All credit goes to darkk6!! He did a fantastic job and will be updating this mod for bukkit!
Fixed gravitational piston duplicating tnt when tnt was activated
Fixed pistons dropping when player is in creative mode (Client Only)
Fixed piston extension sticking out gravitational piston and super pistons when extending
v1.2.3 for [1.4.6]
Fixed super pistons leaving behind piston extension when broken
Fixed piston extension leaving super piston behind when broken
Fixed piston extension not disapearing if not connected to a piston and a neighbor block change occured
Fixed piston extension being left behind from a fast pulse to a piston
Fixed all pistons not dropping a piston when piston extension or piston rod was broken
Fixed gravitational piston and super pistons not dropping when piston extension was broken
Fixed gravitational piston shooting two sand entities when powered by repeaters
v1.2.2 for [1.4.6]
Fixed gravitational piston not shooting sand or gravel
Fixed gravitational piston sometime not shooting the player
v1.2.1 for [1.4.6]
Fixed super pistons breaking redstone in some directions
v1.2 for [1.4.6]
Added two new pistons - Super Piston and Super Sticky Piston
Super pistons can push up to 40 blocks
Super pistons can push all block except for bedrock and blocks with tile entities
Super pistons can push all dependable blocks attached to a block being pushed by the super piston
v1.1.1 for [1.4.6]
Updated to 1.4.6 by Malivil!
v1.1.1 for [1.4.5]
Updated to 1.4.5 by Malivil
v1.1 for [1.3.2]
Updated to 1.3.2
v1.0 for [1.2.5]
Fixed texture issue by switching to Forge's infinite sprite index system
Fixed gravitational piston bug where the power of the piston would decrease
Switched to forge's configuration file system instead of ModLoaders
v0.9.9 for [1.2.5]
Fixed minor bugs
v0.9.8 for [1.2.5]
Fixed pistons not being able to push other pistons
Fixed dirt turning into gravitational pistons in crafting
Fixed pistons going away after closing creative gui
v0.9.7 for [1.2.5]
Fixed piston extension texture changing to stone when retracting
Fixed piston being able to push blocks they shouldn't push such as bedrock
Updated name to match [1.2.5]
Added blocks to creative gui
v0.9.6 for [1.2.5]
Updated to 1.2.5
v0.9.5 for [1.2.4]
Fixed piston extension block bounds
Fixed piston extension collision bounding boxes
Fixed quadruple piston acting like a gravitational piston
Vanilla pistons now push double, triple, etc. pistons
Fixed Arraylist crash
Added new textures for the gravitational pistons
v0.9.4 for [1.2.4]
Added SMP support
Released server version
Fixed version number during a crash
Fixed arraylist crash
v0.9.3 for [1.2.4]
Fixed download
v0.9.2 for [1.2.4]
Fixed config file, it now works when you change block ids.
v0.9.1 for [1.2.4]
Accidentally released wrong code. Completely professional.
v0.9 for [1.2.4]
No SMP because modloaderMP is 1.2.3
*Does not require forge yet because forge is still 1.2.3
Added unique sprite indexs with modloader
Updated to 1.2.4
v0.8 for [1.2.3]
Fixed SSP download being a .rar file to a .zip file
Cleaned up the code a little bit
+Added automatic block id resolver
Updated to 1.2.3
v0.7.1 (and before) for [1.1]
+Added bukkit version
Fixed missing config class for SMP & server
Fixed quadruple name bug and some recipe bugs
Fixed missing files in SSP & SMP version
+Added SMP support
+Added gravitational piston!
Fixed grid piston bug and added custom textures
+Added a config file for block ids
Fixed pistons pushing other pistons when extended
Fixed all block removal bugs concerning deletion and creative mode
Fixed bugs with block removal
First release of the mod and added double, triple, and quadruple pistons!
You are allowed to do reviews of this mod so long as you post a link to this forum, or the download but not the direct link. If you really want to support me then just add the link to this post as this mod gets updated so you don't have to update your download link. As long as you follow these rules I am more than glad to have you do a review. When your done with the video make sure to post it here so I can put it in the post! Thank you.
If you liked my mod make sure to click the little button! Thank you!
