1) Download and install Minecraft Forge. It can be found here: files.minecraftforge.net (it is easiest to use the installer)
2) Download the most recent version of the more explosives mod.
3) Navigate to your .minecraft directory. If you are unsure where it is, start the minecraft launcher then click "Edit Profile", the location of the .minecraft folder will appear next to "Game location on disk"
4) When you are inside your .minecraft directory, check if there is a folder called "mods". If there is not, make one.
5) Drag the more explosives .zip file you downloaded into the mods folder.
6) You're all done!
1) Download and install Minecraft Forge for your server. It can be found here: files.minecraftforge.net (it is easiest to use the installer; If you do, select the install server option, find the directory you want to install your server into and hit the install button)
2) Download the most recent version of the more explosives mod.
3) Navigate to the directory your server is installed in
4) Inside that folder, check if there is a folder called "mods". If there is not, make one.
5) Drag the more explosives .zip file you downloaded into the mods folder.
6) Run minecraft-server.jar or minecraftforge-universal<version>.jar if you used the minecraft forge installer.
6) You're all done!
You MUST use Forge, ModLoader will not work. Make sure your using the latest recommended build of forge too.
Release 3.7:
Updated for minecraft
Removed explosive arrow bows
Defuses no longer work on TNT
Coal no longer drops oil (you have to craft it now)
Release 3.6:
Updated for minecraft
Release 3.5:
Updated for minecraft
Release 3.4:
Updated for minecraft Release 3.3:
Hopefully fixed a server crash bug
Release 3.2:
Updated to minecraft 1.4.7
Added locator function to radar (see moreexplosives.com/wiki/?id=25
for details)
Hopefully fixed being unable to use negative coords in missiles in some cases
Release 3.1:
Fixed bug with missiles
Release 3.0:
Updated to minecraft 1.4.6
Release 2.9:
Updated to minecraft 1.4.5,
Added Molitov Coctails
Release 2.8:
Updated to minecraft 1.4.4
Release 2.7:
Fixed a problem
Release 2.6:
Updated to minecraft 1.4.2
Release 2.5:
Fixed even more stuff (dispensers)
Added the Anti-Ballistic missile!
Release 2.4:
Fixed other stuff
Release 2.3:
Fixed a server crash
Release 2.2:
Updated for minecraft 1.3.2 ans SMP!!!,
Added fragment missile,
Removed mushroom cloud ,
Fixed fireworks lagging (they don't look as cool now though)
Raged for hours over the new single player system,
Tonnes of boring little fixes
Release 2.1:
Fixed the error for real,
Added a "Explosive Arrows" enchantment that allows bows to shoot arrows that explode on collision
Release 2.0.1:
Patched an error,
Added hushroom clods to the nuke
Release 1.9:
Added MISSILES!!!!!!
