No promises, but I have finally beaten the netherrocks furnace into submission and expect to be able to finish porting Netherrocks to 1.12.2, as well as releasing a new SimpleCore API (which is where the bad infrastructure code was that I fixed) and a new Simple Ores2 if needed.
Time away from "having to" work on this code restored the "fun" (or at least "interesting") aspect of working on Simple Ores stuff. (So did playing Direwolf20's newest pack,which got me interested in Minecraft again) Again, no promises, but we're not totally dead here.
Nice to hear, I was thinking about going back to minecraft too and maybe try porting Fusion to 1.12, I even sent AleXndrTheGr8st a pm about that
I'm still here for things that need to be translated, I was wandering If I could directly propose file changes on your github. I don't know how this works, does it notify you that someone wants to make those changes in those files and you have approve the modifications, or something like that ?
Fusion is next, after I get done with converting Netherrock's recipes & whatnot to 1.12.2. If you want to port it, please avail yourself of the new abstract base classes added to SimpleCore API.
Yes, if you have a github account, you can fork the project, make modifications in your own fork, and submit specific commits as 'pull requests'. Github has a pretty extensive FAQ & help section explaining the process. The owner of the original branch has to approve pull requests before they are included, of course. I have some pull requests hanging fire right now, but am trying to get the code stable before I add new language files. (I finally figured out how they changed the language tags for inventory-style GUIs, for example).
Since everyone seems to be posting updates, I'll post one of my own.
For the last year or so, I have been working in an engineering job, doing primarily software development (C++), and some project management. I work a minimum of 40 hours a week there, and on the weekends I spend most of my time working on my car and playing video games. Unfortunately, those video games have not included Minecraft.
That said, I have a serious amount of nostalgia for SimpleOres and related mods. I was only 16 when I started working on them (7 years ago if you can believe it), and was very, very naive about good programming practices, since I never had any formal programming education until I went to university years later. This means that most days I wonder how I would do things differently if I were to re-start the mods from scratch today, knowing what I now know. A number of times I have even begun to start them, only to give up shortly after.
That said, it's something that I become more and more convinced about each day. The main problem is maintaining the mods - Minecraft always required such a huge commitment when it came to maintaining mods, and from what I have seen and read, this hasn't really lessened over all these years (Sinhika can probably confirm this for me?).
If anybody else is interested though, I would very much like to consider starting a more collaborative "re-imagining" of SimpleOres and related mods, with the intention of being open-source from the get-go. This would mean the project would be entirely run with the magic of Git, as a group effort. We would start with the CoreAPI, then get the basics working again, and build on from there.
It would basically mean that we start fresh, but always with the same core principles that SimpleOres has always had - to provide more variety to Minecraft in a balanced, intuitive fashion. It doesn't have to be a perfect clone of the origin, fresh ideas are always welcome. But it's not something I can commit to alone.
Well, that's slightly awkward... ;-) Here and I thought you were a skilled Java coder while I was a complete Java newbie. (I am, on the other hand, a very experienced maintenance/scientific programmer with C/C++, Fortran, Perl, and other unglamorous languages.) However, I did go ahead and pull out internals that became redundant with various Forge updates.
I have just posted new releases of SimpleCore API, SimpleOres2, and Netherrocks to CurseForge. They are currently flagged as beta until someone(s) has a chance to test them a bit more thoroughly, but they should be solid. (I may need to fix a texture in the JEI integration for the nether furnace, but that's the only known bug). Advancements and JSON Recipes are fully implemented.
I will be tackling Fusion next, and I have heartfelt requests from family members to revive certain of Akkamaddi's add-ons for Fusion that I still claim maintenance rights over (they're LGPL, though. so anyone can port them from 1.7.10 if they so choose)
Forge is undergoing a massive re-write for 1.13, so modders have had a long grace period with 1.12.2, like they did with 1.7.10. We're seeing a lot of really cool mods because of it. No one (except maybe McJty) can keep up with the pace that Minecraft was going through with 1.8 -> 1.12.0 changes. Major mods were just barely ported during that period, and we didn't see the flowering of cool, innovative mods that we're seeing now, because newcomers couldn't keep up with the constant changes or get invested in modding when the basics were continually yanked out from under them. (If Lex Manos were my employee, I'd have a lot of less than complimentary things to say about how you don't CHANGE THE FRIGGIN' API EVERY FEW MONTHS!! APIs are supposed to the part of the code that is stable and doesn't change much; you can add to the interface, but you're not supposed to remove functions unless there is a major security issue with allowing them to be used. When is the last time a major part of the libC API was removed or drastically changed? I can still compile old K&R C code from 40 years ago under gcc, if I set the compiler flags to allow it.
It would basically mean that we start fresh, but always with the same core principles that SimpleOres has always had - to provide more variety to Minecraft in a balanced, intuitive fashion. It doesn't have to be a perfect clone of the origin, fresh ideas are always welcome. But it's not something I can commit to alone.
I probably won't be able to contribute anything if use code-wise, but I'd love to help with that. A few months back I was working on some custom ores for a Mod Pack that tried to be Simple Ore-like without just copying the Simple Ore ores, so it would be amazing to help with the idea for a new incarnation of Simple Ores. Also, I could probably make time to do some play/bug testing once it is further along.
And I was a bit surprised when I did my weekly browse through the newly update mods on Curse and saw Simple Ores there. Glad to see the mod is back after a brief hiatus. Though during those months I did plan to move the Mod Pack that needed Simple Ores back to 1.11 and do a different Mod Pack in 1.12... Guess I'll just have 2 1.12 packs by now unless Simple Ores manages to port to 1.13 before I get there; TBH, I'd really love it if it ends up being 1.13 =P
Sinhika, I'm very surprised you thought my original Java coding was skilled I have no qualms with you for ripping out any parts of the underlying SimpleCore or boilerplate that were no longer needed or were just plain bad
I really do think the SimpleOres could benefit from having a couple of fairly active devs that were using source control properly, it takes a fairly large amount of stress off of a single person. If anyone does want to have a chat about potential remake (v3.0???) of SimpleOres and associated mods, let me know and we can probably start some sort of way for us to brainstorm ideas. It doesn't have to be something that starts tomorrow and gets a first release in a week, but I think it's something that may breathe some new life into SimpleOres.
I've gained a lot more experience over the last 5 years of education, working in a software development environment, and my own projects, that I think there's a lot of things we could do differently, and better.
Zap, having someone that can play test, and also come up with quality suggestions, is just as important as actually coding the damn thing. I was always better at implementing ideas than coming up with the ideas myself (and don't even get me started on art!).
Sin, if you're interested in maybe giving this ago, just send me a message and you can fill me in on some of the changes, etc. so I can get back up to speed on forge/mcp, then we can have a chat with people about what they might like to see.
Hey, I was a complete Java noob. I assumed other modders knew what they were doing ;-) (That opinion disappeared the first time I read Natura's old source code--egads, that was terrible crap!) As for me, I don't really have the time or energy or inclination to be the primary maintainer on a whole suite of mods anymore. I got some interest back by being away from it for a while, but right now, especially since you want to take up a SimpleOres re-write, my intent is to port ALL (including akkamaddi's) the SimpleOres mods to 1.12.2, and then I'm done. (Though I might be up to contributing patches) I feel bad that I've let akkamaddi's mods rot since 1.7.10, since I supposedly took up maintaining them. Unless someone else really wants to take over akkamadi's mods, too, I may want to continue supporting them in future versions, but not the whole thing.
Good news: I have the fusion furnace working. I still need to add recipes and achievement JSONs, but then it will be ready. Then Machines and Aesthetics, and then on to the much more tedious job of getting akkamaddi's old 1.7.10 mods up to 1.12.2 specifications. (OMG, I get to revisit 'creating model JSONs'! My joy at the thought is indescribable. Fortunately I have a perl script that does 75% of the work for me. I should write one for recipes, but they've been easy enough to cut & paste a template and change names with find & replace).
God it has been AGES since I had been here. I got burnt out on trying to get updates for mods just to see that they have stopped and thus got stuck on 1710. If only things could be simplified to where only some basic code had to be changed and BOOM, it works on the latest version, that would be one hell of an answer. But yet, it's not like that. Maybe one day things will get easier for you mod makers/maintainers. And if it comes, I'll be waiting to download ALL THE STUFF!!!
GOOD NEWS: I have put an alpha release of Fusion for 1.12.2 up on CurseForge! Remember that as an alpha, you'll have to follow the links to the project website to find it, as the Twitch client does not show alpha releases by default.
