I know this may sound silly, but I'm having an issue with installing. Your mod here doesn't seem to have a how-to install for server/clients. I would very much like to slaughter zombies with my friends, but can't seem to figure out what is all needs on both server and clients sides. your help will be greatly appreciated.
I know this may sound silly, but I'm having an issue with installing. Your mod here doesn't seem to have a how-to install for server/clients. I would very much like to slaughter zombies with my friends, but can't seem to figure out what is all needs on both server and clients sides. your help will be greatly appreciated.
hello, thanks for asking!
I will put up typed instructions on how to install for server and client and also make a video.ASAP
Hey Umm this Might be dumb question but umm erm, How Do you Sintall This For the server Me And My Friend wanna Do Some Zombie Survival tonight right Now. reply When You Can.
Hey Umm this Might be dumb question but umm erm, How Do you Sintall This For the server Me And My Friend wanna Do Some Zombie Survival tonight right Now. reply When You Can.
thanks for asking, il add written install instructions to the post. JUST ADDED!
On a fresh install of minecraft 1.2.3, I install the mod without modloader, just the mod nothing more, it starts minecraft I get the startup screen from zombieland, i create a new world and after saving chunks I get a blackscreen and it does not respond anymore.
Also running the latest minecraft server on mineos+ (microcore linux) i can install the mod but it does not seem to either generate a world correctly or start the world up correctly.
for your client it needs modloader, and for the server im not so sure...
i will look into the problem with the server.
Thanks for clearing that up so quickly, I will retry with modloader. Edit 1: Works with modloader, still can't get the server to run, after creating a world the server says world one down. Edit2: Running minecraft_server.jar from command prompt it states the jar is corrupt, restoring a vannilla jar, the server works fine.
hmm very strange...
did you delete the META-INF inside the minecraft-server.jar?
if so, dont delete it or it wont work.
Gosh walk of shame, I did delete meta-inf, ill retry without deleting im sorry for having wasted your time lol. thanks again and I'll let you know how it went.
Edit1: Ok, the server generated the map and I can connect and play for about 1 minute after that it crashes giving this:
2012-03-21 13:09:13 [SEVERE] Unexpected exception
at kp.a(SourceFile:138)
at kx.(SourceFile:25)
at jh.b(SourceFile:261)
at jh.b(SourceFile:193)
at wx.a(SourceFile:100)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(SourceFile:438)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:356)
at dm.run(SourceFile:490)
If i start the world up again i can play for about 1 minute and then it crashes again, any ideas?
Edit 2, allright after some hours of dicking around, I somehow got it to work, I'll spare you the in between bits and go straigt to how you would get it to work from scratch.
Server is runnign smoothly now client is connectd for 5 minutes everything is working yeeey!
One minor thing, I didnt get the starter pack you get in single player when i connect to the server so no sapling
PS this was done with 1.6.2 i see you updated in the meantime
Edit 3, aaaaaand it just crashed again:
2012-03-21 15:38:14 [SEVERE] Unexpected exception
at kp.a(SourceFile:138)
at kx.(SourceFile:25)
at jh.b(EntityTrackerEntry.java:388)
at jh.b(EntityTrackerEntry.java:237)
at wx.a(EntityTracker.java:231)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:579)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:461)
at dm.run(SourceFile:490)
Ill just wait for someone to post a confirmed working way to play this.
yes i have been getting that same problem,
i have never made a server sided mod so this is a first...
i will try today to update the server with guns and do some code cleanup and check for server sided errors
I installed 1.2 SMP. There were zombie cows but no 2-legged zombies at all. It also crashed a couple times @ sunset. I'll try to install again in case I made a mistake. Oh and no startup gear.
I actually came here because I was wondering what the damage is on the bullets. I assume the 2nd gun only shoots gold bullets? Or is it gold or iron, and the first pistol only shoots iron?
edit- one last thing. I may be lucky- but I played in 2 worlds and had trees, cows and dirt close to spawn in both. This was after videos about how hard its gonna be. That made the lack of zombies even more disappointing
I know SMP is Alpha, but just so you know the worst I had to do was dig thru one block deep sand to get to dirt. I hope it ends up being a real struggle to survive.
I also think the vanilla zombies (seen in videos) detract from the mod. Can you reskin them?
Looking forward to updates. This looks like a fun mod.
I installed 1.2 SMP. There were zombie cows but no 2-legged zombies at all. It also crashed a couple times @ sunset. I'll try to install again in case I made a mistake. Oh and no startup gear.