C4, Lava bombs, nukes, bundled C4 and tunnel explosive now behave like TNT when it comes to being ignited with flint and steel,
fixed the blasting cap GUI,
fixed a lot of bugs
Release 1.8:
Updated to minecraft 1.2.5,
nukes are even more powerful,
nukes now use an EXTREMELY efficient algorithm,
smoke grenades, bombs and water bombs can now be fired from dispensers,
all class's names now contain the string 'MoreExplosives' increasing compatibility,
fixed some bugs
Release 1.7:
Updated to Minecraft 1.2.4,
Fixed some bugs,
Changed the time bomb texture,
Made some stuff better
Release 1.6:
Updated to Minecraft 1.2.3,
Added fuse,
Fixed some bugs,
Changes fireworks crafting recipe
Release 1.5:
Fixed a LOT of bugs,
Added uranium,
Added heavy matter,
Added the bazooka,
Added water bombs,
Added an instructions book,
Bundled C4 and Lava Bombs now have a fuse,
Changed the way bombs are thrown,
Det cord is now a cable,
Stopped using pheenixm's detonator code, as it had some problems,
Made smoke bombs over 200 times less lagier, So peoples computers will stop catching fire ,
Re-orginised the files arrangement, making things a bit tider,
Changed the nuke's crafting recipe,
Made the nukes A LOT MORE POWERFUL,
Slightly changed some of the textures of the blocks,
Fixed a bug with the fireworks,
Fireworks now have red stars,
Nerfed the anti-personnel mines
Coal ore now drops more oil (0 - 5)
Slightly changed the remote detonatro options,
Lots and Lots of other stuff
Release 1.4:
Updated to Minecraft 1.1
Now compatible with Pheenixm's Explosives+
Release 1.3:
Added Anti Personnel Mines,
Added A remote Detonator,
Fixed a bug with time bombs detonating on world loading if the delay was too high,
Bug fixes,
A few minor changes
Release 1.2:
Added Bundled C4,
Added Lava Bombs,
Added Tunnelling Explosive,
Added a Explosive Defuser,
Added a crafting recipe for oil,
C4, Nuclear Explosive and Time Bombs don't drop any items,
Smoke Grenades and Bombs Now have a texture(they dont look like white cubes)
A few minor changes
Release 1.1:
Added Time Bombs,
Added smoke grenades,
Added bombs,
Added a new recipe for plastic (by request).
Land mines can be toggled between invisible and visible by right clicking them,
Fire Works look a lot better,
A few minor changes
Release 1.0:
Initial release
Screen Shots:
A incoming missile:
Missile GUI:
1 Nuclaer Explosive Crater:
A Anti-Persennel mine that has just detonated:
A Anti-Persennel mine that has detonated a second later:
The aftermath of a Anti-Persennel mine:
A Tunnelling Explosive and a hole from one:
4 Lava Bombs before detonation:
The result of 4 lava bombs (Notice how it cooked cobblestone to stone, sand to glass and clay to bricks)
Bundled C4 (that has just been activated):
The result of Bundled C4:
Oil dropped by coal ore:
Det Cord connected to TNT:
Time Bomb GUI (with time options):
Time Bomb GUI (About to detonate):
White Smoke:
Blue Smoke:
Green Smoke:
Red Smoke:
Yellow Smoke:
Black Smoke:
If you get an error:
Before you post a error:
1) Download, unzip and run this (it only works on windows)
2) Minecraft will start, and when the error happens the error window will stay open, so you can copy it.
3) Put the error in a spoiler, like so
[spoiler]Insert Error Here[/spoiler]
4) Include a list of all the mods you have installed
Pheenixm for being awesome and helping me out on a few things
Check out his Awesome Explosives+
Weaponguy117 for creating the awesome textures for the missiles!
RedArmy_BushMan for offering me a texture that inspired me to make a better texture for the time bomb
Check out His Awesome Texture Pack
A mod i have awaited for!
If the landmines wouldn't do any environmental damage.........i would click the adfly link...
Hmm... it would be somewhat hard as i would probbably have to create a whole new explosion algorithm (or make some changes to the way the work that would probbably fail)
I am thinking about making them invisible though :smile.gif:
Possible Reasons:
1) Make sure particles in the video settings is set to 'all'
2) They cannot be powered by redstone torches ON THEM (next to them is fine though)
3) You must be within 15 - 20 blocks of them to activate them
Latest download (for 1.6.2): MoreExplosivesModRelease3.7forMC1.6.2.zip
Note: installation has changed quite a lot. I recommend you read through the installation guide again
Video by Hat Films:
Thanks Hat Films
Other Videos:
Video by AntVenom:
Thanks Antvenom
Video by the Yogscast:
Thanks to the Yogscast
Note: this video is for Release 1.4, and is now outdated
Older Downloads:
3) Navigate to your .minecraft directory. If you are unsure where it is, start the minecraft launcher then click "Edit Profile", the location of the .minecraft folder will appear next to "Game location on disk"
4) When you are inside your .minecraft directory, check if there is a folder called "mods". If there is not, make one.
