Version 1.1.6 is ready for download! It contains mainly fixes for the client's stability.
WARNING!! The limit of one plane per world has been temporarily removed. DO NOT spawn more than one plane into your world because it messes things up. If you do spawn more than one plane, simply destroy them all before you spawn in a new one. That should fix any problems. Btw this mod is now The RC Mod. :biggrin.gif:
Version 1.1.6
-Removed the RcPlaneCam.class file which resulted in the client crashing.
-The code of the cam lock feature has be slightly changed. Should work for those who had trouble before.
-The propeller on the plane model has been aligned.
-Propeller is now animated. Will turn when you press "o" and also when the plane is above a certain speed.
-The one plane per world limit has been temporarily removed. Be aware that spawning in more than one plane will cause problems.
You should also add a camera option to where you can make it look like you're inside the plane or helicopter so that you can fly into a cave or over a mountain to see if there are monsters.
Oh man haven't been looking on this thread for a while these new updates LOOK AWESOME :biggrin.gif: gonna try it out again your mod is one of the best Rc mods out there
EDIT:Can you tell me why di.class is in there? cause it probably will conflict with single player commands is it becausee of the new cam feature?
DOUBLE EDIT: Never mind i know now if you don't drag the di.class file into the minecraft.jar the Rc plane mod will still work BUT the feature of your player following the plane is disabled bt everything still works fine can you some how make a Single player commands merge with di.class (if i do remember you edited right? i may be wrong though)
This is amazing, I had been waiting for months for something like this. But as I see SMP support is a to-do, I have a suggestion. Could you make it such that we can colour the controller and plane? So it becomes something like:
Green Controller controls Green RC Plane, Red Controller controls Red RC Plane, and so on.
It's something like channels, and this would, in my opinion, simplify some things like not needing the 1-plane per world limit, and SMP ownership. Interference can be thrown in if you want, e.g 2 Controllers of the same colour happen to control the same plane = haywire. Makes it realistic. But overall this is a good mod, and I might feature it in my next issue of The Weekly Minecraft newsletter, viewed at My Blog.
EDIT: Good job at the RC Heli. Keep it up. So far your mod is the best one I've ever seen when it comes to entertainment in times of boredom.
Could you make it such that we can colour the controller and plane? So it becomes something like:
Green Controller controls Green RC Plane, Red Controller controls Red RC Plane, and so on.
It's something like channels, and this would, in my opinion, simplify some things like not needing the 1-plane per world limit, and SMP ownership. Interference can be thrown in if you want, e.g 2 Controllers of the same colour happen to control the same plane = haywire. Makes it realistic.
Great idea. To get it to work in-game will be hard, but luckily nothing is impossible(yet).
It’s a problem with the time function I'm using. I don't know why it stopped working. I did manage to find a solution but don't know how well it will work. Atm I'm trying to get the rc heli done so that I have a version worth releasing. It shouldn't take too long. If all goes to plan v1.2 will be ready by tomorrow.
Having Trouble
i place it but it doesnt go on the floor and freezes my minecraft screen. i have treid different gamemodes different placements and it isnt working. PLEASE HELP
Version 1.1.6
Mainly fixed the crashes caused by the cam lock feature.
WARNING!! The limit of one plane per world has been temporarily removed. DO NOT spawn more than one plane into your world because it messes things up. If you do spawn more than one plane, simply destroy them all before you spawn in a new one. That should fix any problems.
Version 1.1.5
Version 1.0
I'm currently developing a rc mod. The flight dynamics are very basic and are far from the real thing. Hopefully over time I'll be able to use more advance aerodynamics in calculating the forced of thrust, lift drag and weight. I'm also hoping to include the effects of density changes (decreases with height) on the flight dynamics.
At the mod's current state, you can not roll through 360 degrees or do a loop. In the coming days I should be able to complete a bunch of things on the to do list.
Please let me know what you guys think and give me some ideas on what to add to this mod.
Well, I've decided to release a very unfinish/unpolished version of this mod. There are sill a bunch of feature that needs to be added.
1) Download and install Modloader.
2) Download and install AudioMod.
3) Delete META-INF
4) Download RcPlaneMod.rar (Links below).
5) Open RcPlaneMod.rar and put the "RcPlaneMod" folder and .class files inside your minecraft.jar.
6) Put the "mod" folder inside your resources folder.
7) Winning...
To craft the rc plane and the remote control you'll need:
-And wooden planks
You can start off by crafting the receiver:
Next you can craft the electric motor:
Now its time to craft the remote control:
And lastly the rc plane:
DO NOT FLY NEAR YOUR HOUSE! It will most likely be that you'll destroy it and I'm NOT going to take any responsibility for it.
You can only have one plane in a world.
Also be aware that you can not roll through 360 degrees or do a loop.
