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or atleast help because its my first mod and im really confused how to do this
Just breakdancing along...
Okay sure im a brony but DO YOU THINK I FLIPPIN CARE?! AM I PROUD OF IT?...Okay maybe but...DEAL WITH IT DANGIT!
Nope. The effect has been considered for soldiers, but was instead put on turtles.
1: The armor system is as good as it needs to be already, and we've already declined headwear.
2: You misunderstand the king. He is to keep his team together in a small area rather than spread out. He is NOT supposed to be the dominant soldier.
3: No, I don't think you can even dye leather as its own item.
A defensive support ability, that does not supply any actual armor.
You could easily grab the items.png from the minecraft textures and use it to make a base item sheet for you.
I know that you won't make the mod to where you can directly control each soldier, but I have an idea. Why not make a varient of the mod to where you CAN do that. Still keeping the regular one. I know that it may be a lot of work but it might finally take one thing off the list.
I honestly don't care if you do this or not.
Nope. Honestly why would we make an entire second version in which the only difference is controlable soldiers in one but not the other?
You can already change the color of the capes and armor padding via colored wool. There's also glowstone for glowing, and a few more vanity items planned.
The companions are meant to assist the soldiers in various ways in combat. When spawned normally, the companion will not have a team, and a clay soldier will run up and tag it the same way they pick up items. Once tagged, the companion will take on the color of their team in some way, and fight as if they were just another soldier of that team. An example of how a player could tell the difference, is claimed dogs will wear collars of their team's color. It will be very easy to have companions assisting a team you are using, or you can attach them to a team that is not in use so that they will attack everyone.
They're not supposed to be smart. Also what's the point of a pit if things don't fall into it?
Also is there any way to create a dedicated Team Medic, one that's sole purpose is to heal his team mates?
Give the "medics" clay, ghast tears, and melons. That's as good as you're going to get. Also, books are already used for infinite paper capes and the one-time-only ability has been rejected before. Though I appreciate the Skyrim reference.
Also, what's your backstory about? What's it for? Post it here and I'll check it out.
My Backstory is an unrelated topic.
you have to give more information about this. How did you installed it?
That should be impossible unless you really f**ked up something. As above, I need more infos.
Don't use MCPatcher. I recommend MultiMC (and Optifine).
1. colored wool
2. for example on
No, really there shouldn't.
Are the words 'Yes' and 'I approve' even in your vocabulary...?
Yes they are, and I would really love to be able to use them in here more often D: