOtaru
minimap.ui.welcome2=Translated by: YOUR NAME HERE
minimap.ui.welcome3=Welcome to Zan's Minimap, there are a
minimap.ui.welcome4=number of features and commands available to you.
minimap.ui.welcome5a=Zoom in/out
minimap.ui.welcome6=Toggle full screen map.
minimap.ui.welcome7=Quickly add a waypoint.
minimap.ui.welcome8=Hide this message
minimap.ui.zoomlevel=Zoom Level:
options.minimap.title=Minimap Options
options.minimap.showcoordinates=Display Coordinates
options.minimap.hideminimap=Hide Minimap
options.minimap.cavemode=Enable Cave Mode
options.minimap.dynamiclighting=Dynamic Lighting
options.minimap.terraindepth=Terrain Depth
options.minimap.squaremap=Square Map
options.minimap.oldnorth=Old North
options.minimap.ingamewaypoints=In-game Waypoints
options.minimap.watertransparency=Water Transparency
options.minimap.blocktransparency=Block Transparency
options.minimap.radar.hideradar=Hide Radar
options.minimap.radar.showhostiles=Show Hostiles
options.minimap.radar.showplayers=Show Players
options.minimap.radar.showneutrals=Show Neutrals
options.minimap.radar.iconoutlines=Icon Outlines
options.minimap.radar.iconfiltering=Icon Filtering
options.minimap.radar.showmphelmets=Show Player Helmets
options.minimap.location.topleft=Top Left
options.minimap.location.topright=Top Right
options.minimap.location.bottomright=Bottom Right
options.minimap.location.bottomleft=Bottom Left
controls.minimap.title=Minimap Controls
controls.minimap.unbind1=To unbind a key, select it and press 'Escape'.
controls.minimap.unbind2=(Except for the Menu Key - it can't be unbound)
key.minimap.togglefullscreen=Toggle Fullscreen Map
key.minimap.waypointhotkey=Waypoint Hotkey
key.minimap.togglemobs=Toggle Mobs
minimap.waypoints.teleportto=Teleport To
minimap.waypoints.newwaypoint=New Waypoint
minimap.waypoints.deleteconfirm=Are you sure you want to remove this waypoint?
minimap.waypoints.edit=Edit Waypoint Waypoint Name
minimap.waypoints.choosecolor=Choose Color:
minimap.waypoints.enable=Enable Waypoint
minimap.waypoints.disable=Disable Waypoint
# ä = ä | ö = ö | ü = ü | Ãœ = Ü | ß = ß
minimap.ui.welcome1=Verwaltet von MamiyaOtaru
minimap.ui.welcome2=Ãœbersetzung: MamiyaOtaru
minimap.ui.welcome3=Wilkommen bei Zan's Minimap, es gibt einige Funktionen
minimap.ui.welcome4=und Befehle, die Ihnen zur Verfügung stehen
minimap.ui.welcome5a=Zoom ein/aus
minimap.ui.welcome6=Vollbildkarte schalten
minimap.ui.welcome7=Neuen Wegpunkt schnell erstellen
minimap.ui.welcome8=Diesen Hinweis Verstecken
options.minimap.showcoordinates=Koordinaten Zeigen
options.minimap.hideminimap=Karte Verstecken
options.minimap.squaremap=Rechteckige Karte
options.minimap.oldnorth=Original Nord
options.minimap.ingamewaypoints=In-game Wegpunkte
options.minimap.radar.hideradar=Radar Verstecken
options.minimap.radar.showhostiles=Feinde Zeigen
options.minimap.radar.showplayers=Spieler Zeigen
options.minimap.radar.showneutrals=Neutralen Zeigen
options.minimap.radar.iconoutlines=Symbolen Umrissen
options.minimap.radar.iconfiltering=Symbolen Filtern
options.minimap.radar.showmphelmets=Spielerhelme Zeigen
options.minimap.location.topleft=Oben Links
options.minimap.location.topright=Oben Rechts
options.minimap.location.bottomright=Unten Rechts
options.minimap.location.bottomleft=Unten Links
controls.minimap.unbind1=Um eine Kontrolle loszubinden, sie auswählen und 'Esc' Taste drücken.
controls.minimap.unbind2=(Außer der Menütaste - sie kann nicht losgebunden werden)
key.minimap.togglefullscreen=Vollbildkarte Schaltenü
key.minimap.waypointhotkey=Wegpunkt Hotkey
key.minimap.togglemobs=Mobsymbolen Schalten
minimap.waypoints.teleportto=Hierzu Teleportieren
minimap.waypoints.newwaypoint=Neuer Wegpunkt
minimap.waypoints.deleteconfirm=Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Wegpunkt löschen möchtest?
minimap.waypoints.edit=Wegpunkt Bearbeiten Wegpunkt Name
minimap.waypoints.choosecolor=Farbe Wählen:
minimap.waypoints.enable=Wegpunkt Anschalten
minimap.waypoints.disable=Wegpunkt Ausschalten
I am making a private mod pack for FeedTheBeast and i was wondering if i could use your mod inside of my modpack it will be private and people who join the server will be the only ppl to have access to it.
I assume you'd be using the modloader version, of the versions available now?
Ya modloader/forge
Any idea how to fix this?
I had the same thing happen to me with FTB launcher (Mindcrack pack, others didn't do it). Anyway, that prompted me to fix it.
Both of you - download this: http://www.mediafire...jm980ks2ag2sof1 (Modloader version - regular version will be at PMC shortly)
let me know if that works. Should force the translation strings in (does for me)
gist of it is with certain mod packs those strings were getting added before the standard translation table got initialized, erasing the stuff I'd added in. Now I'm checking to make sure my strings are in there and adding them in (again) if not
Are you considering adding more things(dropped items/chests) to display on the radar like Radarbro?
Could you reupload that file?
Still having the issue. tried to use your DL link but it would not allow me access. tried re-downloading what was on the website. no change. Just letting you know. the map works fin but the menus are a pain to us with all that extra text. Good luck finding/fixing the issue. Awesome Mod, love seeing the icon's of the mobs on the radar.I withdraw my complaint... great work!!If there were just an option to toggle the chunk grid (for faction/town planning) and radar/waypoints on the big map it would be perfect.
A few other things (e.g. semi transparency) would be nice, but with the chunk grid alone I'd never even need to switch back and forth to reis.