It has:
all the Simple Ores alloys + steel,
a working fusion furnace,
recipes for tools, armor, bows
working config file (if you don't see Simple Ores alloys, make sure they are enabled in the config file. And that Simple Ores2 mod is loaded, of course).
and JEI integration. (You are encouraged to use JEI).
Sweet. I'll get them and let ya know if anything wonky happens. It won't be the same without Akkamaddi's and TheOldOnes mods but SimpleOres is a wonderful recall to the days of old when I didn't use many mods as I was just starting out.
I have just uploaded a beta version of Machines for 1.12.2 to CurseForge. It should appear as soon as they approve it. It includes recipes to make the furnaces. This was/is a small add-on that just provides the Mythril Furnace and the Onyx Furnace, which is why it was so quick to port. I expect Aesthetics to take quite a bit longer and try my patience more. Akkamaddi's various add-ons are a bit further out.
I have posted an alpha version of Aesthetics for 1.12.2 to CurseForge. Be warned, it has no recipes as yet; you'll have to use creative mode to cheat in the blocks, doors, etc. Recipes will be forthcoming Real Soon Now.
I've been playing in multiplayer with SimpleOres and Fusion (1.12.2) and I encountered 3 bugs with Fusion.
- the fusion furnace is still lit after all fuel has been consumed
- when there is only one catalyst left in the catalyst slot, it disappears and the furnace stops
- I'm not sure if it's a bug but when I break a fusion furnace, it destroys the furnace (no loot) and gives me xp, so I can't move a fusion furnace after placing it
Also I have this line in the server's console every few minutes once per fusion furnace on the server :
"[Server thread/INFO] [fusion]: finished TileEntityFusionFurnace ctor for Fusion Furnace"
Can you please file this as a bug on the Fusion Issues page on GitHub? Also, do you have this problem in single-player or just when playing on a server? Please note which circumstance the bugs appeared, if you can. I suspect I have a client-server-side sync issue. And should probably test things in survival mode more often.
I just tested in single-player and it's like in multi-player.
Correction to the catalyst bug :
- every time a chunk is finished, it consumes 2 catalyst and 2 of each metal used for the fusion
I'm creating the issue on GitHub
Thank you for catching like 3 different bugs. The 'furnace mining bug' was pervasive, affecting all furnaces: (Test, Nether, Onyx, Mythril, and Fusion). I have posted updates to SimpleCore API, Netherrocks, Machines, and Fusion to fix these bugs. PLEASE update.
The Fusion furnace had a couple other derps, on account of being a specialized, non-standard furnace with special recipes, meaning all-new places to introduce bugs. I fixed those, too--the "stealing 2x inputs" bug, and the "never appears to go out" bug. And I removed the console debugging spam.
Pushed out new versions of Simple Core API and Aesthetics, to fix an model error log-spamming bug in Aesthetics doors. Basically, doors are special snowflakes that need a custom StateMapper, because the default StateMapper thinks "powered" is a state that should have a corresponding blockstate/model variant, and it isn't/doesn't. The base SimpleDoor class in SimpleCore API has had a client-side method added to it to build the required custom StateMapper. Aesthetics has been updated to invoke it when registering the models.
TL;DR: update if you use Aesthetics, otherwise, no important changes.
Fearheaven or anyone else that has a server configured for this stuff, could you check that doors render correctly on clients connecting to a remote server (as opposed to crashing the server due to server-client crossover bugs)?
Two things: did you remember to upgrade SimpleCore API? If not, try that first. If you did, please use paste.bin for the log and just post the link. For some reason, my MinecraftForum e-mail is broken and I cannot access it.
Actually, it was pretty informative. Somehow, I made exactly the mistake in coding that I thought I had avoided. However, I am pretty brain-dead right now from lack of sleep, so I'm not going to touch any code tonight. Chances are, I'd do more harm than good. ;-) For now, only use Aesthetics in SSP (single-player) mode.
I have uploaded new versions of SimpleCore API (simplecore-1.12.2- and Simple Ores2 (simpleores-1.12.2-
Between them, they should fix:
- Aesthetics crashing in MP server mode. (I tested this!)
- Simple Ores2 (or Fusion, or any other SimpleBow-based) bows with the infinity enchantment should no longer grant you infinite tipped and special arrows. That was a bug, not an intended feature.
