Can't wait to see what you make, Origami! The more HD skinners the better.
Please feel free to post any in-progress work, or final release in the HDMINECRAFTSKINS forums, as well! We're trying to bring together all the potential HD skinners out there.
Well, I must say that I am not an artist, so my skins are extremely amateur compared to the amazing skins shown, but I will try to make good skins for myself to use, and hopefully, through practice, I'll get better... Hopefully...
Well, I must say that I am not an artist, so my skins are extremely amateur compared to the amazing skins shown, but I will try to make good skins for myself to use, and hopefully, through practice, I'll get better... Hopefully...
Don't even worry about that. We all start somewhere.
And keep in mind that most people, even looking at the crappiest HD skin, are still amazed by the simple fact that their character doesn't look like the ******* offspring of an NES and a cardboard box!
Anywho, feel free to post your WIP shots in the HDMcskins Skinning Discussion forum. We don't have many posters just yet, but at the very least, I'll throw you some critiques and tips!
Also, I've layed out some simple instructions on using HD skins.
Anything you'd want to add/change, Khan?
(Requires the HD Player mod)
1) Go to
- Create an account, using your exact Minecraft login name.
- Download the HD Player Mod from the "Downloads" section. 2) Place the contents of the mod into your Minecraft.jar
(Delete the META-INF folder if its still there) 3) Once logged into, do one of the following:
--- Click "Skin Manager", then "Upload New File", to upload a new skin/cape. (Make sure you check off whether it's a Skin/Cape, and Public/Private!)
--- Click "Database" to search for existing skins/capes. 4) Then, from "Skin Manager", click the "Wear" button next to the skin/cape you wish to wear.
(Requires MCPatcher and Offline play)
1) Rename the HD skin of your choice to "char.png" 2) Place the newly named char.png into the "mob" folder within your current texturepack.
This seems pretty cool. I hope more people start to use it, so that HD skins and the tools to better make them get created more.
As for me, I can't use it because it conflicts with a mod or two that I'm already using.
Also, personally, HD skins intimidate me. I load up even the 128x64 template, and try to create, and it just doesn't work. It might have something to do with how, even with 64x32, I wasn't (usually, although I did later) creating skins entirely from scratch; I was creating them with some presets using Skincraft. But...I don't know, I just try to create, and all of my old techniques and creativity are useless and dry up, respectively, and I just can't do it. I tried to simply start with just one thing, the eyes, and because my old techniques are apparently useless outside of 64x32 quality, I failed miserably. That wasn't bad in and of itself; I figured I'd keep trying. But then I realized: how am I going to do the hair? If there's one thing I never did properly from scratch before, it was hair. I then panicked a little bit, and gave up. So, yeah, no HD skins for or from me...unless I can get over it and start to create even crappy skins and get better, or there's a tool like Skincraft but for HD sizes (hint hint), of course.
tl;dr: Tried to simply start with the eyes, couldn't get it to look good, realized I couldn't for the life of me create hair, panicked, gave up. Also, someone needs to create Skincraft: HD edition.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Black as the shadow that yet remains and Red for the blood that runs in our veins.
Well, I went back to trying, and I tried to start with the eyes again. This time, because I covered over your template color for the face front with a skin color, it actually worked well when combined with a new technique that was adequate.
I made the eyes, and then used another skin for a rough outline for the hair, and then did a little tweaking to exploit the higher resolution, and it actually didn't look half bad. It didn't have a texture, being only a single color (baby steps!), but then I found a wonderful tool: recolor! I tried to use it in the past, and it either ruined it, or did nothing. Then I found out how to use it (in this case, select a color similar, but slightly different to the color you're using it on) and basically scratched on a texture! I'm hoping I can apply this to the skin, but I don't really care if the skin color is all the same. Baby steps, but I might be able to actually work with 128x64, after all. I doubt I could go higher than that without getting exasperatingly frustrated, though.
When I finish, and I can slap the creator in me to actually acknowledge that it's done and stop trying to change things, I'll post a screen shot of the finished skin as rendered in Minecraft. Until then, whenever I finish a major part of the skin, I'll edit this post and say so.
