I enter the minecraft launcher normaly, go the the server lsit and join the game, i get in the game but in like 1 second when i appear on the server, my launcher like freezes( displays only the dirt background) and thus have to restart the client. my mods are:
macro keybind mod
improved chat
xray mod
world guard gui
too many items
and modloader
If you install this Via Yogbox, it probably won't be "M".
You are right, i should have said the default key to bring the minimap although with so many mod combinations it can be anything. Millenare also uses M. Just trying to help.
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I don't want to go right
I don't want to go left
Can we please just go ahead.
A feature that I would LOVE to see implemented is colored lines on the chunk grid to separate regions. I need to regenerate large sections of a map, and it would be VERY NICE to be able to tell where the region dividers are.
Im not sure, but i think the mod wont work with my improved chat. Am I doing something wrong, or it actually not compatiable with improved chat?
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Minecraft play date 1/19/2011 - Looking for a good survival mp server with faction mod and good protection and friendly gms. Message me if you can suggest one. (DAMN YOU GRAMMAR NAZI!!! I ONLY NEED YOU ON ESSAYS AND ASSIGNMENTS!!!)
Hmmm, found a little glitch with this and another mod. Apparently when you install this and Kaevator's CCTV Block v2.2 together, nothing of Rei's minimap shows up. Even pressing 'm' doesn't bring up the menu. Not sure which mod is altering which, but I would think the CCTV.
I do have one feature request. Rather than showing either all or none of the waypoints, what would really rock would be the ability to show only one waypoint on the game screen (default to closest) and have a hotkey to cycle through which waypoint is shown. So instead of having to read through the names of waypoints in other areas you could just cycle to the waypoint you are currently looking for.
Been Using this mod for a long time now, always used adfly link, but I have one thing to ask, put up a meidiafire link please? My father has recently Blocked Dropbox. :sad.gif:
I just got this mod today and I love it however it is a shame that entities and cave mapping are disabled in multiplayer I mean I don't grief and it's very useful for finding your friend when you get lost however I know their can be griefers out their but so what I think the majority of people would like to have it! I hope you take this into consideration.
How to Enable Cave mapping / Entities radar on SMP
Cave mapping and entities radar of the SMP is disabled by default.
When the server owner (using bukkitplugin/other) sets the key word to motd(login message), they become effective.
Please set the keyword to motd referring to the following.
v2.7_01 [10-November 2011]
-Added: Update check
-Fixed: Color of water and the lava
-Fixed: Behavior of RenderType on SMP
v2.7 [09-November 2011]
-Added: ZanMinimap texture
-Added: 4 levels of opacity maps (25%/50%/75%/100%) was.
-Added: Set the opacity of individual large map and common map.
-Added: Grid view of the chunk
-Change: Toggle Waypoints operation(Toggle Waypoints Dimension/Toggle Waypoints Visible)
-Change: Key configuration screen
-Change: Do not show the direction in which a square map.
-Fixed?: error when generating a color from the texture blocks.
-Readded: Entities radar
-Readded: Cave mapping
v2.6 [21-October 2011]
-Added?: Height MOD support? (Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4)
-Added: Temperature/humidity is expressed as a color
-Added: Displayed biome name in large map
v2.5 [14-October 2011]
-Added?: Height MOD support? (Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4)
-Changed: The current coordinates will be set if the coordinates of a waypoint are emptied.
-Fixed: Leaves of the rubber of RedPower 2 was gray
-Removed: Orange coloration of the direction of the sunrise
-Removed: Setting the direction of the sunrise (Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4)
v2.4 [12-October 2011]
-Added: View another dimension waypoints
-Fixed: Leaves of the rubber of IndustrialCraft2 was gray
v2.3_01 [12-October 2011]
-Fixed: Disabled threading was not able to update the biome.
v2.3 [07-October 2011]
-Added: Sunrise direction setting.
-Added: Minecraft Forge Support. (block color generator)
-Fixed: Block color generator.
-Fixed?: Roundmap looked square. (Minimap Option > MapMask Type > Stencil)
v2.2_02 [02-October 2011]
-Fixed: Reflection (field name), I forgot to update. (Beta 1.9pre2 only)
v2.2_01 [01-October 2011]
-Fixed: Block-colors generate of HD Texture
-Fixed: Memory usage of the new RenderType
v2.2 [01-October 2011]
-Added: Automatically generate the block colors from TexturePack
-Added: RenderType(Biome/Temperature/Humidity)
v2.1[Guinea Pig version] [25-September 2011]
-Added: Swampland biome color
v2.0 [22-September 2011]
-Added: New lighting style of beta 1.8
v1.9_02 [20-September 2011]
-Changed: Adjustment block color.
-Fixed: In the SMP, did not work if the address of the server contains a line break.