It does NOT fix:
- Mythril bows not always using up arrows. That is a feature, not a bug.
Please update once they become available on CurseForge.
No promises, but I have finally beaten the netherrocks furnace into submission and expect to be able to finish porting Netherrocks to 1.12.2, as well as releasing a new SimpleCore API (which is where the bad infrastructure code was that I fixed) and a new Simple Ores2 if needed.
Time away from "having to" work on this code restored the "fun" (or at least "interesting") aspect of working on Simple Ores stuff. (So did playing Direwolf20's newest pack,which got me interested in Minecraft again) Again, no promises, but we're not totally dead here.
--<@ My collection of Actually Somewhat Useful Minecraft Modding Links @>--
My Mods: Sinhika's Bark
Ported Mods: akkamaddi's Additions, akkamaddi's Ashenwheat, AleXndrTheGr8st's SimpleCore/SimpleOres/etc
Other Stuff: old/obsolete Ruins templates, updated to Ruins 1.7.10
Fusion is next, after I get done with converting Netherrock's recipes & whatnot to 1.12.2. If you want to port it, please avail yourself of the new abstract base classes added to SimpleCore API.
Yes, if you have a github account, you can fork the project, make modifications in your own fork, and submit specific commits as 'pull requests'. Github has a pretty extensive FAQ & help section explaining the process. The owner of the original branch has to approve pull requests before they are included, of course. I have some pull requests hanging fire right now, but am trying to get the code stable before I add new language files. (I finally figured out how they changed the language tags for inventory-style GUIs, for example).
--<@ My collection of Actually Somewhat Useful Minecraft Modding Links @>--
My Mods: Sinhika's Bark
Ported Mods: akkamaddi's Additions, akkamaddi's Ashenwheat, AleXndrTheGr8st's SimpleCore/SimpleOres/etc
Other Stuff: old/obsolete Ruins templates, updated to Ruins 1.7.10
Since everyone seems to be posting updates, I'll post one of my own.
For the last year or so, I have been working in an engineering job, doing primarily software development (C++), and some project management. I work a minimum of 40 hours a week there, and on the weekends I spend most of my time working on my car and playing video games. Unfortunately, those video games have not included Minecraft.
That said, I have a serious amount of nostalgia for SimpleOres and related mods. I was only 16 when I started working on them (7 years ago if you can believe it), and was very, very naive about good programming practices, since I never had any formal programming education until I went to university years later. This means that most days I wonder how I would do things differently if I were to re-start the mods from scratch today, knowing what I now know. A number of times I have even begun to start them, only to give up shortly after.
That said, it's something that I become more and more convinced about each day. The main problem is maintaining the mods - Minecraft always required such a huge commitment when it came to maintaining mods, and from what I have seen and read, this hasn't really lessened over all these years (Sinhika can probably confirm this for me?).
If anybody else is interested though, I would very much like to consider starting a more collaborative "re-imagining" of SimpleOres and related mods, with the intention of being open-source from the get-go. This would mean the project would be entirely run with the magic of Git, as a group effort. We would start with the CoreAPI, then get the basics working again, and build on from there.
It would basically mean that we start fresh, but always with the same core principles that SimpleOres has always had - to provide more variety to Minecraft in a balanced, intuitive fashion. It doesn't have to be a perfect clone of the origin, fresh ideas are always welcome. But it's not something I can commit to alone.
Well, that's slightly awkward... ;-) Here and I thought you were a skilled Java coder while I was a complete Java newbie. (I am, on the other hand, a very experienced maintenance/scientific programmer with C/C++, Fortran, Perl, and other unglamorous languages.) However, I did go ahead and pull out internals that became redundant with various Forge updates.
I have just posted new releases of SimpleCore API, SimpleOres2, and Netherrocks to CurseForge. They are currently flagged as beta until someone(s) has a chance to test them a bit more thoroughly, but they should be solid. (I may need to fix a texture in the JEI integration for the nether furnace, but that's the only known bug). Advancements and JSON Recipes are fully implemented.