It would be a total ***** if my power went out while I was working on it...That would probably, and unfortunately, be the end of my HD skinning endeavor. For a little while, at least. I'd probably try again when I calm down. If I would get as much success the second time would be up for questioning, though.
Edit 9: Collected all the other edits in one spoiler to help cut down on post size.
Edit 1: I fixed the hair (since it was my first time properly using the recolor tool, it was off a bit), and I added the ears (the character is supposed to be a nekomimi) to the "hat" part, erasing the hat template.
Edit 2: Determined that I will not mess with the skin color. Added collar. Added top (as in shirt), all the way around the "body" section. Progress!
Edit 3: Finished the legs, and by extension the shorts. Added the shorts to the "body" section (because they extended up a bit from the "legs" to the "body" in the skin of mine this one is based on, and here now). Added the tail. Hope it actually looks good. Best I can do (I think) without an actual tail model.
Edit 4: Finished the arms. Now I just have to add the gloves, and I can try it out in-game (if I can even get it to work, that is). That worries me, though, because I'm not sure if I can do the "fingerless" gloves like I did before. I think I'll take a little bit of artistic license versus my base skin, and help myself by trying to give them cut gloves with half-fingered thumb and index finger (like I did in 64x32-o-vision with my GIGN skin), instead of fully half-fingered.
Edit 5: Now I think I've got the gloves. Now I just need to see if I can try it in-game, and then I can put up a snap shot of the skin in action, and the 64x32 skin it was based on!
Edit 6: Hah! Works in-game by me simply replacing the charfemale.png (because I use iPixeli's Gender Mod; the aforementioned conflicting mod). My skin now makes everything else around me (being 64x32 textured) technically obsolete, but doesn't terribly stand out. Yay!
Edit 7: Yet another in a long line of attempts to input pictures into my posts. Oh well, here goes nothing!
Awesome, it worked. Standard Definition base is first, then the High Definition Version.
Note the lack of a bow on the HD version. This was an oversight on my part. I could try to add it in later, see how that goes. Doubt it'd end particularly well, though.
Anyways, being used to "SD" skins, the "HD" skin Or maybe it's just how I made it. I don't know. Anyways, what do you think about my first endeavor for above-SD skinning?
Edit 8: I made the bow (surprisingly well-done, I think.), and changed the face to (in my opinion) look a bit
Again, what do you think? Me, I think I'm about done with this post and the skin.
Think I should post the skin somewhere?
Very cool! Great work on the skin!
At the very least, I'd upload the skin to the HD skin Database on! Currently, it's the only difinitive list of all the HD skins available. (there's also a lack of female HD skins at the moment!)
As I kept reading through edits, I'd come up with tips for you, but you basically figured them out for yourself! So kudos!
Also, the redone eyes look very nice! I think the skin is a good example of how HD skins can still fit in with lower resolution texturepacks!
If you do end up wanting to make any more HD skins, please feel free to make a thread in the "HD Skinning Discussion" section of! We're trying to create one small community where all the current HD skinners, and any potential ones, can come together to ask for help, share ideas, tips, skin releases, etc.
(As frankly, the MinecraftForums are good for reaching out to the millions of random Minecraft players, but a poor place for more personal group discussions and such. Plus, not everyone wants to go throwing their WIP textures up for the public)
Right now, the forums are just getting rolling, but like I said before, at the very least I'LL try and respond to any posts there.
Very cool! Great work on the skin!
At the very least, I'd upload the skin to the HD skin Database on! Currently, it's the only difinitive list of all the HD skins available. (there's also a lack of female HD skins at the moment!)
As I kept reading through edits, I'd come up with tips for you, but you basically figured them out for yourself! So kudos!
Also, the redone eyes look very nice! I think the skin is a good example of how HD skins can still fit in with lower resolution texturepacks!
If you do end up wanting to make any more HD skins, please feel free to make a thread in the "HD Skinning Discussion" section of! We're trying to create one small community where all the current HD skinners, and any potential ones, can come together to ask for help, share ideas, tips, skin releases, etc.
