(1.4.6/1.4.7) Release Downloads
Still updating, remaking, what have you. What's here is here to stay. Note: All 1.4.6 downloads are compatible with 1.4.7.
Made the scary debug output for missing microblocks less scary
Fixed a bug with ID resolver and pretty much everything
Made slime pools animated
Added a config option to disable slime pools outside of the overworld
Fixed a bug with Simple Background. Crashy crashy...
- Made armor stands a lot more useful. They don't breathe or run, they save directional data, and can be rotated smartly with shift-right click. They no longer have funny crotch items.
Fixed hardcoded Bloodwood ID. It was at 2000, change it if you need to.
Beta 2 for TConstruct - Took less time than I thought it would!
Adjusted textures
Adjusted repair value to work on base durability
Changed lapis to put looting on weapons
Fixed life drain
Finish the Part Builder gui
All names should be consistent
Auto-smelt modifier now requires netherrack
Beta 1 for TConstruct
Lots of changes to TConstruct. Let's just say that tools are nameable.
Fixed a bug where bloodwood logs would drop oak logs (Trees)
Added proper materials (TConstruct)
Added Lumber Axe and Pattern Chest (TConstruct)
Removed stone and netherrack patterns
Added simple repairs (TConstruct)
Added lapis modifier
Adjusted redstone modifier gains
Adjusted electric tool usage
Fixed missing sprite for wheat flour and berries (Crops)
Fixed buggy sapling generation (Trees)
Crops absorbed Berries~
Berry bush spawning fixed
Misc Trees glitches fixed
Improved underground sensor, vanilla music no longer plays (Simple Background)
IC2 backpack charging for electric tools. (TConstruct)
Fixed corruptor generation
Emergency patch on microblock config file
Tooltips, mattocks, and harvest speed enhancements. (TConstruct)
Refixed the nether generation for Trees and Clouds.
Condensed Flora & Soma config files, unified creative tab.
Added Doors to Trees
Microblocks! (InfiBlocks, InfiMicroblocks, Orizon Stone, Flora trees)
Fixed strange rendering for state-changing blocks. (Berry bushes, InfiBlocks)
Added a table model to TConstruct
Fixed a bug with sound turned off when minecraft starts. (Simple Background)
Updated Armory
Armor stands are now "breakable"
Shift-clicking on an armor stand will rotate it toward the player
Added frying pan block to TConstruct. Shift+right click will activate it
Fixed overworld generation for Sakura and Redwood trees.
Added a new tree type: Hopseed.
Trees can be grown with bonemeal.
Added a few textures for TConstruct
Added the redstone modifier and enabled electric tools in TConstruct
Electric tools now support IC2 and Universal Electricity
Added the first modifiers to TConstruct - Diamond and Emerald. Works on all tools, only visible on Pickaxe/Shovel/Axe
Fixed brick names. (Stone)
Changed tool format in preparation for modifications, sorry! (TConstruct)
Seeeeecret. ;D
Fixed (hopefully) crash bugs in Simple Background, made the underground sensor smarter.
Fixed a bug with seed bag names. (Crops)
Battlesigns and Frying Pans (TConstruct)
Updated the API in Orizon Stone
Fixed a bug where Simple Background would crash with no sounds.
Added the Rapier and a half-done Longsword to TConstruct
Back from vacation, yay!
Alpha release of TConstruct
Updated API in InfiBlocks
Fixed a bug where furnaces would burn crafting tables (InfiBlocks)
Made superfun more superfun (Stone)
Removed dagger entities (2x2)
Added colored tags to InfiTools
Fixed Mattocks acting like hoes instead of a tool (Hybrids)
Fixed a crashy bug with vanilla tool types. (Base)
Added water drop and barley recipes across InfiTools and Crops
Fixed a bug where ice axes and mallets made from ice would not work properly on ice blocks (Hybrids)
Fixed a name bug (Slime pools)
Fixed the button recipe (Stone)
Added folder support (Simple Background)
Added smelting recipes for marble and crafting recipes for mossy bricks (Stone)
Fixed a crashy bug with InfiTools Base
Fixed a crashy server bug with Berries
Fixed a bug with sakura tree generation (Trees)
Fixed some texture bugs (Crops)
Alpha release of Simple Background
Fixed a bug with cobalt and steel recipes (InfiTools)
Fixed multiple bugs with tree flammability (Trees)
Changed the folder structure to represent the new InfiCraft.
