what do you mean forced texture pack? it is an optional download below the mod...
I am sorry for the confusion. The GUI in your mod (not the optional texture pack) seem to not allow me to use other texture packs with the mod. So to rephrase, forced GUI. I tried deleting your GUI and texture files from your mod but it still CTD when ever I try to use another texture pack.
I am sorry for the confusion. The GUI in your mod (not the optional texture pack) seem to not allow me to use other texture packs with the mod. So to rephrase, forced GUI. I tried deleting your GUI and texture files from your mod but it still CTD when ever I try to use another texture pack.
ok i see what your talking about like the sun/moon and a few other small changes.
i dont know why it wont work with other texture packs?
i will try a few texture packs on it right now to see the problem i will be back again later today to try and help some more aswell.
I am sorry for the confusion. The GUI in your mod (not the optional texture pack) seem to not allow me to use other texture packs with the mod. So to rephrase, forced GUI. I tried deleting your GUI and texture files from your mod but it still CTD when ever I try to use another texture pack.
ok so i just tryed a texture pack and it worked just fine.
are you using a HD tex pack?
if so you need to use the patcher here:hd texture patcher
ok so i just tryed a texture pack and it worked just fine.
are you using a HD tex pack?
if so you need to use the patcher here:hd texture patcher
Yes I have the HD patcher. All texture packs work fine untill I install your mod. The only other mod I am using is TMI. Maybe I am the only one having this problem, I will run some more tests on other computers.
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A clear consience is usally a sign of a bad memory.
After testing this on 2 computers I am shure that I have found the problem. Running your mod on a clean install allows me to use any texture pack. But if I patch with mcpatcher minecraft will CTD if I try to use another texture pack with the mod. I dont know why this is happening but at least we have a fix for it.
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A clear consience is usally a sign of a bad memory.
Hey guys, head over to the forum page and register, send me or Admin aka Jared (Creeper P0ison) if you have any questions.
*Note* I won't be working on most of the textures until I get Adobe Photo Shop for Christmas.
but can you make this more compatible with the bigger mods?? MAybe decrese how much core files you change? Not sure, i don't mod at all But it would be reallly cool to use this with mo creatures or more creeps. Or so just there are no more skelies or creepers in my world! :tongue.gif:
but can you make this more compatible with the bigger mods?? MAybe decrese how much core files you change? Not sure, i don't mod at all But it would be reallly cool to use this with mo creatures or more creeps. Or so just there are no more skelies or creepers in my world! :tongue.gif:
this mod is currently not compatible with some mods because the addon of nether tools which are going to be removed for the 1.0.0 version.
Hello :wink.gif:
i liek your mod mutch
but i cant download it D:
are you working for a update plz
make it for 1.0.0
P.S if you already did
wheres the download?!
The download for 1.0.0 if on the top of the post.
PS. it is in testing and has no special zombies yet....
also very buggy and some features included in this may not be in the completed version for 1.0.0
you should add random generated theme parks and twinkies so its more like the movie and when lights turn on zombies run to them just some ideas that i think will make this cool
can you add survivor npcs? random merchants other npcs that will help out fight for you and you could heal them with food? it seems unlikely you were the only survivor :tongue.gif:
can you add survivor npcs? random merchants other npcs that will help out fight for you and you could heal them with food? it seems unlikely you were the only survivor :tongue.gif:
yup npcs are on the way!
iv been working on them but have been busy lately but they will soon be done!
I am sorry for the confusion. The GUI in your mod (not the optional texture pack) seem to not allow me to use other texture packs with the mod. So to rephrase, forced GUI. I tried deleting your GUI and texture files from your mod but it still CTD when ever I try to use another texture pack.
ok i see what your talking about like the sun/moon and a few other small changes.
i dont know why it wont work with other texture packs?
i will try a few texture packs on it right now to see the problem i will be back again later today to try and help some more aswell.
ok so i just tryed a texture pack and it worked just fine.
are you using a HD tex pack?
if so you need to use the patcher here:hd texture patcher
Yes I have the HD patcher. All texture packs work fine untill I install your mod. The only other mod I am using is TMI. Maybe I am the only one having this problem, I will run some more tests on other computers.
*Note* I won't be working on most of the textures until I get Adobe Photo Shop for Christmas.
- Founder of Life Emulator
- Head of FALLZ
- Head of Fallout Minecraft DeadState
this mod is currently not compatible with some mods because the addon of nether tools which are going to be removed for the 1.0.0 version.
Click 'dis shiz!
Bro, did you look at what he added? Zombies start to spawn 24/7 after the first night so you can get supplies
The download for 1.0.0 if on the top of the post.
PS. it is in testing and has no special zombies yet....
also very buggy and some features included in this may not be in the completed version for 1.0.0
RvsB forevar!!!
yup npcs are on the way!
iv been working on them but have been busy lately but they will soon be done!