Sweet mod, but since i see you asked others...I would like to see, to be able to launch eneties in the air using pistons, so i can create awsome traps, or launch peeps at my front door, or well a random sheep, or something. I am big into creating, traps, and fun things and god, i swear im obsessed with redstone stuff! hehe
I do like how this mod now makes it easy to create larger hiddin stairs and such, or bigger doors, but that is what i am looking for, launching! Someone else is also working on a simular mod, and i think launching eneties in air and such is in there......but its taking FOREVER!!! Im stalking his i know it takes time )
For now, this makes redstone/pistons more fun!
Great job on the mod! Oh and maybe compatible with bukkit server's or SMP? Will that be soon to come with this? So it can add fun with freinds? Love bukkit, as its what i run now, but willing to go SMP.
Thanks Man! :smile.gif:~ Cheers
Sweet mod, but since i see you asked others...I would like to see, to be able to launch eneties in the air using pistons, so i can create awsome traps, or launch peeps at my front door, or well a random sheep, or something. I am big into creating, traps, and fun things and god, i swear im obsessed with redstone stuff! hehe
I do like how this mod now makes it easy to create larger hiddin stairs and such, or bigger doors, but that is what i am looking for, launching! Someone else is also working on a simular mod, and i think launching eneties in air and such is in there......but its taking FOREVER!!! Im stalking his i know it takes time )
For now, this makes redstone/pistons more fun!
Great job on the mod! Oh and maybe compatible with bukkit server's or SMP? Will that be soon to come with this? So it can add fun with freinds? Love bukkit, as its what i run now, but willing to go SMP.
Thanks Man! :smile.gif:~ Cheers
Yes, I was considering in adding launching pistons, and I'm working on it right now so it should be in soon. And yes I'm also working on an SMP version but that will come out later. And thank you for supporting the mod!! :biggrin.gif:
I dunno if it is actually in the mod or not, but please add sticky pistons that extends like the one you made?
It would make my piston life complete! ;D
Super Piston *NEW*:
Super Sticky Piston *NEW*:
All credit goes to IVCraft and Naiten for coming up with this idea!!!
Double Piston:
Double Sticky Piston:
Triple Piston:
Triple Sticky Piston:
Quadruple Piston:
Quadruple Sticky Piston:
Gravitational Piston:
All credit goes to Hippoplatimus for this idea!!!
Download Mod (Client & Multiplayer) for [1.4.7]:
[1.4.7] More Pistons v1.2.4 Thank you for downloading! Please report any bugs!
Forge by Eloraam, SpaceToad, and LexManos
Download Bukkit for [1.4.7]:
[1.4.7] More Pistons Bukkit v1.2.4 Thank you for downloading! Please report any bugs!
Thank you Paradiizee for the bukkit port!
How to install:
Gravitational Piston:
All the sticks in piston recipes have been change to iron ingots in 1.2.4 update!!!
Double Piston:
Double Sticky Piston:
Triple Piston:
Triple Sticky Piston:
Quadruple Piston:
Quadruple Sticky Piston:
Super Piston:
Super Sticky Piston:
Older Downloads:
Download Mod (Client & Multiplayer) for [1.4.6]:
Fixed gravitational piston shooting two sand entities when powered by repeaters! Also a lot more bug fixes!
[1.4.6] More Pistons v1.2.3 Thank you for downloading! Please report any bugs!
Forge by Eloraam, SpaceToad, and LexManos
Download Mod (Client & Multiplayer) for [1.4.5]:
All credit for this update goes to Malivil! Thank you!
[1.4.5] More Pistons v1.1.1 Thank you for downloading! Please report any bugs!
Forge by Eloraam, SpaceToad, and LexManos
Download Mod (Client & Multiplayer) for [1.3.2]:
Gravitational pistons don't shoot sand or gravel at the moment but I'm working on it!
[1.3.2] More Pistons v1.0 Thank you for downloading! Please report any bugs!
Forge by Eloraam, SpaceToad, and LexManos
Download Client (SSP & SMP):
[1.2.5] More Pistons v1.0 Thank you for downloading! Please report any bugs!
Forge by Eloraam, SpaceToad, and LexManos
Download Server for [1.2.5]:
[1.2.5] More Pistons Server v1.0 Thank you for downloading! Please report any bugs!
