[Solved] When I do all the steps and put it in my mods folder and forge and so on, the mod doesn't show up in the mods tab in minecraft. is it supposed to? also it seems that i'm not getting my hd skin that i uploaded, if there's a problem with it here it is:
So I just got back into Minecraft and wanted to use an HD skin. I got a clean install, installed Forge, installed the Mod, cleared out the skins folder, and uploaded my skin through the site. The mod doesn't show up in the client at all and I'm not sure what else to try. No other mods, no skin enhancements, nothing.
"Verification Code. If you don't have one, join using Minecraft 1.8" Is this like a server? If so I cant connect and I really want this mod
Alex skins should work, just make sure it's set up on your vanilla minecraft.net skin and it should apply to your HD skin as well.
HD Player Skins/Capes mod
I also have a Twitch.tv channel where I stream stuff: http://twitch.tv/angrykhan
And twitter! @angrykhan
ok ty
[Solved] When I do all the steps and put it in my mods folder and forge and so on, the mod doesn't show up in the mods tab in minecraft. is it supposed to? also it seems that i'm not getting my hd skin that i uploaded, if there's a problem with it here it is:
EDIT: it now works after some messing around
So I just got back into Minecraft and wanted to use an HD skin. I got a clean install, installed Forge, installed the Mod, cleared out the skins folder, and uploaded my skin through the site. The mod doesn't show up in the client at all and I'm not sure what else to try. No other mods, no skin enhancements, nothing.
Any ideas what to try?
I Uploaded Another Skin But My Skin Wont Change It Has The First Skin I Put On When I Got The Mod
is the server thing to upload capes still up?
Christian Francisco
the website doesnt work anymore :.(
Hey I can't join the server for an activaion code and i worked realy hard on this HD skin and i wan't to upload it. Can you tell me one please?
I have a problem. When I put the server ip : It Says that I cant join. I dont undertsand why this happens. Can you please help?
Hi. I have a problem when uploading my skin. The problem is that, the server doesn't work for me. Can you please help?
hi i have a problem The the server isnt working
"Verification Code. If you don't have one, join using Minecraft 1.8" Is this like a server? If so I cant connect and I really want this mod
I can't enter the verification code server
Can i use this with 1.8.9??