Added an 'api' folder for base classes and detailing interactions
Fixed a bug where moss would plant as berry bushes (Library)
Fixed multiple bugs (Stone, Base, Hybrids, 2x2) that prevented the ore dictionary recipes from working properly.
Temporarily disabled dagger throwing due to multiple problems (2x2)
Installation and troubleshooting
First, make sure you've downloaded and installed Minecraft Forge.
InfiCraft Mods are .zip files and they go in the mods folder inside .minecraft or your server's mods folder. The mods are universal; they will work on both client and server.
Jar mods go directly in your minecraft/minecraft_server.jar. They begin with (Jar)
If you're still having problems: run this Error Test and post the results on this thread.
Usage and Licensing
I'm happy to give the community an open invitation to update my mods, change them in any way they see fit, use all of them in modpacks, and generally do whatever you like. The licenses on my mods are thus.
- Mods: Creative Commons (Name or thread link)
- Code and Sprites: Public Domain
Source code can be found here: https://github.com/mDiyo/InfiCraft
I've put a lot of work into these mods - over a year's worth of learning and making, for better or worse. I love to share my work with anyone who would like it, and to use in any way they desire. I only ask that you enjoy it.
There are a few ways that you can support my mods. You can change your signature to one of the ones here:
The three Tenants of InfiCraft Remove the dependancy on wood.
Make everything out of everything else.
Spice up the world with aesthetically pleasing features.
InfiCraft is the collection of mods I've made over a long period of time. Each mod has its own theme or idea behind it, and most of them can be fine tuned to suit the map or play style. They combine to form the InfiPack, a unified whole.
InfiTools has been retired. I made a new mod to replace it. Information inside if you want to play with an older version:
The idea behind InfiTools is simple: add a few more materials to make tools out of, then create rods from the same materials and combine them in many ways. Add some more tool types on top of that and you'll have a ton of combinations. The purpose is to make tools wherever you are out of anything you can find.
Some tool types are special. There are special abilities baked into the tools like so:
One thing to keep in mind: Not every combination is valid. We wouldn't want a lava and ice based sword just turn into obsidian, now would we? Tool stats and abilities
The core of InfiTools. It holds all of the crafting materials, base tool information, ore dictionary support, and moss. Grow moss on everything, everything I say!
Base materials have both a shard and a rod. They can be crafted like so:
More detailed recipes inside:
Base - Requires Library
Vanilla tool combinations can be found in this module. It also contains a few extra bucket and bowl types
Note: Base overrides the vanilla bucket recipe with the one shown below.
Hybrids - Requires Library
Hybrid tools combine parts from other tools, sometimes with interesting effects of their own. Ice Axe: Weapon, mining tool, can harvest ice Cutter Mattock: Shovel, axe, hoe. Slightly slower than normal Mining Mallet: Weapon, mining tool. Does high damage against undead, low against others. Cracks certain materials for alternate drops, often shards. Machete: Weapon, effective on plants. Does not harvest leaves Scythe: Weapon, harvesting tool. Does damage or harvesting in an area with right-click
2x2 Extended - Requires Library
Original mod here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/151599-v173-extended2x2-on-hiatus/
This is a tool adaptation of the original 2x2 mod. Who needs a crafting table? Dagger: Throwable weapon, deals 1 damage less than a sword. Handpick: Pickaxe that also works as a hoe for 2 durability. Trowel: Shovel that also works as a hoe for 1 durability. Hatchet: Little axe. Need I say more?
InfiBlocks adds variations on many of the vanilla blocks. You can make crafting tables from cobblestone or cactus, furnaces from bricks, actual bricks from quite a few things, stained glass.
There is also an interesting block, a magic slab, that changes shape depending on the blocks around. You can make all kinds of things out of it: http://imgur.com/a/RFE09#2
Bricks are made with the chisel, either in-world or in-crafting, and magic slabs are crafted like so:
All credit to Immibis for the original mod. You can find his thread here.
Microblocks are a way of cutting down blocks into smaller pieces. The idea is simple enough: First you get a handsaw, then you cut up the block into smaller pieces.
The beauty of the system is that you can fit multiple microblocks inside one larger block. Doing this you can make any of the "normal" smaller blocks, like stairs, or more interesting designs like tetris pieces.
For modders: You can add your own microblocks by calling this code somewhere:
public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent evt)
public void addMicroblock()
Class clazz = Class.forName("inficraft.microblocks.core.microblock.MicroblockSystem");
Method method = clazz.getMethod("registerManualParts", int.class, Block.class);
//Block ID multiplied by 16 (metadata)
method.invoke(null, yourBlockHere.blockID*16 + iter, yourBlockHere);
catch (Exception e)
public void addMetaMicroblocks()
Class clazz = Class.forName("inficraft.microblocks.core.microblock.MicroblockSystem");
Method method = clazz.getMethod("registerManualParts", int.class, Block.class, int.class);
//Block ID multiplied by 16 (metadata), then add all the relevant metadata
for (int iter = 0; iter < 16; iter++) // <- Metadata support
method.invoke(null, yourBlockHere.blockID*16 + iter, yourBlockHere, iter);
catch (Exception e)
Armory is a little WiP mod for displaying your things. It will include armor stands, tool racks, item shelves, and a pedestal.
Flora & Soma
This was a mod that came about in response to the hunger system. It grew into a few other things, like clouds and trees, and will eventually add a whole host of things to grow.
The mod is somewhat incomplete, but still has a lot of content. The names are self-explanatory and the mod is intuitive. Have some pictures instead:
Orizon is a mod about different types of stone. A stone gradient, marble, and a nod to the old Mystic Stone mod. It also has slime pools and eventually a dream world - the Dreamscape - and used to have a bunch of ores.
Adds a stone gradient to the world. You'll see darker stone as you approach bedrock. There are various pockets of colored stone sprinkled underground, and different kinds of marble as well. Slime Pools
Similar to spawners, these spawn underground and spawn slimes rarely. They spawn constantly, so you don't need to be close, and there's a limit on the amount that can spawn in an area at a time. Slime pools are surrounded by a bouncy material that absorbs fall damage.
Tweaks is a bunch of base edits designed to enhance the feel of vanilla minecraft. Each edit can be used independently and should be compatible with vanilla clients. They affect worldgen or mechanics already present in the game. A detailed readme is included with the mod.
Simple Background
A WiP mod to play music in the background. Music plays depending on the time of day or a few events, such as death or battle, and the mood in minecraft changes so much. You can add your own sounds to the bgm folder. Currently it plays any music in the folder at random.
I don't know about all of them. Sandstone is a really cruddy material for building tools out of, but if you're in a desert then that's all you can get. I'm definitely adding powers to crystallized lava and ice though; maybe have the slime sword turn things into chickens. Yeah, chickens XD
I'm also serious about the amount of tools that this mod's going to add. I have no less than a total of 1508 tool combinations planned right now, along with matching armor for at least a few of the sets. It might be more if I decide to start combining materials. Expect a release every couple days or so.
I'll also be updating the OP shortly with tool info. Stay tuned~
I'm back from my vacation, and I brought v0.2 with me. The mod should be a bit more usable with pickaxes made out of all of the same materials that swords are made out of. I've ironed out some of the bugs and hopefully fixed most of the crash-inducing ones. Tomorrow I'll dig right into shovels, and after that burn some axes to the ground.
The longest part of this mod is the sprite sheets. I have to copy, splice, and piece together each individual part on it. With each tool having a total 120 combinations that's quite a bit xP
1) how to get ice /and crystalized lava (im guessing it has to be obsidian?)
2) for picks how will what it can mine be determined
3) (not a question actually) please make axes hoes shovels possibly shears?
I'm going to answer these in reverse order, simply because that makes the most sense to me.
3) Notice the [WIP] Tag on the mod? I'll get to adding the tools in this order: shovels, axes, hoes, special powers...