I will be tackling Fusion next, and I have heartfelt requests from family members to revive certain of Akkamaddi's add-ons for Fusion that I still claim maintenance rights over (they're LGPL, though. so anyone can port them from 1.7.10 if they so choose)
Forge is undergoing a massive re-write for 1.13, so modders have had a long grace period with 1.12.2, like they did with 1.7.10. We're seeing a lot of really cool mods because of it. No one (except maybe McJty) can keep up with the pace that Minecraft was going through with 1.8 -> 1.12.0 changes. Major mods were just barely ported during that period, and we didn't see the flowering of cool, innovative mods that we're seeing now, because newcomers couldn't keep up with the constant changes or get invested in modding when the basics were continually yanked out from under them. (If Lex Manos were my employee, I'd have a lot of less than complimentary things to say about how you don't CHANGE THE FRIGGIN' API EVERY FEW MONTHS!! APIs are supposed to the part of the code that is stable and doesn't change much; you can add to the interface, but you're not supposed to remove functions unless there is a major security issue with allowing them to be used. When is the last time a major part of the libC API was removed or drastically changed? I can still compile old K&R C code from 40 years ago under gcc, if I set the compiler flags to allow it.
/rant off
--<@ My collection of Actually Somewhat Useful Minecraft Modding Links @>--
My Mods: Sinhika's Bark
Ported Mods: akkamaddi's Additions, akkamaddi's Ashenwheat, AleXndrTheGr8st's SimpleCore/SimpleOres/etc
Other Stuff: old/obsolete Ruins templates, updated to Ruins 1.7.10
I probably won't be able to contribute anything if use code-wise, but I'd love to help with that. A few months back I was working on some custom ores for a Mod Pack that tried to be Simple Ore-like without just copying the Simple Ore ores, so it would be amazing to help with the idea for a new incarnation of Simple Ores. Also, I could probably make time to do some play/bug testing once it is further along.
And I was a bit surprised when I did my weekly browse through the newly update mods on Curse and saw Simple Ores there. Glad to see the mod is back after a brief hiatus. Though during those months I did plan to move the Mod Pack that needed Simple Ores back to 1.11 and do a different Mod Pack in 1.12... Guess I'll just have 2 1.12 packs by now unless Simple Ores manages to port to 1.13 before I get there; TBH, I'd really love it if it ends up being 1.13 =P
Mod Packs- Untamed Chaos (1.7.10), Moonlit Siege (1.7.10), Ascension (1.6.4)
Youtube- Minecraft Channel, Let's Plays (Ascension Hardcore, Proton), Mod Spotlights
Sinhika, I'm very surprised you thought my original Java coding was skilled I have no qualms with you for ripping out any parts of the underlying SimpleCore or boilerplate that were no longer needed or were just plain bad
I really do think the SimpleOres could benefit from having a couple of fairly active devs that were using source control properly, it takes a fairly large amount of stress off of a single person. If anyone does want to have a chat about potential remake (v3.0???) of SimpleOres and associated mods, let me know and we can probably start some sort of way for us to brainstorm ideas. It doesn't have to be something that starts tomorrow and gets a first release in a week, but I think it's something that may breathe some new life into SimpleOres.
I've gained a lot more experience over the last 5 years of education, working in a software development environment, and my own projects, that I think there's a lot of things we could do differently, and better.
Zap, having someone that can play test, and also come up with quality suggestions, is just as important as actually coding the damn thing. I was always better at implementing ideas than coming up with the ideas myself (and don't even get me started on art!).
Sin, if you're interested in maybe giving this ago, just send me a message and you can fill me in on some of the changes, etc. so I can get back up to speed on forge/mcp, then we can have a chat with people about what they might like to see.
Hey, I was a complete Java noob. I assumed other modders knew what they were doing ;-) (That opinion disappeared the first time I read Natura's old source code--egads, that was terrible crap!) As for me, I don't really have the time or energy or inclination to be the primary maintainer on a whole suite of mods anymore. I got some interest back by being away from it for a while, but right now, especially since you want to take up a SimpleOres re-write, my intent is to port ALL (including akkamaddi's) the SimpleOres mods to 1.12.2, and then I'm done. (Though I might be up to contributing patches) I feel bad that I've let akkamaddi's mods rot since 1.7.10, since I supposedly took up maintaining them. Unless someone else really wants to take over akkamadi's mods, too, I may want to continue supporting them in future versions, but not the whole thing.
