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This thread was marked as Locked by Lord_Ralex.
Quote from ForgotTheSUNSCREEN How do i get to apply the animated cape, it says i can use it and i hit apply cape but it doesn't say im using it?
Quote from CreeperLord59 my cape is on backwards
Quote from Semi1903 I can't login in my Minecraft Account Please Help Me
VipNero hassanq8 Elite_Stunzz123 ChickenExpress Nightshade101101 thebjt10 andrewnguyener Persianboy7thst jfields99 subgun369 TrueCowBoys skinnyv Maxnike stormAkuma Pikmin526
Quote from Shutter with a installtion link.
alento bijuumodo icecreamman999 bai281 INSKEY
Quote from cjz__ The download link is on the website. Added.
Chris_Dagger iihardcandy
Quote from Dark_WingXIII Hey, I don't know ifs me or the website, but, I can't get on your website. and I can't download or change my cape.
Thank you.
Install the MCCapes "Extra" Mod.
What other mods do you have installed?
What do you mean? On Minecraft or on MCCapes?
my name is alento
Clicking the dragon makes it grow.
Minecraft username: bijuumodo
mc username: INSKEY
The download link is on the website.
- Chris_Dagger
- Chris_Dagger
Ps: Posted it two times cause, I didnt know if it disappeard or not, hope not!
Fixed now
I have see your mod and i want to know if it's possible to have an access to the Animated cape mod?
They have redirected me here to ask you if i can...
And two others member (my friends) want an access too...
My Minecraft username is MrMinePlay46
The one of my first friend is MimonXDcool
The one of my other friend is Simple_Brigor
And... That's all !