NOTE. There are known issues. Sometimes the rc plane will start to accelerate backwards. If this happens then I have sad news for you.... create a new world if you want to fly again. Another problem is when using thrust and pitch up for too long. The plane will start to accelerate upwards until who knows where. Lastly when you are diving straight down, it can be impossible to recover.
Besides that have fun.
Once you have crafted to remote control and rc plane, you can place the rc plane on the ground by right clicking on the mouse while the rc plane is in your hand. After that you need to select the remote control and right click. You'll hear a beeping sound playing (If you installed audiomod correctly). This indicates that the remote control is active and that you can start flying.
Controls are as follow:
"p" will retrieve the plane for you and will place it where you put it the first time.
"o" Will give you thrust. More thrust means you'll go faster and get more lift.
"k" Yaws the plane to the left.
";" Yaws the plane to the right.
"k" and ";" is only needed when you want to steer on the ground.
"Down arrow key" This will make the plane pitch up. ( Also helps to gain more lift)
"Up arrow key" This will make the plane pitch down. ( Helps to reduce the lift)
"Left arrow key" Rolls the plane to the left.
"Right arrow key" Rolls the plane to the right.
The "left and right arrow keys" are used to "steer" the plane in the air.
Version 1.1.6 might not be compatible with all these mods!!
-Blood Mod
-Display cases
-Mine little pony
-Tale of kingdoms
-Rei's minimap
-Better than Wolves
Change Log
Version 1.1.6
-Removed the RcPlaneCam.class file which resulted in the client crashing.
-The code of the cam lock feature has be slightly changed. Should work for those who had trouble before.
-The propeller on the model has been aligned.
-Propeller is now animated. Will turn when you press "O" and also when the plane is above a certain speed.
-The one plane per world limit has been temporarily removed. Be aware that to spawn in more than one will cause problems.
Version 1.1.5
-Added a cam lock feature, the plane will always be in view once the controller has been activated and three hands will no longer be needed.
-The plane will spawn facing the direction you are facing.
-Model now has dihedral wings.
-Fixed the texture overlay problem on the model.
-There is now a skin template in the "extra" folder. You can now make your own skin. Just rename it to "RcPlaneSkin" and put it in the "RcPlaneMod" folder.
-When the plane crashes it will no longer drop iron and redstone.
-There's a 90% chance for dropping an electric motor and 80% chance for dropping a receiver.
-Crafting has been slightly chanced to make it less expensive.
-New remote control texture added. It now has a light to show when it's on or off.
Version 1.1:
-Added a feature where you now can retrieve the plane by just pressing "p".
-If you hit your plane it will not be destroyed. It will give you the rc plane item.
-Yaw will now result in a slow roll in the direction of yaw.
-Tweaked the yaw of the plane. Its now better on the ground and less effective in the air. (To force people to roll to turn)
-Fixed the annoying bug where you can not have a plane in each of your worlds.
Version 1.0:
-Initial release.
To do list
-Add chase cam where you have a 3rd person view of the plane.
-Improve flight dynamics. To do loops and rolls.
-Atmosphere affecting flight dynamics (decrease in density with the increase in height).
-Multiplayer support.
-Add sound (audio mod). (almost complete)
-Multiplayer rc plane battles.
-And more to come.
THIS MOD WILL NOT WORK why is this i am doing evthing like i should but no not working can some one help me i love this mod i hade it on v.1.1 and it so cool i lve rc stuff and i love minecraft so please help
Version 1.2 is now ready for download :biggrin.gif:
Happy creeper hunting!
I haven't had any time to test this update. Please let me know of any issues. If the client is crashing/freezing try to post the crash log that is in the Modloader.txt file.
NOTE!! There is a known issue with the rc heli. Sometimes when it spawns it will rotate like crazy. Simply push it or fly it in any direction and the rotation should stop. Or just destroy and re-spawn it. It is 3:30am can I can't be bothered to fix it. It will have to wait for the next update. And remember keep it one plane/heli per world if you don't want your mod broken (Read OP for fix).
Version 1.2
-Rc heli with new flight dynamics has been added.
-Crafting recipe for the rc heli added.
-New chase cam has been added.
-Roll limit on the rc plane has been removed. It can now roll through 360 degrees.
-One hit will now de-spawn your heli or plane.
-Time function is now fixed which resulted in the client freezing.
-The modified base files for the cam lock feature are no longer needed and should prevent any compatibility issues.
Got back from my cousins house now it's time to try the new heli copter! (if this mod still holds di.class i won't install di.class since i have single player commands)
when i place plane down just freezes. and i cant find out problem because there is no crash report showing up.
EDIT: i got the modloader log in case it helps at all:
Dec 31, 2011 4:44:24 PM ModLoader init
FINE: ModLoader 1.0.0 Initializing...
