All of these mods will work just fine in SMP, except for no slimes in superflat; that is singleplayer only. The rest only change some visuals and use info the server makes available.
VoxelMap is an in-game minimap mod with a few nice features. It displays waypoints (per dimension, and per multiverse world if the server is running voxelPlugin). It also displays mob (and player) icons, with optional helmets and playernames. Waypoints can be edited or removed at any time, with an easy UI for picking their color. In SP (with commands enabled) or in MP with sufficient permissions, the user can teleport to any waypoint. Functions in the Nether. Has a handy cave mode. for underground exploration.
Works well with other mods: biome shading for addon vegetation works. Displays icons for most addon mobs automatically, and when one can't be created automatically, it can load a custom made icon.
Credit: Zan for starting this mod, Lahwran for continuing it
Icons are see through when mob is above. Icons are darkened when mob is below
Death Marker
Spot of your last death marked on the map.
Waypoint Beacons
Square map
Cavemode and Integration with the Motion Tracker mod
This mod displays what people say above their head. Useful for crowded servers where the chat lines fly by. This way you can hold a conversation with people near you.This is similar to VoxelChat, but VoxelChat required a server plugin. This is entirely clientside, so it's a bit clumsier, but has a better chance of working on a given server
Singleplayer and Multiplayer. If you have seeds in your item bar, this mod will automatically plant them in any nearby farmland. Optionally you can have it automatically harvest nearby ripe wheat as well (to prevent griefing, this is only possible with planting enabled).
1.8 and beyond added void fog near bedrock level. This is not conducive to megabuilds that begin low. Fortunately there was a mod to remove it.Unfortunately, 1.9 and beyond added a second effect when near bedrock: everything gets slightly darker. This mod removes both the fog and this second effect.Vanilla Minecraft version 1.1 and up removes the fog if you are in creative mod (but not the dimming ugh). It also removes the fog AND the dimming if you are on a flat map. Use this mod to remove both of them no matter what: in survival, non flat maps, whatever
Creative Mode, no voidfog but still with dimming
Both Voidfog and Dimming removed, like it was in 1.7.3
As seen in the movie Aliens. Displays the location of nearby mobs (configurable for hostile, neutral, player, or any combo thereof). Press M to bring up the menu for options.Install instructions in the zip. Requires Risugami's audio mod for the sound. Does not need ModloaderMade some changes to make it compatible with Zan's Minimap, which I have continued maintaining. Simply install them both in any order. They share one class file but the shared classfile will work with either map and tracker, both, or neither, so just overwrite it and don't worry about it. If this is too confusing I can upload a version with both in one by Darth Biomech. Menu code from Zan's minimap (m to open menu).
This mod makes the sun travel from north to south, to match the direction it went in Minecraft Beta. With this mod, clouds go "north" and the sun goes "west", just like it used to.If you install Zan's Minimap, you can toggle between the old and new direction (see the third image)Instructions in the README
Current sun direction, rising in the east, which was the south in beta
Old, Beta sun direction, rising in the Beta east, which is now the north in final (ie this is how it used to be)
Integration with Zan's Minimap, showing the toggle between old and new sun direction
this removes slimes from superflat worlds. Useful if you want the survival feeling of fighting skeletons and zombies, but don't like seeing slimes bounce around on the surface.This one was requested, and was super quick to do, so why not
since 1.0 fences attach to adjacent blocks. Since 1.1, netherrack fences do too. This mod just makes fences behave like they used to, for aesthetic reasons for maps built before that change was made (see the last two images for why I made it). With the mod, they only attach to other fences and gates.This is purely for aesthetics, for maps built before the fence change if those maps assumed and made use of the old style fences. If you don't like it or don't have any old maps that look better with it, please don't download it!Installation instructionsto install, put the class file in your minecraft.jar.and the usual: delete the files in the META-INF folder in minecraft,jar
Default Minecraft. Is a nice change, if your old build didn't assume the old behavior
With the mod. For old builds that were created with this in mind. Example below:
How the column in the window was intended to look, when it was built back in Beta
The new behavior messed up the column in the window. This mod exists solely to fix things like this.
if it crashes your minecraft, you did it wrong. Can't tell you how since there are zero details in your post. the current links are for 1.2.4 only, and require deletion of META-INF
I like it!
