^ I think what you mean to say is, "why is it that this mod does not seem to work with optifine?" or, "why does this mod not work with optifine?"
and yes, I also have a problem with little blocks and optifine. I also have the problem I mentioned above still :/. but then again I think I seen someone say something about you need to us a torch or repeater to transfer a current through small to big, and big to small redstone.
EDIT: the error report I gave at the top of this page, well I fixed my circuit with little blocks by useing repeaters at the begining and end of the little blocks parts, which what I needed was more space for a few repeaters anyways. the thing worked fine the first couple times, then I press the button to activate the device and crash! I get that same error again. ANY help please?
I lag horribly without optifine, and big builds do not cause optifine to make me lagg. I made a sky city and I do not lagg there cause I got optifine. but I seen something about 1.4.6 being able to see little blocks with optifine or soemthing I dunno. and a couple posts up from here I said I tried to add little blocks to the circut again with repeaters at the beginings and end of the little blocks parts.
(also as mentioned before, I'm trying to fit this in a wall under a staircase. this redstone under the staircase between the 1st and 2nd floor opens a hidden door on the kitchen wall and lets you get to the basement stairway. buttons both up on the kitchen wall and in the basement turn off that torch so that the pistons retrack and open the doorway. I needed more room for repeaters so I wouldn't have to try and be through the door the moment I press the button because of the limited amount of space for the circuit.
it's nothing big complicated or fancy, but even though it now works most of the time I have still gotten that crash.
What is needed to install this amazing mod? Im a builder and would LOVE this. Ive tried with Modloader, Forge, and without any of that. Im kinda new to the modding aspect so i dont really know what im doing. What is needed to install this? and what will that conflict with just so i know. Some mods i have use forge...some dont. Id love a response. Little block mod is just sitting on my desktop...its teasing me.
You need Forge. There are installation instructions on the download page.
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Let’s play good guys against bad guys… Yes. Let’s play that. Are you ready? You’re the bad guy. And when you’re bad, you just run. That’s fine right? Well… Shall we play?
After reading the original post dozens of times I still don't understand how you actually craft the little blocks...
Easy! Just put 1 dirt into a crafting table or your 2x2 crafting table. You will then get a little blocks item. That will then be placeable onto the ground where you can place tiny blocks
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You know you want to hit the subscribe button Lets get me to 500!
I say similar to little blocks.... except giant blocks could be basically the reverse of little blocks... would be rather inception like if you had a big block house with a regular size house in it, with a little block house in that house.
I'm reporting a major bug:
Is this because of Optifine? I need Optifine so please make this mod Optifine compatible.
it is optifine and I don't think they're going to make compatible.
This seems like a great mod! Is there any way to return a block to normal size for placing?
Delete (left click) all the little blocks in the (normal block-sized) space , then one more whack with the ol' delete-o-tool (left click) will get rid of the little blocks grid. Then you can place normal sized blocks in that spot.
Make sure you delete ALL the little blocks placed in the big block.
If all else fails, TNT.
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Creative Minecrafter. No build is ever really complete, just "waiting for a better/prettier mod".
So I put forge universal inside the minecraft.jar file (unmodified v1.4.7) and ran it once to make sure it worked. No problems.
I then put the two files SlimevoidLib_2.0.1.1.zip and LittleBlocksMod_2.0.2.1.zip in the mods folder.
Started the game, made a small dirt-block by just putting the block in one slot in the creationwindow. Got a grey stepstone-like picture but it was placeable as a small block. The prob thought is it doesn't show up. I can step on it and all but its invisible.
Checking the forum all I find is people using Optifine that has this problem, but I'm not using anything else than forge+this mod. No optifine, no nothing...
So, why doesn't it work? Oh and how do I make smaller versions of the other stuff, like wood?
Lol, well now I feel stupid. Worked perfectly.
You should however have a clear help on how it works on the fiirst post. I had to go elsewhere to find some vid showing how it worked.
LittleBlocks is a mod that allows you to polish up your creativity and optimize your redstone systems. Indeed, the size of blocks placed in a little blocks is divided by eight compared to its original size, so you can place 512 blocks instead of one.
and yes, I also have a problem with little blocks and optifine. I also have the problem I mentioned above still :/. but then again I think I seen someone say something about you need to us a torch or repeater to transfer a current through small to big, and big to small redstone.
EDIT: the error report I gave at the top of this page, well I fixed my circuit with little blocks by useing repeaters at the begining and end of the little blocks parts, which what I needed was more space for a few repeaters anyways. the thing worked fine the first couple times, then I press the button to activate the device and crash! I get that same error again. ANY help please?
(also as mentioned before, I'm trying to fit this in a wall under a staircase. this redstone under the staircase between the 1st and 2nd floor opens a hidden door on the kitchen wall and lets you get to the basement stairway. buttons both up on the kitchen wall and in the basement turn off that torch so that the pistons retrack and open the doorway. I needed more room for repeaters so I wouldn't have to try and be through the door the moment I press the button because of the limited amount of space for the circuit.
it's nothing big complicated or fancy, but even though it now works most of the time I have still gotten that crash.
You need Forge. There are installation instructions on the download page.
Easy! Just put 1 dirt into a crafting table or your 2x2 crafting table. You will then get a little blocks item. That will then be placeable onto the ground where you can place tiny blocks
You know you want to hit the subscribe button
That would be fun but a bit stupid XD
it is optifine and I don't think they're going to make compatible.
Delete (left click) all the little blocks in the (normal block-sized) space , then one more whack with the ol' delete-o-tool (left click) will get rid of the little blocks grid. Then you can place normal sized blocks in that spot.
Make sure you delete ALL the little blocks placed in the big block.
If all else fails, TNT.
Creative Minecrafter. No build is ever really complete, just "waiting for a better/prettier mod".
So I put forge universal inside the minecraft.jar file (unmodified v1.4.7) and ran it once to make sure it worked. No problems.
I then put the two files SlimevoidLib_2.0.1.1.zip and LittleBlocksMod_2.0.2.1.zip in the mods folder.
Started the game, made a small dirt-block by just putting the block in one slot in the creationwindow. Got a grey stepstone-like picture but it was placeable as a small block. The prob thought is it doesn't show up. I can step on it and all but its invisible.
Checking the forum all I find is people using Optifine that has this problem, but I'm not using anything else than forge+this mod. No optifine, no nothing...
So, why doesn't it work? Oh and how do I make smaller versions of the other stuff, like wood?
Lol, well now I feel stupid. Worked perfectly.
You should however have a clear help on how it works on the fiirst post. I had to go elsewhere to find some vid showing how it worked.
how do i go about installing it?
That way into the house is amazing. If only I knew how to make mods work....