Hey Burnner_ I think that Herobrine should be more realistic, you know, when you build the totem he will automatically spawn in the world, lets say 5 Herobrines should spawn, away from each other(very far), and it should be you the first to see Him, not Him seeing you first and running away, and whenever we hit Him, he doesnt disapear, he stay and fight like a normal mob, and he will be a normal mob, but stronger, spawning at any light level, and much more rarer, but its just a thought
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If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens.
what you need is too make him a bigger threat. how? well first of all the traps are TOO easy to avoid you need to make it more hidden. make it so herbrine will have a higher rate of teleporting to you and then sending you flying you if your close to lava. you should also make it so he will make lettes of his name in your chest if the cheast is full he shall make another one and put the other items in there then when the person comes home he will find herobrine had been in there he could even put signs with warning. idk what you put but it has to be a warning too the player. also make bigger houses but at least less chance of finding a bigger house you might even find a item in ther if you can avoid traps (i sugest you make a room full of presure plates some are safe some are not.
what you need is too make him a bigger threat. how? well first of all the traps are TOO easy to avoid you need to make it more hidden. make it so herbrine will have a higher rate of teleporting to you and then sending you flying you if your close to lava. you should also make it so he will make lettes of his name in your chest if the cheast is full he shall make another one and put the other items in there then when the person comes home he will find herobrine had been in there he could even put signs with warning. idk what you put but it has to be a warning too the player. also make bigger houses but at least less chance of finding a bigger house you might even find a item in ther if you can avoid traps (i sugest you make a room full of presure plates some are safe some are not.
Was the giant text really necessary? People will read it, big text gets people annoyed.
Stop spamming for updates! God, I hate trolls! But, IMHO, I would like to see this updated. I cannot wait to **** a bedrock block when I see him or one of his traps. One more thing, add the 'E in chests' thing. You know, like in the GameChap vids. Would give me a reason to silently scream "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"
I just took the Minecraft Noob test! Check out what I scored. Think you can beat me?!
To take the test, check out https://minecraftnoobtest.com/test.php
saw the mod, thought it looked awesome , i downloaded it and installed it using the mod installer, after it was finished downloading i tried to play minecraft but aftrer the mojang logo it said it had crashed , i tried deleting and re dowloading minecraft and a bunch of other things but nothing works, HELP!
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My attitude may seem bad, and my lanuage may seem vulgar, but thats just because i F***ING HATE YOU
saw the mod, thought it looked awesome , i downloaded it and installed it using the mod installer, after it was finished downloading i tried to play minecraft but aftrer the mojang logo it said it had crashed , i tried deleting and re dowloading minecraft and a bunch of other things but nothing works, HELP!
do you have 1.8.1 or 1.0.0??EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Stop spamming for updates! God, I hate trolls! But, IMHO, I would like to see this updated. I cannot wait to **** a bedrock block when I see him or one of his traps. One more thing, add the 'E in chests' thing. You know, like in the GameChap vids. Would give me a reason to silently scream "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"
there is a E in chests when i had it for 1.7.3 i had a TNT E
If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens.
I've seen many Herobrine Appearances in my time. Scariest was him burning down my house!
If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens.
wanna make a LP of this but... yeah...
not 1.0.0 so can't
please tell when the mod will be upgraded :wink.gif:
Was the giant text really necessary? People will read it, big text gets people annoyed.
well i like it and it dose make sense what he dose is scare people so pooping in pants is very obivous reason.
And I'm not just talking about sleep in Minecraft.
I just took the Minecraft Noob test! Check out what I scored. Think you can beat me?!

To take the test, check out
Don't click this link, HE is haunting it...
Would love it for 1.0.0
Hides in
My attitude may seem bad, and my lanuage may seem vulgar, but thats just because i F***ING HATE YOU
do you have 1.8.1 or 1.0.0??EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
there is a E in chests when i had it for 1.7.3 i had a TNT E
mabey or i am just annyoing you :smile.gif::):smile.gif::):smile.gif::):smile.gif::):smile.gif::):smile.gif::):smile.gif::):smile.gif:
BUT. In 1.0.0 ( full version) you can just make a shrine like this( this might not work, just my friend told me he did this and herobrine spawned!
First layer
Second layer
R=redstone torch
G=gold block
N=LIT netherack
I didnt get it, is it out alredy
If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens.
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