(As frankly, the MinecraftForums are good for reaching out to the millions of random Minecraft players, but a poor place for more personal group discussions and such. Plus, not everyone wants to go throwing their WIP textures up for the public)
Right now, the forums are just getting rolling, but like I said before, at the very least I'LL try and respond to any posts there.
Wow, "Great work on the skin" coming from someone who makes maximum resolution skins that are so good that looking at the detail that went into them makesyourjawdrop *gasp for air* is just plain awesome.
Like, you have no idea.
That's like composing a piece of surprisingly good, yet still humble cinematic music and having Hans ****ing Zimmer say that it's well made.
Seriously, thanks.
Also, thanks on the eyes. That's probably (oddly enough) what I spent the most time on. I started out with them, and I think it was actually like it was now (but without the layer of white pixels above the colored pixels). But I tried to change it so often, but nothing really looked "right". I eventually kept coming back to doing it like how it was at first, and once I put that strip of white above, I said to myself, and I quote "It won't get better than that."; and while that was actually in a somewhat bad way (as in "I think it doesn't look good, but that's the best I can get it"), I came to realize that it was actually good.
Also, yeah. I like 128x64 better than 64x32. It's like it's the same quality as the standard, but you have so much more room to make better accessories and additions. Just compare the ears, tail, and collar (+ bell, of course) on the HD skin to the SD base. Very different, overtly so; but it doesn't not fit in with 64x32 mobs, and 32x16 (that's the size for standard texture packs, right? Or is it also 64x32?) texture packs.
About more skins: while I'm certainly not going to join in a texture pack team and work on the mobs, or make my own texture pack; I might make more. I think that a 128x64 version of my GIGN skin would look freakin' badass.
Hell, I'd be able to actually texture his Kevlar, and maybe even add in magazine pouches, and a belt with pouches and maybe a grenade or two and such! Who knows!?
I recently touched up the skin (removed a few rogue pixels here and there, and erased the texture for unused areas to get better file size), and I also played with it. I'm really happy with it. I think I'll submit it to the website, be the submitter of the first female skin. Failing that, at least the first female nekomimi skin. Also failing that, I'll hit my head on my keyboard because someone beat me to it in-between when I browsed the small collection of skins before making this one, and now.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Black as the shadow that yet remains and Red for the blood that runs in our veins.
No, it does not. For now the only way to change mobs is to edit them in a texture pack.
Now on to some IMPORTANT NEWS that everyone using this mod needs to be aware of.
The server running the HD Minecraft Skins website and the skin hosting service will be getting several major software upgrades sometime in the next 48 hours. Unfortunately, this means the server will be offline for about 2 hours. Skins and capes will not be available during this time.
A new version of the mod has been uploaded. This update fixes a bug where your skin won't load if the HD server is unavailable. The download is available in the main post.
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Using v0.6.1, I have an issue with one skin that worked fine before upgrading: As you can see in the image below this skin is missing it's back and arms, though when I was on v0.4 this skin functioned normally. I opened the skin in Paint.Net and I see nothing wrong with it, but I may have missed something. Anyway, awesome mod, thanks a lot for it!
Please find a way to make this compatible with the .uh file. I can't sacrifice smart movement for this, but I will be watching this mods progress. Thanks for all your hard work to create this mod.
Well, I must say that I am not an artist, so my skins are extremely amateur compared to the amazing skins shown, but I will try to make good skins for myself to use, and hopefully, through practice, I'll get better... Hopefully...
Don't even worry about that. We all start somewhere.
And keep in mind that most people, even looking at the crappiest HD skin, are still amazed by the simple fact that their character doesn't look like the ******* offspring of an NES and a cardboard box!
Anywho, feel free to post your WIP shots in the HDMcskins Skinning Discussion forum. We don't have many posters just yet, but at the very least, I'll throw you some critiques and tips!
Looks good to me.
HD Player Skins/Capes mod
I also have a channel where I stream stuff:
And twitter! @angrykhan
As for me, I can't use it because it conflicts with a mod or two that I'm already using.
