i would like to access the animated capes please. my mc username is burbur2002I would like access to the animated capes. my username is burbur2002 on the site and in minecraft
If you PM me with a download link to the file that it's conflicting with, I can edit it and send you a copy that is compatible (Just take the file out of your Minecraft jar file - sz.class for 1.8.1 or wd.class for 1.9-pre5 - and upload it to something like MediaFire and send me the link)
Glad you like it, looking forward to seeing the video
It will show in multiplayer to everyone else who has the mod as well, get the other people to download the mod so they can see your cape
Minecraft doesn't currently support transparent capes, I'll see what I can do though
hey my friend just got a mc account and wants to have his mccapes account inabled for animated capes.... so if you could enable it for him? his acount name is: rustun605
thanks again
pls watch my videosI'd love if you could check out my channel.IGN is AWESOME99998
IGN: mountainlion88
EDIT: The username is Parrotty, almost forgot.
hey my friend just got a mc account and wants to have his mccapes account inabled for animated capes.... so if you could enable it for him? his acount name is: rustun605
thanks again
-YouTuber and Minecraft Map Maker, RadicalDustin

Also, I would like to find out what the "extra" bit is with the cape mod
The downloads page explains the difference between the mods.
Make each frame of the cape and upload them.