This is really stupid, I was really hopeing that this mod was updated because sky did a video on it but no it didn't update, it just put more users saying sky sent me and please update replies.
Same with me. Except I can wait for an update o_O
For everyone that cant install, here is a guide. Make sure you have 1.4.5 so use Minecraft version changer or something.
Here: Use it:
1. Install Forge LATEST not recommended (Right?)
2. If you don't know how to, there are a billion videos out there on how to install
4. Now, put the .jar in the mods folder in .minecraft (Make a folder called mods if there isn't)
5. Do NOT unzip the .jar
6. Do NOT put anything in newsound.
7. Run minecraft.
8. Enjoy!
Good lord.....will you guys just stop it?
Stop demanding updates,it is against the rules! Mod creators can be quite busy with other things.
How would you like it if you were to go on holiday and your boss calls you and tells you to come back and start working immediately?
Ok. Every person who is about to say update please, read this first. To use this mod,
Step 1: Go to this site: and download the client minecraft.jar file.
Step 2: If you have mods installed, put your old .jar on your desktop or something.
Step 3: Put the 1.4.6 Pre-release .jar in your bin folder.
Step 4: Google MCNostalgia and click on the Minecraft Forum post.
Step 5: If you read the article, you should see that the project has been given to someone else. Click the link to the new post.
Step 6: Download MCNostalgia and open the folder. You should see and .exe file. Click on it. It should ask you to extract the files. Say yes.
Step 7: Open the .exe again. You should see a command prompt pop up. Hit enter. You should see a list of downgrade possibilities. 1.4.5 should be 140. If it isn't, type in the number next to 1.4.5. Otherwise, type in 140. Hit enter. It should say that the downgrade was successful but if it says error, make sure you put in the minecraft.jar correctly.
Step 8: Google Minecraft Forge. You should find a forum for it. Go to releases. Go to the 1.4.5 release and download it.
Step 9: Install Minecraft Forge. There are plenty of tutorials for it. - Here's a tutorial I found by TwoshotsGaming that looked fine to me and illustrates the last step.
Step 10: Download the Explosives+ 1.4.5 Pre-Release. Go to your .minecraft folder and if you don't see a folder named mods in there, make one. Otherwise, go to your mods folder and if there is anything in there, you should probably take it out. If you know otherwise, so be it but my advice is to take anything in there out. After that, put the Explosives+ .jar file from your download into the mods folder. Don't put anything in newsound or something like that.
Step 11: Enjoy!
Hope this helped and feel free to add on anything I may have missed. Btw I knew about this before Sky however he did resend me.
Same with me. Except I can wait for an update o_O
For everyone that cant install, here is a guide. Make sure you have 1.4.5 so use Minecraft version changer or something.
Here: Use it:
1. Install Forge LATEST not recommended (Right?)
2. If you don't know how to, there are a billion videos out there on how to install
4. Now, put the .jar in the mods folder in .minecraft (Make a folder called mods if there isn't)
5. Do NOT unzip the .jar
6. Do NOT put anything in newsound.
7. Run minecraft.
8. Enjoy!
Hope this helps everyone
And How Do We Download it?
Achivement Get
Squid Want Big Boom [Not Like Im After SkyDoesMinecraft]
LOOK AT THE TITLE. It says [1.4.5]. PLEASE wait for the next update.
I meant the gold spam >.>
Crash report?
This mod is fun REALLY fun
Stop demanding updates,it is against the rules! Mod creators can be quite busy with other things.
How would you like it if you were to go on holiday and your boss calls you and tells you to come back and start working immediately?
Step 1: Go to this site: and download the client minecraft.jar file.
Step 2: If you have mods installed, put your old .jar on your desktop or something.
Step 3: Put the 1.4.6 Pre-release .jar in your bin folder.
Step 4: Google MCNostalgia and click on the Minecraft Forum post.
Step 5: If you read the article, you should see that the project has been given to someone else. Click the link to the new post.
Step 6: Download MCNostalgia and open the folder. You should see and .exe file. Click on it. It should ask you to extract the files. Say yes.
Step 7: Open the .exe again. You should see a command prompt pop up. Hit enter. You should see a list of downgrade possibilities. 1.4.5 should be 140. If it isn't, type in the number next to 1.4.5. Otherwise, type in 140. Hit enter. It should say that the downgrade was successful but if it says error, make sure you put in the minecraft.jar correctly.
Step 8: Google Minecraft Forge. You should find a forum for it. Go to releases. Go to the 1.4.5 release and download it.
Step 9: Install Minecraft Forge. There are plenty of tutorials for it. - Here's a tutorial I found by TwoshotsGaming that looked fine to me and illustrates the last step.
Step 10: Download the Explosives+ 1.4.5 Pre-Release. Go to your .minecraft folder and if you don't see a folder named mods in there, make one. Otherwise, go to your mods folder and if there is anything in there, you should probably take it out. If you know otherwise, so be it but my advice is to take anything in there out. After that, put the Explosives+ .jar file from your download into the mods folder. Don't put anything in newsound or something like that.
Step 11: Enjoy!
Hope this helped and feel free to add on anything I may have missed. Btw I knew about this before Sky however he did resend me.