Dec 31, 2011 4:44:24 PM ModLoader readFromClassPath
FINER: Adding mods from C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin\minecraft.jar
Dec 31, 2011 4:44:24 PM ModLoader readFromClassPath
FINER: Zip found.
Dec 31, 2011 4:44:24 PM ModLoader addMod
FINE: Mod Initialized: "mod_RcPlane RcPlane v1.1.6" from mod_RcPlane.class
Dec 31, 2011 4:44:24 PM ModLoader addOverride
FINER: addOverride(/gui/items.png,/RcPlaneMod/IconRcPlane.png,38). 87 left.
Dec 31, 2011 4:44:24 PM ModLoader addOverride
FINER: addOverride(/gui/items.png,/RcPlaneMod/IconRemoteControlOff.png,102). 86 left.
Dec 31, 2011 4:44:24 PM ModLoader addOverride
FINER: addOverride(/gui/items.png,/RcPlaneMod/IconRemoteControlOn.png,118). 85 left.
Dec 31, 2011 4:44:24 PM ModLoader addOverride
FINER: addOverride(/gui/items.png,/RcPlaneMod/IconElectricMotor.png,119). 84 left.
Dec 31, 2011 4:44:24 PM ModLoader addOverride
FINER: addOverride(/gui/items.png,/RcPlaneMod/IconReceiver.png,120). 83 left.
Dec 31, 2011 4:44:24 PM ModLoader init
FINE: Mod Loaded: "mod_RcPlane RcPlane v1.1.6"
Dec 31, 2011 4:44:24 PM ModLoader AddAllRenderers
FINE: Initialized
That does not help at all that just tells you the mod has loaded in minecraft you need to give use the error report ingame just launch minecraft in the CMD window and then place down a plane then it should tell us the error report
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: ry.a(Lia;)Z
at RCM_ItemRcPlane.c(
at dk.a(
at aes.a(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.c(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.k(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x(
at Source)
27 achievements
174 recipes
ModLoader 1.0.0 Initializing...
Mod Initialized: mod_ClearWater 1.0.0 for 1.0.0
Mod Initialized: mod_ModLoaderMp 1.0.0
Mod Initialized: mod_ReiMinimap v2.9 [1.0.0]
Mod Initialized: mod_Timber 1.0.0
Mod Initialized: mod_TooManyItems 1.0.0 2011-11-29
Mod Initialized: mod_SAPI r11
Mod Initialized: Smart Moving 6.1
Mod Initialized: mod_Aether r1
Mod Initialized: mod_Trivia 1.7.3 Aether Edition
Loading ComputerCraft with computerBlockID 137
To change the block ID, modify config/mod_ComputerCraft.cfg
Overriding /terrain.png with /terrain/computer/0.png @ 30. 44 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /terrain/computer/1.png @ 153. 43 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /terrain/computer/2.png @ 167. 42 left.
Overriding /terrain.png with /terrain/computer/3.png @ 168. 41 left.
Mod Initialized: mod_ComputerCraft 1.01
Mod Loaded: mod_ClearWater 1.0.0 for 1.0.0
Mod Loaded: mod_ModLoaderMp 1.0.0
Mod Loaded: mod_ReiMinimap v2.9 [1.0.0]
Mod Loaded: mod_Timber 1.0.0
Mod Loaded: mod_TooManyItems 1.0.0 2011-11-29
PlayerAPI 1.2 Created
PlayerAPI: registered Dimension API
Mod Loaded: mod_SAPI r11
Mod Loaded: Smart Moving 6.1
PlayerAPI: registered Aether
Forgot to update reflection. Trying MCP name for disabling rain.
Mod Loaded: mod_Aether r1
Mod Loaded: mod_Trivia 1.7.3 Aether Edition
Mod Loaded: mod_ComputerCraft 1.01
ModLoaderMP 1.0.0 Initialized
PlayerAPI: registered Smart Moving
WARNING: Found unknown Windows version: Windows 7
Attempting to use default windows plug-in.
Starting up SoundSystem...
Initializing LWJGL OpenAL
(The LWJGL binding of OpenAL. For more information, see http://www.lwjgl.or
OpenAL initialized.
MCPatcherUtils initialized. Directory C:\Users\maurizio\AppData\Roaming\.minecra
[Rei's Minimap] MCPatcher HD Fix: Found
The mod is trying to get a spefifc value from ry.class ( and if i do remember Shock API edits ry.class correct? so i think it's a problom with that (or it maybe aether)
I just had the same problem. I'll try to release a fixed version soon.
A rc heli is now officially WIP. :biggrin.gif:
WARNING!! The limit of one plane per world has been temporarily removed. DO NOT spawn more than one plane into your world because it messes things up. If you do spawn more than one plane, simply destroy them all before you spawn in a new one. That should fix any problems. Btw this mod is now The RC Mod. :biggrin.gif:
Version 1.1.6
-Removed the RcPlaneCam.class file which resulted in the client crashing.
-The code of the cam lock feature has be slightly changed. Should work for those who had trouble before.
-The propeller on the plane model has been aligned.
-Propeller is now animated. Will turn when you press "o" and also when the plane is above a certain speed.
-The one plane per world limit has been temporarily removed. Be aware that spawning in more than one plane will cause problems.
You should also add a camera option to where you can make it look like you're inside the plane or helicopter so that you can fly into a cave or over a mountain to see if there are monsters.
EDIT:Can you tell me why di.class is in there? cause it probably will conflict with single player commands is it becausee of the new cam feature?
DOUBLE EDIT: Never mind i know now if you don't drag the di.class file into the minecraft.jar the Rc plane mod will still work BUT the feature of your player following the plane is disabled bt everything still works fine can you some how make a Single player commands merge with di.class (if i do remember you edited right? i may be wrong though)
And cool mod
Green Controller controls Green RC Plane, Red Controller controls Red RC Plane, and so on.
It's something like channels, and this would, in my opinion, simplify some things like not needing the 1-plane per world limit, and SMP ownership. Interference can be thrown in if you want, e.g 2 Controllers of the same colour happen to control the same plane = haywire. Makes it realistic.
EDIT: Good job at the RC Heli. Keep it up. So far your mod is the best one I've ever seen when it comes to entertainment in times of boredom.
Great idea. To get it to work in-game will be hard, but luckily nothing is impossible(yet).
Edit: The whole mod doesn't work for me.
Plane in invisible and when i right click the receiver it just points to the sky.
EDIT: i got the modloader log in case it helps at all:
Dec 31, 2011 4:44:24 PM ModLoader init
FINE: ModLoader 1.0.0 Initializing...
Dec 31, 2011 4:44:24 PM ModLoader readFromClassPath
FINER: Adding mods from C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin\minecraft.jar
Dec 31, 2011 4:44:24 PM ModLoader readFromClassPath
FINER: Zip found.
Dec 31, 2011 4:44:24 PM ModLoader addMod
FINE: Mod Initialized: "mod_RcPlane RcPlane v1.1.6" from mod_RcPlane.class
Dec 31, 2011 4:44:24 PM ModLoader addOverride
FINER: addOverride(/gui/items.png,/RcPlaneMod/IconRcPlane.png,38). 87 left.
Dec 31, 2011 4:44:24 PM ModLoader addOverride
FINER: addOverride(/gui/items.png,/RcPlaneMod/IconRemoteControlOff.png,102). 86 left.
Dec 31, 2011 4:44:24 PM ModLoader addOverride
FINER: addOverride(/gui/items.png,/RcPlaneMod/IconRemoteControlOn.png,118). 85 left.
Dec 31, 2011 4:44:24 PM ModLoader addOverride
FINER: addOverride(/gui/items.png,/RcPlaneMod/IconElectricMotor.png,119). 84 left.
Dec 31, 2011 4:44:24 PM ModLoader addOverride
FINER: addOverride(/gui/items.png,/RcPlaneMod/IconReceiver.png,120). 83 left.
Dec 31, 2011 4:44:24 PM ModLoader init
FINE: Mod Loaded: "mod_RcPlane RcPlane v1.1.6"
Dec 31, 2011 4:44:24 PM ModLoader AddAllRenderers
FINE: Initialized
i place it but it doesnt go on the floor and freezes my minecraft screen. i have treid different gamemodes different placements and it isnt working. PLEASE HELP
Happy creeper hunting!
I haven't had any time to test this update. Please let me know of any issues. If the client is crashing/freezing try to post the crash log that is in the Modloader.txt file.
NOTE!! There is a known issue with the rc heli. Sometimes when it spawns it will rotate like crazy. Simply push it or fly it in any direction and the rotation should stop. Or just destroy and re-spawn it. It is 3:30am can I can't be bothered to fix it. It will have to wait for the next update. And remember keep it one plane/heli per world if you don't want your mod broken (Read OP for fix).
Version 1.2
-Rc heli with new flight dynamics has been added.
-Crafting recipe for the rc heli added.
-New chase cam has been added.
-Roll limit on the rc plane has been removed. It can now roll through 360 degrees.
-One hit will now de-spawn your heli or plane.
-Time function is now fixed which resulted in the client freezing.
-The modified base files for the cam lock feature are no longer needed and should prevent any compatibility issues.
That does not help at all that just tells you the mod has loaded in minecraft you need to give use the error report ingame just launch minecraft in the CMD window and then place down a plane then it should tell us the error report
The mod is trying to get a spefifc value from ry.class ( and if i do remember Shock API edits ry.class correct? so i think it's a problom with that (or it maybe aether)