Hey if youre looking for skins for the Doggies, go to this page here, shes got 188 dog skins from Beagles to Zorua to Scooby Doo, shes totally awesome...
Hey if youre looking for skins for the Doggies, go to this page here, shes got 188 dog skins from Beagles to Zorua to Scooby Doo, shes totally awesome...
Alright, I updated the OP to include the newest information. Ryushi, did you convert your dogs first? I think that might have been the problem, sorry I didn't update the OP info sooner.
Alright, I've been giving multiplayer some thought, and I've considered a few things:
1: DoggyTex might need to be changed, because if we just used the current system, everybody would see your dogs completely differently than you depending on their texture pack. A few solutions might be to expand the number of doggytex files YET AGAIN, or maybe find a way to load every player's textures at once. The latter might be a bit unrealistic, so I'm guessing the former will be the way to go.
2: Dog-on-dog combat NEEDS TO BE FIXED. Have you ever attacked a tamed doggy talents doggy that wasn't yours while you had another DTDoggy yourself? They'd fight, one would lose, but the winner would keep on attacking it, randomly getting glitch-hit in the split second before the code removes the incapacitated dog's target, and there's currently just about no way to get them to stop fighting other than quitting and re-opening the world. That of course won't work in multiplayer, so I'll have to find a solution to this annoying bug, possibly making dogs check if their target is an incapacitated doggy, and abandon the target if that's the case.
3: Buddy List. I want to add an intermediate tier between "master" and "potential threat to master", something like "Friend of master". I'm thinking you'll be able to add people to a buddy list, and your dogs will treat people on this list like they're pseudo-masters, not attacking them when hit, and potentially following orders under certain conditions. However, you, the owner, will always have the final say on what your dog does.
Hey if youre looking for skins for the Doggies, go to this page here, shes got 188 dog skins from Beagles to Zorua to Scooby Doo, shes totally awesome...
Err. It seems that dogs are not killable. And if i hurt one i cant teach it anything
That's intentional that they can't be killed. Permadeath sucks, and losing the hard work of training them just makes that even worse. Hence, no more permadeath, just incapacitation. The majority of right-click actions also only work while the dog is at full health. If your dog is incapacitated, feed him cake to revive him.
That's intentional that they can't be killed. Permadeath sucks, and losing the hard work of training them just makes that even worse. Hence, no more permadeath, just incapacitation. The majority of right-click actions also only work while the dog is at full health. If your dog is incapacitated, feed him cake to revive him.
Ah, Okay. Also i think i found the best combo for cave exploring.
Doglight, Hellhound (Because you can swim in lava if you have wolf mount.), HunterDog. Creepersweeper. Wolfmount, FisherDog. PillowPaw, Doggy Dash, GuardDog and Blackpelt.
Ah, Okay. Also i think i found the best combo for cave exploring.
Doglight, Hellhound (Because you can swim in lava if you have wolf mount.), HunterDog. Creepersweeper. Wolfmount, FisherDog. PillowPaw, Doggy Dash, GuardDog and Blackpelt.
I'm confused. Are these separate dogs you're talking about?
So I just read that my "untamed wolves can despawn" "Bug" from a few versions back was, in fact, NOT A BUG. Apparently, untamed wolves are now the ONLY animals in vanilla minecraft that will despawn. They've become ridiculously rare, if you get too far away they vanish, and they're going to wind up on a diet of rotten flesh.
And now that doggy talents doesn't edit base classes anymore, I can't fix that despawning issue. The only thing I can offer is that using a training treat on a wild vanilla wolf insta-tames them, in addition to turning them into DTDoggies.
At this point, I've pretty much taken it as a given that Notch cares absolutely nothing for wolves.
Hopefully the tests on breeding will make him discover a few of these oversights, but I'm not holding my breath.
Don't get me wrong, Notch is awesome, but I've got a few issues with his programming choices too.
Anyway, breeding's getting added. I'm... kinda cautious about it. I don't want to be raising animals from infancy for the slaughter. I'm just not rated for that kind of coldness.
