I never heard them say saturday, just the weekend.
And he said he was waiting on one of the modders to send his part of the bug fixes
look at page 682 for the post.
Anyone see what the problem is in the error report below??
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT b56c2e1c --------
Generated 7/30/11 2:04 PM
Minecraft: Minecraft Beta 1.7.3
OS: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1
Java: 1.6.0_14, Sun Microsystems Inc.
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Sun Microsystems Inc.
LWJGL: 2.4.2
OpenGL: AMD M880G with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 version 2.1.8796, ATI Technologies Inc.
at lm.a(Chunk.java:249)
at fd.a(World.java:310)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.d(SourceFile:1772)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(SourceFile:1680)
at DimensionBase.usePortal(DimensionBase.java:158)
at DimensionBase.usePortal(DimensionBase.java:122)
at dc.o(dc.java:61)
at EntityPlayerAether.o(EntityPlayerAether.java:153)
at ls.w_(SourceFile:210)
at gs.w_(SourceFile:120)
at fd.a(World.java:1481)
at fd.f(World.java:1457)
at fd.g(World.java:1376)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.k(SourceFile:1494)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:754)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT 3bbf5f0e ----------
it might be just me but it sems that Aechor Petal is a rare stuff to find, i seen that some finds them easly but i cant find any at all and i been looking for a few hours -.- any special ways to find them, like at night or under somewhere , anything at all? :tongue.gif: cheers in advance for reply =)
ive tried to install the mods and my save files crashed.
anyway, is there any specific order to install modloader and stuff
my internet is really bad and i cant watch the installation video so plz help :sad.gif:
i dont want to miss out on the best mod ever!
ok. spent a few hours power-playing some minecraft with this mod. and i can say. WOW! it adds SOOO much content to the game. billion more possibilities with construction love exploring this new world. however its fairly hard to do without a pig/moa
speaking of which. if i where to make a suggestion or 2.
1. aechor petals should be rare. but not a myth.
2. the sound of moa... gets extremely annoying. can it be changed to a chirp/bird sound
and far less played?
very interesting enemys. gives great challenge to the game! love it!
While i agree with you about the frequency of the moa's sounds, changing it to a birds chirp is kinda weird. Although no one actually know what the moa's chirp actually sounds like researchers say it would be like a deep resonant vibration that can be heard from long distances. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moa
The sound should rather be lowered in volume and made less often, but should stay the same. Its part of what makes a moa a moa i guess.
1. Still too many zephyrs. Or, you could have them despawn when the difficulty is set to peaceful. They can be really annoying when you always have to deal with being pushed around.
2. My bed exploded and killed me when I tried to sleep in it. This is interesting. I did not spawn where it exploded, but instead at my previous spawn point.
3. Can you make it so that when you sneak on quicksoil it doesn't speed you up? It's not important, but I feel as though you should move at normal speed while sneaking.
to get away from the Zeyphrs, just dig a 1-block deep trench in front of you as you walk. They cant push you around in a straight trench
ive tried to install the mods and my save files crashed.
anyway, is there any specific order to install modloader and stuff
my internet is really bad and i cant watch the installation video so plz help :sad.gif:
i dont want to miss out on the best mod ever!
here's the order
3.shock...... something
always install the aether mod itself last
The aether mod currently has many bugs but I don't mind it. :biggrin.gif: It's quite fun and annoying sometimes but its ok, still a beta mod and its barely in its early stages lol. I have a suggestion about moa feed times though. Waiting for them to digest takes a while. I was wondering since the baby moas like to follow you around, the process of digesting could be sped up when they take steps? I don't know if its possible so I'm asking xP As for the spawn rates and the despawning of tamed moas, I'm sure there are many posts about those. I'm having high expectations on the next patch though!
it might be just me but it sems that Aechor Petal is a rare stuff to find, i seen that some finds them easly but i cant find any at all and i been looking for a few hours -.- any special ways to find them, like at night or under somewhere , anything at all? :tongue.gif: cheers in advance for reply =)
I never heard them say saturday, just the weekend.
And he said he was waiting on one of the modders to send his part of the bug fixes
look at page 682 for the post.
Generated 7/30/11 2:04 PM
Minecraft: Minecraft Beta 1.7.3
OS: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1
Java: 1.6.0_14, Sun Microsystems Inc.
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Sun Microsystems Inc.
LWJGL: 2.4.2
OpenGL: AMD M880G with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 version 2.1.8796, ATI Technologies Inc.
at lm.a(Chunk.java:249)
at fd.a(World.java:310)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.d(SourceFile:1772)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(SourceFile:1680)
at DimensionBase.usePortal(DimensionBase.java:158)
at DimensionBase.usePortal(DimensionBase.java:122)
at dc.o(dc.java:61)
at EntityPlayerAether.o(EntityPlayerAether.java:153)
at ls.w_(SourceFile:210)
at gs.w_(SourceFile:120)
at fd.a(World.java:1481)
at fd.f(World.java:1457)
at fd.g(World.java:1376)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.k(SourceFile:1494)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:754)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT 3bbf5f0e ----------
i've found one total....
anyway, is there any specific order to install modloader and stuff
my internet is really bad and i cant watch the installation video so plz help :sad.gif:
i dont want to miss out on the best mod ever!
While i agree with you about the frequency of the moa's sounds, changing it to a birds chirp is kinda weird. Although no one actually know what the moa's chirp actually sounds like researchers say it would be like a deep resonant vibration that can be heard from long distances. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moa
The sound should rather be lowered in volume and made less often, but should stay the same. Its part of what makes a moa a moa i guess.
to get away from the Zeyphrs, just dig a 1-block deep trench in front of you as you walk. They cant push you around in a straight trench
You can rename/delete the sound in the resources folder and it won't play it anymore.
im pretty sure you messed that up :/
here's the order
3.shock...... something
always install the aether mod itself last
Thanks for aether development team!
How do i fix it!
try re doing the whole process. With Modloader, Audiomod and The Aether
This patch makes moa mounts and aechor plants not despawn among other bug fixes.
most of the bug will probably be fixed when the update comes out though.