You have however, confused me.
With the 'Old North' mod, I am confused as to what it does.
I always thought the sun rose in the east and set in the west. (In Beta)
As that was the way I navigated around both my own and survival maps and such.
Are you saying the Full Relase MC changes the sun to travel from the North to the South? (Or S to the N)
And if the case, it resets it so it now rises in the East?
I think the description might need a rewrite...
Sorry to be awkward
no problem. it is hard to describe To try to keep it simple: the sun moves in a different direction than it did in beta. In beta, the sun and clouds moved in a different direction. Now they move in the same direction. If you play an old beta map, the sun rises in what used to be the south. This just lets you put it back to the old way.
Longer explanation: according to notch, in beta the sun rose in the north. We always assumed it was the east, since that's where the real sun rises. But notch said it was the north. It was a bug, and it was fixed in final. So now it rises in what he always thought of as the east, which is 90 degrees off from when we thought of as east (based on where the sun rose) back in beta.
It has to calculate a lot of stuff, particularly in nether or cave mode (it can't use the game's stored heightmap then). You can mitigate it by not zooming out all the way (so it doesn't have to calculate as much - press the Z key to cycle through zoom levels). Also, if you have a multicore processor, you can turn threading on (press M to bring up the menu, it's an option near the bottom of the options menu)
1 is not likely to happen, that's what the Motion Tracker is for
2: can you be a little more specific
3: not sure what you mean by layout, but if you have the old textures you can add them in yourself no problem, as long as the filename is the same
i would love to try ur void fog remover, only problem is planet minecraft is down :/. do u think u could just do the mediafire link instead?
it would be a great mod to use because i HATE void fog.
loaded all of these into 1.2.5 and nothing crashed and everything appeared to work. Thread title changed accordingly. If anyone finds otherwise, please let me know. Seems 1.2.5 is not as much of a change as 1.2.4.
All of these mods will work just fine in SMP, except for no slimes in superflat; that is singleplayer only. The rest only change some visuals and use info the server makes available.
Works well with other mods: biome shading for addon vegetation works. Displays icons for most addon mobs automatically, and when one can't be created automatically, it can load a custom made icon.
Credit: Zan for starting this mod, Lahwran for continuing it
and Integration with the Motion Tracker mod1.5.1
if it crashes your minecraft, you did it wrong. Can't tell you how since there are zero details in your post. the current links are for 1.2.4 only, and require deletion of META-INF
"We shape our buildings, thereafter they shape us." - David Allen Coe
no problem. it is hard to describe
Longer explanation: according to notch, in beta the sun rose in the north. We always assumed it was the east, since that's where the real sun rises. But notch said it was the north. It was a bug, and it was fixed in final. So now it rises in what he always thought of as the east, which is 90 degrees off from when we thought of as east (based on where the sun rose) back in beta.
It has to calculate a lot of stuff, particularly in nether or cave mode (it can't use the game's stored heightmap then). You can mitigate it by not zooming out all the way (so it doesn't have to calculate as much - press the Z key to cycle through zoom levels). Also, if you have a multicore processor, you can turn threading on (press M to bring up the menu, it's an option near the bottom of the options menu)
I've posted the buildings you can see in some of the shots here Scroll down, they are below all the mods.
I really loved this mod when I played Faction Servers
Thanks a lot!!!
Mob entites on the map
View options
Zan Map Layout/texture
2: can you be a little more specific
3: not sure what you mean by layout, but if you have the old textures you can add them in yourself no problem, as long as the filename is the same
it would be a great mod to use because i HATE void fog.
Now accepting prisoner transfers from other prison servers!
Was wondering, are any of them SMP? Maybe include that in the thread?
Error report?