Hmm I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'm running MC 1.5.1 and think I got all the right versions I needed, but when I interact with enchanting table, everything is still in gibberish. Placing default->alternate the old wording mechanism is still in place. The enchanting methods seem to work besides that.
Not sure if this is by design or not, but once an enchant is placed and you move the item, you can no longer disenchant the old enchant?
WOOOPSIE!: Ok I'm foolish, I guess I spent too much time looking for alternative enchant mods to realize this one doesn't mess with the enchant strings at all. All seems well and good +vote
OK get a fresh install of minecraft. Install forge into the jar. Delete the meta.inf from the jar. Install PlayerAPI. now load minecraft. Then put more enchants and superior into the mods folder
Hey Lithial, I was playing in a 1.5.2 test world and I noticed something. Thaumcraft 3 adds some enchantments that are for wands only, and they were constantly showing up on my other enchanted gear, such as bows, swords, etc. I kept getting enchantments such as Frugal and Potency. The chances of getting those wand only enchantments was extremely high. I would go into a table with a brand new bow and spend well over thirty levels trying to get any enchantment on it besides those wand enchants, unsuccessfully. Just wondering if Thaumcraft support is planned, or a quick fix can be added to always avoid those enchantments on other gear.
As such I'm delegating him the work of keeping the Superior Enchanting updated (and possibly for Bukkit) while I'm away:
I will also provide him with all relevant source code in my possession.
This is off course subject to him agreeing to the following conditions, in front of you the users.
Do you Lithial agree to the following:
Not disseminate the source code to anyone, unless they can be agreed on.
Not do anything malicious with the mod, i.e. attaching viruses/unsavoury content to my mods when offering them for download.
Source code, will be shared both ways.
You may gain advertising revenue, just as long as you makes sure that the site is reputable and doesn't hit the user with too many adds.
I still retain intellectual property for my work, but you shall receive all due permission and credit for the ports.
If Cognitive Forge needs you to link to a web page for one of our upcoming games, you will need to do so in the mod download, in the appropriate format.
You may create any enhancements that you like, so long as it doesn't conflict with the original goals of the mod e.g.:
Cross compatibility with other mods, requiring as few third party apis as possible.
I have since donated $45 for his work on my mods so far (I know its not much) and I look forward to his working with him in the near future.
1.5.1 ad 1.5.2 are here
and as for a change log
No changes except this download doesn't have the server component because It caused me problems
and how does it work? can you post a log and did u install player api ?
Thanks Lithial for Superior_EnchantingSSP1.5.2 :), works very well
Not sure if this is by design or not, but once an enchant is placed and you move the item, you can no longer disenchant the old enchant?
WOOOPSIE!: Ok I'm foolish, I guess I spent too much time looking for alternative enchant mods to realize this one doesn't mess with the enchant strings at all. All seems well and good
Did you also delete the meta.inf
Also if that does work may i recommend multiMc
As such I'm delegating him the work of keeping the Superior Enchanting updated (and possibly for Bukkit) while I'm away:
I will also provide him with all relevant source code in my possession.
This is off course subject to him agreeing to the following conditions, in front of you the users.
Do you Lithial agree to the following:
I have since donated $45 for his work on my mods so far (I know its not much) and I look forward to his working with him in the near future.
A double resolution texture pack that stays faithful to the original Minecraft textures.
Im pretty sure the default without this mod is 30
yea it is