"I let people see how horrendous my code is specifically so it can become less bad." ~ Spirit 2018-10-18
"Never, ever, EVER give a maid a bazooka..." ~ CaerMaster 2018-02-10
"When in doubt read Zsashas' Signature " ~ Vadis365 2016-09-09
"Your post count reflects your uncertainty more than it does your knowledge." ~ Me
I am using the FTB Infinity Evolved Modpack off of Curse. I turned the config off for NEI and unable to turn it back on. If you can shed any light I would appreciate it! I have tried pressing the O key as well as ctrl+O to no avail and I am unable to find the control settings for NEI.
The NEI mod for 1.7.10 does not work at all and crashes when you try to start it up saying "An unexpected issue occurred and the game has crashed. were sorry for the Inconvenience Exit Code: 0" Why doesn't it work for modpacks? Why Chicken_Bones's (covers1624)s newest CodeChikenLib only 1.8x+ Just 1 version away from 1.7.10? also why when we try to go onto the download pages it says "Page 404 not found"? could you provide a link to the download page since you said that "they were hard to reach right now" and not can't be reached.
hi, pls make the NEI mod for the forge 1.16.5, I have that version,
JEI Just Enough Items has been a thing since 1.8.0 till now. NEI is on some versions but adds certain features JEI didn't have but it isn't the same as JEI just an add on now to JEI.
Roughly Enough Items an alternative that doesn't force people to use JEI and FTB mods to get the full experience (I hate they did that, NEI sure but FTB I don't want to go that far and not use 99% of what they offer and put them under that FTB banner/too many libraries/APIs just to get more benefits stuff that, if the REI dev isn't lazy enough to add features in Mezz (JEI's creator) can do that same) is for certain versions of Forge as it's mostly aimed at Fabric (another modloader more mods packed then Liteloader was on 1.12.2 for mod options and more similar to Risugami's Modloader back in the day). But certain versions are on Forge and it works well that. I couldn't get JEI to work with ViveCraft/VR REI worked like a charm, says a lot there too doesn't it of which I find is better made even in a VR situation and JEI can't display anything or work at all in VR but it works with other mods for tying in. REI isn't even made with VR in mind but it works is my point. JEI has been stripped of features for years and annoyed me over time. It may work well on Forge while REI was awkward at first but these days it is far superior and stable/less annoying to me than JEI has been 1.13+ versions that is 1.12.2 what there was Guidebook which was fine as a Recipe Book like recipe viewing mod with a book but it wasn't the same.
you have had years to realize that JEI is literally a thing LOL
I agree some people just don't know how to research and go 'I need help I don't know how to use the internet and put other key words in, look at Youtube and so on'. Then again people don't know Curseforge exists and use dodgey sites, don't know how to navigate it even though 'files', 'view all' is really easy to get used to. A number of factors. Some people know what they are doing and confident with using the internet others aren't familiar with h ow to go about things or in some cases just take the easy option of 'this person on the internet will solve it for me'. I am used to looking at alternatives each version and I assume you are as well some people just don't know how to do that unfortunately even though if you have been modding the game enough it's easy to do.
Help please
In the NET mod on minecraft version 1.6.4, the command of the world do not change.
I've already tried everything.
The necessary commands are written in the settings, but when you press the right key, only the native action is played.
For example: I replaced the command that should cause rain with the command "/home", but when you press the corresponding key, the rain is activated anyway, and not the command I wrote.
1. Which mod?
2. What "won't work"?
3. Any other specifics?
If you're new to troubleshooting Minecraft Crashes, or just interested, please read my guide on reading crash reports and reporting crashes.
"I let people see how horrendous my code is specifically so it can become less bad." ~ Spirit 2018-10-18
" ~ Vadis365 2016-09-09
"Never, ever, EVER give a maid a bazooka..." ~ CaerMaster 2018-02-10
"When in doubt read Zsashas' Signature
"Your post count reflects your uncertainty more than it does your knowledge." ~ Me
I am using the FTB Infinity Evolved Modpack off of Curse. I turned the config off for NEI and unable to turn it back on. If you can shed any light I would appreciate it! I have tried pressing the O key as well as ctrl+O to no avail and I am unable to find the control settings for NEI.
The NEI mod for 1.7.10 does not work at all and crashes when you try to start it up saying "An unexpected issue occurred and the game has crashed. were sorry for the Inconvenience Exit Code: 0" Why doesn't it work for modpacks? Why Chicken_Bones's (covers1624)s newest CodeChikenLib only 1.8x+ Just 1 version away from 1.7.10? also why when we try to go onto the download pages it says "Page 404 not found"? could you provide a link to the download page since you said that "they were hard to reach right now" and not can't be reached.
hi, pls make the NEI mod for the forge 1.16.5, I have that version,
you have had years to realize that JEI is literally a thing LOL
recently rediscovered this account and the memories have been flowing back, let me tell you. it's INSANE.
JEI Just Enough Items has been a thing since 1.8.0 till now. NEI is on some versions but adds certain features JEI didn't have but it isn't the same as JEI just an add on now to JEI.
Roughly Enough Items an alternative that doesn't force people to use JEI and FTB mods to get the full experience (I hate they did that, NEI sure but FTB I don't want to go that far and not use 99% of what they offer and put them under that FTB banner/too many libraries/APIs just to get more benefits stuff that, if the REI dev isn't lazy enough to add features in Mezz (JEI's creator) can do that same) is for certain versions of Forge as it's mostly aimed at Fabric (another modloader more mods packed then Liteloader was on 1.12.2 for mod options and more similar to Risugami's Modloader back in the day). But certain versions are on Forge and it works well that. I couldn't get JEI to work with ViveCraft/VR REI worked like a charm, says a lot there too doesn't it of which I find is better made even in a VR situation and JEI can't display anything or work at all in VR but it works with other mods for tying in. REI isn't even made with VR in mind but it works is my point. JEI has been stripped of features for years and annoyed me over time. It may work well on Forge while REI was awkward at first but these days it is far superior and stable/less annoying to me than JEI has been 1.13+ versions that is 1.12.2 what there was Guidebook which was fine as a Recipe Book like recipe viewing mod with a book but it wasn't the same.
I agree some people just don't know how to research and go 'I need help I don't know how to use the internet and put other key words in, look at Youtube and so on'. Then again people don't know Curseforge exists and use dodgey sites, don't know how to navigate it even though 'files', 'view all' is really easy to get used to. A number of factors. Some people know what they are doing and confident with using the internet others aren't familiar with h ow to go about things or in some cases just take the easy option of 'this person on the internet will solve it for me'. I am used to looking at alternatives each version and I assume you are as well some people just don't know how to do that unfortunately even though if you have been modding the game enough it's easy to do.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
Help please
In the NET mod on minecraft version 1.6.4, the command of the world do not change.
I've already tried everything.
The necessary commands are written in the settings, but when you press the right key, only the native action is played.
For example: I replaced the command that should cause rain with the command "/home", but when you press the corresponding key, the rain is activated anyway, and not the command I wrote.