Good news: I have the fusion furnace working. I still need to add recipes and achievement JSONs, but then it will be ready. Then Machines and Aesthetics, and then on to the much more tedious job of getting akkamaddi's old 1.7.10 mods up to 1.12.2 specifications. (OMG, I get to revisit 'creating model JSONs'! My joy at the thought is indescribable. Fortunately I have a perl script that does 75% of the work for me. I should write one for recipes, but they've been easy enough to cut & paste a template and change names with find & replace).
--<@ My collection of Actually Somewhat Useful Minecraft Modding Links @>--
My Mods: Sinhika's Bark
Ported Mods: akkamaddi's Additions, akkamaddi's Ashenwheat, AleXndrTheGr8st's SimpleCore/SimpleOres/etc
Other Stuff: old/obsolete Ruins templates, updated to Ruins 1.7.10
God it has been AGES since I had been here. I got burnt out on trying to get updates for mods just to see that they have stopped and thus got stuck on 1710. If only things could be simplified to where only some basic code had to be changed and BOOM, it works on the latest version, that would be one hell of an answer. But yet, it's not like that. Maybe one day things will get easier for you mod makers/maintainers. And if it comes, I'll be waiting to download ALL THE STUFF!!!
GOOD NEWS: I have put an alpha release of Fusion for 1.12.2 up on CurseForge! Remember that as an alpha, you'll have to follow the links to the project website to find it, as the Twitch client does not show alpha releases by default.
It has:
It does not yet have:
--<@ My collection of Actually Somewhat Useful Minecraft Modding Links @>--
My Mods: Sinhika's Bark
Ported Mods: akkamaddi's Additions, akkamaddi's Ashenwheat, AleXndrTheGr8st's SimpleCore/SimpleOres/etc
Other Stuff: old/obsolete Ruins templates, updated to Ruins 1.7.10
More good news: I have uploaded 'Release' versions of SimpleCore, SimpleOres2, and Netherrocks with a few language bugs fixed.
I have uploaded to CurseForge a 'Beta' version of Fusion that now has all the advancements.
--<@ My collection of Actually Somewhat Useful Minecraft Modding Links @>--
My Mods: Sinhika's Bark
Ported Mods: akkamaddi's Additions, akkamaddi's Ashenwheat, AleXndrTheGr8st's SimpleCore/SimpleOres/etc
Other Stuff: old/obsolete Ruins templates, updated to Ruins 1.7.10
Sweet. I'll get them and let ya know if anything wonky happens. It won't be the same without Akkamaddi's and TheOldOnes mods but SimpleOres is a wonderful recall to the days of old when I didn't use many mods as I was just starting out.
I have just uploaded a beta version of Machines for 1.12.2 to CurseForge. It should appear as soon as they approve it. It includes recipes to make the furnaces. This was/is a small add-on that just provides the Mythril Furnace and the Onyx Furnace, which is why it was so quick to port. I expect Aesthetics to take quite a bit longer and try my patience more. Akkamaddi's various add-ons are a bit further out.
--<@ My collection of Actually Somewhat Useful Minecraft Modding Links @>--
My Mods: Sinhika's Bark
Ported Mods: akkamaddi's Additions, akkamaddi's Ashenwheat, AleXndrTheGr8st's SimpleCore/SimpleOres/etc
Other Stuff: old/obsolete Ruins templates, updated to Ruins 1.7.10
Well it's good to see life in these good mods. I never got the chance to try the Aesthetics mod so I am looking forward to it.
I have posted an alpha version of Aesthetics for 1.12.2 to CurseForge. Be warned, it has no recipes as yet; you'll have to use creative mode to cheat in the blocks, doors, etc. Recipes will be forthcoming Real Soon Now.
--<@ My collection of Actually Somewhat Useful Minecraft Modding Links @>--
My Mods: Sinhika's Bark
Ported Mods: akkamaddi's Additions, akkamaddi's Ashenwheat, AleXndrTheGr8st's SimpleCore/SimpleOres/etc
Other Stuff: old/obsolete Ruins templates, updated to Ruins 1.7.10
A beta version of Aesthestics has been posted with recipes included. Testing has been minimal, so let me know what you find.
Can you please file this as a bug on the Fusion Issues page on GitHub? Also, do you have this problem in single-player or just when playing on a server? Please note which circumstance the bugs appeared, if you can. I suspect I have a client-server-side sync issue. And should probably test things in survival mode more often.
