will you shut up, copying a mod is not allowed. go away you avatarless noob.
This aint copying a mod QQ, this is using his ideas to create his mod to share
with the community, and thank god this mod is here cause every other weapon
just completely wrecks the feel of minecraft and makes it into a fps
but this one extends it, which every other mod fails to do, :biggrin.gif: I'm Magic :biggrin.gif:
and using ideas isn't copying a mod..... and if it was go **** off people
that make mods like pokemon and magic or even food (even farming) because
they ALL have the same things in them ........ YAY :biggrin.gif:
(btw that was sarcasm if you couldn't notice. I also had a 10yr joke ready
I just didn't want to hurt peoples feelings :biggrin.gif:)
So 'GOBOY'S WEAPONS PACK' has been made before???? wow.\
Sorry i'ma just defending people that have a right to make
mods that they want. cause you like telling a child after
making a painting, that you dont like it and already has been made QQ
Bullies :biggrin.gif:
rigasumi is too metal for an avatar. I have no idea who simon is, but he probaly dosent need one either.
If you can't find a good isea for a mod, don't make one. this thread will be deleted. may god have mercy on your soul.
What are you 10-13? Cause you don't seem to understand the term "RELEASED MODS" do you.
This mod is released, no code was stolen, so therefore, in conclusion (see what i did there ;p)
this is a Legit Released mod that gets expanded to, You sir are one of those people
that will never succeed in life, due to the fact that you think you are an idiot.
i am 13 btw. its just you seem to be about 8. anyway, I dont care that its coping balkons ideas, just that there no reason on the earth why you would get this mod when you could get balkons mod. now go, and succeed in life!
Wait.... this is nothing like Balkons.... it has cannons and guns and all that other crap that ruins minecraft...
How bout u grow a pair. Ur bagging me about making a mod, and I bet YOU can't even make one! How bout u stop being such a retard and realize how hard it is to make a mod.
WTF I never insulted insulted you about your mod making ability.
BTW why are you still replying ???? Don't you see that you cannot prove a point here..
were to smart for you childish crap :biggrin.gif: and Goboy any chance for a weapon stand??
like a shelf but more larger and looks more professional, or a separate inventory for the weapons?
Good Job, gameplay is amazing!
looking foreward to future updates (especially the spear)
P.S. i really liked your booth at Project Intrepid!
Also, the Booth at Operation Intrepid was a pre-release of the new 1.5 Update, So if you had a look, you would know what's coming out soon, so Don't tell!
Not gonna ask want that is :tongue.gif: and I've made room for your blocks :biggrin.gif: just please
add a lovely config file so everything doesn't crash and burn :biggrin.gif:
:biggrin.gif: + :biggrin.gif:
This aint copying a mod QQ, this is using his ideas to create his mod to share
with the community, and thank god this mod is here cause every other weapon
just completely wrecks the feel of minecraft and makes it into a fps
but this one extends it, which every other mod fails to do, :biggrin.gif: I'm Magic :biggrin.gif:
and using ideas isn't copying a mod..... and if it was go **** off people
that make mods like pokemon and magic or even food (even farming) because
they ALL have the same things in them ........ YAY :biggrin.gif:
(btw that was sarcasm if you couldn't notice. I also had a 10yr joke ready
I just didn't want to hurt peoples feelings :biggrin.gif:)
So 'GOBOY'S WEAPONS PACK' has been made before???? wow.\
Sorry i'ma just defending people that have a right to make
mods that they want. cause you like telling a child after
making a painting, that you dont like it and already has been made QQ
Bullies :biggrin.gif:
Copying a mod = Taking the exact idea and adding the same things as another
This = Balkon's
Also, simo_415 has no avatar, nor does Risugami, are they noobs?
What are you 10-13? Cause you don't seem to understand the term "RELEASED MODS" do you.
This mod is released, no code was stolen, so therefore, in conclusion (see what i did there ;p)
this is a Legit Released mod that gets expanded to, You sir are one of those people
that will never succeed in life, due to the fact that you think you are an idiot.
By the way just ignore the trolls, everyone has them. Just dont pay attention and keep up the good job.
You sir get a.... + :biggrin.gif:
Thx mate!
Wait.... this is nothing like Balkons.... it has cannons and guns and all that other crap that ruins minecraft...
How bout u grow a pair. Ur bagging me about making a mod, and I bet YOU can't even make one! How bout u stop being such a retard and realize how hard it is to make a mod.
O rly? U saying that I am copying everyone else's mods IS insulting my modding skills, which by far are better then yours.
BTW why are you still replying ???? Don't you see that you cannot prove a point here..
were to smart for you childish crap :biggrin.gif: and Goboy any chance for a weapon stand??
like a shelf but more larger and looks more professional, or a separate inventory for the weapons?
looking foreward to future updates (especially the spear)
P.S. i really liked your booth at Project Intrepid!
Thanks! good to know some school guys like it!
Don't forget to tell people who play Minecraft about it!
Also, the Booth at Operation Intrepid was a pre-release of the new 1.5 Update, So if you had a look, you would know what's coming out soon, so Don't tell!
Not gonna ask want that is :tongue.gif: and I've made room for your blocks :biggrin.gif: just please
add a lovely config file so everything doesn't crash and burn :biggrin.gif: