Where do i place Liquid xp in FTB ultimate? Jar, Core, Mods????
Mods. All Immibis' mods go into the mods folder except Microblocks, which goes in the coremods folder.
Also, I thought I would add that I am having the same issue with liquid xp in railcraft tanks. Curiously, when I put it into a buildcraft tank it became water but no crash.
For the liquid xp mod AKA LXP enchanter, I cant figure out the bookshelfs, Could someone that is useing LXP mod and has the proper bookshelf order, Please give me a picture
and yes i did look at the thread about the bookshelfs
found another bug with microblocks, if you travel or port between 2 points (lets say spawn and your home) the chunk will be unloaded and if that happens a few times, a few microblocks are invisible(ghost blocks) after a relog this is fixed.
Tested microblocks newest version with complete fresh configs and I cant put any covers to any entitie like bc pipes, ic2 cable, rednet cable, ae cable and so on, did I something wrong? (with an older cfg I can put covers only on bc pipes/ic2 cable).
After updating Thermal Expansion and regenerate microblock config Minecraft crashed.
Yup came here to give a warning to people, the error says it all:
"MicroblockSupporterTransformer cannot be used on blocks with multiple selection boxes."
Thermal Expansions Changelog says this was a change he made for some future plans:
"-Added: Conduits and Liquiducts now have some additional mouseover boxes. This will be important in the future."
Sooooo, dangit! I downgraded TE and it loaded fine. I could just knock out the 2 covers I have in this world, but then I'd have to stop using microblocks lest I forget and/or accidentally attached one to a conduit. Because once it is attached, it crashes every time.
Yup came here to give a warning to people, the error says it all:
"MicroblockSupporterTransformer cannot be used on blocks with multiple selection boxes."
Thermal Expansions Changelog says this was a change he made for some future plans:
"-Added: Conduits and Liquiducts now have some additional mouseover boxes. This will be important in the future."
Sooooo, dangit! I downgraded TE and it loaded fine. I could just knock out the 2 covers I have in this world, but then I'd have to stop using microblocks lest I forget and/or accidentally attached one to a conduit. Because once it is attached, it crashes every time.
You could just remove TE stuff from the microblocks config and that should prevent covers from being placed in them.
Is it posible to use on 1.4.7 rp mod and immibis microblocks at same time? I want cover ic2 and bc... rp microblocks cant do this..but i don't want remove rp..
Is it posible to use on 1.4.7 rp mod and immibis microblocks at same time? I want cover ic2 and bc... rp microblocks cant do this..but i don't want remove rp..
I've used both successfully, with RP2 used for tubes and Immibis Microblocks for IC2 and Buildcraft/TE (though facades work too).
Not sure which side the problem is on, but when using BC pipes to pull out of a autocrafting table mk2 they happily pull everything from the input slots. For most recipes this can be worked around by using a emerald pipe to pull only the result, but if the recipe includes the result in the ingridients... (like ic2 fertilizer+2*scrap=2*fertilizer) it's a PITA
Mods. All Immibis' mods go into the mods folder except Microblocks, which goes in the coremods folder.
Also, I thought I would add that I am having the same issue with liquid xp in railcraft tanks. Curiously, when I put it into a buildcraft tank it became water but no crash.
Then you did something wrong.
I have all Immibis's mods in "mods" and they work fine. Did you accidentally update to Minecraft 1.5.2?
and yes i did look at the thread about the bookshelfs
Put the blocks around the cables, not the cables through the blocks.
Also, do the recipes for the blocks not show up in NEI on purpose?
Other than that, I LOVE MICROBLOCKS
60 bookshelves for level 30 enchantments is ridiculous and take up a lot of space.
It's not working with 60 of them around it anyway...I've even put way more than 60 around it, simply doesn't work.
EDIT: It works, but only for medallions up to level 10.
KBI Enriched Gravel Mod -- sift out nuggets and chunks and make gravel useful! (Outdated)
Tinker's Construct Recovery Addon -- get back some of your half-used tool materials! (Outdated)
Yup came here to give a warning to people, the error says it all:
"MicroblockSupporterTransformer cannot be used on blocks with multiple selection boxes."
Thermal Expansions Changelog says this was a change he made for some future plans:
"-Added: Conduits and Liquiducts now have some additional mouseover boxes. This will be important in the future."
Sooooo, dangit! I downgraded TE and it loaded fine. I could just knock out the 2 covers I have in this world, but then I'd have to stop using microblocks lest I forget and/or accidentally attached one to a conduit. Because once it is attached, it crashes every time.
lxp 54.0.2 fixes the iron tank rendering bug.
I've used both successfully, with RP2 used for tubes and Immibis Microblocks for IC2 and Buildcraft/TE (though facades work too).
Yep. I'm an adventurer(at least that's what I think I am).
Check out my mods: NEI Addons, Gendustry, Pressure Pipes, Advanced Generators, AE2 Stuff | Support me on Patreon!