--<@ My collection of Actually Somewhat Useful Minecraft Modding Links @>--
My Mods: Sinhika's Bark
Ported Mods: akkamaddi's Additions, akkamaddi's Ashenwheat, AleXndrTheGr8st's SimpleCore/SimpleOres/etc
Other Stuff: old/obsolete Ruins templates, updated to Ruins 1.7.10
Thank you for catching like 3 different bugs. The 'furnace mining bug' was pervasive, affecting all furnaces: (Test, Nether, Onyx, Mythril, and Fusion). I have posted updates to SimpleCore API, Netherrocks, Machines, and Fusion to fix these bugs. PLEASE update.
The Fusion furnace had a couple other derps, on account of being a specialized, non-standard furnace with special recipes, meaning all-new places to introduce bugs. I fixed those, too--the "stealing 2x inputs" bug, and the "never appears to go out" bug. And I removed the console debugging spam.
--<@ My collection of Actually Somewhat Useful Minecraft Modding Links @>--
My Mods: Sinhika's Bark
Ported Mods: akkamaddi's Additions, akkamaddi's Ashenwheat, AleXndrTheGr8st's SimpleCore/SimpleOres/etc
Other Stuff: old/obsolete Ruins templates, updated to Ruins 1.7.10
Pushed out new versions of Simple Core API and Aesthetics, to fix an model error log-spamming bug in Aesthetics doors. Basically, doors are special snowflakes that need a custom StateMapper, because the default StateMapper thinks "powered" is a state that should have a corresponding blockstate/model variant, and it isn't/doesn't. The base SimpleDoor class in SimpleCore API has had a client-side method added to it to build the required custom StateMapper. Aesthetics has been updated to invoke it when registering the models.
TL;DR: update if you use Aesthetics, otherwise, no important changes.
Fearheaven or anyone else that has a server configured for this stuff, could you check that doors render correctly on clients connecting to a remote server (as opposed to crashing the server due to server-client crossover bugs)?
--<@ My collection of Actually Somewhat Useful Minecraft Modding Links @>--
My Mods: Sinhika's Bark
Ported Mods: akkamaddi's Additions, akkamaddi's Ashenwheat, AleXndrTheGr8st's SimpleCore/SimpleOres/etc
Other Stuff: old/obsolete Ruins templates, updated to Ruins 1.7.10
Two things: did you remember to upgrade SimpleCore API? If not, try that first. If you did, please use paste.bin for the log and just post the link. For some reason, my MinecraftForum e-mail is broken and I cannot access it.
--<@ My collection of Actually Somewhat Useful Minecraft Modding Links @>--
My Mods: Sinhika's Bark
Ported Mods: akkamaddi's Additions, akkamaddi's Ashenwheat, AleXndrTheGr8st's SimpleCore/SimpleOres/etc
Other Stuff: old/obsolete Ruins templates, updated to Ruins 1.7.10
Actually, it was pretty informative. Somehow, I made exactly the mistake in coding that I thought I had avoided. However, I am pretty brain-dead right now from lack of sleep, so I'm not going to touch any code tonight. Chances are, I'd do more harm than good. ;-) For now, only use Aesthetics in SSP (single-player) mode.
Thank you for beta testing.
--<@ My collection of Actually Somewhat Useful Minecraft Modding Links @>--
My Mods: Sinhika's Bark
Ported Mods: akkamaddi's Additions, akkamaddi's Ashenwheat, AleXndrTheGr8st's SimpleCore/SimpleOres/etc
Other Stuff: old/obsolete Ruins templates, updated to Ruins 1.7.10
I have uploaded new versions of SimpleCore API (simplecore-1.12.2- and Simple Ores2 (simpleores-1.12.2-
Between them, they should fix:
- Aesthetics crashing in MP server mode. (I tested this!)
- Simple Ores2 (or Fusion, or any other SimpleBow-based) bows with the infinity enchantment should no longer grant you infinite tipped and special arrows. That was a bug, not an intended feature.
It does NOT fix:
- Mythril bows not always using up arrows. That is a feature, not a bug.
Please update once they become available on CurseForge.
--<@ My collection of Actually Somewhat Useful Minecraft Modding Links @>--
My Mods: Sinhika's Bark
Ported Mods: akkamaddi's Additions, akkamaddi's Ashenwheat, AleXndrTheGr8st's SimpleCore/SimpleOres/etc
Other Stuff: old/obsolete Ruins templates, updated to Ruins 1.7.10