2) Just like in Vanilla, the mining level of the pickaxe determines what it can mine I'll throw some stats up for each toolset on the OP shortly.
1) Lava, among other things, is going to need to be stabilized with another material to be able to use it. Right now it's the only tool that you can't get right now because I couldn't come up with something that made sense. Lava will be stabalized with a bit of redstone and glowstone, redstone with liquid iron, glowstone with liquid gold, and slime with... well, something. XD
You'll be able to gain ice blocks with Ice Picks once I finish up with the vanilla toolset. Those will double as both swords and picks at the cost of double durability for mining ores. Stone and ice should be fine though. :tongue.gif: Other hybrid tools may include hammers, mattocks, and battleaxes.
I have to say something. It is probably a bug or a glitch or it's supposed to be there.
2 swords and pickaxes have no names. Lava lava pickaxe has no sprite and the lava slime sword doesn't look like it has a lava stick and the lava pickaxe has a stick that looks like a bone or paper stick.
Please fix these.
The recipes in the OP are a bit of a mess now, but v0.3 is out. It includes a more sensible way to get redstone, glowstone, and slime tools, as well as crystallized lava. I also threw in a full set of shovels for good measure and fixed the bugs that TizNarniz2 reported. Once I get done with the hoes in a couple days I'll remove the [WIP] tag and then we'll really have fun with this mod. XD
The recipes in the OP are a bit of a mess now, but v0.3 is out. It includes a more sensible way to get redstone, glowstone, and slime tools, as well as crystallized lava. I also threw in a full set of shovels for good measure and fixed the bugs that TizNarniz2 reported. Once I get done with the hoes in a couple days I'll remove the [WIP] tag and then we'll really have fun with this mod. XD
Mdiyo the hybrid tools sound intriguing. With your brains you should be on the in the next couple of days. As long as you do not have too many disturbances. :tongue.gif:
The recipes in the OP are a bit of a mess now, but v0.3 is out. It includes a more sensible way to get redstone, glowstone, and slime tools, as well as crystallized lava. I also threw in a full set of shovels for good measure and fixed the bugs that TizNarniz2 reported. Once I get done with the hoes in a couple days I'll remove the [WIP] tag and then we'll really have fun with this mod. XD
The mods here are starting to go their separate ways. You can find updated or changed versions in other places:
InfiTools: Tinkers' Construct
Flora & Soma: Natura
Microblocks: Originally by Immibis. It's his, always was.
(1.4.6/1.4.7) Release Downloads
Still updating, remaking, what have you. What's here is here to stay.
Note: All 1.4.6 downloads are compatible with 1.4.7.
Modpack, the collection of InfiCraft - InfiPack, Sound Megapack
InfiBlocks [2013.2.17] - Aesthetics, Microblocks
Flora & Soma [2013.2.17] - Clouds, Corruptor, Crops, Trees
Orizon [2013.2.17] - Slime Pools, Stone
Simple Background [2013.1.30] - Client Only
Tweaks (Jar mods) - Hunger Tweaks
Prerelease Downloads - Armory[Alpha 3]
Alternate download links, Older Versions
Soundpack Downloads
Simple Background needs one of these to play music
MacLeod Default, MacLeod Megapack
Information on individual mods can be found a post down. For anyone with questions about any of my mods, check out the unofficial wiki. You can also find me on irc.esper.net, #InfiCraft
Texture pack additions:
Dokucraft textures by Balthasarx:
Light, High, Dark
Painterly (Orizon Stone):
Soartex textures for Orizon by thebeatles1381:
Other mods that work well with InfiCraft:
Metallurgy, ExtraBiomes XL, Custom NPCs
Made the scary debug output for missing microblocks less scary
Fixed a bug with ID resolver and pretty much everything
Made slime pools animated
Added a config option to disable slime pools outside of the overworld
Fixed a bug with Simple Background. Crashy crashy...
- Made armor stands a lot more useful. They don't breathe or run, they save directional data, and can be rotated smartly with shift-right click. They no longer have funny crotch items.
Fixed hardcoded Bloodwood ID. It was at 2000, change it if you need to.
Beta 2 for TConstruct - Took less time than I thought it would!