I actually came here because I was wondering what the damage is on the bullets. I assume the 2nd gun only shoots gold bullets? Or is it gold or iron, and the first pistol only shoots iron?
edit- one last thing. I may be lucky- but I played in 2 worlds and had trees, cows and dirt close to spawn in both. This was after videos about how hard its gonna be. That made the lack of zombies even more disappointing
I know SMP is Alpha, but just so you know the worst I had to do was dig thru one block deep sand to get to dirt. I hope it ends up being a real struggle to survive.
I also think the vanilla zombies (seen in videos) detract from the mod. Can you reskin them?
Looking forward to updates. This looks like a fun mod.
cou you tell me when u have planned to put in the city's again? i love to explore them myself...
also i tried the 1.6.2 version of this mod but i was very disapointed... there were barely zombies... i had to travel to see them... so i hope you change it so that u see at every time at least some zombies... instead of none or a group of 3 to 10 at like 10 square meters
also it could be fun to make some pre made shelters or something by others who tried to survive the zombies ( but who traveled on to another place or died or whatever)
ofcourse you can't expect pre made castles but maybe some sand walls wich could protect someone against zombies for a short while
so there is more to the game then just you vs. zombies
said short: make signs of other living people (who you'll never meet)
please respond
ya sorry smp is very buggy
also there is currently only one gun and both bullets work for it. iron is 3 shot kill and gold is 2, may change damage to be better later on.
ya it was luck that trees spawned by the spawn and stuff(but, i will make it harder after hearing some comments on how easy it was.)
(in next update rareeee dirt, rarer trees, zombies spawn more frequently, zombie spawn doubles at night.
also i will be adding citys and ruins in again soon!
may remove infected cow
will reskin original zombie
citys will have tons of zombies, (because many people got infected there)
adding recipie to craft gunpowder
making it so you spawn with gun and some ammo instead of sword
adding gun to smp
adding cities and ruins again soon!
cleaning code
well basically this next update will be major and will totaly improve the hard survival experience!
might add rifle, and shotgun.
with the shotguns own special ammo
and maybe special ammo for rifle
well i hope i answered your questions and your request for harder survival is coming and it will be awesome!
thanks for your input!
Sounds great! I too, like the idea of a small chance to find loot and damaged shelters left from other people who had been trying to survive, but were recently killed. I don't know if the object of the game is to find a specific nether portal where people escaped, or if any nether portal will do, and the object is to survive long enough to find all the materials necessary to make your own nether portal. The possibility of loot or clues in these shelters would give you more incentive to explore instead of hunker down. If you want to add more items, I think antidote would be a good idea. Maybe a weak version you can also craft (but its kind of expensive) and a stronger version that you can only loot off hard-to-find dead explorers who have made a trip back from the nether where they have a lab that makes the strong version.
I think getting to a safer place in the nether is a good thing- I guess the virus can't survive in the Nether. Maybe going to the Nether cures you temporarily until you have to come back to Zombieland to get food and sleep-since beds explode. And maybe you also need rare materials to keep making the stronger version of the antidote so you have to come back to mine.
I assume there will be something different about the nether once you get there- a base or part of a base or a base overrun by pigmen and ghasts. Maybe a lab and some supplies. I think it would be fun to find difficulties in the Nether as well. Maybe the survivors who made it to the nether had to go back to the world because the nether base was attacked by pigmen and now you have to take the base back and then go find anyone still alive and either bring them back to the nether- or maybe kill them and take their stuff if you are that kind of survivor.
Whatever your plans and ideas involve, I hope they provide reasons to keep playing and exploring. I like the post-apocalyptic theme of this and can't wait to try it again. Good Luck!
You're right- I am so used to zombie pigmen, I forgot they are actually zombies as well. But whatever direction this takes- if I find it interesting enough to keep playing, I don't mind if it makes sense. Maybe Zombie pigmen have a nether virus that's different from the World virus-and it only affects pigs, who knows?
@creeperpoison- I think it has a lot of potential, so I hope it keeps evolving. And great job on adding SMP.
[INFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.2.3
[INFO] Loading properties
[INFO] Starting Minecraft server on
[INFO] Preparing level "zombie"
[INFO] Default game type: 0
[INFO] Preparing start region for level 0
[INFO] Preparing spawn area: 24%
[INFO] Preparing spawn area: 44%
[INFO] Preparing spawn area: 69%
[INFO] Preparing spawn area: 89%
[INFO] Done (8111622924ns)! For help, type "help" or "?"