5) Drag the more explosives .zip file you downloaded into the mods folder.
6) You're all done!
3) Navigate to the directory your server is installed in
4) Inside that folder, check if there is a folder called "mods". If there is not, make one.
5) Drag the more explosives .zip file you downloaded into the mods folder.
6) Run minecraft-server.jar or minecraftforge-universal<version>.jar if you used the minecraft forge installer.
6) You're all done!
You MUST use Forge, ModLoader will not work. Make sure your using the latest recommended build of forge too.
Description & Crafting:
This mod adds Missiles, Landmines, Det Cord, Fire Works, C4 and Nuclear Explosives, Time Bombs, Smoke Grenades, bombs and more!!!.
For details on each item, including crafting instructions, check the wiki!
Release 3.7:
Updated for minecraft
Removed explosive arrow bows
Defuses no longer work on TNT
Coal no longer drops oil (you have to craft it now)
Release 3.6:
Updated for minecraft
Release 3.5:
Updated for minecraft
Release 3.4:
Updated for minecraft
Release 3.3:
Updated to minecraft 1.4.7
Added locator function to radar (see moreexplosives.com/wiki/?id=25
for details)
Hopefully fixed being unable to use negative coords in missiles in some cases
Release 3.1:
Fixed bug with missiles
Release 3.0:
Updated to minecraft 1.4.6
Release 2.9:
Updated to minecraft 1.4.5,
Added Molitov Coctails
Release 2.8:
Updated to minecraft 1.4.4
Release 2.7:
Fixed a problem
Release 2.6:
Updated to minecraft 1.4.2
Release 2.5:
Fixed even more stuff (dispensers)
Added the Anti-Ballistic missile!
Release 2.4:
Fixed other stuff
Release 2.3:
Fixed a server crash
Release 2.2:
Updated for minecraft 1.3.2 ans SMP!!!,
Added fragment missile,
Removed mushroom cloud ,
Fixed fireworks lagging (they don't look as cool now though)
Raged for hours over the new single player system,
Tonnes of boring little fixes
Release 2.1:
Fixed the error for real,
Added a "Explosive Arrows" enchantment that allows bows to shoot arrows that explode on collision
Release 2.0.1:
Patched an error,
Added hushroom clods to the nuke
Release 2.0
Added Flares,
Added Radar,
Improved fireworks,
fixed some stuff
Release 1.9:
Added MISSILES!!!!!!
C4, Lava bombs, nukes, bundled C4 and tunnel explosive now behave like TNT when it comes to being ignited with flint and steel,
fixed the blasting cap GUI,
fixed a lot of bugs
Release 1.8:
Updated to minecraft 1.2.5,
nukes are even more powerful,
nukes now use an EXTREMELY efficient algorithm,
smoke grenades, bombs and water bombs can now be fired from dispensers,
all class's names now contain the string 'MoreExplosives' increasing compatibility,
fixed some bugs
Release 1.7:
Updated to Minecraft 1.2.4,
Fixed some bugs,
Changed the time bomb texture,
Made some stuff better
Release 1.6:
Updated to Minecraft 1.2.3,
Added fuse,
Fixed some bugs,
Changes fireworks crafting recipe
Release 1.5:
Fixed a LOT of bugs,
Added uranium,
Added heavy matter,
Added the bazooka,
Added water bombs,
Added an instructions book,
Bundled C4 and Lava Bombs now have a fuse,
Changed the way bombs are thrown,
Det cord is now a cable,
Stopped using pheenixm's detonator code, as it had some problems,
Made smoke bombs over 200 times less lagier, So peoples computers will stop catching fire ,
Re-orginised the files arrangement, making things a bit tider,
Changed the nuke's crafting recipe,
Made the nukes A LOT MORE POWERFUL,
Slightly changed some of the textures of the blocks,
Fixed a bug with the fireworks,
Fireworks now have red stars,
Nerfed the anti-personnel mines
Coal ore now drops more oil (0 - 5)
Slightly changed the remote detonatro options,
Lots and Lots of other stuff
Release 1.4:
Updated to Minecraft 1.1
Now compatible with Pheenixm's Explosives+
Release 1.3:
Added Anti Personnel Mines,
Added A remote Detonator,
Fixed a bug with time bombs detonating on world loading if the delay was too high,
Bug fixes,
A few minor changes
Release 1.2:
Added Bundled C4,
Added Lava Bombs,
Added Tunnelling Explosive,
Added a Explosive Defuser,
Added a crafting recipe for oil,
C4, Nuclear Explosive and Time Bombs don't drop any items,
Smoke Grenades and Bombs Now have a texture(they dont look like white cubes)
A few minor changes
Release 1.1:
Added Time Bombs,
Added smoke grenades,
Added bombs,
Added a new recipe for plastic (by request).