Adjusted textures
Adjusted repair value to work on base durability
Changed lapis to put looting on weapons
Fixed life drain
Finish the Part Builder gui
All names should be consistent
Auto-smelt modifier now requires netherrack
Beta 1 for TConstruct
Lots of changes to TConstruct. Let's just say that tools are nameable.
Fixed a bug where bloodwood logs would drop oak logs (Trees)
Added proper materials (TConstruct)
Added Lumber Axe and Pattern Chest (TConstruct)
Removed stone and netherrack patterns
Added simple repairs (TConstruct)
Added lapis modifier
Adjusted redstone modifier gains
Adjusted electric tool usage
Fixed missing sprite for wheat flour and berries (Crops)
Fixed buggy sapling generation (Trees)
Crops absorbed Berries~
Berry bush spawning fixed
Misc Trees glitches fixed
Improved underground sensor, vanilla music no longer plays (Simple Background)
IC2 backpack charging for electric tools. (TConstruct)
Fixed corruptor generation
Emergency patch on microblock config file
Tooltips, mattocks, and harvest speed enhancements. (TConstruct)
Refixed the nether generation for Trees and Clouds.
Condensed Flora & Soma config files, unified creative tab.
Added Doors to Trees
Microblocks! (InfiBlocks, InfiMicroblocks, Orizon Stone, Flora trees)
Fixed strange rendering for state-changing blocks. (Berry bushes, InfiBlocks)
Added a table model to TConstruct
Fixed a bug with sound turned off when minecraft starts. (Simple Background)
Updated Armory
Armor stands are now "breakable"
Shift-clicking on an armor stand will rotate it toward the player
Added frying pan block to TConstruct. Shift+right click will activate it
Fixed overworld generation for Sakura and Redwood trees.
Added a new tree type: Hopseed.
Trees can be grown with bonemeal.
Added a few textures for TConstruct
Added the redstone modifier and enabled electric tools in TConstruct
Electric tools now support IC2 and Universal Electricity
Added the first modifiers to TConstruct - Diamond and Emerald. Works on all tools, only visible on Pickaxe/Shovel/Axe
Fixed brick names. (Stone)
Changed tool format in preparation for modifications, sorry! (TConstruct)
Seeeeecret. ;D
Fixed (hopefully) crash bugs in Simple Background, made the underground sensor smarter.
Fixed a bug with seed bag names. (Crops)
Battlesigns and Frying Pans (TConstruct)
Updated the API in Orizon Stone
Fixed a bug where Simple Background would crash with no sounds.
Added the Rapier and a half-done Longsword to TConstruct
Back from vacation, yay!
Alpha release of TConstruct
Updated API in InfiBlocks
Fixed a bug where furnaces would burn crafting tables (InfiBlocks)
Made superfun more superfun (Stone)
Removed dagger entities (2x2)
Added colored tags to InfiTools
Fixed Mattocks acting like hoes instead of a tool (Hybrids)
Fixed a crashy bug with vanilla tool types. (Base)
Added water drop and barley recipes across InfiTools and Crops
Fixed a bug where ice axes and mallets made from ice would not work properly on ice blocks (Hybrids)
Fixed a name bug (Slime pools)
Fixed the button recipe (Stone)
Added folder support (Simple Background)
Added smelting recipes for marble and crafting recipes for mossy bricks (Stone)
Fixed a crashy bug with InfiTools Base
Fixed a crashy server bug with Berries
Fixed a bug with sakura tree generation (Trees)
Fixed some texture bugs (Crops)
Alpha release of Simple Background
Fixed a bug with cobalt and steel recipes (InfiTools)
Fixed multiple bugs with tree flammability (Trees)
Changed the folder structure to represent the new InfiCraft.
Added an 'api' folder for base classes and detailing interactions
Fixed a bug where moss would plant as berry bushes (Library)
Fixed multiple bugs (Stone, Base, Hybrids, 2x2) that prevented the ore dictionary recipes from working properly.
Temporarily disabled dagger throwing due to multiple problems (2x2)
InfiCraft Mods are .zip files and they go in the mods folder inside .minecraft or your server's mods folder. The mods are universal; they will work on both client and server.
Jar mods go directly in your minecraft/minecraft_server.jar. They begin with (Jar)
If you're still having problems: run this Error Test and post the results on this thread.
- Mods: Creative Commons (Name or thread link)
- Code and Sprites: Public Domain
Source code can be found here: https://github.com/mDiyo/InfiCraft
I've put a lot of work into these mods - over a year's worth of learning and making, for better or worse. I love to share my work with anyone who would like it, and to use in any way they desire. I only ask that you enjoy it.
There are a few ways that you can support my mods. You can change your signature to one of the ones here:
If you have a few dollars to spare and you enjoy the mods, you could always leave me a tip:
Special thanks:
Regal Kain, kuroiXiru, Shadowclaimer, iiAtlas, Morter
Zrowny - Tree root texture
Viatrix - Hammer and knife spritesheets
Remove the dependancy on wood.
Make everything out of everything else.
Spice up the world with aesthetically pleasing features.
InfiCraft is the collection of mods I've made over a long period of time. Each mod has its own theme or idea behind it, and most of them can be fine tuned to suit the map or play style. They combine to form the InfiPack, a unified whole.
InfiBlocks, Microblocks, Armory
Flora & Soma, Orizon, Tweaks, Simple Background
The idea behind InfiTools is simple: add a few more materials to make tools out of, then create rods from the same materials and combine them in many ways. Add some more tool types on top of that and you'll have a ton of combinations. The purpose is to make tools wherever you are out of anything you can find.
Some tool types are special. There are special abilities baked into the tools like so:
One thing to keep in mind: Not every combination is valid. We wouldn't want a lava and ice based sword just turn into obsidian, now would we?
Tool stats and abilities
The core of InfiTools. It holds all of the crafting materials, base tool information, ore dictionary support, and moss. Grow moss on everything, everything I say!
Base materials have both a shard and a rod. They can be crafted like so:
More detailed recipes inside:
Base - Requires Library
Vanilla tool combinations can be found in this module. It also contains a few extra bucket and bowl types
Note: Base overrides the vanilla bucket recipe with the one shown below.
Hybrids - Requires Library
Hybrid tools combine parts from other tools, sometimes with interesting effects of their own.
Ice Axe: Weapon, mining tool, can harvest ice
Cutter Mattock: Shovel, axe, hoe. Slightly slower than normal
Mining Mallet: Weapon, mining tool. Does high damage against undead, low against others. Cracks certain materials for alternate drops, often shards.
Machete: Weapon, effective on plants. Does not harvest leaves
Scythe: Weapon, harvesting tool. Does damage or harvesting in an area with right-click
2x2 Extended - Requires Library
Original mod here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/151599-v173-extended2x2-on-hiatus/
This is a tool adaptation of the original 2x2 mod. Who needs a crafting table?
Dagger: Throwable weapon, deals 1 damage less than a sword.
Handpick: Pickaxe that also works as a hoe for 2 durability.
Trowel: Shovel that also works as a hoe for 1 durability.
Hatchet: Little axe. Need I say more?
InfiBlocks adds variations on many of the vanilla blocks. You can make crafting tables from cobblestone or cactus, furnaces from bricks, actual bricks from quite a few things, stained glass.
There is also an interesting block, a magic slab, that changes shape depending on the blocks around. You can make all kinds of things out of it:
Bricks are made with the chisel, either in-world or in-crafting, and magic slabs are crafted like so:
All credit to Immibis for the original mod. You can find his thread here.
Microblocks are a way of cutting down blocks into smaller pieces. The idea is simple enough: First you get a handsaw, then you cut up the block into smaller pieces.
The beauty of the system is that you can fit multiple microblocks inside one larger block. Doing this you can make any of the "normal" smaller blocks, like stairs, or more interesting designs like tetris pieces.
For modders: You can add your own microblocks by calling this code somewhere:
Armory is a little WiP mod for displaying your things. It will include armor stands, tool racks, item shelves, and a pedestal.
This was a mod that came about in response to the hunger system. It grew into a few other things, like clouds and trees, and will eventually add a whole host of things to grow.