Server Requirements:
Forge by Eloraam, SpaceToad, and LexManos
Download Bukkit for [1.2.5]:
Now updated to v1.0!
[1.2.5] More Pistons Bukkit v1.0 Thank you for downloading! Please report any bugs!
Thank you darkk6 for doing the old bukkit ports!
The bukkit ports are now done by Eurymachus! Thank you!
Download Client (SSP & SMP):
[1.2.4] More Pistons v0.9.5Thank you for downloading! Please report any bugs!
Modloader by Risugami
ModloaderMP by SDK
Download Server for [1.2.4]:
[1.2.4] More Pistons Server v0.9.5 Thank you for downloading! Please report any bugs!
Server Requirements:
ModloaderMP by SDK
Download Client (SSP ONLY):
[1.2.3] More Pistons Client SSP(Adfly) Thank you for downloading! Please report any bugs!
Modloader by Risugami
Download Client (SSP & SMP):
[1.2.3] More Pistons Client SMP(Adfly) Thank you for downloading! Please report any bugs!
Modloader by Risugami
ModloaderMP by SDK
Download Server:
[1.2.3] More Pistons Server(Adfly) Thank you for downloading! Please report any bugs!
Server Requirements:
ModloaderMP by SDK
Download Bukkit for [1.2.3]:
[1.2.3] More Pistons Bukkit Thank you for downloading! Please report any bugs!
[1.2.3] More Pistons Bukkit Java 6 Download this if you have java 6!!
All credit goes to darkk6!! He did a fantastic job and will be updating this mod for bukkit!
Download Client (SSP ONLY):
[1.1] More Pistons Client SSP(Adfly) Thank you for downloading! Please report any bugs!
Modloader by Risugami
Download Client (SSP & SMP):
[1.1] More Pistons Client SMP(Adfly) Thank you for downloading! Please report any bugs!
Modloader by Risugami
ModloaderMP by jamioflan
Download Server:
[1.1] More Pistons Server(Adfly) Thank you for downloading! Please report any bugs!
Server Requirements:
ModloaderMP by jamioflan
Download Bukkit:
[1.1] More Pistons Bukkit(Adfly) Thank you for downloading! Please report any bugs!
All credit goes to darkk6!! He did a fantastic job and will be updating this mod for bukkit!
Made by: CrawlingFlesh
Made by: Minecraft Modding
If you liked my mod make sure to click the little button! Thank you!
I'll give it a go
Oh, wait, it's just a (Insert Word Here)
you should make this for bukkit smp if you can :biggrin.gif:
Also visit my Youtube channel at
What would you like to see me add?
Watch us!
Playing Better Than Wolves? Want it to be more sexy than it already is? Use this! Sphax-Style Better Than Wolves
How about a five sided piston?! Yes, I was thinking about it and I might implement it into the mod! Thank you!
AWESOME REVIEW!!! I'm gonna put it in the forum post!
I do like how this mod now makes it easy to create larger hiddin stairs and such, or bigger doors, but that is what i am looking for, launching! Someone else is also working on a simular mod, and i think launching eneties in air and such is in there......but its taking FOREVER!!! Im stalking his i know it takes time )
For now, this makes redstone/pistons more fun!
Great job on the mod! Oh and maybe compatible with bukkit server's or SMP? Will that be soon to come with this? So it can add fun with freinds? Love bukkit, as its what i run now, but willing to go SMP.
Thanks Man! :smile.gif:~ Cheers
EDIT: People need to click that For real :biggrin.gif:
Yes, I was considering in adding launching pistons, and I'm working on it right now so it should be in soon. And yes I'm also working on an SMP version but that will come out later. And thank you for supporting the mod!! :biggrin.gif:
Thank you!
I make mod videos! Ask me and I'll make one for you!
So a piston that harms or hurts you when extended?
If you do I'll definitely download this mod and give u: + :Flint and Steel: to Flame someone you hate
Playing Better Than Wolves? Want it to be more sexy than it already is? Use this! Sphax-Style Better Than Wolves
It would make my piston life complete! ;D
Awesome mod, im going to download it.
Help me achieve my dream. A youtube community..