Land mines can be toggled between invisible and visible by right clicking them,
Fire Works look a lot better,
A few minor changes
Release 1.0:
Initial release
Screen Shots:
A incoming missile:
Missile GUI:
1 Nuclaer Explosive Crater:
A Anti-Persennel mine that has just detonated:
A Anti-Persennel mine that has detonated a second later:
The aftermath of a Anti-Persennel mine:
A Tunnelling Explosive and a hole from one:
4 Lava Bombs before detonation:
The result of 4 lava bombs (Notice how it cooked cobblestone to stone, sand to glass and clay to bricks)
Bundled C4 (that has just been activated):
The result of Bundled C4:
Oil dropped by coal ore:
Det Cord connected to TNT:
Time Bomb GUI (with time options):
Time Bomb GUI (About to detonate):
White Smoke:
Blue Smoke:
Green Smoke:
Red Smoke:
Yellow Smoke:
Black Smoke:
Pheenixm for being awesome and helping me out on a few things
Check out his Awesome Explosives+
RedArmy_BushMan for offering me a texture that inspired me to make a better texture for the time bomb
Check out His Awesome Texture Pack
The Yogscast for showing my mod
minecraftdl.com for featuring my mod
Everyone who has made videos
Everyone who has downloaded
Everyone who i may have missed
This document is Copyright © NikolaiTheEpicGenius 2013 and is the intellectual property of NikolaiTheEpicGenius. It may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use as long as it remains in its unaltered, unedited form. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this mod on any other website or as a part of any public display including modpacks is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. This mod is provided 'as is' with no warranties, implied or otherwise. NikolaiTheEpicGenius takes no responsibility for any damages incurred from the use of this mod.
If you like this mod please use this signature
Made by FutureNyanCat:
Made by NightXplosion:
Made by hitnach0s:
Nice job, you've made a lot of enemies now.
Thx. for downloading but like the link says, your mean
Sorry i did not realise this
Edit: just googled "'Mo' Explosives mod'" and did not find it so i dont feel as bad now
I was mainly making this as an experiment and decided to show it here to see what people think.
Edit: Where is your mod?
I think it's pretty obvious to read my mind right now.
Theres a video.
Please subscribe!
Thanks heaps for the vid :smile.gif:
Thanks for the vid :smile.gif:
Thanks for downloading with adfly
I know there are similar mods, i will soon have a lot more unique stuff
Now THAT is an explosives mod
Great mod btw!
Thanks, your awesome! :smile.gif:
start and end are best :tongue.gif:.
Thanks for the vid :smile.gif:
Hmm... it would be somewhat hard as i would probbably have to create a whole new explosion algorithm (or make some changes to the way the work that would probbably fail)
I am thinking about making them invisible though :smile.gif:
Possible Reasons:
1) Make sure particles in the video settings is set to 'all'
2) They cannot be powered by redstone torches ON THEM (next to them is fine though)
3) You must be within 15 - 20 blocks of them to activate them
I hope this helps :smile.gif: