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Open Source
Just install TMI then HaloCraft
No error report = no help, simple
Maybe instead of having a portal you could have a ship (Once vehicles come in) that's expensive and when you fly it you get "teleported" to a Halo? Portals just don't seem so original.
You know I didn't use the coding from sdk's gun mod. Check the credits
for example:
Before damage: XXXXXXXXXX
After damage: XXXX
2 seconds after damage: XXXXX
4 seconds after damage: XXXXXX
6 seconds after damage: XXXXXXX
and so on so forth....
I don't know... I just have them both installed, and it works :huh.gif: Maybe you have to install them in order?
Great mod, great timing, great job!
yea, I didn't really try that :smile.gif:
ModLoader, ModLoader MP, Audiomod, Too Many Items, then Halocraft.
Well, yea.
Edit: if you need coders maybe i can learn coding xD
Click or it will die!
Click or it will die!
Yea, the mod is still pretty buggy, dunno.
Also yea im good with texturers and coders :smile.gif:
But there is one thing everyone can do, recreating the maps into minecraft.
yeah ill do that..maybe im a horrible builder xD
Click or it will die!
server list?
Yea, its a list of all the servers that use my mod.
But i haven't released a server mod yet. sooo....
Next update i will, k? :sad.gif:
I MAY be able to help with that :wink.gif:
and I should also recommend using your own/SDK's code for guns since WW2's hit detection is fail (no offense if you read this Jamioflan)
No error report = no help, simple
I'll say this a third time but either use your own code or SDK's code for the guns because the current hit detection is fail
already suggested but don't have recoil! there be no recoil in Halo Y U HAVE RECOIL? (:laugh.gif:)
make it so hen you hit something with a gun it's either a insta-kill or two hits then kill
darken around the scope when zoomed in so it's pretty hard to see outside the scope area
(when this is added) spartan armor be able to recharge over time (slowly)
Make the BR (battle rifle) actually shoot three shots
make the weapons deal more damage such as Sniper and Shotgun do an insta-kill
That's it :smile.gif:
No error report = no help, simple
and sabres and you could change in to a monitor mode I am going to stop now