-Fixed: When Threading and Environment Color were enable, the error might come out.
v1.9_01[Guinea Pig version] [18-September 2011]
-Added: BlockColor - MC Beta 1.8
-Added: Slightly detailed error message.
-Changed: Put the delay to the start of the minimap.
v1.8 [25-August 2011]
-Added: Supports Minecraft Extended
-Added: Block color of Aether V1.02
-Changed: Slime spawning chunks was displayed only with Overworld(Dimension=0).
-Fixed: Waypoint was not able to be loaded with SMP, except for port 25565.
v1.7 [19-August 2011]
-Added: Show slime spawning chunks
-Added: Death point
-Fixed: Scrollbar of waypoint list
v1.6_01 [14-August 2011]
-Fixed: Mob and Animal of the Entities Radar Options had reversed.
v1.6 [14-August 2011]
-Added: The color of the block was able to be specified with the file. (.minecraft/mods/rei_minimap/blockcolor.txt)
-Changed: Organizing Options
-Fixed: Block ID of Aether was acquired from not fixation ID but the name.
-Fixed: When dimension move with SMP, the bug to which cavemap/entities radar was invalid is corrected.
v1.5 [05-August 2011]
-Added: Semitransparent indication of the map
-Added: Show the direction of the entity (Entities Radar Options)
-Changed: to hide the edges of the large map.
-Fixed: Illegal waypoints file name characters "_" is replaced by
-Fixed: Slight correction of the cave map
v1.4 [29-july 2011]
-Added: Cavemap support in SMP. default is disabled.
-Added: Entities radar support in SMP. default is disabled.
-Added: Setting of position where map is displayed.
-Added: The transparency of entity is decided by the vertical interval.
-Changed: Integration of modloader version and non-modloader version.
v1.3 [25-july 2011]
-Added: Default zoom setting
-Added: Thread priority setting
-Added: Fullscreen map show waypoint name when press "Toggle Zoom" (Default:Z-Key)
-Added: Some hot keys
-Added: Cave Map (it is disabled now in SMP) Cavemap doesn't react if there is no light.
-Added: Entities Radar (it is disabled now in SMP)
-Changed: Organizing Options
-Additionally, some small changes
v1.1_02 [23-july 2011]
-Changed: disappear minimap while open the GUI except the minimap.
v1.1_01 [19-july 2011]
-Fixed: It was not possible to start when modloader was not used.
v1.1 [18-july 2011]
-Changed: disappear minimap while open the inventory
-Fixed?: HD fonts
-Added: 1.5x zoom
-Changed(I forgot to write this): save the settings to %APPDATA%\.minecraft\mods\rei_minimap
Please move the rei_minimap folder to mods when shifting from v1.0
v1.0 [17-july 2011]
-First Release
The FAQ is ScrollDown or click here!
Please read the FAQ before you ask questions.
Some epic dude called Kane_Hart made a cool spotlight video of this mod!
Other small mods
back to the old color of the swampland
-Minecraft 1.0.0 (adcraft) (goo.gl/direct)
I'm not good at English,
so,,, If I make mistakes in my English,please pardon me.
Please tell me corrections of the menu
Please write it in Japanese if you understand Japanese.
This is just me, but I think you need to add a feature where in SMP it shows you players on the map. If you are willing to do this, make it so that th person with it installed can see them :biggrin.gif:
Hi, sorry to bother you here, I have a question:
would it be possible to increase the zoom out on the large map view? i want to be abble to see more of the world around. So when exploring i would know witch way to go for the ocean, or snow biome or desert. I would realy appreciate any kind of answer even if it's to tell me that it's to hard or not in the plans.
I am a huge fan...
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I don't want to go right
I don't want to go left
Can we please just go ahead.
macro keybind mod
improved chat
xray mod
world guard gui
too many items
and modloader
You are right, i should have said the default key to bring the minimap although with so many mod combinations it can be anything. Millenare also uses M. Just trying to help.
I don't want to go left
Can we please just go ahead.
A feature that I would LOVE to see implemented is colored lines on the chunk grid to separate regions. I need to regenerate large sections of a map, and it would be VERY NICE to be able to tell where the region dividers are.
Thanks for all you do!
Thanks for the free support you are giving.
I'm trying to find the best way to export waypoints to my group members. Should I just email them the "serveraddress.DIM0.points" file?
What does the DIM0 represent, or is this not important?
:EDIT: Also, is there a way to comment out lines of text in the .points file?
I take a nihongo class at my school.
Nice work!! I love it
would it be possible to increase the zoom out on the large map view? i want to be abble to see more of the world around. So when exploring i would know witch way to go for the ocean, or snow biome or desert. I would realy appreciate any kind of answer even if it's to tell me that it's to hard or not in the plans.
I am a huge fan...
I don't want to go left
Can we please just go ahead.
Like north is east etc.
Is there anyway to adjust for this?