[INFO] / lost connection
[INFO] iTriplex [/] logged in with entity id 484 at (-635.5, 74.62000000476837, 920.5)
[INFO] Disconnecting iTriplex [/]: Internal server error
[WARNING] Failed to handle packet: java.lang.NullPointerException
at kp.a(SourceFile:138)
at kx.<init>(SourceFile:25)
at jh.b(SourceFile:261)
at jh.b(SourceFile:193)
at wx.a(SourceFile:34)
at gj.a(SourceFile:25)
at gd.c(SourceFile:899)
at go.c(SourceFile:90)
at gd.b(SourceFile:891)
at je.c(SourceFile:101)
at ht.b(SourceFile:127)
at ht.a(SourceFile:38)
at fj.a(SourceFile:94)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(SourceFile:435)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:356)
at dm.run(SourceFile:490)
[SEVERE] Unexpected exception
at kp.a(SourceFile:138)
at kx.<init>(SourceFile:25)
at jh.b(SourceFile:261)
at jh.b(SourceFile:193)
at wx.a(SourceFile:100)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(SourceFile:438)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:356)
at dm.run(SourceFile:490)
And crash.
ya sorry that is one of the server bugs
do this:
spawn world on server
dont join but stop the server and make it save
restart server
it should let you play then.
hello, thanks for asking!
I will put up typed instructions on how to install for server and client and also make a video.ASAP
Sure, that would be awesome!
the download links are right below the videos
reinstall the mod always works for me.
thanks for asking, il add written install instructions to the post. JUST ADDED!
great idea! new v.1.6.1!
for your client it needs modloader, and for the server im not so sure...
i will look into the problem with the server.
hmm very strange...
did you delete the META-INF inside the minecraft-server.jar?
if so, dont delete it or it wont work.
yes i have been getting that same problem,
i have never made a server sided mod so this is a first...
i will try today to update the server with guns and do some code cleanup and check for server sided errors
I actually came here because I was wondering what the damage is on the bullets. I assume the 2nd gun only shoots gold bullets? Or is it gold or iron, and the first pistol only shoots iron?
edit- one last thing. I may be lucky- but I played in 2 worlds and had trees, cows and dirt close to spawn in both. This was after videos about how hard its gonna be. That made the lack of zombies even more disappointing
I know SMP is Alpha, but just so you know the worst I had to do was dig thru one block deep sand to get to dirt. I hope it ends up being a real struggle to survive.
I also think the vanilla zombies (seen in videos) detract from the mod. Can you reskin them?
Looking forward to updates. This looks like a fun mod.
ya sorry smp is very buggy
also there is currently only one gun and both bullets work for it. iron is 3 shot kill and gold is 2, may change damage to be better later on.
ya it was luck that trees spawned by the spawn and stuff(but, i will make it harder after hearing some comments on how easy it was.)
(in next update rareeee dirt, rarer trees, zombies spawn more frequently, zombie spawn doubles at night.
also i will be adding citys and ruins in again soon!
may remove infected cow
will reskin original zombie
citys will have tons of zombies, (because many people got infected there)
adding recipie to craft gunpowder
making it so you spawn with gun and some ammo instead of sword
adding gun to smp
adding cities and ruins again soon!
cleaning code
well basically this next update will be major and will totaly improve the hard survival experience!
might add rifle, and shotgun.
with the shotguns own special ammo
and maybe special ammo for rifle
well i hope i answered your questions and your request for harder survival is coming and it will be awesome!
thanks for your input!
Sounds great! I too, like the idea of a small chance to find loot and damaged shelters left from other people who had been trying to survive, but were recently killed. I don't know if the object of the game is to find a specific nether portal where people escaped, or if any nether portal will do, and the object is to survive long enough to find all the materials necessary to make your own nether portal. The possibility of loot or clues in these shelters would give you more incentive to explore instead of hunker down. If you want to add more items, I think antidote would be a good idea. Maybe a weak version you can also craft (but its kind of expensive) and a stronger version that you can only loot off hard-to-find dead explorers who have made a trip back from the nether where they have a lab that makes the strong version.
I think getting to a safer place in the nether is a good thing- I guess the virus can't survive in the Nether. Maybe going to the Nether cures you temporarily until you have to come back to Zombieland to get food and sleep-since beds explode. And maybe you also need rare materials to keep making the stronger version of the antidote so you have to come back to mine.
I assume there will be something different about the nether once you get there- a base or part of a base or a base overrun by pigmen and ghasts. Maybe a lab and some supplies. I think it would be fun to find difficulties in the Nether as well. Maybe the survivors who made it to the nether had to go back to the world because the nether base was attacked by pigmen and now you have to take the base back and then go find anyone still alive and either bring them back to the nether- or maybe kill them and take their stuff if you are that kind of survivor.
Whatever your plans and ideas involve, I hope they provide reasons to keep playing and exploring. I like the post-apocalyptic theme of this and can't wait to try it again. Good Luck!
@creeperpoison- I think it has a lot of potential, so I hope it keeps evolving. And great job on adding SMP.
ya sorry that is one of the server bugs
do this:
spawn world on server
dont join but stop the server and make it save
restart server
it should let you play then.