I'm a fool and completely missed the part that said I needed to use my own Minecraft username.
Is there a way I can contact an administrator to change it?
Found the name changer thing.
I have an alternate minecraft.jar where I use this but I don't use it often now. People without HD skins have the default skin. Could you try to work something out where if they don't have any files on the database it checks on the normal minecraft database? Oh yeah, and that crashing problem doesn't happen anymore.
I have an alternate minecraft.jar where I use this but I don't use it often now. People without HD skins have the default skin. Could you try to work something out where if they don't have any files on the database it checks on the normal minecraft database? Oh yeah, and that crashing problem doesn't happen anymore.
It should be checking the normal Minecraft database. What version are you using?
On another note, I've been working on a new version that should eliminate that annoying pause that occurs when a skin is loaded. It should be available tomorrow. The skins are going to be moved to a new server as well, which should also improve performance.
I'm still working on my skin but I uploaded a cape and I can't see it. I checked to make sure that I have the right username on the site, and my cape just won't show!
I got a skin and whenever I press F5 or go into my inventory my skin just goes to the default skin, with no cape.
It should be checking the normal Minecraft database. What version are you using?
On another note, I've been working on a new version that should eliminate that annoying pause that occurs when a skin is loaded. It should be available tomorrow. The skins are going to be moved to a new server as well, which should also improve performance.
Well, I'm using the same version as the one that was out when I made my first post on this topic, which was at May 30th... Checking for a new version right now.
Could someone with skill pimp my skin? In other words I need you to make it HD, like smoothening out the edges, adding wrinkles in my coat, etc. Also I mainly want my adventuring skin made HD but if you could make my formal skin HD as well, that would be great! Also, I would prefer if you made it in 1024x512 but you can make it lower quality as well if you would prefer too.
Adventuring Skin:
Formal Skin:
And just leave the blue stuff in the bottom right and top left alone.
I would do it if I were able to make something that high resolution. So here's something basic you can start with:
(Formal one)
With noise:
Without noise:
Now, I'm not entirely sure what it is supposed to look like, so it may be a bit retarded. That's kinda why it's best to do this yourself. I did not put any wrinkles or anything in your coat.
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i am experiencing a graphial error with this mod: the mod loads my cape perfectly fine, but the character skin is all messed up i will post a screen showing what i mean.nevermind, forgot modloader
I've got a problem! I installed the mod via MCPatcher
(other installed mods: Forge, Smartmoving, Player API Client, Modloader, ModloaderMP, Optifine, Sonic Ethers unbelievable shaders)
If I try to crack a block in Singleplayer the game crashes without problem report... what should I do?
If I play on a server there is the problem too but only in survival!
I think I found the problem... the mx.class and the yw.class. In Forge there is a yw.class and in Optifine there is a mx.class is there a fix?
The mx.class from Optifine seems to have the same function as the one in this mod, so there shouldn't be a problem there. Just use either one, and if there's a problem try the other. As for the yw.class in Forge, you will have to wait a little while, I haven't had time to make a compatibility patch for the newest version.
Hmm ...
I installed Modloader and this Mod in a new minecraft.jar ...
Patched it with MC Patcher ...
uploaded my HD skin + cape and clicked on "wear" ....
But it doesnt show me anything ingame ... Hmm ...
Make sure your Minecraft name is exactly the same as your username on hdmincraftskins.com, including capital letters. If that doesn't work try using a different version of the mod, the newest one is still a bit buggy.
i am experiencing a graphial error with this mod: the mod loads my cape perfectly fine, but the character skin is all messed up i will post a screen showing what i mean.
Is it possible that if you have the mod with an HD skin on, the HD skin will only be viewable to those who have the mod, and for those who doesn't, will it use your skin uploaded to mc.net? Or will it make you look like the skin in char.png?
Is it possible that if you have the mod with an HD skin on, the HD skin will only be viewable to those who have the mod, and for those who doesn't, will it use your skin uploaded to mc.net? Or will it make you look like the skin in char.png?
Anyone without the mod will see the skin you have uploaded to minecraft.net
I signed up a while back, but my email has been blocked, so as I've forgotten my password, and can't reach the email, there is no way for me to log in!
Please PM me here with the email address that you would like the account reset information sent to.
HD Player Skins/Capes mod
I also have a Twitch.tv channel where I stream stuff: http://twitch.tv/angrykhan
And twitter! @angrykhan
I'm a fool and completely missed the part that said I needed to use my own Minecraft username.Is there a way I can contact an administrator to change it?
Found the name changer thing.
On another note, I've been working on a new version that should eliminate that annoying pause that occurs when a skin is loaded. It should be available tomorrow. The skins are going to be moved to a new server as well, which should also improve performance.
HD Player Skins/Capes mod
I also have a Twitch.tv channel where I stream stuff: http://twitch.tv/angrykhan
And twitter! @angrykhan
I got a skin and whenever I press F5 or go into my inventory my skin just goes to the default skin, with no cape.
I got it to work!
Well, I'm using the same version as the one that was out when I made my first post on this topic, which was at May 30th... Checking for a new version right now.
I would do it if I were able to make something that high resolution. So here's something basic you can start with:
(Formal one)
With noise:
Without noise:
Now, I'm not entirely sure what it is supposed to look like, so it may be a bit retarded. That's kinda why it's best to do this yourself. I did not put any wrinkles or anything in your coat.
and can someone tell me how to post a screenshot?
The mx.class from Optifine seems to have the same function as the one in this mod, so there shouldn't be a problem there. Just use either one, and if there's a problem try the other. As for the yw.class in Forge, you will have to wait a little while, I haven't had time to make a compatibility patch for the newest version.
Make sure your Minecraft name is exactly the same as your username on hdmincraftskins.com, including capital letters. If that doesn't work try using a different version of the mod, the newest one is still a bit buggy.
Please post what version of the mod you are using and any other mods you are using (everything, even MCPatcher, Optifine, Modloader, etc)
HD Player Skins/Capes mod
I also have a Twitch.tv channel where I stream stuff: http://twitch.tv/angrykhan
And twitter! @angrykhan
[email protected]
Anyone without the mod will see the skin you have uploaded to minecraft.net
Please PM me here with the email address that you would like the account reset information sent to.
HD Player Skins/Capes mod
I also have a Twitch.tv channel where I stream stuff: http://twitch.tv/angrykhan
And twitter! @angrykhan
If you're using Modloader, use this version: http://www.hdminecraftskins.com/e107/download.php?view.24
If you're using Forge, this one: http://www.hdminecraftskins.com/e107/download.php?view.25
If you're not using either of those, you'll want this one: http://www.hdminecraftskins.com/e107/download.php?view.17
HD Player Skins/Capes mod
I also have a Twitch.tv channel where I stream stuff: http://twitch.tv/angrykhan
And twitter! @angrykhan