yes and it may be up tomorrow!
i plan on releasing 2 versions of it, easymode, and hardmode.
easymode will release first it will be easy because it still has grass and plenty of trees.
hardmode will release ater with the desert lands and rare trees.
i am very excited!
oh yes and they will still have all the ruins and special zombies!
SPOILER: making new zombies as i type this!
Will you be hosting a server? i'd really like to play online but cant find any servers. Love the mod!
signed up on the forums
Thanks for asking!
The server side of it is up for download
And If anyone has a good server setup and wants it public I would be glad to put up the ip and their name up on the post!
So anyone got a server?
Give me the ip and info and il be glad to put it up!
SoundSystem starting up ...
Initializing LWJGL OpenAL
(The binding of LWJGL OpenAL. For more information, see
OpenAL initialized.
(Matmos: INFO) SoundCommunicator loaded (after 1527 s.).
(Matmos: INFO) Bypassing Resource Reloader. This may cause issues.
(Matmos: INFO) ResourceReloader finished (after 3224 s.).
(Matmos: INFO) Ready.
(Matmos: INFO) ExpansionLoader signaled. Currently has 0 and 0 expansions in limbo.
Starting to survey for city generation a world ...
Starting to survey world has for generation automata ...
(Matmos: INFO) Update version found: 10
Has om.a (SourceFile: 18)
Has om.a (SourceFile: 32)
Has vq.a (SourceFile: 2840)
Has ty.a (SourceFile: 136)
Has vq.c (SourceFile: 1722)
Has net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.k (SourceFile: 1598)
Has net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x (SourceFile: 709)
Has (SourceFile: 662)
at ( 662)
SoundSystem shutting down ...
Author: Paul Lamb,
So here
And its not tell me what mod crashes with zombieland
PS: I use google translation because I am French
im not sure what causes it.
well there may be a block error, and or conflict.
il have to look into it.
also just try installing the mod and no others untill i see what the problem may be.
Doing a youtube playthrough using this map with some of my friends might post a link when the first Episodes out! also i like the idea of LFD2 in minecraft!Doing a youtube playthrough using this map with some of my friends might post a link when the first Episodes out! also i like the idea of LFD2 in minecraft!
So, is it just me, or are the little shack-ruin things super rare now? I've never seen one. I've actually only seen two ruins of any type at all, and both were variations of those big cobble-tower things. I also suggest you make it a bit harder to get dirt and fix the swamp trees. I'm afraid I don't have much good to say about this mod until I see a city ruin or something else to ease the boringness of the landscape.
EDIT: I spoke too soon. The game just told me it was building a city, and I saw three more types of tower ruin.
Doing a youtube playthrough using this map with some of my friends might post a link when the first Episodes out! also i like the idea of LFD2 in minecraft!
Doing a youtube playthrough using this map with some of my friends might post a link when the first Episodes out! also i like the idea of LFD2 in minecraft!
that sounds cool!
if you decide to put it up i would love to add it to post!
hmm that mod does not work with mine?
hmmm il do some tests later and find the problem.
and yes i will try and make it more compatable with other mods.
Hey Dude, Remember me the guy that said he was gonna do a vid? well thats still in the process as soon as u finish the multiplayer I'll get my mates and we'll record it. Anyways I was just wondering if u needed any help i can always give u a hand. I'm experienced at making skins, i can give u a hand with the storyline thing u got going, can test it for u, can test the multiplayer for u, Can suggest some awesome ideas for u? if u think u could use my help PM me and we can talk.
Soz my pc stuffed up by posting it twice
The Zombie Land mod will be living once again soon!
i plan on releasing 2 versions of it, easymode, and hardmode.
easymode will release first it will be easy because it still has grass and plenty of trees.
hardmode will release ater with the desert lands and rare trees.
i am very excited!
oh yes and they will still have all the ruins and special zombies!
SPOILER: making new zombies as i type this!
and server testing will release soon!
Will you be hosting a server? i'd really like to play online but cant find any servers. Love the mod!
signed up on the forums
Thanks for asking!
The server side of it is up for download
And If anyone has a good server setup and wants it public I would be glad to put up the ip and their name up on the post!
So anyone got a server?
Give me the ip and info and il be glad to put it up!
im not sure what causes it.
well there may be a block error, and or conflict.
il have to look into it.
also just try installing the mod and no others untill i see what the problem may be.
i at least want one for this mod:
EDIT: I spoke too soon. The game just told me it was building a city, and I saw three more types of tower ruin.
"Look at me still talking when there's science to do. When I look out there it makes me glad I'm not you."
that sounds cool!
if you decide to put it up i would love to add it to post!
hmm that mod does not work with mine?
hmmm il do some tests later and find the problem.
and yes i will try and make it more compatable with other mods.
yup that is already in the mod.