This thread was marked as Locked by master801.
Expected responses from Silver (also sort of mine):
1) Just use slash potions.
2) Turtles are already in, and we don't need another water-based mount.
3) See #2 but with pegasi.
4) [I honestly don't know what Silver will say to this one. I think it might have a chance.]
5) No.
Silver will then probably say something clever like "Any more questions?"
You might be right, but there's still hope out there. At least i know where it's too hard.
I have a question. And I also found a bug.
First of all, when are you and San planning to release V10? Will it be with 1.6 release or sometime before then?
Second, some of the equipment the soldiers carry become invisible when the soldier dies. The player can't see or pick them up, but the soldier can pick them up. (I think they pick it up by accident because they don't go rushing to that one spot just to get the equipment/upgrades.)
1: Yeah.. just chuck splash potions at them. Fairies will have some powers like that, but won't directly use potions.
2: Turtles and pegasi both float on water. Pegasi that start underwater may float halfway between sea floor and surface. Lapis, clay, and carrot pegasi won't die underwater.
3: You described the pegasus. Good job!
4: It's not the item that is the problem. It's the actual effect of the fire resistance, number of uses per item, counter chance, etc. The numbers are the issue.
5: That is not a bad idea, however we may not do it. It will go on the discussion board.
Will look into it. Lots of other stuff to do, but will look into it!
I'll think about it.
This is why i love this mod. Their modders are so interactive. At least something i suggested made some effect. Wait, we have carrot pegasi? And we will have fairies? I think i need to read the update board some more.
We're not adding them to the features list until they are actually part of the mod. As is they are just an unfinished concept with a model and texture.
If you were to use a splash potion on a clay man, the flask will break and you can't reuse it. When the soldier drinks the normal potions, it should only drink the liquid and you can use the bottle to brew a new potion instead of wasting three glass and one gunpowder to make a new one.
Oh yeah, also, is there a skin for SkythekidRS in the spawn egg easter... egg... if you know what I mean?
Avatar: "Badass" playermodel from Garry's Mod addon Metropolice Pack
Not yet, but Sky is being added to the "Unique Skins" sign password Easter Egg thing in the next update, along with Vechz, Jeb, and a Blaze.
Also, for your idea: this mod is REALLY not designed to be played in Survival. Just sayin'.
Actually, we like to balance for survival, and limit the soldiers to only being able to use things that can be acquired in survival without killing bosses or using silk touch. So you, sir, are WRONG. :3
You're likely doing it wrong. How are you trying to?
dont double post, and NO
the other suggestions are ok but the one above in the quote
Well, it's a super quick way of turning off one nexus if you need to!
That happens. Diamonds OP.