Please update this mod to work with skins loaded locally instead of having to connect online. I just want a cape mod that I can use offline in my world :/
Please update this mod to work with skins loaded locally instead of having to connect online. I just want a cape mod that I can use offline in my world :/
Sorry, but it's not going to happen. This mod has always been online only and will remain online only.
About this mod:
This mod allows Minecraft to use 128x64, 256x128, 512x256, 1024x768 player skins in addition to the default size of 64x32. Any players using the mod are able to see higher resolution skins on other players that have them, while those without the mod are shown normally.
Hi I am Zidane and am a part of the SpoutDev Team. I was curious if you would be interested in allowing us the rights to use your mod (with full credit) within our client mod Spoutcraft.
Feel free to read about the project at ; we would REALLY appreciate it as we incorporate all sorts of unique and awesome features into Spoutcraft.
Hi I am Zidane and am a part of the SpoutDev Team. I was curious if you would be interested in allowing us the rights to use your mod (with full credit) within our client mod Spoutcraft.
Feel free to read about the project at ; we would REALLY appreciate it as we incorporate all sorts of unique and awesome features into Spoutcraft.
Yeah, go ahead and use it. If you need the source code just PM me.
it says my minecraft name is too long so that means i cant use it could you please fix this for meit says my minecraft name is too long so that means i cant use it could you please fix this for me
Are there any plans to make it compatible with the current recommended version of forge?
Tried the mod with out and works great. As I'm using a custom bukkit server would be great to have forge support
OK.. So i needed a version that works with forge decided to do it and share what I have
Tested it for a bit and no crashes with it as of now
there are a couple things to follow using this:
1) I dont include the mx.class as im using optifine A6 and the optifine mx.class works just fine for me the others who tested it.
2) this is compatible with forge (the current recommended build) and optifine A6 i wont make promises it works on other versions.
3) install into your jar AFTER forge and optifine i use magic launcher and have it as the last item in my jar section
Forge Patch
Sorry, but it's not going to happen. This mod has always been online only and will remain online only.
HD Player Skins/Capes mod
I also have a channel where I stream stuff:
And twitter! @angrykhan
I think you meant 1024x512, but nice mod!
Yeah, that's what I meant. Thanks for pointing it out.
HD Player Skins/Capes mod
I also have a channel where I stream stuff:
And twitter! @angrykhan
Hi I am Zidane and am a part of the SpoutDev Team. I was curious if you would be interested in allowing us the rights to use your mod (with full credit) within our client mod Spoutcraft.
Feel free to read about the project at ; we would REALLY appreciate it as we incorporate all sorts of unique and awesome features into Spoutcraft.
HD Player Skins/Capes mod
I also have a channel where I stream stuff:
And twitter! @angrykhan
HD Player Skins/Capes mod
I also have a channel where I stream stuff:
And twitter! @angrykhan
There is no share id. That is not a shared skin.
HD Player Skins/Capes mod
I also have a channel where I stream stuff:
And twitter! @angrykhan
Tried the mod with out and works great. As I'm using a custom bukkit server would be great to have forge support
Tested it for a bit and no crashes with it as of now
there are a couple things to follow using this:
1) I dont include the mx.class as im using optifine A6 and the optifine mx.class works just fine for me the others who tested it.
2) this is compatible with forge (the current recommended build) and optifine A6 i wont make promises it works on other versions.
3) install into your jar AFTER forge and optifine i use magic launcher and have it as the last item in my jar section
hope this helps some other out as it has for me
wont make any promises on it though
it the PlayerEntity.class which if you have forge installed breaks all player interaction