The mod is somewhat incomplete, but still has a lot of content. The names are self-explanatory and the mod is intuitive. Have some pictures instead:
Orizon is a mod about different types of stone. A stone gradient, marble, and a nod to the old Mystic Stone mod. It also has slime pools and eventually a dream world - the Dreamscape - and used to have a bunch of ores.
Adds a stone gradient to the world. You'll see darker stone as you approach bedrock. There are various pockets of colored stone sprinkled underground, and different kinds of marble as well.
Slime Pools
Similar to spawners, these spawn underground and spawn slimes rarely. They spawn constantly, so you don't need to be close, and there's a limit on the amount that can spawn in an area at a time. Slime pools are surrounded by a bouncy material that absorbs fall damage.
Tweaks is a bunch of base edits designed to enhance the feel of vanilla minecraft. Each edit can be used independently and should be compatible with vanilla clients. They affect worldgen or mechanics already present in the game. A detailed readme is included with the mod.
A WiP mod to play music in the background. Music plays depending on the time of day or a few events, such as death or battle, and the mood in minecraft changes so much. You can add your own sounds to the bgm folder. Currently it plays any music in the folder at random.
Valid formats: ogg, wav, mus
What are some of the useage stats? And how do they measure up to the minecraft vanilla tools as far as speed? Just would like some kind of idea.
Edit: BTW Mdiyo...mod looks already great...cannot wait to see more.
"You want it you got it."
Nah, but seriously m, this looks great. That's a lot of bloody swords you got there. XD
You gonna start coding powers for all of them?! :biggrin.gif:
I don't know about all of them. Sandstone is a really cruddy material for building tools out of, but if you're in a desert then that's all you can get. I'm definitely adding powers to crystallized lava and ice though; maybe have the slime sword turn things into chickens. Yeah, chickens XD
I'm also serious about the amount of tools that this mod's going to add. I have no less than a total of 1508 tool combinations planned right now, along with matching armor for at least a few of the sets. It might be more if I decide to start combining materials. Expect a release every couple days or so.
I'll also be updating the OP shortly with tool info. Stay tuned~
You need all three of them, though ScotTools and ItemSprite API are created by the same person.
Yes, I love slime. Its power is over 9000!
it doesn't work
The longest part of this mod is the sprite sheets. I have to copy, splice, and piece together each individual part on it. With each tool having a total 120 combinations that's quite a bit xP
But 3 questions:
1) how to get ice /and crystalized lava (im guessing it has to be obsidian?)
2) for picks how will what it can mine be determined
3) (not a question actually) please make axes hoes shovels possibly shears?
YEAH! i give u a diamond for this mod -> science :biggrin.gif:
-I_da_MAN out
I'm going to answer these in reverse order, simply because that makes the most sense to me.
3) Notice the [WIP] Tag on the mod? I'll get to adding the tools in this order: shovels, axes, hoes, special powers...
2) Just like in Vanilla, the mining level of the pickaxe determines what it can mine I'll throw some stats up for each toolset on the OP shortly.
1) Lava, among other things, is going to need to be stabilized with another material to be able to use it. Right now it's the only tool that you can't get right now because I couldn't come up with something that made sense. Lava will be stabalized with a bit of redstone and glowstone, redstone with liquid iron, glowstone with liquid gold, and slime with... well, something. XD
You'll be able to gain ice blocks with Ice Picks once I finish up with the vanilla toolset. Those will double as both swords and picks at the cost of double durability for mining ores. Stone and ice should be fine though. :tongue.gif: Other hybrid tools may include hammers, mattocks, and battleaxes.
2 swords and pickaxes have no names. Lava lava pickaxe has no sprite and the lava slime sword doesn't look like it has a lava stick and the lava pickaxe has a stick that looks like a bone or paper stick.
Please fix these.
Rules posted here: http://rules.mcf.li/ or click signature.
Mdiyo the hybrid tools sound intriguing. With your brains you should be on the in the next couple of days. As long as you do not have too many disturbances. :tongue.gif:
"You want it you got it."
Thank you for fixing the bugs!
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Rules posted here: http://rules.mcf.li/ or click signature.
Rules posted here: http://rules.mcf.li/ or click signature.