Also, personally, HD skins intimidate me. I load up even the 128x64 template, and try to create, and it just doesn't work. It might have something to do with how, even with 64x32, I wasn't (usually, although I did later) creating skins entirely from scratch; I was creating them with some presets using Skincraft. But...I don't know, I just try to create, and all of my old techniques and creativity are useless and dry up, respectively, and I just can't do it. I tried to simply start with just one thing, the eyes, and because my old techniques are apparently useless outside of 64x32 quality, I failed miserably. That wasn't bad in and of itself; I figured I'd keep trying. But then I realized: how am I going to do the hair? If there's one thing I never did properly from scratch before, it was hair. I then panicked a little bit, and gave up. So, yeah, no HD skins for or from me...unless I can get over it and start to create even crappy skins and get better, or there's a tool like Skincraft but for HD sizes (hint hint), of course.
tl;dr: Tried to simply start with the eyes, couldn't get it to look good, realized I couldn't for the life of me create hair, panicked, gave up. Also, someone needs to create Skincraft: HD edition.
I made the eyes, and then used another skin for a rough outline for the hair, and then did a little tweaking to exploit the higher resolution, and it actually didn't look half bad. It didn't have a texture, being only a single color (baby steps!), but then I found a wonderful tool: recolor! I tried to use it in the past, and it either ruined it, or did nothing. Then I found out how to use it (in this case, select a color similar, but slightly different to the color you're using it on) and basically scratched on a texture! I'm hoping I can apply this to the skin, but I don't really care if the skin color is all the same. Baby steps, but I might be able to actually work with 128x64, after all. I doubt I could go higher than that without getting exasperatingly frustrated, though.
When I finish, and I can slap the creator in me to actually acknowledge that it's done and stop trying to change things, I'll post a screen shot of the finished skin as rendered in Minecraft. Until then, whenever I finish a major part of the skin, I'll edit this post and say so.
It would be a total ***** if my power went out while I was working on it...That would probably, and unfortunately, be the end of my HD skinning endeavor. For a little while, at least. I'd probably try again when I calm down. If I would get as much success the second time would be up for questioning, though.
Edit 9: Collected all the other edits in one spoiler to help cut down on post size.
Edit 2: Determined that I will not mess with the skin color. Added collar. Added top (as in shirt), all the way around the "body" section. Progress!
Edit 3: Finished the legs, and by extension the shorts. Added the shorts to the "body" section (because they extended up a bit from the "legs" to the "body" in the skin of mine this one is based on, and here now). Added the tail. Hope it actually looks good. Best I can do (I think) without an actual tail model.
Edit 4: Finished the arms. Now I just have to add the gloves, and I can try it out in-game (if I can even get it to work, that is). That worries me, though, because I'm not sure if I can do the "fingerless" gloves like I did before. I think I'll take a little bit of artistic license versus my base skin, and help myself by trying to give them cut gloves with half-fingered thumb and index finger (like I did in 64x32-o-vision with my GIGN skin), instead of fully half-fingered.
Edit 5: Now I think I've got the gloves. Now I just need to see if I can try it in-game, and then I can put up a snap shot of the skin in action, and the 64x32 skin it was based on!
Edit 6: Hah! Works in-game by me simply replacing the charfemale.png (because I use iPixeli's Gender Mod; the aforementioned conflicting mod). My skin now makes everything else around me (being 64x32 textured) technically obsolete, but doesn't terribly stand out. Yay!
Edit 7: Yet another in a long line of attempts to input pictures into my posts. Oh well, here goes nothing!
Awesome, it worked. Standard Definition base is first, then the High Definition Version.
Note the lack of a bow on the HD version. This was an oversight on my part. I could try to add it in later, see how that goes. Doubt it'd end particularly well, though.
Edit 8: I made the bow (surprisingly well-done, I think.), and changed the face to (in my opinion) look a bit
Think I should post the skin somewhere?
At the very least, I'd upload the skin to the HD skin Database on! Currently, it's the only difinitive list of all the HD skins available. (there's also a lack of female HD skins at the moment!)
As I kept reading through edits, I'd come up with tips for you, but you basically figured them out for yourself! So kudos!
Also, the redone eyes look very nice! I think the skin is a good example of how HD skins can still fit in with lower resolution texturepacks!
If you do end up wanting to make any more HD skins, please feel free to make a thread in the "HD Skinning Discussion" section of! We're trying to create one small community where all the current HD skinners, and any potential ones, can come together to ask for help, share ideas, tips, skin releases, etc.
(As frankly, the MinecraftForums are good for reaching out to the millions of random Minecraft players, but a poor place for more personal group discussions and such. Plus, not everyone wants to go throwing their WIP textures up for the public)
Right now, the forums are just getting rolling, but like I said before, at the very least I'LL try and respond to any posts there.
Wow, "Great work on the skin" coming from someone who makes maximum resolution skins that are so good that looking at the detail that went into them makesyourjawdrop *gasp for air* is just plain awesome.
Like, you have no idea.
That's like composing a piece of surprisingly good, yet still humble cinematic music and having Hans ****ing Zimmer say that it's well made.
Seriously, thanks.
Also, thanks on the eyes. That's probably (oddly enough) what I spent the most time on. I started out with them, and I think it was actually like it was now (but without the layer of white pixels above the colored pixels). But I tried to change it so often, but nothing really looked "right". I eventually kept coming back to doing it like how it was at first, and once I put that strip of white above, I said to myself, and I quote "It won't get better than that."; and while that was actually in a somewhat bad way (as in "I think it doesn't look good, but that's the best I can get it"), I came to realize that it was actually good.
Also, yeah. I like 128x64 better than 64x32. It's like it's the same quality as the standard, but you have so much more room to make better accessories and additions. Just compare the ears, tail, and collar (+ bell, of course) on the HD skin to the SD base. Very different, overtly so; but it doesn't not fit in with 64x32 mobs, and 32x16 (that's the size for standard texture packs, right? Or is it also 64x32?) texture packs.
About more skins: while I'm certainly not going to join in a texture pack team and work on the mobs, or make my own texture pack; I might make more. I think that a 128x64 version of my GIGN skin would look freakin' badass.
Hell, I'd be able to actually texture his Kevlar, and maybe even add in magazine pouches, and a belt with pouches and maybe a grenade or two and such! Who knows!?
I recently touched up the skin (removed a few rogue pixels here and there, and erased the texture for unused areas to get better file size), and I also played with it. I'm really happy with it. I think I'll submit it to the website, be the submitter of the first female skin. Failing that, at least the first female nekomimi skin. Also failing that, I'll hit my head on my keyboard because someone beat me to it in-between when I browsed the small collection of skins before making this one, and now.
There is one. In the skin manager, click (edit) on the skin you want to delete, then "Delete this item".
HD Player Skins/Capes mod
I also have a channel where I stream stuff:
And twitter! @angrykhan
No, it does not. For now the only way to change mobs is to edit them in a texture pack.
Now on to some IMPORTANT NEWS that everyone using this mod needs to be aware of.
The server running the HD Minecraft Skins website and the skin hosting service will be getting several major software upgrades sometime in the next 48 hours. Unfortunately, this means the server will be offline for about 2 hours. Skins and capes will not be available during this time.
HD Player Skins/Capes mod
I also have a channel where I stream stuff:
And twitter! @angrykhan
Maybe at some point, but I want to finish the work I'm doing on the website before I start adding more features to the mod.
HD Player Skins/Capes mod
I also have a channel where I stream stuff:
And twitter! @angrykhan
This should work, but I haven't had a chance to do any thorough testing. Let me know if it doesn't work.
HD Player Skins/Capes mod
I also have a channel where I stream stuff:
And twitter! @angrykhan
I've also added a poll.
HD Player Skins/Capes mod
I also have a channel where I stream stuff:
And twitter! @angrykhan
Using v0.6.1, I have an issue with one skin that worked fine before upgrading: As you can see in the image below this skin is missing it's back and arms, though when I was on v0.4 this skin functioned normally. I opened the skin in Paint.Net and I see nothing wrong with it, but I may have missed something. Anyway, awesome mod, thanks a lot for it!
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