If you don't have any terrain-altering mods installed, this seed should land you smack dab in the middle of a massive forest, with high chance of encountering wolfies. If chuck-triggered mob spawning is bound to the seed, then it's actually 100% likelihood of encountering wolfies.
Just download the skin, then rename it to doggytexXX.png (XX = 1 to 16) and stick it in the mob folder in your jar.
War doesn't decide who is right, just who is left...
...Well, maybe because i have claymen, not sure. Could that be it?
The claymen use sticks as swords.
message me if you wanna help, i might forget to look at this topic.
Thanks for that link :smile.gif: Now I'll have some fun Puppies to play with :biggrin.gif:
that would be really weird if it were true... Odd...
Right, don't be alarmed by the sudden change, it's just so I'll be relocated out of the WIP section.
1: DoggyTex might need to be changed, because if we just used the current system, everybody would see your dogs completely differently than you depending on their texture pack. A few solutions might be to expand the number of doggytex files YET AGAIN, or maybe find a way to load every player's textures at once. The latter might be a bit unrealistic, so I'm guessing the former will be the way to go.
2: Dog-on-dog combat NEEDS TO BE FIXED. Have you ever attacked a tamed doggy talents doggy that wasn't yours while you had another DTDoggy yourself? They'd fight, one would lose, but the winner would keep on attacking it, randomly getting glitch-hit in the split second before the code removes the incapacitated dog's target, and there's currently just about no way to get them to stop fighting other than quitting and re-opening the world. That of course won't work in multiplayer, so I'll have to find a solution to this annoying bug, possibly making dogs check if their target is an incapacitated doggy, and abandon the target if that's the case.
3: Buddy List. I want to add an intermediate tier between "master" and "potential threat to master", something like "Friend of master". I'm thinking you'll be able to add people to a buddy list, and your dogs will treat people on this list like they're pseudo-masters, not attacking them when hit, and potentially following orders under certain conditions. However, you, the owner, will always have the final say on what your dog does.
Any thoughts?
Thank you much :biggrin.gif: Diamond for you
That's intentional that they can't be killed. Permadeath sucks, and losing the hard work of training them just makes that even worse. Hence, no more permadeath, just incapacitation. The majority of right-click actions also only work while the dog is at full health. If your dog is incapacitated, feed him cake to revive him.
Ah, Okay. Also i think i found the best combo for cave exploring.
Doglight, Hellhound (Because you can swim in lava if you have wolf mount.), HunterDog. Creepersweeper. Wolfmount, FisherDog. PillowPaw, Doggy Dash, GuardDog and Blackpelt.
I'm confused. Are these separate dogs you're talking about?
All in one
Then I'd throw in Packpuppy and Happy eater as well, so you can convert rotten flesh to torches and have some mining storage
So I just read that my "untamed wolves can despawn" "Bug" from a few versions back was, in fact, NOT A BUG. Apparently, untamed wolves are now the ONLY animals in vanilla minecraft that will despawn. They've become ridiculously rare, if you get too far away they vanish, and they're going to wind up on a diet of rotten flesh.
And now that doggy talents doesn't edit base classes anymore, I can't fix that despawning issue. The only thing I can offer is that using a training treat on a wild vanilla wolf insta-tames them, in addition to turning them into DTDoggies.
At this point, I've pretty much taken it as a given that Notch cares absolutely nothing for wolves.
Hopefully the tests on breeding will make him discover a few of these oversights, but I'm not holding my breath.
Don't get me wrong, Notch is awesome, but I've got a few issues with his programming choices too.
Anyway, breeding's getting added. I'm... kinda cautious about it. I don't want to be raising animals from infancy for the slaughter. I'm just not rated for that kind of coldness.
If you don't have any terrain-altering mods installed, this seed should land you smack dab in the middle of a massive forest, with high chance of encountering wolfies. If chuck-triggered mob spawning is bound to the seed, then it's actually 100% likelihood of encountering wolfies.
Totally for Wolf Breeding. Since 1.8 wolves have become even rarer.
Doggy Talents
Clay Soldier
You use a TRAINING treat, not a bone.
I realise that. I did that, but it doesn't work.