A very simple modification that uses the already implemented label above all the living entities in the game but just no more used anymore. And depending if you consider this cool or cheating, you'll love or hate this mod. So, if you're gonna hate this, just don't install it.
How to install
Simply open your Minecraft.jar file and replace a class file inside by this one :
The picture taken was on a survival multiplayer server where me and my friends build stuff including pixelarts... Can you see part of a Ms.PacMan pixelart?
Because none of the classes for entities is forced to specify their initial value as a constant, I can't know the initial or maximum health possible value for sure and compare it with the health points of the entities and show a health bar. And personaly, even if a health bar is pretty, as a modder and tester I prefer numerical values to precisely mesure the impact of what I'm using (custom or not weapons, with and without critical hit effect, etc.) It's in this optic that I've made this mod and I was considered it useful for me and probably for others playing and testing Minecraft and mods for it.
u need to like put your characters health in the corner or somthing like that and the health foor the peacful mobs is useless u need to get rid of that it cares mr at night >_< :sad.gif:
A very simple modification that uses the already implemented label above all the living entities in the game but just no more used anymore. And depending if you consider this cool or cheating, you'll love or hate this mod. So, if you're gonna hate this, just don't install it.
How to install
Simply open your Minecraft.jar file and replace a class file inside by this one :
(adf.ly link) Show Health for Minecraft 1.2.5
(adf.ly link) Show Health in Debug only for Minecraft 1.2.5
(adf.ly link) Show Health for Minecraft 1.2
(adf.ly link) Show Health in Debug only for Minecraft 1.2
(adf.ly link) Show Health for Minecraft 1.8.1
(adf.ly link) Show Health in Debug only for Minecraft 1.8.1
fsgf7hgsfs :SHOW HEALTH MOD (1.2.5)
Great job
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The picture taken was on a survival multiplayer server where me and my friends build stuff including pixelarts... Can you see part of a Ms.PacMan pixelart?
I've uploaded the "show only in debug" version... Ahh! memories of previous Minecraft versions!
Edit: Can you make a health bar pl0x
Could you make an option for it to use the heart sprite (including the half-hearts) in icons.png?
Like this:
(Animal Here)
The animal would have four out of his five hearts available.
Now that would be epic. If not, this is still a real nice mod anyway
Thanks :cool.gif: